Page 18 - TheGoldBug1950-51
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The Gold Bug. Nov. 18, 1950 Senior Education Parade Precedes' Chairmen Plan Homecoming Dance Student Elected Football Game Directly As Executive Day football game with J OMS Hop- before the Homecoming kins this afternoon, a large-scale pa- At the Future Teachers of America rade will be conducted by the student Convention, held on November 3, body. Alice Yearley, Western Maryland The procession will. include deco- senior, was elected to the executive rated cars prepared by various clubs committee of the organization. on the Hill, and floats sponsored by Alire has been active in the Isen- the classes. The Homecoming Queen, o~e, Chapter of the FTA since its Miss Barbara Pfoutz, will ride on the senior class float. In addition, the Col- origill in her sophomore year. She is lege Band will lead the parade, with also the "rico president of the WAA, perhaps a few of the town bands par- managing editor of the GOLD BUG, ticipating also. .. associate editor of the ALOHA, trees- A number of organizations on the urer of the Pbi Alpha Mu' Sorority, Hill have decorated store windows in glee club member, and participant in Westminster. The theme of these dis- women's athletics. plays is the Western Maryland Mid- A new FT A Constitution, drawn up Century Advance Program and the by a committee of students and teach- Homecoming Day game with Hopkins. will be given to the groups Prizes ers, was presented to the convention. presenting the best windows, in the This committee was led by Mrs. Lil- opinion of the judges. lian Jackson Maltin, former editor- The judges for window decorations in-chief o! the GOLD BUG, II. post are: Mrs. Gladys Wimert, chairman; held also by hee husband during his Mr. K. Ray Hollinger; and Mr. Scott stay OIl the Hm. S. Bair; all of Westminster. Officers of the organization were Mathers and Sons' window will be selected from nominees sent -jn by the used by the WAA; Griffins', by tho GOLD B'UG; Coffman-Fisher'S, .by various chapters and clubs. (College groups aro called chapters; high Alpha Kappa Alpha; Rosenstock's, by Pi Alpha Alpha; J. C. Penney's, by MethodistCitations Bachelors Present Annual school groups, cluba.] All of the the Methodiat Student Movement and nomlneee delivered a two-minute cam- the Canterbury Club; Campbell's Ra- paign speech before the voting took dio Sales and Service, by the Carroll Given At Dinner place. Each. of the thirty-seyen chap- Club; Westminster Laundry, by the Homecoming Dance Tonight ters and clubs represented this year Wesleyans and Wesleyaneties; Coff- Last night, November 17, the Meth- had one voting delegate. Dave Buf- man's, by the Interfratarnlty Counell ; odist Dinner was held in McDaniel Sponsored this year by the Alpha Gamma Tau fraternity, the fingtun exercised this privilege for Mr. Eltinge Reifsnider, representing Lounge at 6:15 p. m. annual Western Maryland Homecoming Dance will be held tonight Those who attended the dinner came Western Maryland. the Convocation .Committee, will dec- at the invitation of Bishop Charles from 8 :30 to 11 :45 in Gill Gym" and will feature the crowning of During the tallying of the votes, the orate Smith and Reifsnider and' Mey_ Flint, Dr. Lowell S. .Ensor; and Dis- the Homecoming Queen. group split into four smaller sections, eys' windows. trict Superintendent Dr. O. B. Lang- Baltimoreans will recognize the mu- Pep Rally, Paraae in charge -of the pa- Co-chairmen which were addressed by teachers who rade and window decorations are Mal- raIl who is also Chairman of the sic of Rudy Killian, whose orchestra will provide the music for the dance. had boon in the profession not more Church Cooperation Committee. Mr. Killian and his ten-piece orches- Begin Celebration than three years. Two of the eight colm Meltzer and Angela Crothers. Dr. O. B. Langrall served as master tra have been playing at Baltimore's speakers, Simon Tullai and Adelaide of ceremonies. The greetings of the Ddxie Ball Room in the Gwynn Oak Last night, Western Maryland's Crow, were Western Maryland grads. Mayer Addresses Methodist Church were extended by Amusement Park cfor the past few Mid-Century Homecoming was opened A tee dance was held later in the Bishop Flint. years. with a big celebration, an occasion at evening, with the Newell Chapter o! Dr. Ensor spoke about· Western The decorations show promise of which the students displayed their the FT A from Towson State Teach- Student Assembly Maryland College, its problems, and being something new and spectacular usual spirit. ers' College