Page 20 - TheGoldBug1950-51
P. 20
The Gold Bug, Nov. 18, 1950 Senior Attendant' Tr.nsfer Student Pennsylvania Junior New Student Makes Active On Campus Represents Sophomores Grace. Court For Debut At Homecoming Second floor Blanche Ward is usual- A charming transfer student from ly reserved for upperclassmen-fresh- Converse College in South Carolina is Homecoming Day Let's not be narrow-minded and men live on third. This year, however, confine all our attentions to the lovely there is a freshman boarding student the sophomore Homecoming attend- Have you ever heard of "be kind damsels of the upper class. SUppose on second-J anet Hering. ant. Now a resident of Baltimore, she to Jinner day?" It's not .a national we now focus our minds on another She is finding dorm life something says that is home, but her first words holiday yet, but her three sidekicks personage, namely our freshman, new after three years of dayhopping. give away her Southern background. are working hard to have it passed Janet Cross. A Yankee from Summit, . Waiting in line to brush her teeth Janet Pyrtle is a bundle of energy- by the House. This tall, slender New Jersey, Janet's early childhood with ten other girls seems new to a very pretty bundle, it may 'be added. blonde, known only to her family as followed the usual pattern of attend- Janet after home life. Naturally, AU of the other Blanche Ward in- Doris Virginia, "Hale's" from \Vayne, ing grade school, junior high, and there is more noise in a dorm with habitants dash for cover as she zoome Pa. Though she was called "Little finally high school. The years were 165 girls especially when they all from first floor to second and jback Ginch" upon her arrival at WMC, filled with many memorable occasions seem to congregate at her door. That again. Since this is her first semester it was not long before she had made which she will never forget. might be the attraction of her win- here on the Hill, Janet hasn't hd¢ too a name for herself. Janet had both the ability and in- ning personality. The ten o'clock cur- much time to enter some of the sports In the morning she appears to be terest to participate in many sports, few also presents its difficulties. activities, such as hockey, but watch quiet, but it's only her great dislike including hockey, basketball, and Imagine her surprise the first night for her on the badminton court. for talking before 10 a. m. It's taken baseball, to say nothing of badminton ehe tried to get in the locked door. A music major at Converse, she is her two years, but she has finally ac- and table tennis and just plain "goof- Her biggest difficulty however, is the now one of Dr. Earp's proteges. Al- Barbara,Pfoutz complished a great feat- breakfast ing off." Having done so well with dining hall. "We just don't eat this ready she has passed the first require- every morning! these sports, ghe was elected to the fast at home," says she, and her pet ment of a soc major-that is, being on Jinny's interests are many and Girls' Athletic Society. All her life, peeve has become stuffed peppers - tion she plans to be a social worker. Cheerleader Heads varied. With her second floor front t.he Homecoming court. After gradua- ugh! ! room in Blanche Ward, she hardly Ja~'s major interest is music, and The future is yet to be seen, but her ever misses anytbing-c-we are still social work of the present predicts Homecoming Court wondering how she finds time for par- success. ticipating in all of these activities- A loyal WMC'er now, Janet thinks Maybe you first heard the name an offensive. player on the hockey that friendliness is the most outstand- "Footsie," and wondered at the time, team, junior representative of the ing characteristic cs the school. She who or what that could be. Well, it SGA, a forward on the basketball enjoys the after ten gab sessions in stems from the family name, Pfoutz, team, member of Phi Alpha Mu, Blanche Ward, and always has time and is the direct synonym for our gal, twice Duchess on the May Court, to listen to the others' gripes of the Barbar-a. knitter of Argyles (in her spare day. Her sense of humor is well ap- Her infectiously carefree and cheer- time), and Whoa! this could go on pr-eciatedj-and she is earning the title ful mariner- is probably what first indefinitely! As a home economics of "Mother's little helper." Remember caused you to notice her. In high major, she plans to teach junior high the time she took a five-dollar bill to school she was called by her formal school after graduation. name, Barbara, but since then her peers have discovered that her very nature demands a tag-name that will serve to set her apart in just the same way that her traits make her a dis- tinct personality. Or perhaps you first noticed her jaunting eeroes the cam- pus or creeping into class a wee bit Jate with that impish smile on her face that usually gives way in a burst however, was not centered 'I' around of the most infectious laughter imag- sports. Janet, singing soprano, took inable. Anyone who knows her will part in the activities of the chorus she spends much time listening to all vouch for the fact that a sense of and participated in the Student Gov- typ1esof classical records. As an edu- humor like "F'ootaie'a" would have to ernment Variety Show during her cation student, she is preparing to find expression in some unique man- junior and senior years. A member of teach public school music. For the ner. She has a' remarkable sort of a the Summit High School's cheering past two years, her voice has added to way with people; her manner is sug- squad, Janct contributed a great deal the College Choir and she is also a gestive of warmth and fricndliness. to the success of the various athletic loyal member of Miss Murray's glee She likes p,eople; and that's the secret. club. Next