Page 17 - TheGoldBug1950-51
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~I~~~:~;Maryland College Ho~e~aomingLaunches Mid-Century Campaign Attorney General McGrath Makes Key-Note Speech In Convocation Assembly Ensor Announces Mid-Century Advance Campaign; Roger Whitford Named National Fund Chairman J. Howard McGrath, Attorney General of the United States, was the key-note speaker at the Mid-Century Convocation Assembly held in Alumni Hall at 10 :30 a. m. this morning. President Lowell S. Ensor of- To Honor McGraths ficially a D no u n c e d Western Maryland's Mid-Century Ad- At Luncheon Today vance campaign and introduced the national chairman of the Ad- Following the Mid-Century AsserĀ»- Lly today, will be the President's vance campaign, Mr. Roger J. Luncheon at 12:30 p. m. in McDaniel Whiteford, who introduced At- Lounge in honor of Attorney General torney General McGrath. and Mrs. McGrath and other honored The Invocation was given by guests of the college. Dr. Fred G. Holloway, ex-presi- To Win Friends , dent of Western Maryland Col- According to Mr. Lawrence Avison, lege, now President of Drew Uni- resident director of the Mid-Century versity. After the singing of the Campaign, this luncheon has as its Homecoming Court: Janet Cross, Freetvman Attendant,- Janet Hering, Senior Attem:lant,- Barbara Ploutz, purpose the winning of friends for Star Spangled Banner, the alU:m- Quetn; Vi1'ginia Hale, Junior Attendant; and Janet Pyrtte, Sophomore Attendant. Western Maryland College. ni citations were presented. The Among those who have been invited Choir offered a special arrange- to this luncheon are Senator and Mrs. Millard Tydings, Governor and Mrs. W. Preston Lane, Jr., Senator and Mrs. Herbert R. O'Conor, and Gover- nor-elect and Mrs. Theodore R. Me- Keldin. In addition to these guests, other prominent citizens of Baltimore and elsewhere have been issued invi- tations. Benson, Ensor Speak Speakers at the luncheon will be Vol. 28, No.5 Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. November 18, 1950 the Chairman of the Board of Trus- tees of the College, Mr. Murray Ben- son, and Dr. Ensor. Entertainment Dr. D. Poling To Speak Twenty-Eight Alumni Honored will be provided' by a College quartet, who will sing several numbers. McDaniel In Consecration Service With Special Achievement C;itations rated for the Lounge is being deco- the occasion under of Mr. Eltinge Reifsnider. Tomorrow Afternoon guaidance arrangements for the lunch- General Each of twenty-eight alumni hon- member of the Board of Publications In the service of Consecration, ored for achievement in his respective of the Methodist Church, trustee of eon are being handled by Mrs. Milson which will be' held tomorrow in field of work was presented with a George Washington University, and Raver. Several co-eds are being se- Alumni Hall at 4 :30 p. m., Dr. citation in recognition of his success at present, is president of the Board lected to act as hostesses and wait- Dr. Fred G. Holloway Daniel A. Poling will be the at the Convocation Assembly this of Trustees of Western Maryland resses along with the adult committee guest speaker. morning. College. headed by Mrs. Ober S. Herr. ment of America the B eauti/ul. Dr. Poling, minister of religion, is Nominations for those who received BI'ady Oliver Bry8on, '35, of New Adult Committee Vice-president Alben C. Bark- these citations came from the West- York City, acted as prosecutor of This committee includes: Mrs. ley who was expected to speak ern Maryland alumni themselves; the Hyalmar Schaut, before the Interna- James H. Straughn, Mrs. W. C. Scott, at the assembly, was unable to names were not merely selected from tional Military Tribunal at Nurem- Mrs.' T. W. Mather, Mrs. George W. attend due to illness. the college records. This was done be- berg. He served as a lieutenantcin the Dexter, Mrs. Roger J. Whiteford, Mrs. In his absence, a telegram was cause it was felt that there were many Navy in World War II. F. Murray Benson, Mrs. William W. alumni who, although they have not William W. Chase, '23, of Washing- Chase, Mrs. T. R. Matthews, Mrs. read in which was stressed the received honorary degrees from the ton, D. C., is a member of the faculty Harry C. Adkins, Mrs. Newton Kidd, importance of the small inde- college, have achieved success in their at George Washington University Mrs. Lloyd Fisher, Mrs. Charles E. pendant college in American edu-, respective fields and are known to Medical School, and worker in boys' Mayham, Mrs. D. Caelysle rtfacLea, cation. their fellow alumni. organizations in the District of Co- Mrs. Hubert P. Burdette. Each alumnus was given a chance lumbia; Dr. Chase also serves on the Student hostesses include Lois to nominate a person to be honored Board of 'I'rustees of Western Mary- Hicks, Audrey Meredith, Karen No- Pep Rally Begins by the college. Between five and six land College. wack, Sonya Wine, Joan Hampel, and hundred nominations were received Doris Phillips. from the 48 states, Japan, and Eu- Wilfred M. Copenhaver, '21, has