Page 47 - TheGoldBug1947-48
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Library CALLlNG?estern Ma ~~ • C 1 e THE AMERICAN M~. ANES astonn s ter , ,M SIDESHOW PAGE 2 PAGE 3 . Z28. Vol. 25, No. 12 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER. ~D. April13, 1948 Eligible Seniors Apollo Boys' Choir To Give. Performan·ce Symphony Prepares To Be Invested For Students and Faculty In Alumni Hall For Annual Concert Formal inveatiture for the graduat- The leventeenth annual Spring ing class of 1948 will be held Wednes- Concert of the Western Maryland day, April 14, at 11 :30 a. m. in Alumni College Little Symphony Orchestra place Hall. will take evening, ill Alumni 23, at Hall 8:15 on April Friday I This traditional ceremony for in- troducing the eligible students to ace- o'clock. Under the leadership of o demie costumes is observed every Philip Royer, the orchestra has in- year- at this time. The senior mem- creased to approximately fifty play- bers continue to wear their caps and gowns for the remaining chapel serv- Of unusual interest to the orches- ices, as ' for the commence- tra member-a this year is the overture, ment activities at the end of the Savannah, by Miss Joyce Bat-thelson. year. Published recently' by Carl Fisher As is customary, the speaker, who Jnc., New 'York City, Miss Barthelson if. usually a faculty member selected wrote the music in 1944, while teach- by the president, is not.."announced ing on the Hill, and dedicated it to previous to his introduction at, the Philip Royer and the WMC Sym- service. phony Orchestra. Included on the first part of the talents. younger He tries to please Chorus To Sing tor Coleman Cooper, founder and direc- portion. Numbera by di l.asso, Purcell, for American and provide were only program will be the overture, King the audience Mendelssohn, Grieg, Lincke, and Gol- Stephen, by Beethoven, privileges uses which of the Apollo Boy's Choir, will that youth son make up the final part of the pre- the theme of the Choral Movement of conduct the group in its first program At Saint Paul's before a Western Maryland College sentation. Choral will be interspersed tions are before by welcomed at Audi- the Ninth Symphony for the 94 in G without Europeans. realized first numbers, time; and the Sym,phony·No. accompaniment, the always audience tomorrow, April '14, in Alum- ni Hall at 8:1"5 p. m. with solos, trios, and quintets by vari- Apollo Choir School, Dallas, Texas, Maio)', by Joseph Haydn. Better Featuring Dorothy Alexander, Including a variety of selections ous members. according to the director. known as the "Surprise Symphony". Louise Scott, and Dorothy Rupert as ranging in per-iod and temperament Cooper, one of the nation's fore- During the past ten years the choir this will be played in its entire four scloiuts, the Western Maryland Glo>e from early classical to modern, the most authorities on the training of has filled over 80Q engagements on movements. Club will present its_ annual concert program will be sacred and secular. pre-adolescent boys' voices, has stud- Artist Courses. They have appeared Following the intermission the or- at St. Paul's Reformed Church in Compositions of early Liturgical ied with emi~ent American, and Euro- with several of the nation's leading chestra will present the Piano Con- Westminster on April 18 at 4 p- m. Music by Bach and Handel originally p~an teachers. While visiting the Symphony Orchestra and over all the certo No.1 in C Maio I' Gp. 15, by Directed by Miss Grace Murray, the arranged for boy\ choirs will form the Vienna's Boys' Choir, at Castle major radio networks. Concerts at Beethoven, with Miss Helen Brainard, chorus will be accompanied by faculty first group. Kyrie, written by Mozart wllhelminenberg in Austria, he w'~ldorf~Astoria and Town Hall in a member of the music faculty, as members, Philip Royer, violinist, and for five sopranos, will end the sacred ed age-old secrets of working New York, the White House and piano soloist. Miss Brainard was Oliver Spangler, organist. National Art Gallery jn Washington heard in Town Hall, New York City, They -will present the following have climaxed the m-ganiznticn's pro- on April 7, where she played the program: Old Welsh Air Student-Faculty Group Convenes resstcnat acuvtttee. Piano Concerto by Mendelssohn at a P.mise the Focner benefit concert conducted by Wolf- Come, Holy Spirit, Come. ...__Weber gang Stresemann. - Glee Club In Session On Honor Problems Club Buys Enlarger Little FUUM in G Mi1Wr .._..,.._Bach The jJublic is invited too attend. Dorothy Scott A faculty committce, composed of fall where they n.ay", opinions con- There is no admission fee for this "socured the An In the Shadow of Thy Winus. __Haydn Dr. Isanogle, Dean Stover, Dr. cerning the misuse of the curve money enlarger, treasury and with profits performance. in the Beautiful Sooior ........ Crusaders Hymn Straughn, and Dr. Whitfield, met svstem, invalidiby of the present test- received from dance pictures, is the Glee Club last Thursday afternoon with approx- ing program, low academic standards, latest addition to the Camera Club's WMC Debaters Duet: Ch.ildren P"ay Love to imately 50 studen.ts to discuss immedi- and the overemphasis placed on marks Chln'ish _._____ ...... __Spohr ate campus problems in the field of were brought out. equipment. taken Louise Scott and Dorothy honor. One of the major objectives of Also presented was the idea that Development of the pictures current To Meet Loyola Alexander the meeting, that of electing student the current faculty is too small and at the Military Ball is their Still, Still with Thee . _....z.Speaker rapresentatwes to meet further with that the present facilities are inade,- project. Although the club has en- Debating teams from Western Prayer for Service .. . __..... Gaul this group, was not accomplished, but quate to handle the needs of all the countered considerable difficulty in Mar-yland and Loyola will face each Glee Club was left for a later meeting. students. As a followup to this phase purchasing printing paper, they hope other twice during the month of April Bells Through the Trees.Edmundson The point was made early in the of the meeting, Dean Stover stressed to complete the project very soon. These traditional rivals will discuss Roy Wampler (organ) discussion that the most pressing- the importance of the establishment Results of the pictures taken by the topic, "Resolved: That a Federal The L01'd's PraY61 __.. . : .c Fz-anck of friendly and frank relations be- the members at previous school World Government should be estab- Alleluja .