Page 40 - TheGoldBug1948-49
P. 40
The Gold Bug, Mar~ 11, 1949 American Friend. Offer Tale Of A Dorm Mouse Summer Job Placements It was dark but they saw each sides that, 1 lost my whiskers. 'Stuart Watch That Scorer Job opportunities for this summer other. They met in the middle of the Little' told me how much fun it is to await those students interested in po- room. jump on an atomizer-squeezer. He by Ho-mer Earll "Sure never expected to see you in said he just closes his eyes and sitions at work camps, seminars, and It has been rumored by certain noted scientists that Pitts- institutes, or interneships in industry here!" jumps, then perfume squirts on him burgh residents have a higher predominance of brunettes than and cooperatives, or in mental and "We'd better get under the bed." just like a shower. Says he doesn't has any other city in the United States. This conclusion has its ex- corrective institutions. The two pattered beneath a drooping have to wash because he smells good ceptions. One of them being one of the leading fair-haired lads of This placement service is offered by bedspread. "we're exposed out there. for weeks. This morning no one was this college, Frank Stephenson. the American Friends Service Com- You know, a body has to take every around and J found an atomizer on a Perhaps the blondeness of "Stevie" mittee, which is seeking college stu- precaution. These dormitories are bur-eau. I jumped on the ball and out can be explained by the fact that he dents to fit these jobs in the United supposed to be mouse-proof. My uncle it came. My whiskers were singed to has actually spent only a small part -i States, Mexico, and Europe. In Eu- warned me about chewing holes in the roots. The stuff was called of his twenty-two years in the Smoky rope, the people living in the devas- pJaces like this and I sure learned my 'M-E-N-A-C-E' and it smelled 'ok'." City. As the son of a Methodist mini- tated areas of eleven countries will lesson. One night I bit off a hunk of ster, Frank has lived in a number of receive the benefit of the work,' which an old black apron and p ... u .. Junk Heap Almost Fatal communities in four different states. will be helping rebuild destroyed it tasted awful! It was gummy and "Tonight I heard someone say However, he managed to stay in Kit- homes, schools, community centers, smelled like a garbage can. I got so something about horrible 'mousey- taning, Pa., long enough to get his arid playgrounds. sick I could hardly eat cheese for a looking' hair and I got so flustered diploma from that high school and to Students, desiring to go to Mexico week!" .... this day he professes great loyalty to "What happened to you?" the other ~~::" I~~~~~e~.~e~·o~b;u~i~:.e~~i;n d~~~ his alma mater. this summer, will aid in making life all over the floor. And they think mice better for the people there by conduct- whispered. "Your face looks like a Entered Hill In '45 ing handicraft classes, working in squashed marshmallow. Did someone are untidy." "I think Frank first landed on the "Hill" in medical clinics, helping build schools, sit on you?" waste-can. I smell some jelly in the Let's "Yeah and 1 lost a good gnawing go Here, see.... January 1945, just in time to 'play and providing sanitary conditions. tooth too. I was smellin' around the you hang on to my tail and I'll dangle Seminars Offered bottom of a waste-basket and Borne over the edge and see what there is." ~:;~~:~~,;V;!:n:.h~a;:~:o~h::'::~:~ Persons interested in international ter the Air Force successfully track- cooperation and the world-wide effort darn fool dropped a coke bottle on my A muffled voice could be heard. "It isn't ed him to Ward Hall-and from that for peace will be able to study these head. Wonder it didn't kill me! Be- start very sanitary down here. Hey, All the blood's gone to pullin'. time until September 1946, the problems in seven-week. seminars, I~- my head and I feel giddy!" Stephenson-smile was wreathed in ternational Service Seminars, and "Wow! Stale bread and grape jel- khaki. Frank Stephenson ten-day Institutes of International T~at Honorable Discharge came Relations. There, well known authori- ly." He spit it out. "We'd better get through just three days before WMC out of here. First thing you know • classes convened. So "Tiny" hustled and he went on to become the team's ties in such affairs will be available Friday, March 11- we'll be suspected and then we'll have home, paused long enough to shed his leading scorer. as faculty members, discussion lead- Junior Plays, Alumni Hall, 8:15 to spend every evening in front of army togs, and then kept right on Frank was named as one of the ers, and advisers. p. m. Blanche Ward until it wears off. It's coming to Westminster. Many veter- \VMC representatives in "Who's Industrial relations and labor prob- Saturday, March 12- kind of fun out there but it gets kind ans have been faced with readjust- Who" this year. He has been presi- lems will also be discussed. Those de- Barn Dance, Blanche Ward Gym, of boring." ment problems but Frank's were few. dent of his class for the past