Page 48 - TheGoldBug1947-48
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The Gold Bug, April 13, 1948 quedC~ .Contest Judges I 14 "71une ,tJ ~uch, 1n "7/"e'Room? . Field OF Honor Reveal Mystery ~ 1893 was not exactly \' cess started Smith on a career of All in ali, times before he succeeded in launch- Campus personalities rate as sub- what one might have termed a suc- writing, but he experienced some lean cessful year. There were bread riots western Maryland can have an Honor System! jects of this week's prize-winning You've been hearing a lot of talk lately about such a possibility. You've limericks by Helen Lingenfelter and in Marseilles; cholera epidemics in ing the series of farcical novels which also been hearing the skeptics say that it can't, it won't work. The tottering Ned Masenheimer. They received re- Germany, Austria, Arabia, and Egypt; were to bring him large monetary re- leg on which they base this, premise is the unhappy fact that once, in the spectively, a Modern Library Hook riots in Belgium; open revolts in turns. • American Rabelais Brazil and Zanzibar; and a conflagra- dim past, WMC did try to install an Honor System. It fell through. However, and a pair of movie tickets. the few people who actually know why it did not work can tell you that the tion in Berlin destroyed over 2,000,- Frequently called the American fault lay not with the students, as is popularly supposed, but in the failure FIRST PRIZE * 000 marks worth of property while Rahelais, Smith wrote mad, unmoral, of the administration to back up the principles by which they had agreed J would gladly present this ditty the Germans were busy killing off and infectiously gay tales of our own natives times. The plots of these tales nearly in Damaraland. to abide. To a prof who with classics is giddy. In Canada, even the wolves were all revolve about fantastic, super- That, however, is water under the bridge. Their present attitude in His tests can't be beaten- having a tough time, for a scarcity natural, yet amusing happenings appointing a committee to. investigate and work with students on this matter Not even by cheatin'- shows clearly that such a mishap will not be repeated. They are leading the No need Jor Iddy with Riddy. of food forced them to enmasse and which may account to some extent waYj.1it's up to us to support them. The point is, of course, that we definitely -Helen Lingenfelter. attack the Indians and settlers liv- for their popular-ity. Turnabout, one of his best selling need a workable system to prevent cheating, both in the cllissr06m and else- ing near Lake Winnipeg. books, is the story of a young couple where-on the campus. To attain this ideal the student body must accept this SECOND PRlZE • Trained For Navy initiative on the part of the administration for what it is-a sincere attempt It's the witty and clever Miss Cohen Yet everywhere there was not that the statue of a small Egyptian to see the campus become a compact unit, working together to achieve its Who keeps the Gold Bug'" agohen. tragedy and unhappiness. At the god causes to switch bodies while re- their personalities. goals. How the paper emerges U. S. Naval Academy at Annapolis, taining Stray individual is about a busi- a new born eight-pound, The Lamb nine-ounce Foremost among the benefits of the Honor System would be a truly From the billowy surges baby boy had brought happiness and ness executive who is changed into unified campus. At the meeting last Thursday, it was brought out more Of the mess on her desk we're not clearly than ever that our campus is nothing more or less than a struggling knohen. joy into the home of Commodore various animals by a mysterious group of factions which alternately oppose and hinder each other, simply -Ned Ma8enheimer" James Thorne Smith. The good com- little man. In The Bishop's Jaegers because they have no common meeting ground'. An Honor System, if carried . - HONORABLE MENTIONS modore was fairly bursting with we have an embarrassed cleric who pride, and dreaming of the day when is set down in the midst of a nudist out and enforced by the students themselves, would make An outraged professor of song, western Maryland a combined 'unit with all organizations This illustrious Alfred de Long, another Smith would make his place colony. The Night Life Of The Gods aware 0; the sep~rate purposes ~f each as int~grated parts Complained that his choir in the U. S. Navy. gives an amusing picture of the ad- of the Slime rncvtng, alert machine. It's amazing what we Required more fire Young Thorne was started off in ventures of marble statues in the can do united, but the turnout of barely 50 students at the And with him their rhythm the right direction; he attended Lo- Metropolitan Museum of Art, who recent meeting on this matter ~was hardly a complete cross wrong. cust Dale Academy in Virginia, St. come alive after dark and cut capers . section of our interested members. Someone