Page 25 - TheGoldBug1950-51
P. 25
Library - '\'Iestern i.vB.rylandCollege ,lostminster, }.ld. '--"",,="""~T"~\I'If.~--- IWho's Who l Gamma Bets To Sponsor Names Twelve Snow Hop To Appeer Who' In National Publicatson 'Who's Gamma Beta Chi will sponsor Betty Bachtell, June Beaver, Fred the annual Christmas dance, Keefer, Leo Lathroum, Harris Le which has become a feature of Few, Katherine Olewiler, Louis the holiday activities on the Hill, Pietroforte, Mary Jean Rupert, Wil- on December 9 from 8 :30 to liam Simpson, Mary Ruth Williams, 11:45 in Gill Gymnasium. Nancy Winkelman, and Alice Yearley The Airmen, from Aberdeen have been selected for the honor of have been selected as the orches- inclusion in the publication, \-jlho's tra to furnish music for the oc- Who in American Colleges and Um- casion. This is the first time this -oereitiee. • group has been secured for a Students are selected annually by Western Maryland dance. the Students Activities Committee Heading the entire dance com- through evaluation of their college mittee are co-chairmen Gil life based upon analysis of character, Clough and Jim Sullivan. scholarship, leadership in extracurric- The dance has been named the ular activities, and potentiality for Snow Hop. Co-chairmen of the future usefulness to society in the decoration committee, Lionel Lee fields which they choose. and Skip Barry, have decided to keep the decorations a secret un- In National publication til the dance. A . biographical sketch of each of Other committee chairmen the twelve students selected will be are: orchestra, Ward Glasby; re- Who's Who Seniors-1st row, left to right: Nancy Winkelman, Betty Bachtell, Alice Yearley, June Beaver, entered in the national publication. freshments, Dick Stone; tickets, 2nd row, left to right: Bill Si'mp8on, Leo Lathroum, Mary Ruth Williams, Kitty Olewiler, Mickie Rupert, Lou These students also have access to the Ernest Boyd; advertising, Pat Huddle; and clean-up, Paul Strei- Pietrojorte, Fred Keefer. Not pictured: Harry Le Few. organization's placement bureau which gle. furnishes recommendations to em- The price of the tickets is ployers and graduate schools and are $2.00 per couple. They may be entitled to wear the honorary key. purchased from members of the Betty Bachtell, a member of the fraternity or in McDaniel and Argonauts, Delta Sigma' Kappa, the . Blanche Ward offices. . College Choir, College Players, and Junior Duchess of the May Court last year, is a music major. Gamma Bets' Display June Beaver is president of Iota Gamma Chi and news editor of the Wins First Place- GOLD BUG. Other activities include International In the Homecoming campus dis- Vol. 28, No.6 Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. November 28,1950 past president of the member of the Club, a Relations plays, Gamma Beta Chi won first Trumpeters, the Argonauts, and the place. Future Teachers of America. The display consisted of a train McGrath Stresses Small Schools L" Cercle Franeais Begins about to run over "Nell", symbolizing Keefer Selected WMC, who was tied down by the vil- PreparationUnderBachtel1 Fred Keefer, President of the lain, the rising cost of education. The Addressing guests, students, alumni, and friends of the college, Argonauts and participant in the wheels on the locomotive were pro- Attorney General McGrath was the main speaker at the convocation Fer Christmas Program Junior Follies, is also an Associate pelled by a one horse-power motor- in Alumni Hall on Saturday, November 18th. This assembly was Editor of the '51 Aloha. thus producing the effect of mobility. the highlight of Western Maryland's Mid-Century Homecoming With the first rehearsal last night, A member of Alpha Gamma Tau, Delta Sigma Kappa received second program. Le CercJe Francais began preparation Leo is one of WMC's athletes and a prize for their paper mache ostrich Speaking on the subject of the place for the annual Christmas Carol pro- who was fluttering her eyelashes gay- Japan Represented gram to be held December 11 in Mc- letter man in the three major sports, ly at the feet of the defeated Hopkins ~~et:~u~:~::~d:;:t:~i:;~h;O~!