to music, Janet's favorite What is more, the abundance of pastime is a good ga-b session. That's vivaciousness which characterizes WlUC Cheerleader the big advantage of dorm life, says "Foutz" is put to constructive use. You have undoubtedly witnessed she-s-there are so many more people You'll know what I mean if you're at the pep and vigor with which Janet with whom to exchange bits of news. Janet Pyrtle all familiar with the cheering-squad, Cross he1ps lead western Maryland's This active member of Sigma Sigma of which she is a part. Yes, she's the freshman cheering section at the foot- Tau rides horseback, too. the Grill to get it changed for a fervent cheerleader with the elfin fea- ball games. It is not difficult to see Coming from a farm near West- friend, and came back with the same tures (now that may sound a bit that here is a promising gal who's minster, Janet is often teased about bill? archaic, but at least it's descriptively Ginny Ha_Ie bound to go far, having both the being among the bright lights of the Janet's favorite expression is "You accurate). spirit and personality to become one big city. One of the things they don't old toad," and everyone from her of the "favorites" on the Hill. have in the country is the ten o'clock roommate to Dr. Earp is an old toad. Sports Ent.husiast Choral Groups action in front of the dorm. She is fond of dogs, and she will tell T'would be folly to presume that I could give you an adequate picture of Concerning Homecoming the senior you in a few thousand drawn-out "Footzie" unless there was mention of Entertain Homecoming attendant is quite breathless. "I guess words why she ,will have one as Methodist Week End Calendar you could say that it's the biggest a pet. Ask her sometime when you Leo, her constant .companion an~ f~l- Beginning with the thing that's happened in my life so have several hours to spure. Always Mid-Century Homeeomtng , far." The only flaw seems to be that cheerful, and looking for this trait in ~:~tl!Pt::~-:~~;~~a~on~~ore~~~lyl~U~~ _~J:e~rE::s~::d~~~o!~e a I:~~e:~:~~~ Convocation Co-Cha irmen-c, Janet will have to wear high heels others, she has a smile for everyone Howard E. Koontz, Jr. for the occasion "and they hurt my and can chase away the blues with i;;: l:~: f::r~~~s~::~e;ffie~~~ t::;~~~ the choral groups of the College. feet." her spontaneous laughter. ball field, the basketball floor-s-just While the Methodist Dinner marked Mrs. Elizabeth Burns sports in general-runs a compara- the kick-off of the Advancement Pro- Friday, November 17 tively weak but persistent second gram, it also provided the debut of Roommates Employ Rough Methods (after attentions. And, she's a first- the new mixed glee club under The 6:15 p. m. The Methodist Dinner-c- Leo) in the way of demanding the leaders Hall. McDaniel Selected of direction her Lou Pietroforte. You are running away from a....mad- pose, your roommate runs out in the string athlete herself! Maybe that's group sang two well-known numbers; of the Methodist Church. Metho- dist Citations. dened tiger, but your feet stick in hall. because Leo has trained her profi- Wide River, arranged by Mr. Donald 6:00 p. m. Bonfu-e and Pep Rally. the ground as if it were molasses. Well, since you're up, you might as ciently in football strategy. Wright, and Cle"mentin~, popular Gold 8:15 p. m. Play-The Importance You turn around, terrified. The well get dressed. In a few minutes you Soeioiogy Major Rush tune written by Percy Montross of Being Earne8t. tiger's horrible gaping jaws seem get sleepy again, though, and you and arranged by Harry Robert Wil- ready to grab you. You shake all over stumble back into the bed. Unfor- In the winter "Footzie" centers her Saturday, November IS -horrible, convulsive shudders. tunately, your roommate pick's this echolarly attentions on the sociology Choir Sings at Convoeation 10:00 a. m. Judging of Decora- -"For,Pete's sake, will you get up!" time to return, and he grimly pulls. department, but· in the summer (or, tions-Campus and Town. the During Ceremony Convocation you hear a voice exclaim in exaspera- you out of the room and out into the more accurately, when the time is ripe this morning, the College Choir pre- 10:30 a. m. Mid-Century Assembly tion. Your eyes spring open-those cold morning air. to make application for a summer -Alumni Hall. Attorney General shudders!-Your roommate has you sented a very beautiful arrangement J. Howard McGrath. Alumni by the shoulders and with grim de- "It's dark yet," you protest. "The ~~b~heh~a~t~~~;:sth~nyev:!~~Ytof:::~ of America, the Beautiful, written .by Cit a t ion s. Announcement by termination is trying to awaken you. :!::~_~~:!~~,out. Are you sure it's over the place about which she will Katharine Lee Bates and Samuel President Lowell S. Ensor. You smile in happy relief and sink insist the sun and moon revolve, Augustus Ward, with choral trans- 12:30·p. m. Buffet Lunch-Science cription by Rob Roy Peery. back on your bed. Then the thought He doesn't bother to answer this, Ocean City. "Footsie" has definitely Hall. of the nightmare returning makes you but takes you into the Dining Hall fallen prey to the irresistible charms Today, at the President's Dinner, 12:30 p. m. President's Luncheon stir uneasily. You burrow under the 'and sits you a~ a table. You fall of the ocean, the boardwalk, the pea- the guests will be very ably enter- ~McDaniel Lounge. covers. asleep over your cereal, and are pIe and the gala festivities. She loves tained by the voice of Winnie Spencer 1:45 p. m. Parade-Town and Suddenly you feel something cold awakened by-guess who-yes, your everything about it. and the liltling folk tunes as sung by Campus. and wet trickling down your neck. dear old roomie, pulling you outside T ,
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