Page 40 - TheGoldBug1947-48
P. 40
The Gold Bug, March 9. 1948 A Slant On The Hill Letter Meet IIlddyll To The Editor Madame Editor: While sitting in the balcony during During these days Swedish stu- maybe the translation of Hannibal's of the objec- Regardless planned the reoont assembly revolution, The dents, the same age as sophomores march over the Alps. tives, and whether or not he outraged Gold Bug staff noticed a nebulous and jun.i.ors here, are having a hard The whole country participates in them or overstepped his bounds: ev- form taking shape near the ceiling. time. They have their written exami- these exams, they are broadcasted and eryone must admit that Mr. Cushen Psychic and metaphysical phenome- nation for atudentezamen or Imma- reproduced in the newspapers. For a "Iddy" Just Copied The Wrong na "being a Gold Bug speciality, the triculation. This corresponds to the couple of weeks you go around and Answer .. did give us quite a "shower bath" and Feature Editor immediately pulled Bachelor of Arts Degree in the U.S.A. guess y~ur results. Finally, when the left us considerably sobered. The im- to utilize the portant thing remains out her Speed Graphic and shot the in that you start your graduate work teachers have corrected the papers awakened feeling most of us now ad- apparition. (This might explain the after passing it. -, and the State School Government has mit. The problem remains how to do current misapprehension that some- The same examinations are given examined them, all students are called so. Let's hunt for definite objectives one attempted to asslnate Mr. Cush- all over the country, at the same days to the President who announces the for the out-castes; concrete goals for en.) The picture below is the result. and at the same hours, from 8:80 a. grades. If you flunked the written improvement. After consultation with Interna- m. to 3 p. m. Every other day you exam, the janitor of the school tells I. Information: As Mr. Johnson tional Institute for Physical Research, have your Swedish composition, E11g- you, and you are not allowed to go in by Sheila Siegel we arrived at the solution that he (or lish, French, Latin, German Physics, together with those who passed. pointed out, there is a dire need for of in- some method of dissemination she) was the tortured soul, or Id and Mathematics---only three or four Now starts the real "sausage-cram- For the clever, original, and brave, formation from the high command in (affectionately called, "Iddy") of the of them, depending upon what you ming" of all that you have had the the Gold Bug is sponsoring a limerick this democratic community. In addi- student body. Apparently he was des- have studied during the last three last years. One day in May you get contest. The limericks must be con- tion [to The Gold Bug), the Student perately trying to escape his faults. years in the Gymnasium. four subjects for your oral exami- cerned with campus affairs or person- Government representatives should But The Gold Bug won't let him. There are guesses about what nation. When the day for it comes, alities (yes, that does include the interest themselves in this matter of issue of the and each future may be. Perhaps you study everything the girls dress in white suits and the faculty), beginning with the March 23 intramural public relations. Both or- paper, about a poet from 1800, then you will boys in tuxedos. A group of four stu- number, will announce and present ganizations do so to a large extent at probably get a contemporary one. dents sit in front of a teacher, a the winning limericks of the week. present, and little more comment is You guess wildly about ten different ceesor, usually a Ph.D. in the sub- Two prizes will be awarded in each needed. subjects. We do not study too much ject, and one or more examination week. First prize will be a $1.00 food II. Cheating: EVerything Miss the days between exams but try to witnesses. These people s o b e n lry ticket, donated by Griffin's, alternat- Smith said was true and can hardly keep our brains clear, and when the dressed in "swallow-tails", bombard ing with a Modern Library hook of be denied. What can we do about it? day comes you will always find some- you with questions. Everyone of us the winner's choice, donated by the How about an Honor System? I don't thing to write-you have six hours. gets fifteen minutes' examination, and Antique Book Shop. Second prize will suggest an overnight revision (which You draw lots for your seats, and I'll tell you that they can expose your be a pair of movie tickets, through would necessarily involve expelling one by one you walk to your place lack of knowledge in less time than the courtesy of' the management of 35% - 95% of the student body, and for nothing can be "arranged" before- that. You have to go through this the Carroll Theatre. (Please, no discharging quite a few of the fac- hand. All look anxious at the Presi- four times. Then you go home on nasty rhymes about these adver- ulty). But an Honor System can and dent who opens the sealed envelopes shaking legs while the teachers and tisers!) will work if everyone involved will and gives the test papers to the the censors have their deliberation The judges