~~~r~ Daniel Lounge at 8 p. m. football, basketball, a·nd baseball. This player. This; together with a nest ~:ai~s;~~~~~ By Foreign -'Student A chorus of approximatel~ 80 fall he coached the Baby Terrors. containing two huge ostrich eggs sym- ~~ii~~~~~:t~r~O::~da~~: French students will participate. In Harry Le Few is senior class repre- bolizing funds for the Mid-century our youth the true essence of democ- Miss Taeka Kamiyama, better addition to tile traditional 'French sentative in the Student Government Campaign, carried out their sign en- racy; namely, that it is a personal known as Ti, arrived at San Francis- carols sung every year, several new Association and president of Delta Pi titled, "We've pushed 'em under- way of life and a system of social and co from her home in Tokyo on the 23rd selections will be presented. Alpha. He is also active in sports. now, let's feather our nest." political organization." of August. After graduation from the Those who will be soloists are Bet- Lou Pietroforte has been president Iotas Place Third He stated that these private schools Tokyo Women's Christian College she ty Lou Brandenburg, Jo Kompanek, of his class for three years, associate Iota Gamma Chi came in third with are the ones which are equipped to decided to continue her education at June Lambert, Betty Simpson, Wini- editor of the GOLD BUG, president of Alpha Kappa Alpha and president their race track including Western produce the country's leaders. Western Maryland. fred Spenser, Beverly werner, and Maryland and Hopkins, the two The speaker remarked that the 'corn- On her way East, Miss Kamiyama Imogene Weybright. of Gamma Beta Chi. He also directed horses who were fighting for the' mon objectives of all institutions of stayed in the Y. W. C. A. in Chicago. Other soloists include Edward the junior show. finish. A tote board, at the side, con- learning must be the reinforcement When the elevator took her up to the Early, Don McShane, Don Phillips, SGA Officer tained names of the other horses- of ethical standards in the traits of Kenneth Shook, and Hugh Ward. Mar1 Jean Rupert, as vice-president each one standing for an element in-' honesty. loyalty, and integrity of our The Biblical Christmas story will of the Student Government, was ac- volved in the Mid-century Advance society. be read in French by John Seiland tive in the planning of the Homecom- Program. Need Academic Progress and Janice Benson. ing Weekend. She is also a Trumpeter, Honorable mention was awarded to For the third time, Betty Bachtell a member of the Argonauts, the Col- Phi Alpha Mu for their paper mache Mr. McGrath says that only lege Choir, College Players, and Phi horse, Pegasus, who was the Greek through continued academic progress will direct the chorus. This year she Alpha Mu. mythological animal symbolizing will our freedom remain. will be assisted by Ruth Adams. Har- In addition to being editor of the higher education. Warning against the dangers of riet Kahn will be the accompanist for ALOHA, Mary Ruth Williams is soft- the musical selections. The entire pro- Included on the committee for the communism. the attorney general gram is under the direction of Miss ball manager of the Woman's Athletic floats were: chairman, Mr. Frank W. pointed the way to overcoming those Margaret Snader, sponsor of the Association' and vice-president of Phi Mather, Jr., Mr. John F. Wooden, and threats: Alpha Mu. She is also a member of Mrs. William Budell. "We must provide, strengthen, and French Club. the College Choir and participated in Win Float Prize maintain the institutions which will the Junior Follies and the Talent Tus- There was only one prize for which train and educate the leaders who will sle. the Gamma Bets again took first be able to disseminate moral and Sigmas To Get place. The slogan was, "Progress spiritual forces, which alone can serve Name Music Student Weds WMC." as catalytic agents in forgoing and Scholastic Cup Katherine OJewiler is a soloist of , Chairman of the window display molding our democratic system into the College Choir and contributed to eoprmittee was Mrs. Gladys Wimert. an indestructible tower of freedom, The Intersorority scholastic cup has western Maryland's winning of the Mrs. K. Ray Hollinger, and Mrs. good will, and justice." been won by Sigma Sigma Tau So- Television Talent Tussle. Kitty is also Scott Bair also judged. The WAA won rority, with a scholastic average of a member of the College Players, Ar- first prize with their huge gong sus- Royer, Spangler Taeka J(amiyafIW- 1.869 for the year 1949-50. Iota gonauts, Iota Gamma Chi, and vice- pending streamers down to a "bigger Gamma Chi and Delta Sigma Kappa president of SCA. and better" WMC. . 