Page 45 - TheGoldBug1947-48
P. 45
The Gold Bug, Mar. 23, 1948 The Ladies' Column Preachers Nab Team Completes The lineup Terror Sluggers By Homer C. Earll Promise Power Phi Alphs Crowned Basketball Title Boxing Season Sparta Editor Basketball Champs by John Gruber by Bill Eliason The outlook on paper for this The gates of the winter sports sea- year's baseball team is a bright one by Atmet(e McMahan The frat basketball season is al- Western Maryland was represented son slammed shut abruptly ten days indeed. Losing only Fern Hitchcock most finished for 1948. The Preach- in the Eastern Intercollegiate Boxing ago after three and a half months of from last year's nine, Coach 'I'ereshin- The basketbul! game between the ers have clinched the championship Association Tournament by foul' gen- extensive labor on the part of the ski has a nucleus of over a dozen Delta and the Phi Alphs to decide the by winning all ten of their scheduled tlemen, Joe Corleto, John Sgariglio, competitors. The basketball players veterans around which to build his winner of the sorority tournament was games. Theil' only defeat came at Don Lichty and John Seiland. I say have been recuperating throughout club. one of the best games this season. The the hands of the WMC jay-vee's in a gentlemen because they were just Delts had clung to a slight lead up un- that, After winning two of the bouts, ~~: ~~std~~re~ew~e::er~utr::~t u:~~ Stiffness and sore arms are pre- til the last quarter. Then the Phi non-league tilt early in the season. our men made no unspcr-tsruen-Iike indeed and of decidetocallit quits. ;e~.le;i~~:i:r:e::i~~o~~:~:dr:~~yd~~~~ Alphs started to click and pulled a- This is a fine record team and fans displays, even though. the decisions which the Preachers Four of WMC's outstanding leather Hitting practice was begun last week, head to win 32-25. This last quarter may well be proud, especially con- went to their opponents. pushers journeyed to the University but little constructive work can be rally was inspired by the playing of sidering the high type of basketball John Seiland fought James Miri- of Virginia for the annual ElBA done until the ground thaws complete- "Dutch" Ruppenthal, the Phi Alph played this year. Both the Gamma gHotto NAIB champ 1947, of Vir- coach, who during previous games was ginia. It was a close fight and the succeeded ~;:~.~:~~, ~~~t:e~ei~~~, ~~~~~~e J;:l~ ly and the diamond can be laid out. out of action due to knee injury. A Bets and Bachelors nearly applecart, Sandman was good, but Seiland the Preachers in upsetting leto were able to lay hold of a crown, If the old baseball adage of "a large crowd witnessed the fray, and fought his best bout of the year, car- but judging from all reports, the lat- team is only as strong as it is through more than once sharp playing by play- the former succumbing only after rying the first and second rounds. All tel' was the recipient of a poor deets- the middle" holds true, Tereshinski ers of both teams brought roars of they forced the game into an over- of John's punches wer-e dean and ef- ion. It was the initial defeat of the has a good beginning. With all the approval. _ time. fective. His blocking and parrying season for Sgariglio and Corleto. ~huckers and their re~eivers return- The intramural volleyball teams The high scoring trophy goes to were tops. It was a terrific bout and Once again the old situation arises' mg, and John Adamovich and Julian have been- chosen and they are as Walt Dorsey of the Purple and Gold a rough one to lose. in which the official sees things in a Dyke handling the keystone combina- follows: with 94 points. Homer Earll, of the Last Friday evening, Don Lichty different light than does the epecta- tion, the Terrors have experience Freshman A team: net-B. Milstead, same team, scored 93 points to grab met Basil Mirigliotto and also did a tor. However, the boxers and their through the vital "middle". J. Babylon, M. Brown, center-C. Jan- second place, but Ken Volkart of the fine job. Lichty's aggressiveness was coach, Carlo Ortenzi, are deserving Expected to do most of the throw- ney, B. Linton, A. Year-ley, back-It. Gamma Bets already has 91 points noted by all who witnessed the tilt, of a lot of credit for doing a really ing this year are Ken Munroe, Al Bittle, D. Smith, B. Payne. Sophomore and since their season is not yet end- and he held his own until the middle great job this year. From a group of Malone, John Babb, and Ernie Leap. A team: net-So Donovan, V. Clayton, ed, it is more than likely that this of the third r- a u n d when he was willing but inexperienced men, Carlo This department was the sore spot B. Lens, center-So Prounfelter, D. fast-stepping forward will lay claim stowed down under the pressure of has been successful in producing a last year, and, in the writer's opinion, Alexander, J. Graf, back-TIL Hoover, to high scoring honors. , the fast bout. well-balanced team that broke even on holds the key to the success .of the B. Day, S. Larmore. Volkart also holds the record for the season against excellent