Page 24 - TheGoldBug1950-51
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The Gold Bug, Nov. 18, 1950 Argonauts Prepare Methodist Citations for many years, he distinguished him- Mrs. Joy Elmer Morgan- Churchmanship trict of Columbia Society for Preven- tion of Blindness; self as a journalist. Chairman, Volun- a church Active For New Season diU~onb~~'~::nfr::v~C:gei:' :eol~'~:cal Claude C. Lanman-Industry leader of as church women, woman and teer Advisory Committee of Gallinger Train- member of Nurses Hospital; she- has Retired from industry after becom- church at Forestville, Maryland, and ing a recognized authority in his field. served her church in many and vari- ing Committee of Sibley Hospital. The first meeting of the Argonaut unceasing philanthropic act i vi t y He has provided distinctive lay lead- ous capacities. Flavia Allen Wagne-r-Homemaker Society was held October 30 in Me- throughout the county. ership not only in Halethorpe Church Reginald G. Mowbray-Business Local preacher since 1920, has done Daniel Lounge. An amendment was. where he has been a devoted official An outstanding business man and extensive evangelistic work. She has proposed for a seven semester basis ill. H. B. Hoff'man-Business for many years, but also in his Dis- churchman of Baltimore. His many served Halethorpe Church as presi- of membership as follows. A resolu- Leading Layman of the First Meth- trict and the Conference which elected activities reveal his breadth of inter- dent of the Home and Joint Mission- tion was passed subject to faculty and odist Church, Hyattsville, the Charge him to membership in the Jurisdic- est. Kiwanis Club, Association of ary Societies, Woman's Society of administration approval, establishing Lay Reader, Chairman of the Board, tiona.!_Conference. Commerce, Salvation Army, Pocket Christian Service and Steward. a Scholastic Award for the man and Lay Delegate to the Annual Confer- Testament League, Maryland General W0lll.unwith the highest average. Mr. ence, District Steward and Treasurer George Mather-Community Service Hospital only begin the list of organi- Mrs. Lester Wallace-Church Service After almost half a century of de- Charles E. Crain presented a talk en- of the Building Fund. Former Church Retired merchant; former Sunday zations which have claimed his lead- voted service in the Woman's Work titled "Against Thinking in Gray." School Superintendent, Church Treas- School Superintendent and teacher; ership. of Walbrook Church and Baltimore The group eligible for membership urer and Chairman of the Building President of the former Board of D. Stewart Patterson--- Methodism, she is widely known and in the society as associate members Committee. Trustees of the Methodist Protestant Churchmanship honored for her leadership. included: Cathryn Neal, Elizabeth Florence Hoope-r-Church Woman Home For the Ag;d; member, Board A layman who has devoted full- Schubert, Dorothy Shoemaker, Eliza- Faithful church woman, author, of Stewards, Westminster Church; A. H. Warne-Business beth Simpson, Elizabeth Topton, Imo- traveler, lecturer; one of the first member, Board of Trustees, The As- time to Christian Service in the Active in business, civic and church gene Weybright, William Huddle, two women to become a Certified Pub- bury Methodist Home for the Aged; Methodist Church. Beginning with affairs in Hagerstown, his ability for Lionel Lee, Richard Leighton, John lic Accountant in Maryland, she gave and the Davis Library Board of the Board of Temperance as a young leadership is shown by election to po- Loper, Essen Thomas, Martin Tullai, her time and talent to serve as treas- Westminster. man, he is now Executive Secretary, sitions of responsibility in service and Tom Lang, Mill a r d LesCallete, urer of the Woman's Foreign Mission- Joseph S. .Merritt----Floriculture Commission on Chaplains of the fraternal organizations. His church George McGrew, Donald MakoskJ, Floriculturist, civic leader, popular Methodist Church. activity carries beyond the local bor- and Norman Slamacka. ary Society of the Methodist Episco- speaker. Former President of Na- C. Wendall Shoemaker-Banking ders of St. Paul's Church into dis- pal Church. trict, and conference fields. tioIJftl Florists Association. Local Life-long- member of Eldbrooke William. Robert Huey-Banker chairman of National Flower and Methodist Church, Washington, D. C., Judge Charles W. Wood10ard- I College Calendar I President of the First National Garden Show. Organizer and first president of the Board of Trustees, Jurisprudence Bank of Chestertown, and twice Mas- President of Dundalk Rotary Club, treasurer of the Methodist Union of In spite of arduous responsibilities Monday, November 20 ter of Chester Lodge #115, A. F. and and former District Governor of Ro- Washington, for nineteen and one- growing out of his position as Chief half years. IRC Meeting, McDaniel Lounge, A. M. Past Treasurer of Kent County tary International. Member of Board Judge of the 6th Judicial Circuit of 7:00 p. m. Boy Scouts, Past President and char- of