Page 21 - TheGoldBug1950-51
P. 21
Junior Terrors Down JHU For First Victory Of Year M.;tinell, Neddleman, Kelly Score For WMC As Team Wins Final Game Of Season Howie Zimmerman's passes and a Aiter receiving the opening kickoff 60 yard touchdown jaunt py Ed Kel- the Little Greens put on a display of ly enabled the Western Maryland power and drove 62 yards for a score. freshmen g-r-idsters to gain their first Mar-tinell was the first to score, when win of the season as they downed he grabbed a deflected Zimmerman Johns Hopkins 19-13 at Hoffa Field pass in the Hopkins end zone. Zim- last Friday. merman's attempted placement was no good. Hopkins drove back but was stopped on the home 3 when Don Lebanon Valley Chambers, Terror guard, recovered a visitor's fumble. Defeated, 19-7 the third period. Faking a punt, Ed Western Maryland tallied again in Kelly circled his right end, broke into Terrors Picked Passing and running to perfection, the clear, and ran 60 yards for the Western Maryland's grid contingent touchdown. A beautifnl downfield Havens, Harlow, Ferguson Top captured its fifth victory of the sea- block by Pat Rogan eliminated two Over Hopkins son as it walloped Lebanon Valley 19- Hopkins pursuers. Zimmerman tossed 7 on Hoffa Field last Saturday. to Martinell for the extra point. Terror Coaching Department The story of this year's football The Green Terrors drew first blood early in the opening quarter. Mitch A pass. interception by Jack Ran Richard Harlow squad at Western Maryland College Head coach of football and director 'I'ullai returned a punt to the Pennsyl- led to the final Terror score. Zimmer- of athletics at Western Maryland Col- Richard Harlow came to Western has been a great deal like that of man flipped to Martinell. He later- vanians' 31. With Skitch Henderson alled to Arnie Neddleman who scam- lege, Charley Havens is one of the Maryland as head coach in 1926. Dur- Cinderella and her big bad step sis- and Joe Renaldi carrying, Western pered the remaining yards to paydirt. greatest football stars ever to be on ing his eight-year stay in this capac- ters. The team, after getting off to Maryland drove to the 15-yard line. The conversion attempt was no good. a Terror team. He has been head ity, he amassed an almost unbeliev- a poor start, has roared forth to win At this point, Henderson rifled an coach, except during the war years, able record of 58 wins, 6 ties, and 13 four victories in a row against over- aerial to Renaldi in the end-zone for In the second quarter, Hopkins since 1935 and has a very good over- losses. While at Western Maryland, whelming odds. • the score. Don Phillips' attempted came to the fore. Intercepting a Ter- all record. his team went two and three quarter WMC 29; Dickinson 13 placement was not good. ror aerial on the Western Maryland Havens entered Western Maryland In the Dickinson contest, the Terror The Flying Dutchmen came back in 27, they drove deep into Western as a freshman in 1926.- He played seasons without a defeat--28 consecu- team was rated by Baltimore publica- tive games! He left Western Maryland the second quarter and threw a genu- Maryland's territory. Quarterback four years at center and was elected with the Tenor team standing tions as a two touchdown underdog, ine scare into the Green and Gold. George Klemmic tallied on a tackle to the All Maryland team in his but a great fighting spirit and the will Zepp punted to,O;(ley, who was finally play. The resulting successful conver- junior and senior years. After gradu- seventh in the nation at the end of to win enabled the Green Terrors to i934. He became head coach at Har- brought down on the victors' 27-yard sion gave the visitors a 7-6 half time ation, he played one year with the triumph to the tune of 29-13. This vic- marker. A Dankowski to Fisher pass lead. Philadelphia Yellow Jackets, assisted vard University. Here in 1936 he re- tory was the begining of the Terror's \>ut the visitors at touchdown's door. The Black-clad invader~ pushed Dick Harlow in 1931, and then in 1932 ceived the coach of the year award. four game winning streak, which the On the next play, Ed Sample, Lebanon across their final six points in the returned to his home town of Rome, Upon his 'rettrement as coach at Har- Western Maryland eleven hope to ex- Valley right halfback, took a handoff fourth quarter on a four yard.,plunge New York, where he was made direc- vard at the close of the 1947 season, tend to five straight in today's game fro""m Dankowaki and. scampered to by halfback Dick Heck. tor of recreation. He also coached the he was given fur-ther- honors by being with Johns Hopkins. paydirt. Quinn booted Lebanon Valley Under the able direction of head football team at St. Aloyseus Acade- presented the Alonso Stagg Award. into