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Library -,Clestern .iiJn'yland College il0stminster, Md. CONTEST SPRING SPORTS WINNERS PAGE 3 PAGE 2 March 23, 1948 Vol. 25, No. 11 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. 'April Antics' Stuclents Institute IRC Sends Students Honor Problem To Be Faced In B.W. Gym Art Symposium A,s ReJ'resentatives At Student-Fa~ulty Me~ting 'Vest- To Seminar In D. C. Under the leadership of Harry Phi Alpha Mu Sorority is sponsor- Adams, a group of art-minded Co-op Committee ing an informal dance entitled ern Marylanders have formed a new Jane Llanos and Eleanor "April Antics" o~ the first Saturday or-ganiza tion on the campus. The representative member-s of the night after Spring vacation, April group has adopted the name of "The ToReach Solution 10, from 8 to 11:30 p. m. The music Art Symposium" and will put into ern Maryland IRC, will attend a will be provided by George Spittel concrete form the ideas of former Political Action Seminar to be held in In the initial step toward a satis- and his orchestra, students to promote an interest in Washington, D, C., from March 30 to factory faculty-student solution to the April 2, Sponsored by the American As a remedy for the annual Spring fine arts on the Hill. They plan to cheating problem at WMC, a commit- Fever epidemic, the theme of the hold meetings on alternate Friday Friends Service Committee, a complet., tee, composed of administration and dance will be "April Showers Bring afternoons in the lounge of McDaniel course in practical politics and demo- faculty representatives, will conduct a May Flowers." Marty Powell, chair- Hall and will welcome all interested cratic action will be provided. The student meeting on Thursday, April man of the Decorations Committee, persons who may wish to participate seminar- will' include lectures by will carry out the theme with "rain- in discussions of all the various governmcn.tal authorities on such cur- 8, in Science HallrRoom 203, at 4:15 p.m. Representing thc administration drops" and flowers sprinkled over phases of art. This includes drama, rent topics as Universal Military will be Dr, Stover; representing the Blanche Ward Gym, music, literature and the visual arts. Training, Domestic Economy, Taft- faculty will be Dr. -lsabelle Isanogle, Mae Langrall is General Chairman Under the co-sponsorship of Dr, Hartley Act, and workings of the chairman, Dr. Whitfield and Dr. of the dance with Charlotte Ooodrtch Thomas F. Marshall of the English State Department. Straughn. in charge of publicity, Admission is Department and Dr. William A, Mac- To allow for more than merely 75t drag and 50c stag. Donald of the Art Department, the impersonal lectures, the IRC repre- Student representatives to work organization will be local in scope. sentatives \vill be permitted to inter- with this group will be elected during that view from own in an embryo Murray Recital In "The Art Symposium" at present stage, is districts, Congressmen House and their Senate this meeting. As it is important repre- As it is still be truly the selected persons attend working- under a provisional charter meetings, and tour the city. Dr, G. Framklin: Stover sentative of the entire student body, a Reformecl Church without any elections for officers un- The group will be composed of majority turnout is urged. Before til next year, At that time a presi- students from many schools through- beginning any joint discussions with- Miss Grace Cordia Murray, a mem- dent will be elected who will 'work in out the United States. Therefore, a ~tuclents Donate in the student-faculty committee, sug- ber of the Western Maryland College conjunction with several committee large part of the activity will consist gestions, ideas, and gripes will be as it To ARC Drive faculty, will give an organ recital at heads on the various kinds of art, of the exchange of political views and welcomed from the floor. the St. Paul's Reformed Church at The members will all participate in discussion of current legislation The need for a revised method of 8:15 P,M., Wednesday, April 7. Those the "program planning. affects the various US areas. controlling and dealing with cheating students interested in attending are At the first organized meeting, two With the total collection amounting: on the campus has long been felt, The cordially invited to do so, short, illustrated talks on the defini- to $233, the annual Red Cross Drive growing gravity of the situation re- A fact, which may not be known by tion of art and the correlation of the at western, Maryland came to a close sulted in the controversial student Lock- Student Councils the majority of the student body, is arts were presented by Jerry