Page 46 - TheGoldBug1947-48
P. 46
The Gold Bug, Mar. 23, 1948 pistol. great-grandfather's On Honor Whee! The People ansky's body. All alone, her eye seized for busting my piggy-bank!" Acquainted I traveled across the floor, and lit upon "That's (Continuei from page 2, column 5) the small book. he shrieked. Through the pall of smoke Come In And ;:et (Continued from page 2 column 1) promptly unloaded two shots into the At 2 :30 a. m. Junior came strolling one could see Mrs. Bortniansky's I into the living room. What a sight body slump to the floor. BAUGHER'S Honor Court consisting of nine memo toughest muscle in the animal king. before his eyes! Mr. Bortiiiansky ly- bers: four women students, four men dom, the woman's heart. Mrs. Bor-tni- On Taneytown Road students, and a chairman. The chair- ansky stared at her husband in hor- ing on the floor decapitated, mother Home Cooking man, elected by the Student Council, ror. "My Tovarich" she screeched. "I and father obviously deader than the SHEET MUSIC I Sandwiches then selects the other eight members had her all lined up for the labor date he had left only a short time ago, POPULAR~TANDARD Sodas - Candy subject to Student Council approval. meeting this Saturday night and you and horror of horrors, Mrs. Bortni- CLASSICAL Pastries ansky by the fire place reading HIS The Honor System here applies to go and spoil everything!" Whereupon Yuengling's Ice Cream ali curricular matters, and the only Mrs. Bortniansky withdrew the book! He rushed across the room and RECORDS pledge requirement is in regard to gleaming- sickle she had hidden in her SMITH 8< REIFSNIDER examinations and quizzes. The Hon- purse and neatly separated Mr. Choose from a Large Selection or Court has three functions; it in- Bortniansky's head from Mr. Bortni- Incorporated forms all students as to the rules of LUMBER-COAL COLONIAL MUSIC CO. the system, it seeks to correct condi- WESTMINSTER. MD. Wine's Sport Shop tions which are conducive to cheat- 34 W. Main St. - Phone 386-J 46 Pennsylvania Ave. ing, and acts in a judicial capacity Music Supplies when there are infractions presented. J. WM. HULL, Jeweler Unlike the University of Virginia, Successor to Cassell's We Carry A Full Line it has a dual penal system. The Sheet Music-Down Beat 01 highest penalty for a first offense is Accessories The Store of New Fashioned Westminster's loss of credit in the referred course. SELMER BAND and Jewelry and Old Fashioned New Modern Drug Store SPPRTS E~UIPMENT The penalty for the second offense is Honesty a recommendation, made to the facul- Orchestra Instruments DRUGS ty, for immediate dismissal. In all Gibson Guitars TIMES BUILDING cases, the Court acts as an inveati- East Main Street SCHOOL SUPPLIES gating organization, tries the student, Westminster, Md. COSMETICS Everybody Stops In At and then recommends its verdict. Its Stu', Music Studios SODAS verdict is not, apparently, the last 32 W. Main St. 2nd Floor word, and such a rccornmendnrion Westminster, Md. Bixler and Guild Margaret & Earl's may be repealed by the faculty. -M.M. Phone 585 10' Good Health Drug Co. SANDWICHES- PATRONIZE John and Main Sts. SOFT DRINKS OUR To ADVERTISERS. JOHN EVERHART All Modern Library The College Barber From Barnes Appliance Service It. Pays To Look Well and Bobber phone 793 Visit The (ollege Outline Series AT THE FORKS REXALL R.C.A.-SUN BEAM Avenue Barber Shop BENDIX-THOR All Work Guaranteed Whete The Students Go Norcross Cards· 45 E. Main Street Westminster, Md. 85 Pennsylvania Avenue HASTY-NOTES They're All Here By Rust Craft BUD AND BLOSSOM Compliments of GARDEN AND BIRDS Buy Your Bedtime Snacks II..tlt;- BooI. Shop 20 for $1.00 T. W. Mather & Sons Westminster Laundry at 161/. 'W. M ..... Sl Laundry and Dry Cleaning Films Westminster's Department "PETE'S" P. G. COFFMAN CO. Store of Pick Up And Delivery GROCERY STORE Service Run Right to Times Building Good Service and Values Sealtest Ice Cream READ'S , Basement of Old Main Main St.-Green Neon Sign , For Fine Cosmetics, Toiletries and Drug Needs Complete Photography The Artcraftsman Monarch Department 15 E. Main Street, Cleaners 80 East Main Street Westminster, Md. A LITTLE MINUTE Opposite Post Office Pennsylvania Ave. T AILOR·MADE GIFTS RADIO.ELECTRONIC FOR A BIG REST SERVICE ROOM PICK UP· has table model Radios of Greeting Cards, Stationery AND Famous makes, DELIVERY RECORD PLAYERS, ETC., for immediate delivery Hand-painting done TUESDAY and FRIDAY Prompt and Efficient Radio to order AFTERNOONS Repairs Radio Electronic Service 14 W. Main St. Phone 703 CORSAGES and FLOWERS Continuous 2 p. Ill. Saturdays 'and Continuous 1 p. m. Saturdays- and For All Occasions Holidays; Holidays; Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p- Ill. p. rn, Evening show 9 p. m. Week Stewart N. Dutter .. Matinee 2 p- m.-Evenings 7 & 9 p- m. day shows conuncous from 4:30 p. m. FLORIST -Wed. & Thurs., Mar. 24 & 25 Wed. & 'I'hurs., Mar. 24 & 25 "MY FRIEND TISA" "ARIZONA" 114 Pennsylvania Ave. Jean Arthur William Holden Lilli Palmer Sam Wanamaker Phone 350 FrL & Sat., Mar. 26 & 27 Fri. & Sa~. 26 & 27 "BLONDIE IN THE DOUGH" "ALONG THE OREGON TRAIL" Penny Singleton Arthur Lake Monte HaiJ Adrian Boote Sun. to Tues., Mar. 28-30 Sun. to Tues., Mar. 28-30 "TYCOON" Dennis O'Keefe "T·MEN" Mary Mead Benny' s Kitchen John Wayne Lorraine Day Wed. and Thurs., Mar. 31 & Apr. 1 "DAISY KENYON" , "BOW~R~;' B~~H~~ooS" Joan Crawford Henry Fonda Leo Gorcey Julia Briggs Where old friends meet Fri. & Sat., Apr. 2 and 3 Thurs. & Fri., Apr. 1 & 2 and like to eat "THE MAY RANCHERQ" Double Feature "RAI[,ROADED" Roy Rogers "DEVIL ON WHEELS" Sun. to 'I'ues., Apr. 4-6 Strictly. home cooked food ''THE BISHOP'S WIFE" "SI~aaU~LXW" Cary Grant Loretta Leung Char-les Starrett Smiley Burdette Wed. & Thurs., ApI'. 7 & 8 59 W. Main St., Westminster "INTERMEZZO" S~''liBJQUsEl
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