Page 39 - TheGoldBug1948-49
P. 39
The Gold Bug, 1\-Iar.11, 1949 The Lineup I Lady Cagers Upset Green Men Bow To D-Soni Harlow Returns To Western Maryland; Tcwsonj Lose To "- Trounce Jays By 82-63 . Boxers At Penn State For Intercollegiates G-Burg Sextette By Homer C. Earll By Ruth Allen Fergursonmen Hopes In Mason Dixon Tourney Cut Sports Editor Short; Lose Initial Match To American U 84·60 Wednesday night the Green team, The announcement by Dr. Ensor of the return of Dick Harlow in 'an ad- playing their last home game of the Dickinson College's Red Devils came to Gill Gym the night of February visory capacity to the football coaching staff of Western Maryland was cer-tain- season, met their second defeat at 24 and soundly defeated the home team by a 77~51 score. Playing a deliberate ly very welcome. The superior ability possessed by Mr. Harlow is universally the hands of Gettysburg by a 33-31 but highly effective brand of ball, the visitors jumped into an early lead and recognized. In his previous tenure at WMC, the teams he coached won sixty score. The game was close all the were never headed. With lanky Vince Schafmeister leading the way, the games, lost thirteen, and tied seven. At one point, they way, with one team taking the lead Carlislemen built up an early lead and then glided to a win throughout the ran their undefeated string to twenty-seven. For years to lose it again, and when the time second half. he has stood among the top gridiron coaches of the na- ran out, G-burg had a two point Hart And Press Out tion, and in 1936 he was named "Coach of the Year." \Ve margin. The junior varsity kept its WMC was denied the services of Walt Hart and Art Press due to Middle want to take this opportunity to welcome Mr. Harlow record of no losses by turning back Atlantic regulations governing transfer students. The Terror scoring burden back to the Hill. Even though his Crimson team handed the team from G-burg. was borne by Leo Lathroum who dented the cords for fifteen points. Vance our Terrors a fearful pasting two years ago, his return Hale and Phil Sack contributed valuable aid through accurate set shots. In their last hardwood game of the must indicate that he still feels strongly about Western season, Western Maryland's Lady The Hill quintet effectively trimmed Johns Hopkins by an 82·63 count two Maryland. Terrors upset an undefeated Towson nights later in the final cage tilt for the '48~'49 season. The Green team ecur- •. Basketball Ends State Teacher's College team 32-17 ried ont in front, after a successful Jay foul shot momentarily gave the visi- This column's early season piediction that the basketball team would last Tuesday night. Traveling to Tow- tors the lead, and retained a margin that widened as the game progressed. have a good year wasn't wholly wrong. The month of February saw the Terrors The Terror offensive machine ran smoothly as half-time found them with a son, the Green and Gold team handed pull six wins out of eight Conference tests. Of course several were of the up- the home team its first defeat in three seven-point bulge. A Hopkins drive late in the half had narrowed conaiderab- set variety but we also lost a game to Baltimore U. which should have been starts. Taking an early lead, Wee- ly an earlier margin. a win. tern Maryland led at halftime 17-G Hopkins Thwarted , Apparently, though, American U. was more than a little disturbed about and outscored the Towson team 15 to The Blue Jays tried in vain to close the gap by substituting freely and losing to the Fergusonmen by that 61·59 score. The reeeptton they gave our 11 in the second half. Margaret Rup- guarding closely in the final minutes of the fracas, but it was a lost cause , team the first night uf the playoffs was anything but pleasant, Prom aU ac- penthal netted 22 points to take high- for the visitors by then. Hart and Press led the Terror parade of scorers as counts the flest, half was a real contest. The payoff came in the third quarter scoring honors. they recorded III and 18 points respectively. Frank Stephenson, playing for when the Eagles threw everything except their sneakers through the hoop. In the second game, western Mary- the last time on the home court hit for fifteen counters. Lathroum also broke By the time the 'I'errora got back in the affair, the ,V.ashington team was .safe- Jand's junior varsity suffered its first into two digit figures scoring ten points. ly ahead. defeat of the season, by