teams. commg campaign. Junior A team: net-M. Price, J . the greatest point output in a single • Spring Has Arrived Sause, A. McMana», center-So Dixon, game with 24. Bob Gage of the In- scored 23 in one contest dependents In case the indications in and B. Benson, B. Taylor, back-K. Man- and Homer Earll, succeeded in rak- around the immediate campus haven't love, C. Sapp, W. Steele. Senior A \ been evidence enough for you, take team: net-J. Brown, G. Sause, R. ing 22 markers in the Preachers first game of tbe season when they routed a look across the back campus any wenta, center-R. \Ventz, H. Kellam, the Independents 65-27. afternoon after three o'dock and S. Smith, back- B. Armiger, A. Glock- At present the you're bound to see activity that is ler,M. Witter. residing in second Gamma Bets are place but the indicative of only one t.hing-Spring! The standing of the teams to date: That m u c h-decimated plot of W. L. Bachelors are just a step behind. The ground which was originally a prac- . Seniors .... 2 0 issue is still in doubt and probably tice field for the gridders, but was Juniors. .2 0 will remain that way until these two taken over by the soccer team instead, Freshmen 1 2 teams play each other again. has now been appropriated for use Sophomores 0 3 In retrospect, the season was well- by Western Maryland's newest inter- Again the Senior-Junior game will run and a fine brand of basketball was collegiate competitor, the lacrosse decide the winner of the volleyball played. Spectator interest was not as team. It's too early yet to be able to tournament. These two teams are very k~n as it could have been, but those make any kind of an estimate as to evenly matched. This promises to be that saw the games can vouch for the the quality of this club, but insofar as an exciting affair because for the last thrills they presented. A great deal of In the 175 pound class John Sgari- the desire to play is concerned, they've two years, the present seniors have credit goes to the men who voluntarily glio matched Paul Smith of Penn really got it. beaten the preseut juniors each time served as referees and other officials. State. Sgarig-lio was in top form in The baseball team has been handi- by just a few points. The officiating was fine and kept in- the first and second round, rocking capped in their practice sessions be- April 10 will be "Sports Day" at juries and tempers down to the mini- Smith with powerful blows to the cause of their inability to practice on Stan Kulakowski Hood College in Frederick. Twenty- head and face. The nod went to Smith Hoffa Field. At present that field is Hard-hittillg third baseman will be five girls will be chosen to represent after the third round went to him. undergoing extensive repairs in the heavily ?'elied 1lpon this year. Western Maryland; nine to pJay soft- Representing us in the beavv form of liming and re-seeding. Hoffa ball, nine to play volleyball, four to Netmen Should Have weight division was undefeated Cap- Field hasn't resembled anything but Returning gardeners include Cal play tennis, and three archers. Any !o Successful Season tain Joe Corlew. In my opinion, and a plowed field since that momentous Pettit, Lefty Elliott, Tom Shaw, and girls in.terested in pJaying be sure that of sports writers from all the WAlC victory over Dickinson in the Harry Bush. Competition should be sign up as soon as possible. It may be pre-season optimism but newspapers covering the tourn.lIment, mud last fall. It is expected that the keen for these posts this season, for it again looks as if the tennis team he is still undefeated. Joe encounter- field will be all ready for the slugger .. the bevy of hopefuls includes many will come through with a winning ed Ray Fine of Syracuse and had him when they return from s,pring vaca- prospective outfielders. year. Although Coach Hurt's charges down in the first round. The second tion. Tom Gorman, transfer student will be missing the services of such round again went to Joe, with the • St.raughn Coaches Golfers from Trinity College, will probably regular point getters as Ken Volk and third close to judge. Inasmuch as I~rofessor l\Iakosky is handle the catching, but veterans ,Joe Harry Yinglin, there is every indica- Next year the Tenor mittmen must absent from the Hill this semester. Thompson and Stan Kulal{Qwski will tion that his racket swingers are in go out. for knockouts, rather thelll be Dr. Straughn has taken over the have to "'ustle to retain their posi- for another good season. handicapped by the third man. cORching reins of t.he varsity golf tions at first and third respectively. Entering the '48 season, Coach Hurt t.eam. The course has not yet been Competition fol' the post at the initial will carry with him an overall r('Col'd put in conditicn but the aspirants to sack promises to be interesting, as ·of 108 wins and 5G losses since taking Lacrosse Begins On Hill the team have already spent many several lleWCOmel'Sare attempting to the reins in 1935. The record of 19-4 hours following that white sphere unseat Thompson. Terror stickmen