Weekend Program rope. The twenty-eight who were seĀ· served for 25 years as a teacher in and Columbia Univer- Name Chairmen leered represent a number of fields of the medical schools of the University Beginning with the pep rally last work, including law, medicine, busi- of Rochester night, Friday, November 17, Western search papers and has done research For Campaign ness, research, government, educe- sity. He is the author of many re- Maryland College's Mid - Century Dr. Daniel A. Poling tion, literature, journalism, and home, in embryology. Homecoming is a tremendous pro- chur-ch and community service. Extensive plans which are neces- gram. a dynamic figure in American and The following have received cita- Floyd R. Cromwell, '22, has served sary for a succes~ul major fund- After the pep rally and parade international life. On invitational or- tions: as the State Supervisor of Educa- r-aieing campaign are being made down into Westminstel', last night, the and Vocational Guidance ders from General Douglas Mac- Harry Covington Adkins, '08, of tional (Continued on Page 7, Col. 4) for here at Western Maryland College, student body and visiting friends A1;thur, Dr. Poling went to Japan, Salisbury, Maryland, is secretary- according to Mr. Lawrence B. Avison, viewed the College Players in their Kotea, and Formosa. He has just re- treasurer of the E. S. Adkins Com- . resident director of the project. production, The Importance of Being cently returned from this trip to the pany, a member of the Rotary Club, The department chairmen under Earnest. Pacific. ana serves on the Draft Board of Mr. R. J. Whiteford, the general As holder of the Medal of Merit, Wicomico County. Since 1943, Mr. chairman of the National Mid-Cen- Exhibits Judged Dr. Poling has received the highest Adkins has been a trustee of the col- tury Committee, have been secured. Following the tour and judging of civilian award given by America. lege. Mr. Howard Koontz and Mrs. Eliza- exhibits this morning, came one of the Dr. George Sta'lUlbury Baker, '27, beth Burns are in charge of the Home- main events of the weekend, the aca- Writes 22 Books is a member of the American Acad- coming Convocation D epa r t men t. demic procession and Attorney Gen- emy of Neurological Surgery, the They are assisted by Mrs. Ober S. eral McGrath's address. At this con- In addition to writing twenty-two American College of Surgeons, and Herr, Mr. F. Kale Mathias, Mr. and vocation, citations were awarded to books, he also contributes to the the Harvey Cushing Society. A mem- Mrs. John Bankert, Mrs. Milson Ra- outstanding alumni. literary field as editor of the CHRIS- ber of the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, ver-, Mr. Eltinge Reifsnider and Mr. TIAN HERALD and as author of the Minnesota, Dr. Baker is distinguished and Mrs. Russell Benson, all of West- Game Follows Parade syndicated column "Americans All." for his skill in the field of brain sur- minster. The man responsible for Following the Homecoming Parade Other positions of Dr. Poling include gery. special. gifts is General Robert J. Gill. , this aiternoon, will be the second big President of the Worlds Christian James JI. Bennett, '10, is teacher, of P~~::en! OfMt:r~l!~~rdC:~l~us~:~ event~ the Western ~arYla~d-Johns Union and Chairman of the All- principal, and superintendent of Wi- parole office of Maryland, Mr. F. Mur- Hopkins game. The kick-off .IS .sc~ed. American Conference to Combat Com- comico County Schools. Mr. Bennett ray Benson, is at the head of the de- uled for 2 p.~. Everyone ~s invited munism. has held the post of superintendent partment of Corporation and Founda- to the fraternIty and sorority open- Working with the service men, Dr. for nearly 30 years. tion. Mr. Lyman Long and Mrs. Cere- houses at 4 :30 p. m. Poling is also a member of the Presi- Franklin Murray Benson, '17, Bal. line Taylor are in charge of the Alum- The Homecoming Dance. sponsored dent's Committee on Religion and timore lawyer, is a former member of ni Department. by Alpha Gamma Tau and J>eginning parole di, Welfare in the- Armed Forces. the Maryland the Legislature, of Maryland, The Church' Cooperation Depart- at 8:30 p- m., will be the,closing event State for rector As Chaplain of the Chapel of Chap- president of the Middle Atlantic ment is headed by Reverend O. B. on Saturday. lains, he offers his services to this States Parole Association, and vice- ~::gr:~~ti~:r~ic~~~pe~~:~~~:.nt M:~ To conclude the entire weekend, Dr. inter-faith shrine and memorial to the president of the Maryland General Howard Jackson, who was mayor of Daniel A. Poling will speak at the four young clergymen (one of whom Hospital. Mr. Benson also serves as a Baltimore for three terms, is in charge service of consecration at Sunday was his own son) who gave their lives member of the Board of Trustees of of the Citizen Department. evening chapel. in the sinking of the S. S. Dorchester. Westminster Theological Seminary, Ensor A wards Ciwtw'lUl
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