Directors of Baltimore Y.M.C.A. Mrs. Wallace N. Streeter- Maryland, this eminent jurist has not neglected Alpha Kappa Alpha Meeting, ter member of the Rotary Club, Past George O. Moores~Churchmanship Church and Community Service churchman. his responsibilities as of the Maryland Bankers President Dr. MacDonald's room, 7:00 p. m. He possesses that rare calmness of Member of Lewis Memorial Church, Association, and now a member- of the spirit yet persistency of leadership Washington; teacher in the church Seth L. Zimmerman-Business Tuesday, November 21 Chestertown Water Board. that gets work accomplished. At the school; Vice-President, Baltimore A member of a humble and devout Tri Beta Meeting, McDaniel C14rk Simpson Hobbs-Education very heart of the business life of Ar- Conference Woman's Society of Chris- Christian family, Seth L. Zimmerman Lounge, 4:15. Born in a Methodist Personage and lington church as trustee, financial tian Service; President, Washington was born and reared in the Methodist Soccer, American U., away. reared in Methodist service, he began secretary, treasurer of current ex- Council Church Women, and the Dis- faith. to demonstrate, early in life, qualities penses, and chairman of the building By the power of his faith in the Wednesday, November 22, 5:05 p. m. Christian life, he has translated into Sunday, November 26 of discriminating leadership in church committee, he yet finds time to pre- all the areas of his outstanding suc- Thanksgiving Recess. and civic enterprises. As an editor of pare thoughtful lesson to men every IF YOU CAN'T GET IT cessful business life and his exceed- the BALTIMORE EVENING SUN Sunday. Monday, November 27 AT THE BOOK STORE ingly active church relationships the FT A Meeting, Education room, tenets of his Christian profession. Hering Hall, 7:00 p. m. TRY Camera Club, 310 Science Hall, WESTMINSTER'S Westminster's' Group Presents 7:00 p . m. FAMILY New Modern Drug Store COFFMAN'S Veteran Show RESTAURANT DRUGS A troop of talented Western Mary- "MEET AT SCHOOL SUPPLIES Stationery Store landers journeyed to the Forest Glen PETEtS Benny's Kitchen COSMETICS Times Building Hospital at Silver Springs, Md., on November 9 under the auspices of the SODAS to present Cross PAPER Red Not the only place to eat in Bixler and Guild CREPE GREETING CARDS Am~rican show for veterans there. a var-iety To Get Your Eats" Westminster, but tpe best The group was led by Jay Eggly, Drug Co. SCHOOL SUPPLIES who presented Sam Spade and some Main St.-Red Neon Sign 59 W. Main St., Westminster of his other favorite renditions, and of ceremo- Jim Culhane, the master John and Main Sti. Phone 654-J nies. Lou Pietroiorte entertained with some of his popular folk songs; Pat Huddle played the piano; Ed Joseph- Everybody Is Welcome MURRAY CLEANERS son, the ecccrdtan. Kay McLaughlin, Winnie Spencer, and Don Stanton of- I Margaret & Earl's Pick Up Every Delivery fered vocal selections to the perform- To Stop In At ance. and Ior Monday and Thursday Compliments I SANDWICHES- Phone of I FRESHMEN SOFT INVITED Reisterstown 371 1. C. Penney Co., Inc. DRINKS G.C. Murphy & Co. The Friendly Store Dormitory and Classroom Continuous 2 p. m. Saturdays and Continuous 1 p. m. Saturdays and Holidays. Holidays. Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 Supplies Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4. p. m. p. m. Evening show 9 p. m. Week- 6-10 West Main Street Matinee 2 p. m.c--Eveninga 7 & 9 p. m. day shows continuous from 4:30 p. m. Westminster, Md. NOVEMBER 16, 17 NOVEMBER 16, 1'T Double Feature FULLER BRUSH GIRL THE WOMAN ON PIER 13 Lucelle Ball Eddie Albert RIDER FROM TUCSON Save Money NOVEMBER 18 NOVEMBER 18 Save Trouble DESPERADOES VIGILANTES HIDEOUT Randolph Scott Glenn Ford Allen "Rocky" Lan~ BAUGHER'S special NOVEMBER 19, 20, 21 NOVEMBER 19, 20, 21 MEAL TICKETS Meeting the gang to discuss a quiz TO PLEASE A LADY WYOMING MAIL Now On Sale -or just killing time between Clark Gable Barbara Stanwick Stephen McNally Alexis Smith classes - the Student Lounge of NOVEMBER 22, 23 NOVEMBER 22, 23 Worth $5.50 - Cost $5.00 Acquinas Hall at Providence Col- GLASS MENAGERIE Double Feature lege is one of the favorite places for BACK TO BATAAN Jane Wyman Kirk Douglass a rendezvous. At the Student GOLDEN TWENTIES Lounge, as in college campus .. NOVEMBER 24, 25 NOVEMBER 24, 25 haunts everywhere, a frosty bottle THE MILKMAN INDIAN TERRITORY Griffin's of Coca-Cola is always on hand for Donald O'Connor Jimmy Durante Gene Autrey Gail Davis the pause that refreshes-Coke NOVEMBER 26, 27, 28 ,/ belongs. LETS DANCE NOVEMBER 26, 27 TRIPOLI Ask for it either way .. both Fred Astaire Betty Hutton Maureen O'Hara John Payne Delicious Food - Candies trade-marks mean the Jame thing. NOVEMBER 29, 30 NOVEMBER 28, 29 THE COC...·COlA COMPANY BY eomee Sodas - Greeting Cards UNDER AIJl'HOiUTY OF WESTMINSTER COCA-COLA BOTI'LING CO., INC. THE THREE SECRETS HERE COME THE CO-EDS C1950,The C"",,·Colo Company Alma Parker Frank Lovejoy Abbott and Costello
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