the lead with a perfect conversion coach, Leo Lathroum, the Baby Ter- my in Rome. In 1934 he came back to Dick Harlow's love for football did WMC, 19; Hamnden-Svdnov, 7 and a 7-6 advantage at halftime. rors have shown great promise of the Hill as line coach. The 1934 line not let him stay in retirement long; The second victory, even more as- Soon after the intermisSion, the future strength. Although they can was consid;;-ed the best in the East. and in 1948 he once again returned tounding than tH-e first, was over Terrors drove back into the lead, two only boast one victory against four to Western Maryland, this time in the Hampden-Sydney. The game was long Henderson tosses paving the way. defeats, the record would be' much Bruce Ferguson capacity of advisory coach to his own played on Hoffa Field amidst the He hit Renaldi, who was dumped on more indicative of the Terror power Bruce Ferguson joined the Terror former pupil, Charley Havens. throngs of cheering spectators, who the losers' 38. On the next play, his if it read just the opposite. That is coaching staff in 1935 as backfield A football star in his own right, were electrified as the Terrors tri- received was Ashby Collins, who drove four wins and one loss. coach. He has never left the Hill while playing on the undefeated 1911 umphed 19-7. to the 5-yard line. With two running except for the time which he served Penn State team, Coach Harlow set Wl\fC, 26; Drexel, 25 plays failing, Henderson found Tullai Coach Lathroum is one of the great with the armed forces. a record which has yet to be equalled Victory number three was a thril- all alone in the end-zone and flipped Western Maryland grid stars of the As a player, "Fergie" didn't get in- in college football. In seven games, ler of thrillers as the 26-25 score so to him for the score. Tereshinski's past. He was the top Terror blocking to the headlines as much as his team, this All-American tackle blocked 17 well indicates. This upset was over conversion attempt for the extra back on the 1949 squad. mate and high school buddy, Bill punts! the powerful eleven of Drexel. Presi- point was not good. At the end of the Shepherd, but Dick Harlow described Such men as Bill Shepher-d-c-All dent Ensor, who attended the game third quarter, it was a 12-7 ball game him as one of the best blocking backs American 1933; Charley Havens- in Philadelphia, cheered and shouted Head with the Green on top. Bees Defeat Green he has ever had. "Fergie" played one .Har ry Coach at western Maryland; at so much on Saturday afternoon that Lawrence-a-Head Coach In the fourth quarter, Western year at Keystone Prep before coming B u c k nell University; and Nick he was barely able to deliver the ser- final tally. A Zepp punt Terror Team, 3-0 Maryland Fapitalized on a break to to Western Maryland in 1931. Four Campofreda - former Washington mon in the Chapel the next evening. score their years in the blocking back spot have Redskin and now a noted Baltimore Passes highlighted the contest with was touched by a Dutch back, and On Tuesday, October 31, the Terror given him the kind of experience need- sports announcer, were aU coached by end Hank Norman catching two aler-t Bruce Rudisill recovered for a Booters bowed to the defending Ma- ed to turn out the backfields that win. Mr. Harlow. touchdown passes and intercepting first down on the Lebanon Valley 11. son-Dixon champs of the University one for another tally to make his Henderson carried the mail to the 6, of Baltimore by the score of 3-0. total for the game three touchdowns. but an offside penalty nullified the The Cor radomen held the Red and Who's Who On The Terror Team Ira Zepp snagged the final T.D. pass gain and placed the ball back on the and dodged three Drexe ....tacklers on 11. The next play was a double re- White team to a 1-0 lead at half time. Michael Rentko-c-End-c-Soph-c, his way to pay dirt. verse, Tullai ending up with the piU The Terrors took the kickoff and "Mike" George Tsouprake-Center-Sr.- skin and going all the way for the failed to break through the outstand- A Pennsylvanian with a great deal "Soup" WMC, 19; Lebanon Valley, 7 six points. Don Phillips split the up- ing defense of their opponents. Tiring of football talent. Watch out for Mike, Drives hard. Always in on the Last Saturday here at Western rights for the extra point. under t~e unu~ual summer-like heat he hits hard. tackle. Recently married; resident of Maryland College the Green Terrors Lebanon Valley unleased a desper- and bemg short of reserves, the Ashby Collins-Guard_Soph._ vetville. scored another striking upset as they ate attack, attempting to get back in Green-and-Geld defense succumbed to "Puddinhaid" Maynard Fones-Back_Jr._ trounced Lebanon Valley 19-7. Again the game as the seconds