Page 19 - TheGoldBug1950-51
P. 19
The Gold Bug, Nov. IS, 1950 Today Is Only Two Point Three--Or Was It Six by Tom Page by Pat Tobey The Beginning A Sociological Problem time for the student council to review have immense biological and economic A seemingly trivial happening may Mid_semester is here. Now is the by Lou Pietr%rte its past accomplishments and its implications, which are not in the Homecoming is finally here. It is a well-known fact, as pointed it. We boys would line,up on Satur- hopes for the future. least apparent to the unobservant This year however, it is not just out by one of our more sociologicallY- day mornings, the youngest at one Af~r beginning this year with a passer-by. I say this because it has a day with a special football minded members of the faculty, that end of the line, the oldest, at the successful F res h man Orientation been impressed upon me by a certain game, and a big dance. when we college students get married other. Captain Sister would call us to week, the student council inaugu- thing which I witnessed on Novem- Today We s t ern Maryland we mWlt reproduce at least two point attention and issue the individual or- rated, in October, a new parliamen- ber 3, 1950. launches itself on an advance- three-c-or was it six-in order to keep ders of the day: tary l1ystem whereby open sessions That night, passing by the outside ment campaign. In order to keep our population a going concern. Joe, you do the windows. Connie, are held periodically, so the students steps by which the football players up to the high standards this I would like to nominate my par- you tidy the back lawn. AI, take the may actively participate in the meet- enter their own dining room, I saw college has always had, certain ents for the position of having done upstairs dusting. Lou, you scrub the ings. The new system has proven very on the cement platform a brown and changes must be made. These much to take up the slack created by Htehen floor (I always pulled the successful and has helped to clarify white beagle, tail a-wag, but retreat- . changes, such as a boys dorm, our less productive graduates, and dirtier details), Nick, tidy the bath- many issues. At a recent assembly, a ing back against the railing. In tile renovation of Old Main and thereby some token of recognition loom and pick up all clothing hang- question was raised on the floor re- doorway stood the head dietitian, Mr. others will all take money. The should be accorded. ing around. Jerry, take the front lawn garding the vague objectives of the Slice, snapping his fingers, audibly more successful the college is in Mother and Dad, socially-minded and Michael, you take the downstairs Mid-Century Fund-Raising Campaign. sucking in his cheeks, and the its campaign, the more improve- paragons that they are, have pre- dusting. Since Dr. Ensor was 'present, he pro- dog if be would not like some cbop ments it can make. It is impera- sented me with the blessing of .eix Sister Ange supervised it all with ceeded to explain that the primary bones left from supper. Behind the tive therefore for everyone=- brothers and one sister, you see. That an iron hand. objectives include a new men's dormi- dietitian I could see the took, a meat should leave room for at least one One Mirror For All tory, a revision of Old Main, and an cleaver in one hand, the other impa- /~~u~:~:~a~~rr~i~u;~J~~~~his couple to go their career-minded ways But it was fun. Have you ever tried ,increase in present endowment. tiently clenching and unclenching. drive. without fear of being accused anti- shaving in front of one mirror with In accordance with the wishes of There does not, on the surfaee, seem to be anything unusual in a dog, a The past few weeks have been social. Will that couple please write six other men also getting ready for the administration, your SGA a preview of what such coopera- . my parents and thank them for the Saturday night dates? Also, one sister launched a program designed to elimi- weedling dietitian, and a nervous tion can accomplish. The two liberty? pushing through it all getting herself nate walking on the newly-planted cook. Nor would I have given the committees - towns-people and Personally, I feel sorry for those ready. I remember once when Sis' grass, parking in prohibited areas, situation a second thought, had it not students - have coordinated poor families with only four or five beau came a little early and she ran and speeding along the main drive. struck me as peculiar that a hungry their efforts to make this Home- children. Why, in the first place we out to greet him. She came running During October, elections were held dog with a wagging tail should cringe coming Day the success it is. have our own male