remarked- that -Sheila Siegel Luke's School in Wayne Pennsyl- on Broad(vay. And the Topper series the persons present included all those who were not cheats. vania, and then he yielded to his is concerned with a mortal at the Resulting implication is that those who were not there There was a gay student just loaf- father's wishes about the Naval mercy of playful ghosts. are on the negative side of the fence. That, of course, is for ing Academy but finally decided that the • Rain In The Doorway you to decide, not for us to say. We can \vrite from now Who mada college just love and jok- Navy was not the profession for him. The scene of Rain In The Doorway, until next year, but we cannot aet for you. The student ing. He finished his education at Dart- one of his most successful stories, is will have to speak for himself. The time to do it is at the we're sorry he left, mouth. ' .laid in a large metropolitan depart- next open discussion on April 1'115. Remember, whatever But he flunked' every test. • First Success ment store, and deals with the mad- results, it will be ours and we alone can make it work. As Can I keep from his footsteps- After college, Thorne Smith went cap antics of the owners (who won rooters, none of us will tolerate "dirty playing" on the here's hoping. to work for a New York Advertising the store in a poker game) and its gridiron. How can we let the intellectual "dirty players" -A.F. Am.i8 Agency, but at the beginning of the employees. It begins when a young get away with this? We, nobody else, will be the losers if Fato W!LLS that no SUMMERS be firs,t world war he enlisted for serv- lawyer named Owen, unwittingly the present lackadaisical attitudes continue to relegate us all to the rcgions FREE, ice in t~ Navy and, to his father's steps into the doorway of the store of the morally, socially and practically disinterested. ~ Sad HAVENS GRAY clouds bring to delight, quickly rose to boatswain's to escape the rain. He is suddenly M.M. mate. He became editor of the serv- snatched into the building to learn , ice paper Broadside and it was in that he now owns one quarter of this I cat S.TOVER,-then HURT. .... this publication that Smith's first immense store.' The other three part- Many Summer Courses Available PARKER rulls full of dirt! more Oswald and its sequel Out Bilti- Of ners had felt the need of new blood was character popular born. I'll MARSHALL my life for the sea. in the organization and determined -A. F. Anes For Students In Colleges Abroad Looks easy, doesn't it? Well, then, Luck were first printed Oswald was a that the next likely looking man to in the back pages come through the door would become of Bt·oadside. why not try? Remember, the contest semi-literate rookie who wrote letters their partner. Then, after a complete- A quest for knowledge, the Esper- etudents to allow a 1ninimum of about entries are judged anonymously- to Dere Mable. When Oswald's ad- ly bewildering morning in the book anto of students all over the world, $750' to cover their entire costs for ventures were printed in book form department of the store, Owen is will lead many American students to the summer. that is, the judges do not know the they sold over 70,000 copies. This sue- (Continued on page 4, column 1) Europe this summer. An estimated Transportation is still an indefinite names of the writers of the limericks see the winners' forty-six colleges and universities, factor. Last summer, two ships were until they in the Gold Bug. names printed from Perugia in the boot of Italy to set aside by the Maritime Commission This issue's first and second prize WMC Presents Ann.bel Glockl"r Oslo in the fjords of Norway, are of- at the request of tbe-Deuartment of winners may call at the Gold Bug fering special courses for foreigners. State for the transportation of stu- If you act quickly, choose wisely dents and academic personnel to and office for their prizes. The trophies Blythe Biologist next food check time will be a $1.00 (keep in mind your language back- from Europe. It is hoped even better from Griffin's and a pair of tickets ground), you stili have time to enroll arrangements will be madt! this year. good anytime at the Carroll, both of by in all the summer sessions. Application (accepted, housing /11'- these prizes having been donated. Marian Meredith Most schools are open to ali stu- ranged, visas and passports secured, The closing date for the next con- dents of college age. The length of the transportation settled and armed with test is April 21. All limericks are to A pretty and enthusiastic biology expected to ring soon for her and courses varies from a few weeks to about $750 _and the dean's okay on be placed in the box outside the post major is "Bee!" (or "Elsie" as she is Stan Peterson, who will graduate three months. Generally they are not tr-ansfer of credits, you're off. office door. They should be written in sometimes called), who from some- from Rensselaer