a 21~8 score. By winning this game the Terrors None the less, the team certainly did a fine piece of work in rising from a 'The halftime score was tied 5-5, advanced to seventh place in the final lowly level to seventh place and the playoffs. It was attained only through the but on the strength of varsity re- Bucknell Victorious; Conference standings as CU bowed united effort of every man on the team, long hours of practice, and a determina- serves, the host team held western to Mt. St. Marys. Washington Col- tion to win. At one point in the sche- Maryland to three points in the Four In Tournament lege bowed the same night to Loyola dule, the team began every game real- second half. by a 56~53 score. Had the losers won, izing that a loss would virtually elirni- Girl Athletes Headed Towson, however, was the victor of Bucknell University defeated the CU would' have been eliminated and nate them. The continued strain was By Dutch Ruppenthal a badminton match held in the after- Green and Gold in the last Washington would have made the far more than the spectators realized noon before the basketball game, by dual meet of the season 011 the latter's playoffs. and certainly the coach and entire by Wilma Steele a score of 4 to 2, Representing Wes- floor, February 25. The wrestling AU Wins Decisively team are deserving of much credit. Let's give a deserved cheer to a tern Maryland in the singles matches campaign will officially close after the The Green and Gold drew American The playoffs proved one thing to great basketball player, Dutch Rup- were Marion Benton, and Phyllis Mason-Dixon Tournament to be held U. as their initial opponents in the this writer and also the "Sun papers" penthal. During her four years on Smith who w.Qn and June Graf and at Hopkins on MaTCh eleventh and post-season tourney held in the gym -never again take the Virginia teams the varsity, Dutch has played an out- Della Grauel, who were defeated. -Cor- twelfth. at Catholic U. The Eagles trailed the lightly. The first night of the tourney standing game at Coach Bill Ker-n Terrors at 'the end of the first quarter all three of the Old Dominion entrants forward. plans to enter four by a 13~12 count but that ended Wes~ came away vlctortous. And' then Followers of wo- men in the tcurna- tern Maryland's supremacy. The Hampden-Sydney went on to give men's sports were ment against compe- Washington team rolled on to record Loyola a bad time for twenty-five glad to see her back tition from appr oxi- an 84~60 final score. minutes until Jim Lacy decided to on the courts after Frank Stephenson Bill Kern mately seven other Although the Fergusonmen stayed take matters into his own hands. missing the basket- Mason - Dixon Con- within the danger range throughout When he finally permitted someone ball season last year. ference opponents. the first half, the Eagles took com- else to score, it was too late for the The layoff didn't Bob .Wilsey, in the mand in the third period and rolled Virginia State Champions. Loyola seem to take away away to an ample margin. Ronnie was on top for the third straight year. any of Dutch's scor- i~~;~~,I c~6s;.; I~~~ Garshaag headed the scoring column • ElBA 'I'eurrtey ing abilities for she John Silber, 175 lba.; for the winners with 'sixteen points, Catholic University recently joined came back this year and Kern, compet- but the Terrors, Walt Hart took in- the Eastern Intercollegiate Boxing to lead all women ing in the heavy- dividual honors for the night with 21 Association replacing the Co a s t scorers wit h an weight class, will markers. Thus, WMC was eliminated Guard Academy. The Cardinals have average of 17 points represent the Ter~ from the Mason-Dixon playoffs. a very strong team; witness the fact per game. rors in the tourney. that they laced West Point 6lh~n~. The women's bas- The Western Terror Scoring Last week Maryland managed an up- ketball teams had a Maryland e qua d Leo Lathroum 238 set by holding CU to a 4~4 draw. The d i ffi c u l t schedule went out of its class Frank Stephenson 233 addition of Catholic U. to the ElBA this year. Dutch's against Bucknell and AI Jacobson 137 may make the task of the Terror fi n e playing and th e team \Va s Walt Hart. . 113 boxers a little more difficult today and consistent good hu~ blanked for the first ............. 105 tomorrow as they seek to gain a mol' gave the team Art Press. 83 crown or two. "Punchy" Seiland and a much welcomed time this yeaT, while John Adamovich . . . 