Page 44 - TheGoldBug1947-48
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The Gold Bug, Mar. 23, 1948 \At hee!ThePeop/e Thoughts On Easter by LOUIS PIETROFORTE Of all the festivals of the when the archeologists began on building. our kingdoms-we Mr. and Mrs. Bloopfloogle had had Christian year, Easter is the their investigations of ancient stretch out our hands to possess a most enjoyable day at the Drip-Inn most important and the most Roman cemeteries, they found the earth. Domination, power, country club as the guests of the joyful. The original festival of everywhere tombstones with 7 g lor y, money, merchandise, Bortnianskys. It was one of those Easter celebrated the Spring, letters on them: NFFNSNC. these are the things we.alm at; lovely summer days when there "Iddy" will be at the meeting the new dawn of the year and of These letters represented an old but what we gain is pest and wasn't even a teensy weensie cloud in on April 8 the earth's life. It is a happy inscription, so familiar that the famine, grudge labor, the en- the sky, and the soft breezes fanned borrowing of a word from our Romans put only the initials slaved hate of men and women. the cro-magnon brows of both the brothers of an earlier age. The down, and these are the Latin It can't last: it never has lasted, Eortnianskys and the Bloopfloogles, spirit of Easter finds its most words for which the initials this building in blood and fear. much to the relief of Mrs. Bloopfl. On Monor perfect expression in the death stood: Non fui, fui, non sum, non Possess the earth! We have lost who had had something of a rough night when she evening the before it. We have lost both earth and is the tr,ns- And curo. this of our Saviour and his-resurrec- tion, the promise of the ultimate lation: I was not, I was, I am ourselves in trying to possess it. couldn't tell the difference between These facts are being presented to triumph of good over evil and not, I do not care. Against this I tell you, woman, this dead son Garibaldi and hail' tonic. you as the first of a series of articles man's reconciliation to God. cynical, hopeless summary of life of yours, disfigured, shamed, They were sitting on the ninth on the subject of the Honor System. Never before have men had comes the challenging message spat upon, has built a kingdom green observing an ant colony when We are interested in seeing whether such need of the Easter message, of Easter, proclaiming a gospel this day that never can die. Mrs. Bortniansky led up to the fatal or not such a system would be prac- in a world where we see such upon whose truth our hopes de- Something has happened up here question. It seemed that Mr. Bloopft. ticable on the campus of Western large scale evidences of man's pend, that spiritual values alone on this hill to shake all our king- had insisted Mrs. Bloopfl. study the Mar-yland, and if so, what sort of sinfulness as mass destruction last while the temporal will pass doms of blood and fear to the ants in order to observe how well they system would be best suited to our of human life, fear, hunger and away. dust." got along, and how efficiently the lit- needs. economic injustice. As prophets Charles Rann Kennedy in his As we look to Christ, we shall tle creatures worked. They accom- • University of Virginia of doom stalk the land, there play, "The Terrible Meek," has find Him, and with Him life and plished so much with each little ac- The Honor System at the Univer- comes a message of hope from left us some momentous words life more abundant, Easter pro- tion. After two hours and fourteen sity of Virginia has been in operation the one who said "I am the that we might well ponder on at claims that man shall overcome minutes of concentrated attention, for over one hundred years and ap- resurrection and the Life; he this Easter season. The captain all his foes, including death it- Mrs. Bloopfl. calmly stated that she pears to be a very effective method that believeth in me, though he of the Roman guard is speaking self, for they who face the cross thought much 9f the energy expended of preventing dishonorable practices were dead, yet shall he live." Dr, to Jesus' mother after the cruci- face an eternal sunrise. by the little beasts was dawgonned on that campus. The important thing Fosdick. has reminded us that fixion and says" And so we go -J. Hat'1'Y Haines irrelevant! It was at that point that about this HOMr, System, as in any Mr. Bloopfl. made clear his intention such practice, is the fact that the stu- them happier at the end of the story of supplying Mrs. Bloopfl's. daily iron dents abide by the theory of the pro- Campus Clippings quota with a resounding smack on gram as well as merely following the than they might have been without College Calendar her head by means of his No.8. rules. When students enter Vir- A wave of surrealistic art will be her interference. Mrs. Bortn'sky hastily suggested a to education students Of interest ginia for their f res h In a n year the probable outcome of the trip 18 art will be Field Work in College Edu- Friday, March 26 game of bridge at the home of the they are presented with a welcoming majors took to the Baltimore Art cation, by Helen Merrell Lynd of Spring Vacation begins 12 B1oopfis., and the crisis was passed letter which says, in effect, that Show a few weeks ago ... A group Sarah Lawrence College. This book noon. admirably. everyone on the campus is assumed of Gettysburg students have written contributes