Page 16 - TheGoldBug1950-51
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The Gold Bug, Oct. 31, 1950 \ I College Calendar. I School Nominates Future WAVE And Pre-Med Head Aloha Stoff Wednesday, November 1 Roast, Harvey Angela Crothers SCA Marshmallow Stone Park, 7 p. m. Angela Crothers, senior, has been Soy Pat Tobey By Dick Leighton Thursday, November 2 nominated by Western Maryland Col- "Anybody seen my kitty, anybody "Yeah, you \oss!", followed by a Freshman Football, Dickinson lege to represent Maryland at the seen my can" These immortal lines quick grin from under a thatch of • Freshmen, home 55th Congress of American Industry. have resounded through Blanche curly hair-that's Phil Kable. Classics Club, McDaniel Lounge, Her name, along with those of other Ward so many times that few people High an the Hill describes Phil in 6:45 p. m. students from the colleges and uni- remember Mary Ruth Williams as the more ways than one, as anyone who Friday, November 3 versities of Maryland, will be sent to one who sang them the first time. has climbed the stairs to his fourth Soccer, Bucknell, away the National Association of Manu- floor room in Albert Norman's first Pep Rally; Alumni Hall, 6:30 p. m. facturers. From these names, chosen section, will testify. From his window because it was felt they would most he can keep up on most campus ac- Saturday, November" benefit from the experience, one stu- tivities by merely adjusting his bi- Varsity_ Football, Drexel, away dent guest will be impartially selected. focals. Sunday, November 5 That student will attend the annual Always ready for a "bull session" Sunday School, Baker Chapel, Congress in New York City, on De- on anyone of a variety of pet sub- 9:15 a. m. cember 6, 7, and 8. Forty-nine college jects, ranging from women to vivjgec- Chapel, Alumni Hall, 7: 15 p. m. students, one from each state and the tion, Phil is at his best in a friendly Phil Kable Fireside, McDaniel Lounge, District of Columbia, will receive ex- argument. Especially interesting is, _8:15 p. m. pense-paid trips to New York. The his theme, "For every man a harem," gurgling of an organic distillation !\-"londay,November 6 guests will attend all sessions of the upon which he will expound' at great may be heard the low crooning of Assembly, SGA, Alumni Hall, Congress, including luncheons and a length. However, actual practice on Happy Du_ys A're Here Again. The 11:30 a. m. banquet, and will participate officially the campus, he reluctantly concedes, ~;::~al!:d \~~~~s~fO!h~h:h~~~r h:o:~ lR~ :f:~ing, M.cDaniel Lounge, in at least one session. is a bit difficult. The purpose of the Congress, which when he "opens up." The last half Alpha Kappa Alpha, Old Main, Though a country lad at heart, Phil hour of lab, he admits, is spent in 7 p. m. attracts some 3,000 outstanding busi- is a native Baltimorean. A graduate nessmen and industrialists every year, of Baltimore Polytechnic Institute, he contemplation of that chocolate milk Argonaut Meeting, Lewis Hall 206, is to focus attention on national and keeps the traditional Poly-City rivalry shake awaiting him in the GrilL 7 p. m. world problems through the aid of second only to the WMC-Hopkins con- distinguished speakers. ' flict. His predictions for this year's eS!~~~:I-c;:;!c~~a;~I~~~v:~::s fo:r;h~~ W~~:~::,a~e~;:~:~:\!me football classics-same as last year's As business manager of the 1951 Canterbury Club, McDaniel Lounge, Mary Ruth Williams -Poly and Western Maryland. ALOHA, copy editor for the GOLD 6:45 p. m. Among Phil's variety of stories, BUG, a worker on the SCA freshman Save Money Armed with her mother's uke and a many date back to the two summers orientation program, corresponding Friday, November 10 Save Trouble book of the "ten easy lessons" type, which he spent in Phipp's Psychiatric secretary and general workhorse for Freshman Football, JHU, home "What", as Mary Ruth was nick- Clinic of Johns Hopkins Hospital-as the Bachelors, and an active member Pep Rally, Alumni Hall, 6:30 p. m. BAUGHER'S special named in her freshman year, has an attendant, of course. of Tri-Beta, he still finds time for. Saturday, November 11 built up a repertoire of several pop- A hard-working pre-med, Phil man- more projects. At the home football Varsity Football, Lebanon Valley~ ular songs. ages to enliven even the dullest chem- games, in his Army fatigue cap and home MEAL TICKETS Said What, "When I was an under- istry and "biology labs with his jokes Alpha Gamma Tau T-shirt, Phil is Sunday, November 12 Now On Sale grad, I looked for~'ard to spellding my and baritone renditions. Above the hot dog man. For a Westminster Boy Sunday School, Baker Chapel, last year loafing like other seniors." r---------, .teout troop, he is an assistant scout- 9:15 a. m. Worth $5.50 - Cost $5.00 Then she found that the easy life was .maeter. For his little cousins, he Chapel, Alumni Hall, 7:15 p. m. not to be found merely in working off blushingly admits, he is a baby