Page 38 - TheGoldBug1947-48
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The Gold Bug, Eeb.24, 1948 write again, but had been saved by a Marion E.; Beyer, Margaret L.; ~aybe Deader laryngectomy which left him voice- Operation Infirmary Dean's list Smith, Mary Ellen. lees. He even gave his readers the (Continued from page 2, column 3) Specials: Lassahn, Louis K.j Yi- (Continued from page 2, column 6) little dialogue he and death had had space for the expansion of temporary (Continued from page 1, column 1) Yuan. every morning, He drank forty cups at that close call. student recreational facilities. Gladys J. j Price, Mildred F. j Ranck, of coffee a day, wore $200 suits, ~50 After that he seemed even more The next building to be erected ts ElizabethJ.j Sapp, Carolyn W.j Sapp, shoes, and studs and cuff links made anxious to drink in all the atmos- an, Infirmary. I cannot" give a definite Louise S.; Sause, Jean M.; Sowers, out of gold pieces. phere of Manhattan. With Winchell, date at this time, but it will be in the Barbara J.; Stagg, M. Louise] DISTINCTIVE NOTE He was a great reporter, and every his best fi-iend, he chased police calls, very near future. Thomas, Mary Anne. PAPER other reporter knew it. They said he like old times, and toured all the old It would seem to me that these Sophomores: Callis, Joseph j Clarke', did things with words that made familiar hangouts. He carried a gold columns are hardly the appropriate Donald F.; Flickinger, E. Laveme ; Attractively Priced them want to throw their typewriters pencil and a pad on which he wrote place to discuss the implications deal- Higgins, James E.j Knepp, Samuel away, especially in sentences like his conversatiop. ing with the personnel of the Infir- A.j LizerjsRober-t S.; Orth, Harold AT this one, in which he described a hear- He gave instructions that when the mary, but I would be very happy to Lee; Plnholster, Daniel; Resh, Kyle Coffman's Stationery ing in the Snyder-Gray murder trial: end should finally come, there was to discuss the matter in my offiCe with W.j Seymour, George. "A drab little man in a gray suit sat be no fuss, no weeping. He wanted your correspondent or any other stu- Archer, L. Rae; Alexander, Doro- Opposite Bus Terminal in the witness stand this afternoon to be cremated and have his ashes dent. I would simply say that during thy A.; Armacost, Virginia 1...; Auld, and talked his life away." scattered over Manhattan from a the recent epidemic the capacity of Marion E.; Beyer, Margaret L.; During his life time he wrote some plane. , th~ Infirmary was taxed severely and Clayton, Virginia F.j Ennis, Rachel eighty million words-movies like On December 10, 1946, death came other factors conspired to intensify M.; Hardester, Ada Lee; Jones, Mary "Lady for :,t Day" and "Little Miss to him again, this time for good. But the difficulties. The entire Infirmary SHEET MUSIC Marker", plays, verse, a syndicated Damon Runyon, voiceless, couldn't staff deserves considerable praise for daily column which appeared in 125 speak his lines in the dialogue he had doing a good job under unfavorable SMITH 8< REIFSNIDER POPULAR-STANDARD papers, along with his regular report- written before. "Oh, hello. Hello, conditions. Incorporated CLASSICAL ing and short stories. hello, hello. I was not expecting you. Lowell S. EnBor, PreBidetit LUMBER-COAL Until 1943 he was just about the I have not looked at the red board WESTMINSTER, MD. RECORDS busiest man in the business. Then, lately and did not know my number Obocse from a Large Selection suddenly, he stopped writing, and the wai up. If you will just hand me my Westminster Laundry readers of his column found them- kady and my coat I will be with you in Barries Appliance Service COLONIALMUSICCO. selves faced with reprints of 'old . a jiffy." Laundry and Dry Cleaning ~:n~:~!:~:\:n!