80 Vance Hale the Bisons garnered Joe Corleto appear to be the ones spa r k. Ton i g h t thirty-two counters. Walt Hajduk most likely to succeed. Yet it is very Dutch plays her last John Silber, wrestl~ Ken MunNe " 57 possible for Watson Solomon or one' W.M basketball ing in Kern's place Bill Seibert. 36 of the other outsiders to come game against a l·e· through. portedly s t l' 0 n g in the unlimited Gill Gym was the scene laSt Satur. alumni team. class, along with RiRemen Place Fourth In day of a wild and woolly 6asketball Besides basketball Bob Wilsey, Jim put np the Int;rcoll~giate Matches fracas. The Southern Knights were Dutch also stars in Marsh, and John victorious over Forest Park by a score hoc key, volleyball, Spenser, stiffest battles in de- of 102·96. Now that sounds like a softball, badminton, Western Maryland took fourth BAA total but it can be ex-plained by and tennis. Because feat. place in the Second Army Intercollegi~ the fact rthat the two teams fought of her outstanding The matmen finish~ ate Rifle Matches and are now quali~ through six fifteen-minute periods. abilities in so many ed their season with fled to fire in the National Intercol~ On observing the lineups more varied sports as well a two won, five lost legiate Rifle Matches competing with closely it is possible to see that not as for her sports~ record. The squad the nation's best teams. After the all the players hailed from the locale manship, she was was undoubtedly targets are shot in the four positions, which their team represented. For awarded the WM hurt by the loss of they will be mailed to Second Army instance, do McKeesport, Pa. students blazer. The blazer is Jack Larrimore and Headquarters. Then it will be several go to Southern or do Pittsburgh stu~ the highest honor Paul Scheafer in the weeks before the Terrors know how dents go to Forest Park? And com- given by the Wo~ middle of the season, they rank among the teams of the muting to Forest Park from Liberty~ men'!"lr Athletic De~ and inexperience country. tuwn or Cambridge must be a mighty partment. also took its ,toll. Tomorrow the Green and Gold Plans for next travel to Gettysburg to fire Ii shoul~ ~~~~er:~y to obtain an education! fr~:t~~: ~~~s~~~~ der~to~shonlder match. Coach Ser~ year are uncertain, geant Puryear expects a victory since byA~o:~O:teb~:~ ~:~s~::~e ;~~ ycar will leave wide ~ ..... &..... _.. but so far, ,Tohn Sil- the opponents bowed twice last year, ber appears to be Leo Lathronm each rang up thirty ;=~:d~n ~~iC~ar~~l~ Leo Lathroum John Seiland the only loss to the each time by fair margins. If, how~ points for the Knights while the pride be difficult to fill. present aggregation. ever, there should be a reversal of of Forest Park, Al Jacobson, hit for inne Schofield, Ludie Hicks, Margaret form, the Terrors will have a chance twenty~eight. Ruppenthal, and Janet Preston were to avenge it next Saturday when they • Nimrods Score also defeated in doubles play . entertain G-Burg on the local range. These twu matches will be the last A big round of applause to the rifle The inter~soJ;Ority schedule has al~ for seniors George Davis, Jim team. Although they have been en· WESTMINSTER'S most been completed. 'One game re~ Westminster's Leonard, Henry Muller, and Ted joying only a mediocre season, they FAMILY mains to be p'tayed, Phi Alphs versus New Modern Drug Store Quelch, aU of whom will no doubt be took fourth place in the Second Army Sigmas. The Phi Alphs, if they win trying to end up in a blaze of glory. Matches. ' RESTAURANT this game, will be the undisputed DRUGS champions of this league with a per. fect record of three wins and no los· SCHOOL SUPPLIES Buy Your Bedtime Snacks Benny's Kitchen ses. COSMETICS Everybody Is Welcome at berth The D~ts cinched a second place SODAS To Stop In At the Iotas defeated when they PETE'S Where old friends meet 42~20 Monday night. Their record Bixler and. Guild Margaret & Earl's now stands at two wins and one loss. GROCERY STORE and like to eat The loss was at the hands of the Phi Drug Co. £0' Alphs Monday night, last in what 59 W. Main St., Westminster perhaps was the hardest fought game SANDWICHES- Sealtest Ice ~eam of the whole schedule. However, the John .attd Main Sts. Phone 654~J Phi Alphs fielded a much stronger SOFT DRINKS Main St.-Red Neon Sign .team and by the. end of the first hali (Continued on page 4 column 3)
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