quartet, with a back twice as fast and mad as hor-" under the auspices of the student at such a meaty invitation, couple of spares in case of laryngitis. Few students have not had This makes radio and television un- nets. One of us had unwittingly lath- council at which time the Hcmecom- Camouflaged Ken_I_ration some job to do. Making posters, necessary luxuries. The manufactur- ered the wrong face. \ ing Queen, her court, and class offi- Then of course, the thought came setting up windows, forming ing companies are well aware of this Then, there's nothing happier than cers were elected. During that month, that perhaps the Dining Hall repast parades, decorating floats, lead- fact, and we have recewed several Christmas with a big family. We do tentative plans were also drawn up by which looks like Ken-I-ration is not ing pep rallies, erecting campus letters in the way of peace feelers, our own caroling-four part harmony the honor committee composed of the dogfood, but dog himself, neatly displays, and waiting on tables, asking that w_ekeep it to ourselves too---and need no outside help to deco- student council and the faculty, tore- camouflaged with strips of bacon, or parking cars, all have contrib- for a small sum. rate the tree or the house. Christmas vise the present proctor system. green pepper, or parsley. uted immeasurably to prepare Seven To One dinner is like an annual banquet, and As for the present state .of affairs, This would imply that most of the the campus for a special event. What! Seven boys and one girl! some of my fondest memories of home your representatives have actively targe machinery in the kitchen has administration the A lot of spirit has been shown Oh, that poor girl! are those times we spent around the joined with the plans for this week- in been adapted to the cooking of ca- formulating in all this work. For many etu- That's what you think. First of all, table. nines. For instance there is a long dent's this was the first Home- she's pretty. (Some wit has called us Mom? Sure, she works hard, but end. The SGA, on behalf of the stu- coming, for others it is the last. "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs." she wouldn't swap places with any- dent body, has also been associated metal box with holes in it, which They of course have wanted it . I'm not quite sure which of the body in the world ... she'll tell you with the general" committee of the would hold one medium-sized dog for to be especially fine. If they had dwarfs I'm supposed to be. Grumpy, that anytime. After all, how many Fund-Raising Campaign. With the immersion into boiling water for been the only ones with interest, I think.) If you were a man and you women can have one husband and spirit of cooperation that is unsur- steaming. There is also an electric the project would not have were dating a girl who had seven seven devoted boyfriends at the same passed, the students at Western Mary- saw, admirably suited fO.r cutting reached its present peak. Every healthy brothers, how would you time? land College have willingly volun- strong bones. person on campus, and many treat her? So much for that! Two point three--or was it six? teered their services to the Jutmost: of .Evidence equally incriminating is people' in Westminster have Housework? Pooh! AIl of us tackled I'll meet my own quota, thank you. their capacity. The various organiza- the food itself. What· appears to be taken a personal interest in this tions have contributed their time in creamed hamburger on toast is really effort. Congratulations are in preparing the play, which was held creamed pup; for Sunday dinner dis- !nst evening, designing campus order to all others concerned. Ballads Are Here To Stay plays, dressing windows in town, and many-a-time baked hound has been This is not the end of the constructing floats Jor the parade. served, everyone being deceived by the ;:':;\;eO~ve::lj ~~'E,~~~rni:gth~. Folksong Movement Has Great Cultural Importance Following the game with Johns Hop- poultry dressing. In fact, the only kins, there will be a dance this eve- launching of the Mid-Century JOBeplt W. Hendren, Ph.D. ning in Gill gymnasium which is cal- meal that can fool none is Friday night's fish dinner. Advance Campaign. So now country have been published, many eulated to be- one of the highlights of that everyone knows what co- Outside the narrow limits of pr-int- equipped with excellent critical intro- this week-end. This Homecoming Dog, used as the -piece de Terisf.. operation can start, let us go on ed verses in books, 'college students ductions. Many hundreds of phono- Holiday will be concluded with a caee, would mean a tremendous eec- and their teachers have for genera- and finish the job with the same tions