ticked off the Baltimore offense as the victors "Egghead" the Terrors proved that the official the scoreboard clock. Fcaturing end tallied once in each of the last two '" A Virginia boy. Last year a stand- Two years on the varsity makes statistics-de not mean very much on out on the J. V.'s, this year, an able sweeps by Shellenberger and Shon- frames. performer with the Varsity. "Eggy" a valuable man. Injuries have the field of play when a team has the asky, the Pennsylvanians rolled to the Playing quite well against a team sidelined him for a good while this determination to win. Western Maryland 16-yard line, studded with three all-state holdovers Richard Hockstein-Tackle- year. Needless to say the Green team has where the Terror defense stiffened from last year, the Terror's attempts Soph-"Dick" George PhiNls-Back-Jr. "Jerry" that determination to win today. Last and drove the assulf back. Renaldi to score were not successful; and it Transfer student this year. Good Ever alert defensive back. Has night the squad was honored at a film bled a Valley punt in the' final was another loss for our hard-fighting man to watch in the future-s-plenty quite a few interceptions to his credit bonfire pep rally which took place minute; and it was recovered by the of drive and fight. this year. This is his first year play, on back campus. Before the event visitors, but the clock put a stop to Andrew Rusinko--Tackle----Soph_ ing organized football, but already was over, there was no doubt in any this final threat. "Andy" he's proven himself an able back. of the participants' mind that to- . The Western .Maryland forward B. Keltels, J. Culhane Plenty of hustle. Plays hard and Frank Krausz-Back-Sr._ day's contest would be out-s. wall performed excellently in this well. Nobody gets through his spot "Pudge" The excitement of Homecoming, game. Led by Art Shearer, Ira Zepp, Score For Booters on the line. Plenty of talent. One hundred eighty pounds of fight. the hustle and bustle of the parade, and Vic Makovitch, the Green Terror Playing in thjl ninth game of the Donald Phillips--Center-Jr._ Chern major who has been playing and the idea of clashing with an old line continually broke through to current season, the Terror boaters "Toe" football ever since his soph year of down the Lebanon Valley backs far Good offensive center and extra high school. Great asset. ~:~n w~~lt~~di::::s ~~::rtot~~e a;~~~ behind the line of scrimmage. were subdued, 4-2, by the Bullets of point boater. Experience and know iron to beat Johns Hopkins. G-burg on Wednesday. November 10, Joseph Reanldi-Baek-Soph.- on the home field. The Bullets, who how, makes "Toe" a really valuable "Joe" virtually had the same team as last asset to the club. Fast and smart. Knows his football. year, were defeated by the Terrors Stanley Fieldman-Back-Sr. "Stan" Plays a hard and speedy game. at that time, 1-0, in overtime. Always good for that needed three Harlow Henderson-Back-Soph.- Tallying twice in the first"half and yards for a first down. Goes through "Skitch" holding the Terrors scoreless, the the line as if it were paper. Great Passing wizard who can hit his man Bullets attempted to surge ahead by joker too. at any distance. Good man to have a greater lead. In the second half the John RaIl-End-Soph.-"Jack" on your own team. Heaven help the Green and Gold brought the count to Jack as _a.sophomot:e is gaining ex. opposition. 2-1, as Bob Kettells followed through perience this year with the varsity. Hugh Ward-Tackle----Soph.- in sn outside shot that was too hot A standout on the Frost team last "Jungle" for the Orange goalie to handle. The year, he is a potentially fine end for Biggest man on the team. Plenty G-burg offense came back to score the future. of effort. Should be a great future on a penalty kick. In the beginning Arthur Shearer-Guard-lr."Otts" linesman. of the fourth quarter Jim Culhane "Fattest man in the world" accord- Charles Sykes-Back-Sr.- out-maneuvered the crafty G-burg ing to most of the team. Plays a good "Charlie" ,secondary defense and hooked the steady job. Plenty of spirit. Back with Married vet, pre-med. Fights hard ball into the nets, shortening the the team after a year's absence. on the field and is a great funster off Gettyshurg gap to a one point margin. Watch him. the field. Great on defense. In the final minutes, the Orange tal_ James l\Iarsh_Guard-Jr._"Jim" Roy Rhyne----Guard-Soph.-"Roy" lied once more; and the closing horn A Westminster boy who is turning Only Delaware boy on the team. left the Terrors on the short end of in an admirable performance. Reliable Hard charging and dependable. Paul Tere8hinski a 4-2 count. with pl..nty of fight. (Continued on Page 6, CoL 4) Vic Makovitch,
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