Page 41 - TheGoldBug1948-49
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Library ~,-;estern J.vl3.rylandCollege 'iiestminster, Md. Friday Marks Production Of Kurt Weill's Opera Down In The Vcilley By Consolidated College Players DOW1! In Tho Valley, a contemporary American opera by Kurt Weill, will Z286 be p~~:n~!r~r~~r~! ~:r~5d~~::;'~:~~~n:7!!:~~:J:n~:~P ;:r~~~e~::!:;tr:f . --------.------------------------ y :~: ~;~~ga~i~~~:s~:~:~~~!: t:~:;~~~~!a:~~~~no~:~;:;; E;::r:r d ~:~~n~ V_ol_. _2_6:..., _N_o_. _1_1 W_e_st_e_rn_M_a_r :_l_an_d_C_ol_le_:_g:_e:_, _W_e_s_trn_'_·n_st_e:_r,_M_d_. A_:_p_n_·1_1_5.:_, _1_94_9 Director of the College Choir; and Bob Fringo, choreographer; and will be N ew S GA H T M H armOnYi W cO:~UC::dob.,:r~:!~iPt:o~:r·opera, the she truly loves only him. Before 'opes 0 aintain A orchestra will be heard in a perform- Brack gives himself up to the guards ::;: "111;~~'~t';";::;"b~h:';:;~''.~:;;::~~:~:i;'''i:'="':~~!i:C:,'i:;:d~·College To Be Seven-Day eek Hair Symphony by Haydn, and Radio relive the scenes of their former ' , ~~;;i:'y ~~~c:~~;~~~;h:~~~se:tri~;~ ~::s~ys::~::~e:c~i:~°fn!~:~~ ~Ol~;:~~a~ Women Led By White SGA Heads State Policy Silber Heads New Group and the piano. Mickey Hardester will group from the chorus in a country Going on to the new SGA's other Next year we' will strive to attain "Long John", "Sterling", Silber ac- be at the piano throughout the con- dance, Brack surrenders by walking arm-Betty White, of Bloomfield, more of the goals toward which the cumulated a wealth of executive ex- cert. out into the open and the guards pick New Jersey-started off her freshman present SGA has been working. We perience in the SGA, National Honor him up. Jennie's voice is heard with want to make WMC more of a col- Society, and Hi-Y. of Southern High At the beginning of the opera, year by holding the class vice-presi- School in Baltimore. Brack Weaver is in jail for the killing the chorus in the closing theme, dency and by being selected from lege, and not merely an educational Seven months before leaving the concessions institution. a few With "Roses love sunshine, violets love dew. of his rival, Thomas Bouche. He is Angels in heaven know I love you". many contenders to form part of the from the administration and much co- Navy (about which career Mr. lamenting the fact that he has not first girl cheerleading squad. operation from the students we will Pietroforte recently made an interest- heard from' his sweetheart, Jennie Betty has served the "Delta" as its attempt to make college a seven day ing statement) John applied for ac- Parsons, from whom he is expecting Cast Follows Alumni Secretary and Inter-sorority a week affair. Although we do not in- a letter. The reassurance from Jennie' The east of characters is as fol- tend to be a policing body, we hope that she loves him would free him of lows; Brack Weaver, Bill Simpson; to maintain the present harmonious his fear of the gallows, but since this Jennie Parsons, Kitty Olewiler ; relations between the students and reassurance does not come by letter, Thomas Bouche, Dick Dunlop j the the faculty. The accomplishments of Brack decides to escape from jail and leader and the preacher, Kline Hadda- go back for one last farewell. way; the guard, Tom Larsen; Peters, the present SGA will serve as a chal- lenge for our administrations. Upon Brack's return home he meets Zach Jaquett; Jennie's father, Jim Betty White Jennie and discovers that her father Leonard; two men, Charles Shook John Silber forbade her to write to him and that and Carroll Parker; two women, Jean Daughtrey and Anne Shuppert; and Deb.ting Tearn Maintains the Chorus: Soprano---Maurine Pan-HelienicDance Brandt, Audrey D i x 0 n, Barbara Clean ·Slate For Season Dodd, Kathy Gibbs, Louise Hyder, To Feature Band Virginia Ricker, Doris Lee Phillips, Lois Royer, Dottie Rupert, Mickey Last week-end, WMC debaters set a precedent for all future debating Rupert, Imogene Weybright, and OF Hal Mcintyre teams on the Hill. by completing a Wanda Bradham; Tenor-Lloyd Boll- winning tour of college debating ing, John Gruber, Mickey McCall, Hal McIntyre, one of today's societies in Maryland and Pennsyl- Carroll Parker, Dan Plnholeter, and Betty White brightest stars on the musical John Silbor Jr.; Alto---DorQthy Wantz, Pearre vania. Alexander, Betty Bachtell, Beverly horizon, and his band, featuring The debaters were guests of such Milstead, Corinne Schofield, Betty representative. As chairman of Recre- Frankie Lester and Betty Nor- tive