Thursday, March 18. assembly of a few weeks ago, the that the organ at the Reformed man and Jan Rogers. The program As acting Dean of 'Vome~, Mrs. result being the awareness by every Church was designed by Virgil Fox, for April 9 will feature a discussion PI'an New Merger Veale headed the drive with the eseia- student of the situation. nationally prominent, who by Mickey Ha rdeater on three modern tance of Sally Smith, president of the early in his career was organist there. Russian composers, Meeting regularly over the past few 'Women's Student Government, who The church is located at Bond and weeks, representatives of both the organized the procedure for the Green Streets, Men's and women's Student GoVel'll- collections made among the faculty Cercle Francais Is The Program follows; menta have almost finished revision and student body. T1'mnpet Time. .__ Purcell of the constitution presented last Those students appointed Miss Host To Toureille Passacaglia in C Minor Erescobaldi "Intermezzo", starring Ingrid spring, which represents the proposed Smith to handle the donations the rt», How a Rose E'er Blooming Bergman and Leslie Howard, merger of both governments into one various dormitories were: Annabelle Brahms will be the benefit movie to be joint body. If ratified by the student Olockler, Blanche Ward; Bevevly Mil- Le Cercle Pranqais had as the =Priere a Notre-Dame Boellmann sponsored by the Argonauts, body, the constitution, which will be stead, McKinstry; Peggy Brown, Cas- guest speaker Pastor Pierre C. Choral in B Minor __..__Franck Wednesday, April 7, at the presented shortly after the spring sen Hall; Frank Stevenson, Albert Toureille at its last meeting on "'Meditation Front "Thais" __..Messeeet Carroll Theater. The price of vacation, calls for election of officers Norman Ward; and George Coulter, March 9. Pastor Toureille is the Introduction Front Passac.aglia- admission will be 40 cents. by the entire student body, instead of Ward Hall. minister of the French Protestant Reger Tickets may be purchased in the separate elections of the past, Church of Washington, D. C. He also been As has typical of previous Those numbers .with the asterisk McDaniel Hall office. Details of the proposed constitution drives on the Hill, campaign speeches teaches part time at the Westmin- Before coming to the are being played by request. will be given full publicity as soon as and programs were eliminated. Since ster Seminary. about two months ago, United States it is completed, The representatives it was felt that all atudent s were a- he traveled widely in Europe. A na- are hopeful of Pendulum of both organizations of the students WII)'e of the provided an nrldcd oppor- tive of the southern is well of France, in purpose involved, the part complete cooperation campaign versed Pastor Toureille this endeavor to form a stronger, tunity for those desiring to g-ive to many languages. WMC Stuclents Join'Movement more centralized organization com- the Red Cross cause. mainly His speech consisted of a bining the activities of both the Men's Proceeds n-om West.ern Maryland travelogue, telling of the interesting To Protest Washington Policy and women's Student Governments. are in turn transferred secretary for experiences which he had with cus- to Miss Anne executive Reifsnider of Women's various trips. (On Friday cjtemcon; Mal'ch 17, Sally Smith, of 18 colleges wel'C ?neet- Stuclents Giv~ Capron County, to be included in the toms, passports, The and talk eating was on his very preeidetd. Ihe St!tdent Government, 1'eceived word that studenls Carroll Coun.ty quota. humorous and was well-received by ing thc next afternoon in Washington 10 pl'otest m:mgresBional aelio/I, O'r in- a rather good-sized audience. The action, on the II-fa1'shall Plan. A mass meeting was called Fdday m·ght i1l Voting Privilege Tickets Now Available Pastor is a vivacious man, and he il- whieh the WMC stuilents voted oVC1'whelminflly in Javol' of both the ]',fa1'shall lustrated his talk with animated Plan and joining the gf'ONP in Washington. MfJ.ry Alice HM·shleld, JeflTey For those interested in voting in For Apollo Boys' Choir gestures which brought out the humor Smith, Nildta Barkman, Hal Travis and Ann Order fonned the vang1wTd. Westminster during the coming pri- of every situation with which he came Followi1lg is the pel'sonal aecou.nt by Jeffrey Smith.) , mary elections, the following infor- Beginning tonight, Mal'eh 23, free into contact, He ended on a note, The news has come by way of mation has been received. Voters al- tickets for the Apollo Boys' Choir significant in these times, of inter- Hood College. There is to be a (generally favoring the bill and ready registered in their home towns, national