______ ....... ".__Mozart problem now facing the student body tween faculty and students, since one functions were so favorable that lished." On April 15, the WMC debe- and the faculty is that of the cheat- Glee Club ing which, to all reportsrIs quite pre- of our greatest needs is to have these they will conttnce this activity at the tors, taking the negative side of the All students and faculty members 'valent ill' most classrooms. Dr. Isan- two groups work together if any WSSF Bazaar. question, will play host to Loyola. are invited to attend. ogle, chairman of the committee, progress is to be made. Members of the group would like The foJlowing week, on. April 22, is scheduled fo,' The next meeting stressed in starting that much of our Thursday, April 15, at 4:15 p. m. itl to remind all ~tudcnt.s that .the ?oo~, Western Maryland, taking the affirma- lS available In the li- The Camera, Prizes ToBeGiven weakness inability of anyone to see Science Hall. This meeting will als") brary tor anyone interested in pho- tive, wilJ visit Loyola. "blind spots", comes from Those members of the team speak- or the tography. ./n Photo Exhibit faults in himself. be open to all students. ing on the affirmative side are ,r-fary Kahn, Cameron Todd, Harriet JHcIn- on the agenda was the list- First ing of the various pnlctices of cheat- tY~'e, Lincoln Justice, and Joseph Cu- K;:....ya Alpha Mu, national collegi- ing, of which the major ones appCD.\· Junior-Senior Prom Plans Rustic Theme; lotta, captain of the team. Howard ate honorary fraternity devoted to to be; the use of crib notes during Pender and D. Denny take tIle nega- photo journalism, announces its third exams, eopyiJltg from other members Will Feature Geo. _Spittel' s Orchestra tive side. Contrary to usual proced- ann u Ii ISO-print COLLEGIATE of the class, and the free use of text- ure, a decision wiJI be given in these PHOTOGRAPHY EXHIBITION. Sci- books during closed book tests. Fol- Sponsored by the Western Maryland two matches. ence J lluatnr,ted, co-operating with lowing this listing, Dr. Straughn class of '49, the annual Junior-Senior A debate with Penn State is sched- Kappa Alpha Mu, will award the urged the students to consider the ac- P)'om wili be held April 17, from 8:30 uled for April 27. The Penn State grand prize which includes a trip to tual causes, of the cheating. In re- p. m. to 11:45 p. m. in Gill Gymnas- team has been on a tour and will stop New York with traveling expenses sponse to Dean Stover's request that ium. Kelly Rice, general dance chair- at Western M~ryland OllJ their return paid, seven working weeks with the the student speakers "let the chips man, has announced thr.t the music trip home. magazine at a salary of $50 a week, will be provided by George Spittel's During the past months the WM and promise of a job if the winning orchestra. team has debated with ?lIt. St. photograph~r proves acceptable. Mrs. Lester A. Welliver Mary's, Elizabctht.own, and Dickin- Entries will be accepted in five Although the main feature of the son Colleges. No decisions were given. be a surprise, Bill will classes from now until April 30, 1948. Chosen Club Sponsor decorations head of decorations, is con- An interesting sideline is the fact Henry, Fjrst place awards wjJl be made for structing a ban.d stand fashioned after that most of the fratern.ities on the the best pictures ill the News, Pic- Although regretting the departure Hill were originally founded as de- torial-Feature, Fashion, Sports, and of their former counselor, Mrs. Bertl]- the old country style. The other de- bating societies. corations will carry out this idea. The Industrial classes. The grand prize oli, the Wesleyanettes consider them- remaining committee heads for the will be awarded to the best of these selves fortunate in gaining as their dance are Charlotte Goodri('h, publi- five winners. A complete list of new sponsor, Mrs. Lester A. Welliver. awards will be announced at a later Bnthusiastic about the Club, she is ex~ city; Jack Blades, tickets; and Betty Amos, refre!hments. date. pected to be a great source of hel]} The Jdnior Class will sponsor Students regularly enrolled in any because of her experiences with th~ Faculty sponsol's to be present in- the movie, Ttmth Avenue An- college or university are eligible to Foreign Mission Board of the Metho- clude Dr. and l\Irs. Ensor, Dean and ge.l, at the Carroll Theater on enter up to ten prints with no more dist Church. Mrs. Welliver has opened Mrs. Free, Professor and Mrs. Jones, Thursday, ApTj] 15. Featured than five entries in any 9ne division. her home to the girls for futUre meet- Dr. and Mrs. Marshall, and Major and in the leads are Margaret O'- Prints may be 5x7 or larger but ings. J\Irs. Dubose. Brien and George Murphy. Tick- must be mounted on standard 16x20 The Wesleyan.ettes are planning ets are $.40 each, good -tor boards. There is no entry fee, but programs of their 0'''11 for forthcom- The invitations to be issued to th(, either the afternoon or evening pictures must be sent prepaid and ing gatherings in which each membel' seniors will serve as their tickets for performances. Tickets will be on will be returned eXpr4!!!!:Scollect. will speak to the group on her own admission. 'Those for others may be sale in both
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