Page 22 - TheGoldBug1950-51
P. 22
The Gold Bug, Nov. 18. 1950 Baby Terrors Field Hockey Homecomin'g Lose,27-26 Team Beats 25 Ye~rs Ago Towson State Terror Pat Rogan This year besides the regular class Terrors State Ch.m'pions Twenty-five years ago the GOLD Scores All Three games, the WAA Board with scheduled BUG carried a headline that went hockey games outside several schools. After losing a hard-fought, something like thit. Varsity 8Wampa On Thursday, November 2, the pow- game to Notre Dame by a score of Washington College 13-2,' long dead- erful eleven of Dickinson College 2-1, the "girl Terrors" played Towson lock with Shoremen ended. TeTTOrB downed the Baby Terrors in a close State Teachers College, St. Joseph's now state champions. 27-20 contest. College, and Maryland College for The action of the Homeccmlng Inspired by the great play of end Women before closing a successful game that day went like this. The Pat Rogan, who scored all three of 1950 season. first period resolved 'itself into a kick- the WMC touchdowns, the Baby Ter- On Wednesday, November 8, Wes- ing duel hetween Fegie and Cavan- rors fought valiantly for their first tern Marylands' field hockey team augh. Despite having to kick into the win of the current season. However, played host to Towson State Teachers' wind, Fegie's punts held a slight edge the Dickinson defensive play proved College. Since neither college has a over those of Cavanaugh. Shorty too' much for the Baby Green team. regular varsity squad, the girls were Long, Western Maryland's elusive lit- After a Dickinson punt, the Terrors divided into two groups playing tle half-back ran one of the Shore- marched 65 yards to draw first blood separate games. men's punts back twenty-six yards in of the game. A beautiful pass play Western Maryland proved to be the the most spectacular play of the first winner from quarterback Zimmerman to end game, with the score being 1-0 in both. Green Terrors Win Upset; half. by a close margin in each Martinell covered 50 of the 65 yards Near the beginning of the second to set-up this first tally. Another pass The first game was sparked by excel- quarter Washington College advanced lent passes on the part of the for- from Zimmerman to the Terror left wards and first rate defensive plays Down Drexel, 26-25 deep into WMC territory on a series end, Pat Rogan, culminated the drive of successful passes, hut were unable as Pat scampered into the end zone by both teams. After a scoreless first to score when they fumbled one on untouched. The initial extra point half, Janet High, playing wing posi- On Saturday, November 4, in the The conversion was not gOQdand the the one yard line. The pig-skin boot was blocked but the over anxious tion tallied the declaive goal. During Drexel stadium the Green Terrors of score was Drexel 25, WMC 19. bounced about for a few seconds and Dickinson team was penalized for off- the remaining ten minutes, both teams Western Maryland College upset a With only four minutes left in the then came to rest in the Terror end- sides and the Terrors had another threatened; but neither scored. The strongly favored, unbeaten Drexel game, the Big Green piloted by Paul zone where it was recovered by one try. This time the conversion split the aeeond game was also a close and eleven, 25-26. The Terrors fought 'I'ereehinekt started a sustained drive of our backs, thus scoring a safety uprights. hard-fought game. Dadie Davis, cen- their way from behind three times to which carried 'them to the Dragon for the Sharemen. The half ended Rogan Intercepts ter forward, scored midway in the overcome a heavier, more experienced 20-yard line. From that point Hender- with the ball at mid-field. The 'I'erc-ora penetrated several first half for the winning and only Dragon team. in the initial son passed to Ira Zepp who eluded It was in the final quarter that the Drexel scored first times in the next two quarters but goal of the game. quarter, but the try for the extra three Drexel tacklers to score stand- Terrors really opened a fullscale at- were unable to score until midway point was wide leaving them only six ing up. Once more the score was tied tack against the Shcr-emen. The first inter- Frats Battle through the final period. Deep in points in front. Several plays later, but a perfect conversion by Tereshin- tally was a 30·yard pass from Mc- Terror territory, Pat Rogan ski gave the Terrors that all impor- Mains to Clark, who scampered into cepted a Dickinson pass and galloped Hank Norman snared a pass from tant' one-point margin. the end-zone untouched. The extra all the "fay to pay dirt aided by beau- Nineteen games have now been Skitch Henderson, and scampered Drexel started a late march into point