acting as hosts. The music its relationship to the Methodist this year, Jack Nau, 'chairman of the Festivities began at 6:00 with a Dr. Milton Mayer, for many years a was supplied by the Baltimore City popular member of the staff of the Church. He has high hopes that the decorations committee, has his work pep rally in front of Old Main. The members Methodist churches led a large group in tra- of the cheerleaders College Swing Band, led by Frank University of Chicago, delivered an will generously. -aupport the College nearing completion. He has been dit.ional cheers in anticipation of to- Welsh. assembly address on the world situa- in this Mid-Derrtury program under- given technical .asststance by Mr. day's game with Johns Hopkins Uni- Olicers were installed during the tion to the student body of Western girding it for the years ahead. Eltinge Ferris Reifsnider, a member versity. After the rally, the' crowd dinner meeting br Dr. Earle T. Maryland last Tuesday morning in Musical entertainment was provid- of the Homecoming Week End Com. journeyed to Harvey Stone Park, mittee. Mr. Reifsnider has also decor- Hawkins, president of Maryland State Alumni Hall. ed by Winifred Spencer who sang ated Alumni Hall. where a bonfire was staged. The leap- Teachers' College. Mary F'i rey, of .Dr. Mayer has lectured widely "Romance" from the DC81!'rt Song by The sponsors for the dance include: ing flames seemed to symbolize the' TOWllOn S.T.C., was elected presi- interest of the Great Books as well as Rom bel' g. Louis Pietroforte sang Dr. and Mrs. Lowell S. Ensor, Dean spirit of the crowd as it cheered for dent. The first vice president is Mary throughout the United States in the American Ballads with his own guitar and Mrs. Samuel B. Schofield, Dean the Terror team. Nina Lentz of Notre Dame of Mary- in the Institutes of International Re- accompaniment. and Mrs. John D. Makosky, Dean and Johnny Hopkins, the dummy, got n land; second vice president, Eldon lations sponsored by the American Mrs. Landon C. Burns was chief Mrs. L. Forrest Free, Dean Howery, preview of what is in store for him to.- McCall of Baltimore City College; Friends Service Committee. He is the hostess. The adult hostesses assisting Professor and Mrs. Frank Hurt, Mrs. day at the hands of Western Mar-y- cooked land. He was unceremoniously secretary, David Cooper of Sparks author of articles appearing in the Mrs. Burns were Mrs. F. Murray Ben- Veale, and Mrs. Jefferson. .in the bonfire, to the great delrght of son, Mrs. Oliver J. Collins, Mrs. J. High Sch~IlII; treasurer, Edith Ann SATURDAY. EVE N I N G POST, Earl Cummings, Mrs. Charles W. Larry Bailey is general chairman the Green Terror and all other spec- Ivens of Washington 'college. :n~R~~!li~~()N R::~:E~S; DIGEST, Flint, Mrs. J. Leas Green, and Mrs. of the dance; Norm Needle, chairman tators. When the flames had consumed The college mambers of the execu- John N. Link. . of publicity; Phil Kable, fickets ; and his last remains, the joyful students He in ti ...e committee are: William Hammer- studies is at visiting lecturer College social Others included Mrs. E. C. Riggin, Marvin Siegel, clean-up. began a march down Westminsters and Cleveland will be on sale in the Refreshments man, Towson S.T.C., and Alice Year- Western Reserve University and also Mrs. W. P. Roberts, Mrs. E. A. gex-' Alpha Gamma Tau club room on the Main Street, as a fitting conclusion to ley of WMC. Richard Lejk, of the is a participant on the University of smith, Mrs. James H. Straughn. basement floor of Albert Norman the celebration. Baltimore Poyltechnic Institute, has Chicago Round Table, heard over the Student hostesses Were Beverly Ward Hall, first section. The parade, with police escort, pro. been selected to represent all FTA National Broadcasting Company. By Rye, Sally Fisher, Nen Hughes, ceeded to the railroad tracks, where it Dress for the dance will be semi- clubs of the nation at the White many, he is considered the leading Barbara Harris, Mary Hawkins, and formal, and the non-corsage policy stopped long enough for the eager House Conference in December, by writer of political satire in this ccun- Jane Hisle. will continue. Tickets may be pur- paraders to give out with more cheers. in'ritation of President Truman. tary today. More than a hundred Methodist chased for $2.00 at the McDaniel or The Band, leading the parade, con- leaders from all over Maryland were Blanche Ward offices, from frat mem- tributed to the occasion with rousing present. Also, there were twenty- bers, or at the door. music. The celebration was brought to eight men