18th floor, she was overwhelmed that were the runners-up with averages of In addition to being President of Second place went to Pi Alpha Al- To Begin Series a building could be so high. "Why I 1.832 and 1.816 respectively. A schol- the Student Government, Bill Simpson pha for their football player' bursting thought my room was on the 8th. The astic average of 1.250 was attained by is also a member of SCA, the College through paper, and third prize was To begin the annual winter faculty tallest building in Tokyo does not ex- the Phi Alpha Mu. Players, the Argonauts, Delta Pi Al- taken by the Canterbury and Metho- recitals, Mr. Philip Royer, violinist, ceed ten stories because of the pos- The cup will be awarded at a tea pha, and the College Choir and Or. dist Clubs for their display entitied and Mr. Oliver K. Spangler. pianist, sible danger during earthquakes," she given by the Intersorority Council in chestra. "As our Garden Grows, so Grows will present a joint recital December exclaimed. McDaniel Lounge, on' Decemtier 7, at Paper Editor Elected WMC." 1 in Alumni Hall at 8:15 p. m. Fish in Tokyo takes the place of 4:15 p. m. The award will be made Nancy Winkelman is active as The program will include Handel's our conventional meat dish and Miss by President Lowell S. Ensor to Mary edito,r-in-chief of the GOLD BUG Hildebran Honored 8 in C major by Mozart, Sonata No. Kamiyama 'looks forward to Friday Kay Will, president of Sigma Sigma and a member of the WAA Board. Sonata No.1 in A major; nights on the Hill Tau. Mrs. Andrew Kordalevski, spon- when she can be and the She is a past member of the SCA cabi- At the Sixty-fourth Annual Con- Brahm's Sonata No. 2 in A major. sure of obtaining a meal not unlike sor of the Intersorority Council, and net, French Club and International native Dean Howery will serve the punch. which is served that in her vention of the Middle States Associa- The public is invited to attend. country. Relations Club. tion of Colleges and Secondary Professor Spangler, a member of Members of the Sigmas and the fac- Alice Yearley as treasurer of Phi Schools and Affiliated Associations the music department staff' and col- Since the war Tokyo has had much ulty will be guests. Entertainment Alpha Mu, vice-president of the WAA held in Atlantic City on....November lege organist, is a' graduate of Otter- confusion in relation to its educa- will be provided by a girls' quartet Board, and managing editor of the 24th and 25th, Dr. Kathryn B. Hilde- bein College and the Peabody Con- tional system. Education was intro- composed of Betty Brandenburg, GOLD BUG contributes to campus bran was re-elected Secretary- Treas- servatory of Music. duced and women teachers were per- Janet Hering, Betty Bachtell, and activities. urer of the Association of 'Modern Professor Royer, who graduated mitted to instruct not only girls, but Kitty Olewiler. Language Teachers of the Middle from Western Maryland and ecm, boys also. The refreshment and entertainment States. pleted graduate work in music at C0- Miss Kamiyama believes that the committee is composed of representa- from the Iotas will issue the invita- Attending the Convention also were lumbia University, is the director of natural relationships acquired among tives to .the council. Angela Crothers, tions. Charlotte Janney, Mary Ruth President Ensor, Dean Makosky, the the College Little Symphony Orches- students, under this system, afford a Nancy Walker, end Sonya Wine from Williams, and J·anice Zaiser, members Drs; -Iaanogle and the Registrars, tra besides being supervisor of music better chance for the~ to succeed in Delta Sigma Kappa; June' Beave-r, of-PhfAlpha-M-u,-will-be in charge of .;-, Miss Manahan and Miss Perry. for the Carroll County public schools. later life. J ean Dennison, and' .~it.ry BelJe Sliawn the set-upandelean-up committee.
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