attempt was not good. tiful blocking on the part of Terror played in the intramural touch foot- across the goal to knot the score 6-6. Western Maryland territory, but an The second six-pointer came at the lineman Don Chambers. The extra ball league, and only the Preachers of The Terror conversion was not good. interception by Jerry Phipps ended termination of a long and rapid march point attempt was not good. Delta Pi Alpha remain undefeated Almost immediately, the Drexel any possibility .cr the Drexel score. down the field, every play going Within three minutes of the final and untied. eleven scored again, but the conver- Two plays, later the final gun sounded. through the Shoremen line. Sillin gun the Terrors tallied again. This The Preachers, with their clean sion was blocked by Phillips who , This was one of the most thrilling picked up yard after yard as he time it was another toss from Howie slate of five victories and no defeats rushed in and knocked it from the air. Terror contests of the current season. plunged his way nearer and nearer Zimmerman to Pat Rogan. Zimmer- are in first place, followed by the The Terrors retaliated a few mo- The ends Hank Norman and Ira Zepp the goal. ments later when another Henderson man took the pass from center and Eagles, who are also unbeaten in four to Norman pass clicked for six more played magnificent football. Hender- After the Terrors had scored, the dodging tackler after tackler waited contests; however, a scoreless tie reg- points. Phillips made the conversion son's passing was on the .mark and Washington College eleven was pow- uhtil Rogan broke into the clear. He istered against the Black and Whites giving the Green Team that all im- the play of Tullai, Tereshinski, and erless to stem the rushing offense of then rifled the ball to Rogan who mars their nearly perfect record. In portant one point lead. The second Rydzewski was great. The line turned the varsity backs j the first downs Lwisted and weaved his way, under third place ere the Comets with a quarter was scoreless and the score in a sterling performance on both cr- piled up. Sillin and Chambers plowed the protection of superb downfield record of three wins and one loss. Pi at the half was: WMC 13, Drexel 12. fense and defense. Special mention through the line for consistent gains. blocking, for the score. Zimmerman's Alpha Alpha occupies the fourth posi- In the second half both teams should be made of Mike Chirigos and The final whistle was all that pre- boot for the extra point was perfect; tion, having won three, lost one, and played great football. Several plays Otts Shearer; they played most of vented a large score, as the closing Dickinson's first tally came seconds tied one. after the start of the second half a the game in the Drexel backfield. minutes of the game found WMC before the end of the first quarter. The Gamma Bets are in the fifth This week the Terrors played as a knocking on touchdown's door. Me- The Red Devil quarterback hit hi!' slot, showing one victory in four de- Drexel pass in the flat was inter- perfect team unit, each man a part of Robie and Iverson featur-ed in our right end with a long pass and the cisions. Tied for sixth place are the cepted by Nor~an who raced forty one big machine. There were mis- defense, and the tackling of Wisner end galloped the few remaining yards Rebels and the Bachelors, each with yardsnto pay dirt. takes, but the Terrors were able to also stood out. This victory gave the into the 'end zone. The winners elected one win against four losses, while the The Dragons bounced back to score rise above these and turn what could Terrors the undisputed right to claim to pass for the extra point but the Seminary team is still in quest of its once more after intercepting a Terror easily have been a defeat into a the State Championship as they were play was broken up by the alert Ter- first victory after five setbacks. ' pass. A good conversion tied the score sparkling victory. not defeated by any state team. st 19 all. Minutes later Mitch Tullai, ror defensemen. Thus far, the Preachers have rolled on a naked reverse skirted his own " Neither team was able to tally in up 144 points while holding their op- the ball 45 end and carried right the second quarter, but the Dickinson ponents to 24. They hit the season's yards to the Drexel 15. At this point Who's Who On The Terror Team eleven roared back to tally twice in high box score in one game when they the Dragons once more intercepted (Continued from Page 5) the third period. An interception and scored a 51-12 victory over the Rebels. and went the whole way to pay dirt. Ir~ Zepp--End-Jr.