sit-" Fireside, McDaniel Lounge, majors and required courses; she for- WESTMINSTER'S tel'. And his friends still talk about 8:15 p. m. got to duck when the big jobs were FAMILY the Kable Hamster Farm which he being tossed around, and so the editor- started in Albert Norman in his soph- M;nr~:h ~~:~~~:D~!iel Lounge, ship of the ALOHA landed squarely RESTAURANT omore year. 7 p. m. G.C. Murphy & Co. on her shoulders. • With all his energy and warm Camera Club, Science Hall 310, S.h~ is not undertakin~ the !h~ad frier-dly manner, Dr. Kable will prob- 7 p. m. The Friendly Store position of the ALOHA Without hav- Benny's Kitchen ably find it hard to limit himself to FTA Meeting, Hering Hall, 7 p. m. ing had some experience, however, for the field of medicine. No one except Tuesday, November 14 Dormitory and Classroom to see him Phil would be surprised she was the editor of the newspaper at her high school in Hurlock, Md. Not the only place to eat in :!~:,!~it:h~a~~i;;~n;e:~ :oB~J!~ AS:::~~;, ~~~!~:t~nal~~;e~O a m SuppUes Waitress In Dining Hall Westminster, but the best phones at once, shaking hands be- So~~:~Franklin and Marshall, 6_10 West Main Street In addition to the Gargantuan' job tween calis, and adjusting his bow tie of editing our yearbook, "What" is a '59 W. Main St., Westminster for the cameras. Wednesday, November 15 Westmimter, Md. waitress in the Dining Hall. It is here, Phone 654-J SCA, Baker Chapel, 6:45 p. m. singing around the piano, that we can find her at her best; for when there is ALUMNI SUBSCRIBE TO THE no more action expected of her, then GOLD BUG she must improvise, and with efferves- MURRAY CLEANERS cent personality and a deep voice she Griffin's often favors us with a one-woman Pick Up and Delivery show. Because she hails from the Eastern Every Shore, she thinks one of the best Monday and Thursday Delicious Food - Candies things in life is the beaten biscuit. Some call it a Maryland Biscuit; at Phone Sodas - Greeting Cards any rate, it is somewhat smaller than Reisterstown 371 a golf ball, and about as heavy. A hardworking Phi Alph, "What" has held the befitting position of "Sunshine Messenger", which kept her sending out one get-well card after another. This year she is vice- erVl/l,o!J cth~ Slate ct~e president of the sorority. As if the forementioned activities 'k/~, M~ 'k/~, M~ were not enough, "What" is a mem- ber of the WAA. Last year she took Continuous 2 p. m. Saturdays and Continuous 1 p. m. Saturdays and part ill the Junior Follies, and also Holidays. Holidays. Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 made the jolliest of Blanche Ward Santa Clauses at the dorm Christmas Sunday Matinees: 2 8;nd 4 p. m. p- m. Evening show 9 p. m. Week- party. Matinee 2 p. m.-Evenings 7 & 9 p. m. day shows continuous from 4:30 p. m. WAVE Enthusiast An English major and also an edu- WED., THUR., NOV. 1-2 TUES., WED., OCT. 30 - NOV. 1 cation student, "what" long ago de- THE ADMIRAL WAS A LADY cided to devote her talents to the DARK CITY Edmund O'Brien Wanda Hendrix Waves after graduation. She thinks Charlton Heston Lizabeth Scott THUR., FRI., NOV. 2-3 she would like the work, the uniform, COUNTY FAIR and, in fact, everything but the term FRI., SAT., NOV. 3-4 Roy Calhoun Jane Nigh of enlistment. Have your fun first, SUNSET IN THE WEST and then settle down, sa'yS she. Roy Rogers Penny Edwards SAT., NOV. 4 "What" has always been interested SILVER RAIDERS in sports, her favorite being basket- SUN., MON., TUES., NOV. 5-6-7 Whip Wilson Andy Clyde ball. Until this year she has found TOAST OF NEW ORLEANS time to participate in nearly every SUN., MON., NOV. 5-6 type of girls' athletics. Princeton students at the Campus 'I'achnicclor THE BREAKING POINT Not all of "What's" activities have Kathryn Grayson Mario Lanza John Garfield Patricia Neal been mentioned here--only the most Center, And as in university cam- TUES., WED., NOV. 7-8 important ones. There arc plenty of pus haunts everywhere, ice-cold WED., THUR., NOV. 8-9 THE SHOWDOWN small jobs she has been asked to do Coca-Cola helps make these get- RIGHT CROSS William Elliott Walter Brennen because everyone knows it is the busy June Allyson Dick Powell people who get things done. With her togethers something to remember. THUR., FRI., NOV. 9-I.O unbounded energy and bounce she is As a refreshing pause from the FRI., SAT., NOV. 10-11 Double Feature proving that the more a person does, study grind, or when the gang THE RENEGADES BLUE BUSTERS t.he more she is' able to do. Technicolor HOT ROD gathers around-Coke belongs. Evelyn Keyes Larry Parks SAT., NOV. 11 Compliments .. both SHEETS OF GOAST DOWN of t;ade-marks mean the same thing. SUN., MoN., TUES., NOV. 12-13-14 Charles Starrett Smiley Burnett lamED UNDERAUTNORITY Of THE COC...·COLA ·COMP...NY BY I'LL GET BY SUN., MON., NOV. 12-13 J. C. Penney Co., Inc. WESTMINSTER COCA-COLA BO'M'LING CO., INC. Technicolor CITY LIGHTS C1950.n..CO
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