began drills this over the links. The team has potential Tereshinsld has many good looking which has been posted in the two past week under Coach Havens. The previous seasons is indeed an enviou~ material of a high caliber and ought prospects to date, but the season is a vile. On the basis of previous words, return of the old Indian game was to win their share of nlatches. ~st long grind, and many eager faces to- we may safely say the "Southern brought about by several lacrosse of luck to you, Dr. Straughn, in your day may fall by the wayside before Gentleman" will ~et all he can from enthusiasts from Baltimore. As most is the center of of us know, ~laryland neW' capacity! the concluding "play ball" is echoed his hard-wol'king band of likely pros- Meanwhile the hopefuls for Prof. over the diamond. pects. the sport and its revival here on the Fi'ank Hurt's tennis team have been Hill marks a step in its ever increas- pounding the walls of Gil] Gym for Paced by Ken Volkart, veteran of ing popularity. The cooperation shown ~everal weeks. Coach Hurt is not over- Golf Schedule three seasons, the team is sound in by the administration is commendable. ly optimistic but he does believe that Ken Volkart the opening singles slot. A "never say Haverford, Washington College and the addition of several freshmen to his April 10 U. of Maryland Homo Veteran )'acket 8wil!gm' to 1Jlay in No. die player" who has the love of the Washington-Lee also have added the nucleus of veterans will produce a 20 Dickinson A way 1 pos.ition in his last ycaT at WMG. game' at heart, we look to Ken to lead game to their' spring program. Two scheduled with been well_balanced team capable of record- 22 Johns Hopkins. Away the team through the fifteen matches games have College. The incomplete Washington ing a creditable number of triumphs. 23 Gettysburg ........ _._ Home to come. Supplemented by veterans In general, on paper, all of \Vestern 26 Loyola Away Baseball Schedule Stern, Moore, Carter, and \Veaver, and schedule as available is: Maryland's teams show potentially 29 Juniata. Away newcomer Sack, Lockman, Talner, 10 April-Washh(gton College ..Home Away Club Away successful seasons. After the schedules May 4 Gettysburg ..Away April 10 Penn State College ..Home Deena, and Spttel, it is fervently 17 April_Annapolis Point... ...._._Away ./ Home 24 April_Spal'rows 17 Washington start to unfold we'll find out just what 7 U. of Baltimore .. HOlne (Doubleheader) hoped that the season's record should 6 May _Washington College_.Away they really have! 14 Dickinson .. equal 01' surpass last years. Sack and The COmpliments Department: 15 Washington College ....Home 20 Johns Hopkins Home Talner seem to possess brilliant fu- 15 May _Annapolis Club.. ...Home To Joe Corleto, the boxing team's .15 Invitation Tournflment 21 Mt. St. Mary's Away tures, and, on the basis of early per- Tentative--Loyola (Continued on column 3) 20 Lehigh ..Away 27 U. of Baltimore Away formances, may find themselves in Tentative--Hopidns Frosh. 30 Loyola _Home starting roles on the 17th of April. Alvin Paul lIas been named assis- May 1 U. of Baltimore.. Home tant to Coach Havens. Al has had 5 Dickinson ," ,,\w'Y varsity experience with the game at All-Fraternity Basketball Team 6 Loyola U. .. Home Tennis Schedule Forest Park High in Baltimore. 8 American 10 Lebanon Valley Home April 17 Washington College Home First Team SelJOnd Team 12 Gettysburg.. . Home 20 Loyola , .. ... Away Good News For Golfers Doug Beakes . ....... Forward John Silber 14 Quantico Marines ....._..Away 21 American U. Awa)' (Gamma Beta Chi) (Alpha Gamma Tau) 15 American U. Away 28 Dickinson ......... Home Spring is here with the Western Ken Volkart Forward. . . Jack Spicknall 19 Mt. St. Mary's .. Home 30 Catholic U. Home Maryland golf course opening for (Gamma Beta Chi) (Delta Pi Alpha) 20 Towson ........Home May ] Gettysburg .. .Away regular play on. April 1. Each per- John O'Hara Center ...... _.Homer Earll Saturday Games 2:30 P.M. 6 Loyola .... Home son using tEe course is required to (Alpha Gamma Tau) (Delta Pi Alpha) Weekday Games 3:15 P.M. 8 Georgetown Away have and display a membership card Walt Dorsey. Guard ........ _.__Joe Shallenberger 10 Lebanon Valley Home to the attendant each time of play. (Delta Pi Alpha) (Tarfon) lleavyweight, who went t.hrough the ]2 Delaware ..... Home In the absence of a. card, each play- Gene Frank _Guard Joe Gianelli regular season without a defeat, only 14 Gettysburg .........Home er will be required to pay the regu- are fee. free (Gamma Beta Chi) (Delta. Pi Alpha) to lose a close d~ision in the ElBA 15 Dickinson ..........Away lar w students. Membership cards requested are Students ..Away These teams were picked by ballot by the coaches of the six competing tourney at the U. of Virginia, we give 17 Johns Hopkins. ...,Home not to go on the greens prior to April U, teams. a big round of applause. It will be 18 American .... Away 1, as they are being treated. '1 21 Catholic U .. different next year, Jor!
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