and women present who a successful close with the return received citations. These twenty-eight through town to the Hill. people were selected from more than F'rank V. Coggiml-Business 150 nominations that came from the Truly a business man who has ity in the mortgage-banking field, he Churches of Maryland, Delaware, and taken his religion seriously. His lead- has devoted his life to philanthropic 'West Virginia. The following cita- ~rship in the work of the church and enterprises of all kinds. tions were read by the pastor of the Sunday schools, first at "old" Monu- churches from which those receiving ment Street, and later at Northwood- ThonU11; William Ford-Business citations came. Whose energy and integrity have Appold, covers a period of more than Bendce Abrams-Community Service 50 years. Perhaps no man living has won success in the world of business, A leader in the civic and religious served on more church-wide and com- and whose public spirit has made him life of the Del-Mar-Va Peninsula, munity Boards and Committees that), a valued citizen; we honor him espe- skilled in business and administrative h,. cially for his conspicuous contribu- techniques, gifted in dramatics and tions to the growth and influence of cultured in all the arts she has woven Mrs. Henry C. Coles- Mount Vernon Place Church, Balti- business, community, and church ac- Community Service tivities into a rare pattern. Although sorely affiicted with arth- J. Harry. Grace-.-Business ritis and "in the evening time of life," son, student president. Bertha Sheppard Adki'lt8- she finds there is "light," and radiates A bushless man and community Townspeople Form The committee is led by Mr. How- Education - Politics cheer. Her sacrificial loyalty has leader of Baltimore, member of civic organization, but above and fraternal ard K"Oonh and Mrs. E. Burns. Pro- Coming from a family rich in Meth- meant much to Trinity Church, Salis- all things, a churchman of the first on the Eastern Shore, odist tradition Convoc~tion Group gram arrangements publicity, by Mr. F. -a member of Bethesda Church, Salis- bury. orde~. Chairman of the Board of are made by Mrs. Ober S. Herr; Kale Mathias; housing, by Mr. and bury, she brings a religious back- Walter H. Davis-Business Stewards and Charge Lay Leader of As a result of the spirit of good ground to her many and varied activi· Business executive, community lead- Grace North Baltimore Church. feeling that has existed between the Mrs. John Bankert; meals, by Mrs. ties. First as teacher, later as Dean er and churchman, he has exemplified George F. Harris-Salesman Milson Raver. Decorations within the town of Westminster and the College, buildings are supervised by Mr. El- of Women, her activity in Education Christian stewardship at its best. Re- Christian Layman in the City of the tcwnspeople have joined with the has continued in new responsibilities spected in his community because of Washington, member of the Board of students and faculty in welcoming tinge Reifsnider; alumni citations, in the A.A.U.W. his high business standards, devotion Management of the Y.M.C.A., Vice alumni and initiating the Mid-Cen· by Dr. Isabellsanogle; and the recep- to civic enterprises, and consecration President of the Organized Bible ttIQ' Advance Program. tion of alumni, by Mr. and Mrs. Rus- W. Carroll Beatty_Law to his church. Classes Association. Founder of the sell Benson. The faculty of the college A oommittee has been formed com- A practicing attorney in Hyatts- Easter Sunrise Service and the Arm- posed of town and eollege people to is represented by Dean Samuel B. ville, his interest in community affairs Albert R. Deford--Business istice Day Service held at the tomb of guide this new undertaking. This Schofield; the administration, by Miss is attested by membership on the He combines in an unusual way the Unknown Soldier. group is further divided into five sub- Martha Manahan; and the students, Hospital, the YMCA and the Red religion in business and business in committees which work closely with by Bill Simpson. E:r:: officio officers of Boards of Prince Georges' County religion, never failing to accept in Jennie Hartman-Social Welfare sim.ilar stodent groups, represented this committee are President Lowell Cross and his election as District.. either area responsibilities that are She demonstrates the happy me- on the major committee by Bill Simp- S. Ensor and Mr. Philill E. Uhrig. Governor of Lions International. placed upon him. A recognized author- (Continued on Page 8, Col. 2)
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