for the contest will be put something into it. Even the most teachers who divide them. You look behind locked doors. If you do not get Professor Hendrickson and Professor pessimistic among the old-line of the from your empty sheets of paper to a telephone call within a certain faculty, who promote these "intellec- With this issue the Gold Bug is Hurt. (See page 1.) Members of the even' the beginning a campaign to re-establish the teachers, who walk around (corres- time, you go back to school, gct your Gold Bug staff and judges are not tual chess student games", and entirely most dia- cannot cynical on the balconies of the aula new, stiff, white student cap from the the honor system at WMC. A survey ponding to Alumni Hall) and watch janitor, hear some words of good eligible to enter, credit Miss Brown's "social pressure" of several schools is being made in you, to get inspiration for a theme of luck, etc., from the President, and Enb'i~s for the first t':vard must be as a vital element in our campus life. order to gather information about maybe "The Influence of American for the last time you run yelling out placed in the box outside the Gold III. Religion: First of all, does the their methods and results in regard Popular Music on Swedish Youth" or (Continued on page 4, column 1) Bug door by March 16. Entries placed study of either Old or New Testament to the system, and the findings will later than that day will be judged in really aid anyone in their search for be published soom the next competition. religion? I think it does, but I speak That alone won't accomplish our Campus Clippings Nobody knows for sure precisely for myself alone. This being a church- aim, however. We have to proceed who invented the limerick or when. connected school, Religion probably in the face of the fact that the honor Best wishes to the one-month old exchanged her school loyalty from However, almost everyone is familiar will always be a required course. But system was formerly in use here and son of Mr. and Mrs. Emory Chesley WMC to U. of Maryland for an en- with the impudent, five-line verse why Old or New Testament? In spite failed. Thus, before we can hope to of Vetville .... Understand t hat gagement ring from Robert Hager form which ranges in subject matter of Dr. Bradley's very liberal and re-establish the system on the campus, Ward Hall now rates the title or . Another title has been given Dr. from the comical to the obscene. broad-minded approach to this very we must prove to the faculty that we "Gemmill Hall" in remembrance of ex- Ensor-Assistant Dean of WomeTh- Of necessity we insert the request personal subject, some persons resent are capable of making a go of it this student Robert G.... $1000 from until Dean Howery returns, that is that all verses not be of the type de- the requirement to take an indoctrina-_ time. So the Gold Bug's immediate WMC is now on its way to destitute Congratulations to David Ben- scribed below: tion course in a prescribed religion. aim is to combat eheating. students as our WSSF collectioru . ninghof '47 for winning the national Your verses, dear friend, I surmise How about this: If Religion, why not That's where Iddy comes in. He That extra change placed in the CARE McClung Award of $25 for undergrad- Were not meant for clerical eyes; a study of world religions, "Religions will appear again and again on these bottle in the Grille amounted to $4.90 uate research im biology. This was the The Vicar and Dean of Mankind"? Other departments re- Cannot tell what they mean, pages. We hope he will become a sym- ... CARE "donations are mounting second successive year that Western And the Bishop's aghast with sur- quire surveys as the introductory bol to you---of your conscience, per- with Mr. Harrison giving the SCA one Maryland r-eceved this honor; Marie courses; why not Religion? haps; of your guiding seraph, maybe; cent from every cup of coffee sold dur- Wilson '46 also winning it.. An prise. IV. The Stu den t Body: We're perhaps his reproachful little face may ing an average day, and the Sigma article by Sue Steelman about her Our favorite, though not original, most of us entirely, disgustingly, remind you that someone other than Sigma Tau Sorority sending packages summer work rated a page and a pic- is: There once was a scuptor named blindly self-centered. Our whole life yourself may in time suffer for your abroad instead of having their annual ture in the February Colbeeon ... revolves around this or that 'gang', misdemeanors. Sooner or later "they" birthday dinner. . The Sigma's Neither Hell nor high water, but near Phldias the Hill, or the varsity. Also we would are going to clamp down on us; an also are helping an orphanage in Nor- zero weather, was the cause for Dr. Abont whom J won't be invidious, all just put a little more effort into it, But he carved Aphrodite offender m-ay be made an example of, way to which they are sending money Without any nightie, we'd probably be surprised to find and, regardless of the fact that he and clothes. . Wedding bells will Earp's recent absence from class- Which shocked all the pure and what it's possible talearn in required may be no more guilty than many be chiming for Eleanor Pearson '47 The mud finally froze making possible courses or electives. Professors are others, he will bear the brunt of the and William Kelly, on March 27. that precarious overture into his new fastidious. -Oliver Herford. merely to point the way; not to lead sins of all of us. Let's hope Mary Jane Price has not abode out yonder. What's yours? us by the hand. Western Maryland is So when the temptations which at- an accredited school; it has a good tack us all from time to time come, academic standing. If you're not get- remember little Iddy. He is saying, ting an education; if you feel that "Let's not cheat!" I WMC Presents ... you are being cheated scholastically, -JR you'd better settle down to some so- ber self-introspection-it might be you! V. One final note on the Hill. How by CHARLES SHOOK (Continued on page 4, column 3) The Western Maryland Col- the lege Radio Players wish to an- The President- of Western Mary- Spanish and Greek. Ccrdcn'jotned and is 'kJ0HUYf, •••• nounce that the broadcast of the land's Student Christian Association, Black and White Fraternity is a friendly veteran with an allitera- life of William Allen White, now a member of the French Club originally scheduled for Feb- tive name-Gordon Groby. He was and the Orchestra. His mastery of by LAWRENCE OBERC ruary zard, will be presented elevated to office last spring in a com- the violin, however, was born of good Has the age of chivalry passed into over station WFMD at '4:30 petitive election that has yet. the local judgment rather than of a love for oblivion? Has a gentleman forgotten bosses" talking "political P.M. on March 15. music. Gordon's place of prominence at "I had a violin which I COUldn't that a woman is to be loved, honored, college follows a four and one-half sell, so I thought I'd better learn to and respected? No, I don't think so. year period of service in the Army play it." But, a woman is a most complicated Air Forces. His first flight promised creature to understand, with her will- in athletics THE GOLD BUG to be his last, when it resulted in a is now limited, but he once displayed ful ways and moods; who, when given Gordon's participation an inch, will want to become a ruler; crash but Oordon's eacttvity landing, today denies any damage to his a youthful exuberance for bicycle who, when she says "yes," usually health. It was while in the Pacific jaunts that would cover as much as means "no." As for the Wife (usually theatre, that he first seriously con- 600 miles. His wanderlust was prob- referred to as "the bitter half"), she when, in a se- earlier ably inspired sidered the ministry, and, through ries of migrations, his family moved is the one who "generally speaking, is the influence of army chaplains, even- from Ohio to Kentucky, to Tennessee, generally speaking"; who remembers tually decided that helping others her birthday but forgets which one it was a good way to spend his life. to New York, to washipgtcn, and is; who no longer demands that her In aviation attempts more success- back to Ohio again. husband satisfy her slightest wish as ful than the first, Gordon saw most Army life has apparently removed long as he takes care of the larger of the world, and by September of his urge to travel. Instead he is go- ones; who picks her husband's clothes 1945, he was quite resigned to the But at the suggestion of the adminis- ing to concentrate on his studies and and then his pockets; who would be prospect of becoming a civilian. tration, I waited until February to his career. This fall, he will attend less dangerous if a man could fall The speed of his readjustment af- start". the Boston University, and next sum- into her arms without falling into her Bu.ines~ :U..nugeT J' •• Ted Quelch ter discharge was phenomenal. With Philosophy is Gordon's major, and mer will assist the pastor of his hands; who is attractive at twenty, Ad'l"orti.'ng ],[anager . Ed W,.ight the same overwhelming desire to do he has worked with such vehemence Methodist Church in Columbus. attentive at thirty, and adhesive at Cinulation Manager Della Graud CONTRIBUTOHS something new that has come to char- that he is a regular Dean's Lister Gordon Groby is a person who likes forty. Rila Bi.ttle, Helen. Lingenfelter. Joyce Hinkle. acterize him, Gordon plunged into the and one of this year's ten WMC stu- to look people and life squarely in But "weep no more, theme reader" Jana I"anos, MarIan Me",dith, Hel~n Becker. dents listed in Who's Who Among for it was William Shakespeare him- Joan Baker, OalTOn PaTker, Rulh Allen. Leon task of getting a higher education. the face. His friendly smile charac- St"ver, June Beaver. Jack Rogers. "Lodi"" "I was discharged fr9m the army University and CoUege Students. Not terizes his religion, for he intensely self who said, "No perfection is so ab- Hich. Bill Eliuon. Betty Lee Uohhin •. Bill Scheder, Joyee Parker. Pat 1lcLuen. Elaine on Friday, arrived here Saturday, content with a fluent delivery of believes that God is no burden, but a solute, that some impurities doth no Marian Meredith. Duane galzgllver. and was ready to enroll on Monday. French, he is also acquainted with living aid. pollute." Alice Yearly.
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