duty at Western Maryland. Be- schools as Elizabethtown, Franklin Simpson, and Theoda Lee Kompanek; ation for the SCA, Elizabeth Jeanette ton, will be the top attraction at ing. perhaps, somewhat impressed by and Marshall, and Lebanon Valley, Bass-Bob Fringo, Herbert Leighton, recently planned and executed the the annual Pan-Hellenic Dance hie-high school record, the Admissions and the national topic, "Federal Aid Howard Myers, Bill Scheder, Bob Barn Dance held in Blanche Ward to be held in Gill Gym, May 7. Committee decided to give it a try. to Education" was thoroughly ex- Wright, and Donald Makosky. Gym. Also, her scholastic record rat- From the :rice-preside,ncy of his pounded. The team spent Thursday Parts of the opera score are based ed her for 'Argonaut membership this Started in Home Town sophomore class, this boy rose to the and Friday nights on the visited on familiar American Folk songs year. Hal McIntyre had an eight piece presidency of the junior class. Also, campuses, and were recipients of true such as Down In The Valley, The Bringing events to the near present band, plenty of assignments and a he has been minute-taker for Alpha Mason-Dixon hospitality. Lonesome Dov(>,' The. Little Black tense, Betty was very bllsily engaged weekly hetr-hour rprcg ram on a local Gamma Tau. The tour marks the climax of this Train, Hop' Up My Ladies, and Sour- at the end of last week in carrying radio station in his home town of John appears shy at times. How- year's debating season, and the final wood Mountain. out her duties as chairman of the Cromwell, Conn. After the show on ever, anyone of us who was a victim schedule for debates includes plans This will be the second opera to decoration committee of the Junior- the afternoon of December 8, 1936, of the junior class movie onslaught can testify to his ability to get things. with Washington College, Loyola, and be presented on the Hill- in recent Senior prom held last Saturday. But Hal received a call from Benny Good- done. Morgan State College. years. The SongstreBs by Haydn was then, with all these activities she has man who asked him to sit in with And those that attended the always been busily engaged in some- In all decision debates, WMC's de- given here for the second time in thing. the B-. G. orchestra that evening. Junior-Senior prom last week saw the bating society has remained undefeat- America seven years ago. Popularity with her classmates also Goodman told Hal that he was wast- results of his work as co-chairman of ed and the remainder of the season The public is cordially invited to at- secured for her the distinction of be- ing big-time talent in Cromwell and the dance for which he put in many promises to be as successful. suggested that he contact Glenn Mil~ hours of planning and working along tend. ing junior class duchess in the May Ier-, a young fellow who was organiz- Court. ing a band in New York. Hal audi- with Joe Fowler, hie; partner in di- recting the affair. President Gives Information collegiate achievements the record of tioned for Miller and was the first Sports have also held a magnetic an So, with impressive blonde it was two sociology major now adds to her person hired. However, Glenn Miller appeal for John. The fellow preceding the years before champion Bill Kern on the wrestling On Dining Hall Repairs numerous laurels the position of vice .tc success. For four years he roomed team in their numerous matches, was, was ready for the parade Orchestra president of the Student Government. with Glenn and during that time all of course, John. on the junior varsity Participation economic condition of the The collapse of the dining hall country from a seller's to a buyer's Dr. Jones To Leave of Benny Goodman's predictions came changing ceiling on Wednesday, March true. football squad helps to round out his 23, forced an immediate decision market. Post Late in 1941 the Hal McIntyre athletic career. The most important, though unseen, For Frostburg to a recurring question, that of orchestra was born. First it played at installing a sound proof ceiling. factor in the entire operation, how- Mr. John Bailey Jones, for five the Glen Island Casino in New Dr. Guttmacher To ever, is the complete rewiring of the years a member of the Western Mary- Rochelle, New York, and then at the room. Soon after the building's con- land faculty, has been appointed pas- Commodore Hotel in New York. The Speak Wednesday struction in 1928, lightning struck the tor of the Frostburg Methodist McIntyre Band