Page 15 - TheGoldBug1950-51
P. 15
The Gold Bug, Oct. 31, 1950 Terrors Win Baby Terrors Upset,19-7 Lose To G-Burg Highlight Scoring Great Defense Holds A. Zimmerman Tosses Hampden-Sydney Haunted by fumbles, the freshman Playing top deiensive ball in the Terrors lost their third grid contest pinches, Western Maryland's football to the Gettysburg frosh 27-13. squad held the Tigers from Hampden- Aided by a 15-yard interference Sydney to a single score and regis- penalty, the Baby Greens passed their tered a 19-7 victory on Hoffa Field way deep into Gettysburg territory. last Saturday, On fourth down, with two yards to go Ed Rydzewski, Terror captain, won Howie Zimmerman, Baby Terror the toss and elected to kick off. Sid quarterback, flipped a pass to end Albrittain booted to Moore, Tiger end, Dusty Martinell, who scampered who was dropped on the Virginians' across the goal line for the tally. The 29-yard line. Hampden-Sydney then conversion was good and the quarter put on a sustained drive and pene-' ended. ' trated to the Green and Gold 13, Unable to score in the second where the Terrors dug in and took fifteen, the Baby Greens again put on over on downs. a brilliant passing offensive, gaining The ball changed hands; hut after up yardage deep into the winner's ter- a Hampden-Sydney fumble, Skitch ritory. The drive was culminated as Henderson rifled a flat pass to Mitch Howie Zimmerman heaved the pig- Paul Western Maryland Downs Tullai, who raced his opponents for Blue Jays Stop skin into Dusty Martinell's waiting 40 yards and a six-point tally. hands for the tally. The extra point 'I'ereshtnaki'a attempt for the point Terror Soccer Team kick was blocked by the hard-charg- was wide. and Dickinson Eleven, 29-13 ing line of Gettysburg College. The Terrors kicked off again; Johns Hopkins scored a close vic- Both Western Maryland tallies after a punting duel, the Tigers of the quarter, and the half time score tory over the Terror soccer team 2-1, were scored on the Zimmerman to A strong Western Maryland eleven opened a drive and moved downfield scored its second win of the season by stood WMC, 20; Dickinson, 7. . in Baltimore on October 25. This was Mar tinefl combination; however, Dusty, who had been hit previously, from their own 36 to the Western stampeding the Dickinson Red Dev:ils To start the second half, the Green the third Mason-Dixon conference tilt was again banged in the head and Maryland 10. Here the defense of the Team kicked to Dickinson. Neither for WMC. home team rose to the occasion and 29-13. team was able to score in the third The Terrors surged ahead midway had to be removed from the game late halted the drive after several minutes The Terrors scored three times in period, but several Dickinson passes through the second quarter. On a play in the third period. of the second quarter had elapsed. the first quarter 'for a total of 20 were intercepted by the ever alert set up by outside right Gene Clinger- Gettysburg was able to tally once in The second period was a see-saw points and scored one touchdown and WMC pass. defense. The highlight of man, co-captain, Jim Culhane booted every quarter. The first score came battle all the way. Neither team was a safety in the last quarter to make the period was Hank Norman's past the Hopkins goalie for the first early in the game as they plunged a over from the one-foot line after able to score; and at half-time, the the other nine points. Red Devil tal- spectacular falling catch of a 20-yard score of the game. This was the first Terrors held a 6-0 advantage. lies came in the second and final pass from Paul 'I'ereshinskl. The time during the current campaign Terror fumble. After another Terror second periods. fumble quarter, in the the Midway in the third quarter, the Green Team was unable to capitalize that the Western Marylanders had Gettysburg' eleven marched 98 yards Green and Gold lightning struck sud- Early in the first quarter, the Green on the gain and the quarter ended been in the lead. to pay dirt. The scoring play was a denly for two tallies. 'I'ulla i inter- 'I'eam made its initial T.D. Harlow several plays later with Dickinson in From that time until the final quar- 60-yard off-tackle run by the G.Burg cepted a Tiger aerial and was pulled Henders'on plunged over from the one- possession. ter it was a nip and tuck battle with
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