-"Hiram"-:- year he has-proved himself to be one a pass play set up the two tallies. The Comets came very close to upset- 185 lb. . of the finest players on the Terror The final Dickinson touchdown came ting the Preachers when, after hold- late in the final quarter after an in- ing a 12-6 edge, they finally went Bel Air's contribution to the squad. team. Another "60 minute man." terference penalty put the Red Devil down 12~20. In five games, the Semi- Shoremen Down A good punter, who can be relied on Martin Tullai-Back-Jr. "Mitch"_ eleven on the eight-yard line. nary has failed to tally. ' to get away those long ones when the 160 lb. Although the Terrors were not able Green Team, 5-1 ~~~a~~:t~at~S b!O~ i~~t~o~~~;e~~~~:tt~'; Mitch came to Western Maryland to win the contest, they were in the RECORD game all the way. The thrilling play W T Playing their second game in three when he finishes his work on the Hill. ~::~t~~~es~ ~:~!i~~h~a~~~i~ht~;y~~!i of the Terror ends, Pat Rogan and Delta Pi Alpha 5 days the Terror soccer team. was Bruce Rudisill-Tackle-Soph.- I can run like the wind. This fellow Dusty Martinell, was superb. In the Eagles downed by the Shoremen of Wash- "l\toose"-200 lb. be a threat to anyone's goal line. line, the Green team was supported Comets . ington College 4-1, on Frid~y, October Moose is a Hagerstown lad who has by the excellent play of guards, Don Pi Alpha Alpha 20, at Western Maryland. :~~; y!~er~t~eofs:~~oo~ :~e~~f:otn~1ce~~ Dwigh~~~:~~~;~Th~OPhr- Chambers, Moe Mahoney, and Skip Gamma Beta Chi Penalties played a big role in the Ravenis. At the tackle position, the Rebels Washington College scoring as the ~:~:.e squad. Fifty-five minutes per Sc~t~y ~:o~e~~~~~:aetr~e :~~'es t;:o~ Green had Al Trevethan, Jiin Muller, Alpha Gamma Tau Shoremen tallied twice on penalty Ray" Faby, and John Haslip. Seminary Michael Chirigos-Guard-Jr.- ~:l~nh~o:~o~:il a~:l:ea~g~~ ~~e~~ shots. Bob Kettells, sparkling right in- On offen~~l!~e::;;!!~e,lb~t tackle or predecessors ever did in battle. side, put the Green and Gold in the guard, Mike is a tough man to beats Edward Rydeewski-c-Back-c-Sr.c-. scoring column by conver-ting a pen- any place. A native Baltimorean with "Ed"-190 lb. alty kick with eight minutes remain- a lot of football talent. You've seen a One hundred ninty pounds of power ing in the final quarter. Western lot of Mike this season. and push. Indespenslble fullback who Maryland's boaters fought valiantly. Ted Samakouris-Guard-Soph.- can pass or plunge through the line threatening the Shoremen vets several "Sam"-170 lb. for that needed yardage. Team cap- times but were unable to tally on a~y Sam is one of the lightest but tain this year. of the attempts. "fightin'est" men on the line. He Paul Tereshinski-Back-Sr.- played high school ball for Patterson "Terry'~-160 lb. One hundred ninety pounds of power Blue Hens DeFeat Park in Baltimore and is up from la~t and push. Indispensable fullback who team. Already he has Frosh year's Terror Booters gained himself a permanent position four-year man with the Terrors. Ex- perience plus talent makes Paul one on the line. John ·Molesworth-Center-Jr.- of the most valuable players in this On Wednesday, October 18, the year's squad. Terror booters met the Blue Hens of "Big Mole"-180 lb. Victor Makovitch-Guard-Jr.-''Vic'' Lives in Monrovia (that's in Mary- Delaware University and once more land), when he's at home. When not Fast as the wind, hard charging. suffered defeat to the tune of 2-0. Hard hitting. One of the "fightin'est", on the field he is a real clown, but in All of the scoring took place in the a game he can be depended upon to toughest men on the team. Says he first quarter. The Hens tallied first hold down his position ·well. likes the game-he must the way he from a scrimmage within the goal plays it. area. A few moments later Delaware Henry Not;man-End-Sr.- recovered the ball from the Green and "Hank"-170 lb. Sidney Albrittain-Tackle-Sr.- "Big Sid" Gold kickoff and, passing brilliantly Four years of football with the Ter_ Great linesman-and booter, when ~~~~~;~et~rnO~g;h:~es~~:er:;~rs:~os:~ :o;:u~a~ea:~: ~:~~YH!!'::ui~ra:c::~~ Sid hits a man, the man stays hit. perb defensive play on the part of served off of the field, but a real Ter- ,Strong a~ a bear-a real Terror. both teams, with the Terrors threat_ 1'01' in a game. Paul Welliver-End-Jr.- ening numerous times. However, the Walter Hart--End-Jr.-"Walt"- "Preacher" Terror attempts were futile, and the 173 lb. Tall and fleet. One of the Westmin- Green was unable to score against the Walt saw only limited service last ster boys on the team. Mild manners excellent play of the Delaware goalie. year because of a knee injpry. This and soft spoken. A great team player.
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