also received a re- wiring system, affecting the voltage. Church. cording contract with RCA Victor. Dr. Alan Frank Guttmacher, chief Since that time the lights have grown In 1944, Mr. Jones started teaching While in Hollywood making four of obstetrics at Sinai hospital, Baltd- alternately dim and bright. This sociology here on the Hill and in feature-length musicals at the Colum- more, will discuss "Sex .Education" at hazardous and undesirable condition February of 1945 took over as head bia studios, he performed at the the SCA programs scheduled for Wed- has now been corrected by the instal- of the Public Relations Department. world-famous Palladium. The "Band nesday and April 27 in McDaniel lation of new wiring in rigid conduits. As public relations head, he has had All America Loves to Hear" Lounge. The final step in the restoration of hit even bigger fame while playing Recently Guttmacher appeared be- the dining hall will be the replaster- close contact with many of the college at the Sherman Hotel in Chicago, fore the Parent-Teacher association I students and their families. His duties Frank Dailey's Meadowbrook, and at Westminster High School. He was also included keeping up alumni con- born in Baltimore in 1898, twelve tacts. Mr. Jones says his experiences the Paramount 'I'heatre on Broadway. minutes before his identical twin bro- When the MGM recording company at this post have been "mostly pleas-:_ was formed, his was one of the first ther, who is now a psychiatrist. Re- ant". "name" bands they approached. ceiving his A.B. from J ohns Hopkins Also "pleasant" has been his asso- University, he went on to graduate ciation with the soccer team. Coach- Played For Birthday Ball from the Hopkins Medical school in ing the team will be one of the things 1923. After research work in the One honor that the pride of Crom- he will mis smost away from the' Hill. well, Conn. has always cherished, was physiology of reproduction and prac- Dr. Jones is a graduate of Western his selection to play at the late tice in New York he began teaching Maryland and the Westminster Theo- at the Hopkins Medical school and President Ensor has stated that logical Seminary. He also attended F. D. R.'s Birthday Ball in Washing- practicing in Baltimore. the college has often considered mak- the Wharton School of the University ton. Another thrill was the reception Since 1933 Dr. Guttmacher has ing the improvement, but has al- of Pennsylvania, that he received from GIs as he toured been an associate professor at Hop- ways felt that the money could be As a parting statement Mr. Jones through band Europe during the war, the to kins, and is now also chief of obste- of major standing only put to better advantage. After the says, "I shall always have a deep in- trics at Sinai Hospital, Baltimore. collapse, repair estimates were studi- terest in Western Maryland and shall voluntarllydo so. ed and it was deemed wiser to install help its progress in any way I can." When the late Glenn Miller died, an entire new Acousti-Celotex ceiling, Those on the Hill who know Mr. his music did not perish with him. BENEFIT MOVIE rather than undertake the expensive Jones' family will also be sorry to see Hal McIntyre, a Glenn Miller gradu- Carroll County Humane Society replastcring. ate, admits that he was influenced by To Sponsor The order for the new ceiling was them leave the campus. Among the his former band leader in his earnest Tho Su.n Comes Up placed on the afternoon of the event- many Terror team fans none are any desire to have a great all-around ful Wednesday and work was begun more enthusiastic than the three band. The modern brand of danc~ Jeannette MacDonald ?n the jns~'!1latio~ by Friday morn- younger Jones'. The Phi Alpha will music must please the widest audi- Claude Jarmon mg. The elght skilled workmen and miss Mrs. Jones as their club advisor. ence according to Hal Mcintyre. at the their assistants completed the job the ing and painting of the walls. When As yet there has been no successor The Inter-fraternity and Inter- Carroll Theatre following Friday afternoon. Dr. asked about the cost of the completed named for Mr. Jones as public rela- sorority Councils are conducting Thursday, April 21, 1949 Ensor feels such prompt and efficient work, Dr. Ensor replied, "It cost tions head. This announcement will plans for a gala weekend to mark service is significant of the rapidly plenty." come from President Ensor. ' the year's last festivity.
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