to the discoveries of col- Tuesday, April 6 After much qnibbling, the stakes to be a gentleman and that the Honor to ask for WMC requests for their Classes begin 8: 00 a. m. were set at the staggering rate of a System is based upon the fundamen- Saturday afternoon "Campus Chatter" lege education the experience of our Wednesday, April 7 cent a point. In order to meet this tal principal of gentlemanly honor. on station WCHA. Send requests to college in the use of field work. Field Organ\ recital, Grace Murray, demand Mr. Bloopft. went to the observat1fn, work includes systematic Lying, stealing, cheating, and the Bill Baker, TK House, Gettysburg Col- participation, and research earned St. Paul's Church, West- vaults in the basement and returned breaking of one's word of honor un- lege. If you missed our own Radio on outside the college. The kinds of minster 8:15 p. m. a half hour later, somewhat weary der any circumstances is regarded as Players, records have been made and subjects and the kinds of learning Air Force Team, Science Hall, but none the worse for wear, with a Room 203, 4:30 p. in. an infringement upon the Honor will be played after vacation .. situations in which field work has five-dollar bill clutched in his hand. Code. "A violation of the Honor Sys- Southern hospitality fill be the key- been found particularly valuable and Argonauts sponsor movie, "In- Two dollars and forty-nine cents were tem is an offense against the entire note when the Home Ec Club plays the kinds of students for whom it has termezzo" Carr~ll Theatre. given to his adoring wife and the re- student body of the University." host, or hostess, to a state-wide con- been most helpful, as well as the sit- Thursday, April 8 mainder stayed with the male mem- Generally speaking, this includes clave on the campus the week after uations in which it has failed, are Student-Faculty me e tin g , ber of this ill-fated union. After five any infringements regarding signed vacation .... They will also have described. Science Hall, Room 203, hours of playing and six hundred pledges of honor which the student personal pointers from the White 4:15 p. m. shin bruises divided equally between is required to sign upon entrance to House (Yep-President Truman's) as Contest Winners Friday, April 9 the Bloopfloogles, the host found that the University. It is also a punish- Sue Steelman has received an invita- .. Art Symposium, McDaniel he and his mate were a little the able offense to fail to report known tion to visit there during vacation. Lounge, 4: 15 p- m. losers and thereupon invaded Junior's infringements of the system. If one Another junket will be the trip of Tri- First Prize Saturday, April 10 life-savings in the piggy bank ... fails to do so, he is guilty in that he Beta members to Randolph-Macon Respectfully dedicated to fellow stu- Dance, Phi Alpha Mu, the sum total being twenty seven deliberately fails to uphold what is College on April 7 . A steady dents of English 311 (Poe). Blanche Ward Gym, 8-11 :30 cents, two marbles, a copy of "God's of great meaning to all the students, flow of traffic has been established be- A man from New Haven named p. m. Little Acre", and a treatise on the Baseball, individual and group responsibility. tween WMC and Ford's Theatre in Mavin, Sunday, April Penn State, away. theory of relativity. Junior was a 11 At the University of Virginia, the Baltimore, including a bus load of 'Vas' "The Raven" while versatile boy. Honor System is handled entirely by dramatic students .... Seems a shevln'. Sunday School, Baker Chap- Mr. Bloopfl. promptly hid the book the students: the investigations of shame that Alumni Hall is too far His throat he did clear, el, 9:15 a. m. in.his coat pocket and returned to the suspected infringements, the prosecu- away for students to get to top-notch Brought the razor too near. Chapel, Alumni Hall, 7:15 table where he divided the remainder tion, and defense. There is, however, faculty concerts. .. Ruth Allen, Nevermore quoth Mavin "The Raven". p. m. of the Bloopfloogle fortune between what is called the Honor Committee Marty Witter, and Annabelle Gleckler -Bob GrMnd. Fireside Fellowship, enter- him and his wife. For some reason or which is composed of the department are recovering fro m basketball Second Prize tainment night, McDaniel other, Mr. Bloopfl. played even worse heads of the University, who act as wounds. They should be in shape by Lounge, 8 p. m. bridge at this sitting! There came a of note, a jury for decision of guilt, as such the tennis season .. War-time An English professor ballads can quote, deal of hands which he opened with a one-spade bid. Mrs. Bloopfl. promptly Who Old English persons are less likely to be biased flight training programs are appar- Is causing sensation Pendulum ... in any direction. If a student is found cntly being started again-an indica- By a mid-term vacation raised to four spades, laying down for guilty after the trial, for which all tion of something or other. The deal (Continued from page 1 column 2) a dummy a very good hand. However, accused persons have recourse, he is is being explained by a team of 'Cause of lumps he calls mumps in elected and presently not-elected Mr. Bloopfl. had become so engrossed given twenty-four hours to leave the travelling Air Corps men in Science his throat. A,lice Hc'rshfeld. Hamilton Fish of New York. He in Junior's reading- matter that he -Mary school. There is no appeal beyond the Hall on