this summer. residential; often the school will find Repl"inted /rom April 1948 Made- standard limerick form; the first, where finds time to keep abreast of "Cape Cod is a wonderful place", you necommodations. In, most cases moiselle. second and fifth lines rhymed ill tri- all that's new on the Hill. Another says Ann, who hopes that someday you'll find the topic is the culture of meter (three ieet to a line), and the gal who likes to be always on the' she can return, to Massachusetts, but the country in which the course is third and fourth rhymed in dirneter go, she has participated in all the is otherwise a loyal Washingtonian. given. The Institute of International (twoieettoaline). She is one American who does NOT women's sports since her ar- Education, 2 West 45 Street, New Campus Clippinjls And please, put your college ad- major on the campus, and this yea I' like Coca Cola, but finds chocolate. rival York 19, can give you complete in- dress with your name. Mexico, with has increased her activities considera- ice cream and onions, "all kinds of formation. The Intemutionnl Activi- That added glow around Blanche bly by becoming President of Tri- onions", much more to her liking. mysterious has Bruno ties Commission of the U. S. Na- Ward Hall is caused by the addition its nothing on Wl'tlC after 'I'raven, last Beta, House President of Blanche Here comes that question again. this tional' Student Association, 5 Bryant of three engagement rings acquired limerick contest. We have our own Ward HaIl, and President of the Ph,i "Why did you choose Biology for a Street, Cambridge, Maseachusett.s, is during vacation by Louise Reese, Rae personal man of darkness in this A. Alpha Mu Sorority, as well as of the major?" She answered that it's main- also an excellent source. Acher, and Jackie Kingsley. }o~. Anes. He submitted several limer Inter-Sorority Council. ly because there's nothing superficial Tuition costs vary fT~ll1 $10 to Clara Hatten is also carrying on the leks, and no one-not even the omnis- about studying life. She admits, how- $80, room and board from $15 to $35 WMC infirmary tradition with her cient Miss Manahan-c-seems to know ever, that it does have one drawback a week. The present minimum cost engag~ment. Shucks, that happens who he (or she Or they) is (or are). which is 'pickling solutions', mainly of round-trip transportation is $300. every time we get a good nurse. Needless to say, this blows our boast formaldehyde, which she calls "very In addition you must buy passports, Biology students Herbert Leigh- of 100% coverage, all to pieces, and penetrating", and thinks must be visas and allow for personal and ton, Lutfier Sheperd, and Bill Baliff has the stafT'develoPing acu tc first cousin to the soap that causes travel expenses abroad. The Tnstitute performed their first Caesarean op- psychoses. Now every time a stran~· "dishpan hands". of International Education advises erations in the lab last week when er comes into the office we, Livings- Senior Women's Tennis Champ, they delivered a set of twins and a ton-like, warmly clasp his hand with, Ann's skill comes naturally from a premature embryo to two mother "l\Jr. Alles, .we presume?"-but in dad who is a professional tennis dogfish. Unfortunately both the moth- player and she has played the game THE GOLD BUG ers and the babies have been pickled yain. Pulcese, A. F., come out, where- ever since she can remember, count- re- ever you are! Plans ing it among her' most favored .. 11 number of years. for 01llel.1 "tudent ne'npaper Ilt Western Muy· for the WSSF bazaar are under_ laxations. "If I only had time, I land Oonege. pnblished .eml·"'"n~hly Iln way. Requests to the committee for tThe opinions expressed herein, T".,dny, during Odober. NIl~ember, J80U Tha,t had the good to win, w6uld love to read some historical ary. February. Mueh and April, end monthly a giTi-kissing booth has bcen re- novels". Also a Trumpeter, Ann's during September, December. and MIl'. En· An: not held b'y the sta,ff- tered u aeeond elaee matter at Weotmlnoter ceived from an anonymous source. A In. fa,ct, they"re a, /a,ugh- • leadership became evident while she Poot Wllee. under the Act ot Mlrch 8. 1879 male? . Note of encouragement No doubt the p(lor gtty i8 her kin. was still at Coolidge High where she SuiMJcrlption Price $2.00 • Year to Democrats and Wallace-ites: Re- was a member of the Leader's Club publicans are practically non-existent and "in" practically everything. EDITORIAL STAFF 01~the campus. At least, they've gone Letter To The Editor Editor·in·chief Jean Cohen Earlier signs of this were shown llQnaging Editor Gnner H. )J"TI;" into hiding. Only by the greatest FBI when she once ran away from kinder- News Editor '!'hooda Lee Kampa".).; Dear Editor, A .. istant News Editor .. .. Bill Porter work did we uncover Ginny Ross. Annabel Glockler garten when "they wanted me to FEatuu Edit
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