turmoil, saying that in ing of the clans. A general uprising hardly suitable canllon fodder for concert will be available in McDaniel order to have world cooperation, be- should contact their vot- is indicated from the distant rolling our venemous wrath and inquiring in Maryland, while home for spring Hall office for studen,ts and faculty fore we remake the map, we must re- members. The concert is scheduled to boards ing Pennsylvania hills to the hot bed of minds). The first two men speak in vacation, cancel their registration be: in Alumni Hall, April 14, at make man. the nation's capital, the get up and go glittering generalities and ri g h t there, and obtain a statement from elements supporting the Marshall roundly damn yon Republicans. This the board that they have done so. p, m. Pastor Toureille may have another to address Cercle Le Plan are converging on their an- seems scarcely, good tact or diplomacy This statement should then be pre- Student and faculty seats will be opportunity If an:/one would be inter- Francais. tagoni"st-the House of Reprcsenta- to use on such a diverse cross-section sented to the registration official in reserved, thus allowing a limited ested in meeting him, the French De- tives, FrO!)1 our own institution, 35 of Americlln youth. This is only the -Westminster on registration ~ay. number for outsiders. Tickets for Minute Men (and women) are beginning! The next speaker, Helen outsiders will be $1.25, partment will make all arrangements. mustered fol' the timely march on the Gahagan DougJas, addresses us as Those students, who have not as yet This concert will mark the initial hill. Hurried arrangemenh are made, "boys and girls", and speaks of her registered (It all, may register in appearance of the Apollo Choir, the the Dean Free To Initiate and, as an initial nucleus of five ar- I grief during the recent conflict when Westminster on registration day, pro- sole American counterpart of her husband (Melvin Douglas) and viding they are citizens of this state. Vienna Boys' Choir, which had won rive at Catholic University for a Students from out of state will not world fame before the war. Directed New Traffic Control general "plan of attack", the other son (Merchant Marine) went off to be able to vote in Westminster, since 30 are boarding a hastily chartered serve. Sob. Sob Sob. the law in Maryland states that one by Coleman Cooper, the boys ages Along Main Drive bus to arrive at 2 p. m, before the Already some of our more radical must declare his intentions at least range from 9 to 12 years old, National Art Gallery. elements are feeling the strain, and one year prior to the' election. Beginning today, March 23, signs "This is it!" We are 500 strong the cry goes out for her down (to and placards will be placed along It is doubtful if those already regis- and feel our weight of influence and relax our sympathies) and Republi- tered in Baltimo"e City will be able to the main campus driveway, from Mc- affluence. Since the House is not in cans up (to explain their motives). Kinst-l'y Hall to Lewis Hall, in an ef- session, we see our objective in the She gets down from the table used vote here, for that city closes its Communion services on Holy fort to reduce the traffic hazaTd along- House Office Building where three Ils the pulpit; but no Republicans registration books 49 days before Thursday, March 25, will be this route. 'rhcre is to be absolutely no (prepared) speakers are to be inter- get up, apparently being indisposed, each election, and the primaries will held in Baker Chapel at 7 p.m. parking at any time on this area, viewed by our eager mass. After so three student spokesmen give their be held on May 3. Reverend Jones and Dr; Holt· DeaTh~l:ee announced today. He em- several glamour shots of our columns synopsis of the venture and issue the Westminster registration day will haus will officiate in the Sacra- phasized the fact that parking space by officious cameramen, we scurry in- word of disbandment. Irate students be April 27. The place of registration ment of the Lord's Supper. On is available at the rear of McKinstr~' to the hallowed halls wherein our tile from the scene of defeat only to for those living in the college com- Wednesday morning there will Hall and requested the full coopera- honored Representatives do their hear the cry, "We have Republicans". munity is as yet undecided, but The be no service, tion of all students and faculty in "work". In the lounge we find our Speaking casually, we have the oft Gold Bug will make this information upholding this program. speakers: all three are Democrats (Continued on page 2 column 4) public as soon as it is available.
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