April 8 . If anybody is hates war, and speaks of nothing failed to make the bid .... Mrs. decision of the Honor Committee. The interested in forming a "Students for Honorable Mention else. B1oopf!. felt her bruised shins, ex- entire matter is handled secretly so Stassen," "Students for wallace" or Some people who chat on the phone With the termination of his "ora- pectly shifted her dangling cigar to the that there is no chance of a "bad" a "Young Democrat League," the Gold Think they live in the world all alone, tory", we withdraw our legions from from one side of her mouth of hair tossed other, back the hank reputation following acquittal if such Bug is being swamped with propa- The girls in McDaniel the field and disperse to our colleges should be the case. Stress is placed ganda and will be happy to pass it on. Should hire the Dean's spaniel and universities. The day has been that hung over her drooping left eye- upon the fact that the Honor Com- It describes in a breezy manner the So if they keep talking he'd moan. well spent. If we have not gained our lid, and after a series of well ex- "You sure drawled, mittee is not a police force but rather ages of the national organizer, their -Marian Meredith. initial objective, we have gained a pressed a epithets, bridge player." This are bum a court of appeal to whom aulYaccus- immense service records and equally valuable Illustration in truly Demo- startled Mr. Bloopfl. and drew his at- ed person may turn if he should wish immense number of children. Left out Interested in a frce Modern Library cratic procedure. tention away from a very interesting to plead his case. are such boring details as the political Book from the Antique Book Shop? A portion of chapter six. Naturally he $1.00 food cheek at Griffins? A pair • Oberlin College platforms of their candidates. of Carroll Theatre Movie tickets? En- in the box outside the post office door . replied with a well rounded retort. should 3. Limericks in be written The Honor System at Oberlin dif- ter the Gold Bug Limerick Contest. Hard words began to fly thick and is an Library Books fers only in detail from that of the Three more opportunities to have standard limerick form j the first, fast and reached a climax when Mrs. University of Virginia. There your say about campus affairs and second and fifth lines rhymed in Bloopfl. tried to wrest the book away Reviewed •.• win a prize for doing so. the third and fourth rhymed in di- from Mr. Bloopfl., who heartily re- (Continued on page 4 column 1) trimeter (three feet to a line), and Rules: meter (two feet to a line). sented her intrusion and "gave" her Among the books which have re- 1. Closing date for the next con- 4. The limerick should deal with the book literally, (As you may have THE GOLD BUG cently been added to the shelves of test will be Wednesday, April 7. First campus life. may enter a maxi- gathered by now, the Bortnianskys were s~eechless.) the college library are the following 5. One person book prize will be a modern library Olllei.1 "tndent new.paper of WeReI'n Yary· selections: of the winner's choice. Second prize mum of five limericks per contest. Mrs. Bloopfl. rose from the floor land Oollege. published uml·monthly on Annals 01 English Drama, 975- a pair of movie tickets. 6. Judges are Professors Hurt and ,vith a handkerehief to her bleeding ~;;~:~i~fi~r~;~;:g~~f~i;:;~!::~R 2. All limericks are to be placed Hendrickson. nose and flushed crimsoll. "Only a Harbage, 1700, by Alfred was copy- cur would hit his wife contemptible cal record of all plays, extant or lost, Poot Olllce, u"der the Aet of Mareh 8, 1879. righted in 1940. It is an analyti- in the face with 'God's Little Acre' Subscription Prlee 12.00 a Year chronologically arranged and indexed Letter To The Editor in the presence of friends, namely the by authors, titles, dramatic compa- Bortnianskys," she said. The Bortni- EDITORIAL ST,\FF n-ies, etc. The aim of the book is to Deal' Editor: expensive solution to the problem, anskys sagely nodded to each other f~~f~~~\~:~'E,;;o,~.o~;O;';::r~:~~~\i supple- certain condition which has long exist- which I have not construct in other and whispered, to the bedroom Mrs. Editor·in·ebiet work seen of a is aware No doubt everyone facilitate the study of English "Tovarich". drama Why and large Bloopfl. walked by supplying schools. a convenient compart- deep with racks several chiefly that had seen action in the Boer War. compiled hall. authoritative from C~py Editor . Jane Guttmann mentary means of reference. It is ed in, or rather outside, our dining ments for the books? These could be seized her grandfather's six-shooter BUSINESS s'rAFF historical works and from articles in I refer to the piles ~f books which placed against the walls in both vesti- She loaded each barrel with grape- Busine... Menager ". Ted Queloh scholarly journals. are strewn around the floors of the bules. Certainly the building will pre- shot and ambled toward the table in Ad"eyti"ing Manager . Ed Wright Give Us OIlI' Dream is a novel by vestibules and line the stairways at sent a neater aspect at lunch time, the living room. Mr. Bloopfloogle's Cireulation Manoger Dolin Grauel Arthemise Goertz,copyrighted in 1947. both ends of the building. if nothing else; so that we will not be stay on earth ended with the sixth CONTRIBUTORS Little This situation not only presents when we have guests. and Acre" of "God's Bill Sche
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