known little about ballads. While graphic recordings are available. Bal- Chapel service on Sunday evening. nomic saving to Western Maryland spirit. lad singers like Burl Ives have be- College. There is a seemingly endless the bookish interest has survived to As we look into the future we see supply of thoroughbreds on campus our own time and still reigns supreme come famous in radio and motion pte- our many objectives before us. A few which the college could help itself w; the academic some quarters, Staff Thank. School in American public is now singing bai- ture. Well informed articles have ap- of them are: a Bendix washer and there is eve~ a possibility that either peared in popular magazines like the dryer for the benefit of the students, This issue of the GOLD BUG lads and listening to folk-music on a COUNTRY GENTLEMAN and further improvements on the men's Westminster· or the state of Maryland is a greater undertaking than scale unprecedented in history. HOLIDAY. The concert stage (in- day room, construction of a lattice would pay Western Maryland for dis- .the present staff has ever at- It is well understood that scholars cluding austere Carneigie Hall) has work to separate the Rec hall into posing of these stray animals, Thus tempted, and it was only due to are primarily responsible for making become hospitable to the tune of the an area for dancing and a game sec- this money, together with the money the help of quite a few students the poetic ballad what it is today in sailor and the mountaineer. Folksong tion, and a further revision of the which would ordinarily be spent on that it is possible. popular esteem. What is not generally themes are being utilized in Broadway plans regarding the honor system. pork, beef, lamb, etc., would make a We wish to thank aU those known is the extent of their responsi- shows and have inspired contem- Meanwhile, we must remember that substantial contribution to the Mid- people whose articles are in the bility likewise for the current popu- porary fine-art music such as Kurt this Homecoming week-end is only Century Advancement Program, paper, However, not every per- larity of musical presentation, and on Weill's opera Down in the Valley. A!I the beginning of the Mid-Century 'This is a weighty, sobering proposi- son who turned in an assignment all levels, from the graduate seminar a result of exposure to genuine folk- Campaign. Only the cornerstone has tion, worthy of consideration if there will see it in this issue. Please to the juke-box. The availability of (Co7ttinued on page 7, column 1) been laid. still is time to consider. do not feel that your effort has this music, as well as the recognition been in vain. of its value, must largely be regarded in as the result of learned enterprise The paper has meant a lot of which, strange as it may seem, Eng- work and time on the part of lish teachers of all ranks and descrip- students and staff. The editor an would like to take this oppor- tions have 'played Kittredge indispensable role. Professors and Wen- tunity to thank you all. dell of Harvard, Gordon Gerould of Princeton, Alphonso Smith and A. K. Davis of Virginia, J. H. Cox of West THE GOLD BUG Virginia, G. B. Smith of South Caro- lina, and Frank Dobie and John L0- Ollleia) .tudent ne.,...p of Weltern Y ....,.- max of Texas-this is a partial list land OoUere. pUbliBhed .ami·monthl,. 0" Tup. even among prominent names, but it day, durin~ Oetober. November. Jan" ..,.,., will serve as a rough indication of the February. MRrch &"d April, and monthl,. du .... in&" September, December, ..nd May. scale on which this effort has been moving forward. A great deal .has Memb.r been accomplished, needless to say, by Associated Collegiate Press inconspicuous teachers who love folk music and are willing to share their experience with students. Popular Interest In Folk Music These remarks may become clearer in the light of what is happening on the larger American musical frontier, Tin Pan Alley, by all indications, has fallen into something of a creative decline; even the juke-boxes are far gone in nostalgic and Western reper- BUSINESS STAFF toires. Meanwhile across the land has Bmin .... Man8.lera __ Betty Lovela.." '61 swept a great popular interest in tra- Larry Bailey. '61 Ad,·ert!.in.l Manager Bill Rboado. 'n ,ditional music. Square dance and I Circulation Managera __ P¢8'Y Bro.."., '61 folksong are reaching a currency un- Jay Es-glr, '51 dreamed of by students and advocates of these ancient arts two decades ago. The double reversal of trends prob- ably adds up to the most significant phenomena in popular music of our generation. Dozens of authentic col- lections from various regions of the
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