two siring more information should write SCA. . As they ran around the corner, the He settled right down and made the years, a member of the SGA fo)l. a to the Committee at 20 South 12th l\1onday, March 14- first stopped and looked back. "See Dean's List for the semester. similar period, secretary and later Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Assembly, Student Government, those big black-rimmed glasses on the It didn't take long for Frank to pres,ident of Delta Pi Alpha, and Alumni Hall; French Club, Mc- table?" get back into extra-curricular activi- president of the Inter-fraternity Daniel Lounge; Westminster Com- "Yep." ties. Since his return he has been suc- Council. munity Concert. Mildred Dilling, "Well, I sure would like to have a cessful in striking a happy medium Just where "Stevie's" future lies is Harpist. P~ll·.They're pretty." between study, sport, and service. uncertain, but his singular abilities (Continued from page 3, column 3) Tuesday, March Hi- combined with his valuable collegiate Dr. Newlin's Recital, Alumni Hall Local High Scorer experiences should assure that he will they had a wide enough margin to 8:15 p. m.; Assembly, Dr. Marshall Attention Graduates His fame in the sporting world is be a high scorer in everything he send in a new squad. T. Newman, "Anthropogy in Inter- widespread. His great prowess on the, ev~ undertakes. The Sigmas. are holding down third national Affairs". Order Engraved Calling hardwoods will undoubtedly be long- place with a 1-1 record. Should they Wednesday, March 16- Cards Early remembered by those who saw him upset the Phi Alphs next Monday, a Argonauts, McDaniel Lounge, 8:00 Also Engraved Wedding play. This past season was his best three-way tie would develop for first p. m. Invitations and as he scored nearly 240 points in J. WM. HULL, Jeweler place. The Iotas, having completed Thursday, March 17- Announcements twenty-one games. His height proved their schedule, are on the bottom with Faculty Club, McDaniel Lounge, to be a negligible drawback, for Hdqs. for Keepsake Diamonds three losses. 8:00 p. m. P. G. COFFMAN CO. "Stevie's" deceptiveness and speed Friday, March IS-- made him a real Terror to his op- The Store of New Fashioned Art Symposium, McDaniel Lounge, Times Bldg. pcnents. Jewelry and Old Fashioned COSTUMES & FORMALS 4:15 p. m. City After playing one year of baseball, Honesty Saturday, March 19- Frank switched his attention to the TIMES BUILDING For Rent Military Ball, Gill Gymnasium, 8:15 fairways. His love for tramping the East Main Street DOROTHY ELDERDICE _11:45 IT. m. links is surpassed only by that for Westminster, Md. Monday, !\larch 21- SHEET MUSIC basketball. Last fall, Frank, with 75 W. Green St.-Phone 57 IRC, McDaniel Lounge, 7:00-8:00 many misgivings, went out for soc- p. m. POPULAR-STANDARD cer. He had never before played the Tuesday, March 22- CLASSICAL game but His natural coordination Solo dancing, Tea Shawn, Alumni ~ecured for him a first string position, Hall, 8:15 p. m. RECORDS The Pause That Refreshes Choose from a Large Selection Good Health MK\' Underarm Deodorant to slop Stu's Music Shop and W'OlllEN uSG "AIQride" To And It's Only Five Cents lLnderarm perspiration and <>dors. r'ulisrrength. 34 W. Main St. - Phone 585 eifeelivo,pleAsnntto"se.Oonveuieutt>:>got. A "best buy". Cre..r' •• "pply) A Jorge bottle d"liverud to you $1 post,paid, SendclIsh or All check 10 ,\l,ORlI)E, Box 3035. Arlington, Va. From REXALL 'k/~,Afd. Continuous 2 p. m. Saturdays and Continuous Ip. m. Saturdays and Holidays; Holidays; Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p. m. p. m: Evening show 9 p. m. Week day shows continuous from 4:30 p. m. Matinee 2 p- m.":"'Evenings 7 & 9 p. m. SAT., MAR. 12 FRI., SAT., MAR. 11-12 "GUN SMUGGLERS" "THREE GODFATHERS" Tim Holt Martha Hyer John Wayne Harry Carel, Jr. SUN., MON., TUES., MAR. 13-15 "BELLE STARR'S DAUGHTER" SUN., MON., TUES., MAR. 13-14-15 Geo. Montgomery Ruth Roman "COMMAND DECISION" WED., MAR. 16 Clark Gable Van Johnson "MARK OF ZORRO" Walter Pidgeon Tyrone Power THURS., FRI., MAR. 17-18 from RCA Victor WED., THURS., MAR. 16-17 "ANGEL ON THE AMAZON" Far Away Places "SHOCKPROOF" "ANGEL IN EXILE" Cruising Down The Double Feature River Cornel Wilde Patricia Knight A Little Bird Told Me SAT., MAR. 19 Lavender Blue FRI., SAT., MAR. 18-19 "COURTING TROUBLE" Galaway Bay "JOHN LOVES MARY" Jimmy Wakely So Tired Buttons and Bows Jack Carson Ronald Reagan SUN., MON., TUES., Red Roses For a Blue MAR. 20-22 Lady SUN., MON., TUES., ''TARZAN'S MAGIC FOUNTAIN" Needles $1.50 $1.00, 50c MAR. 20-21-22 Lex Barker Brenda Joyce "ENCHANTMENT" WED., MAR. 23 Radio- David Niven Teresa Wright "KING O~ THE BANDITS" Johnny MacBrown Electronics eornee ONDER ,l,UTHORITY OF THE COC,I,·COLA COMP,i,NY IJY WED., THpRS., MAR. 23-24 THURS., FRI., MAR. 24-25 "SHE' 14 W. Main St. WEST!IINSTER COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO., INC. "ALIAS NICK BEAL" "LAST DAYS OF POMPEY" Phone 703 CI949,Th.Coca_CoIoComparo)' Ray Milland Audrey Totter Double Feature
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