~e a:ffa!~lotrat?1~~ ~~~ }:it::t~~~~~1~~~uo~~tiR~I:;~~S~~Y!~~~ Pick Up And Delivery Phone 793 34 W. Main St. - Phone 386-J Runyon was ill. He had cancer of the Service BENDIX-THOR throat, gallstones, and cirrhosis of IN R.C.A.-SUN BEAM the liver. He had come very close to ALUMNI SUBSCRIBE TO THE AU Work Guaranteed Run Right to death, he explained when he began to GOLD BUG Basement of Old Main 45 E. Main Street READ'S Westminster, Md. For Fine Cosmetics, Toiletries Everybody Stops In At J. WM. HULL, Jeweler and Drug Needs JOHN EVERHART Complete Photography Margaret & Earl's Successor to Cassell's Department It Pays To Look Well The College Barber The Store" of New Fashioned IS E. Main St'reet, fo' Jewelry and Old Fashioned Visit The Westminster, Md. , and Bobber SANDWICHES- Honesty AT THE FORKS Avenue Barber Shop SOFT DRINKS TIMES BUILDING East Main Street Westminster, Md. Where The Students Go Welcome to 85 Pennsylvania Avenue "PETE'S" Compliments of RADIO-ELECTRONIC Benny's Kitchen SERVICE Fo, T. W. Mather & Sons has table model Radios of Where old friends meet Groceries - Soft Drinks Famous makes, Send Her a Flowery RECORD PLAYERS, ETC., VALENTINE and like to eat and Westminster's Department for immediate delivery Efficient Radio SEAL TEST ICE CREAM Store of Prompt and Repairs Stewart N. Dutterer Stric;tly home cooked food Main St.-Green Neon Sign Go~d Service and Values Radio Electronic Service FLORIST 59 W. Main St., Westminster 14 W. Main St_ Phone 703 114 Pennsylvania Ave. Westminster 654-J Phone 350 ~ Westminster's New Modern Drug Store Good Health The Artcraftsman DRUGS SCHOOL SUPPLIES To 80 East Main Street COSMETICS Opposite Post Office WHERE THERE'S COKE SODAS All TAILOR-MADE GIFTS Bixler and Guild From THERE'S HOSPITALITY Drug Co. Greeting Cards, Stationery John and Main See, REXALL Hand-painting done to order Continuous 2 p. m. Saturdays and Continuous 1 p. m. Saturdays and ONE DAY ONLY! Holidays Holidays; Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p. m. p. m. Evening show 9 p. m. Week Wed. Feb. 25 Matinee 2 p- m.-Evenings 7 & 9 p. m. day shows continuous from 4:30 p. m. TheTHEATRE GUILD /Jr~m:t; Wed., Feb. 25 Wed., Feb. 25 "HENRY V" LAURENCE Laurence Olivier Robert Newton "TERROR ON HORSEBACK" OLIVIER Thurs., Fri., Sat. 26-28 Thur., Pri., Feb. 26-27 "TIlE SWORDSMAN" "THE OTHER LOVE" " j"1fIillio.,,,ShahJNare·1 ., Larry Parks Alan DrEW Barbara Stanwyck David Niven HENRY V Sun. to Tues., Feb. 29- Mar. 2 Sat., Feb. 28 ".MY WILD IRISH ROSE" "LAWLESS VALLEY" In TuhniCDl~r Geo. O'Brien Dennis Morgan Andra King Sun. to 'I'ue., Feb. 29 to March 2 Matinee--2:30 Wed., Thurs., Mar. 3-4 "I WALK ALONE" "MACOMBER AFFAIR" Lizabeth Scott Bert Lancaster Gregory Peck Joan Bennett Fri., Sat., Mar. 5-6 Wed., March 3 "ON THE OLD SPANISH TRAIL" "GUNLAW" Roy Rogers Jane Frezee Ceo. O'Brien Sun., Tues., Mar. 7-9 Thur., Fri., Mar. 4-5 "THE VOICE OF THE TURTLE" "GREEN FOR DANGER" Eleanor Parker Ronald Reagan Sally Geary Trevor Howard trade_marks mean tM same thing. eomm UNOER AUTHORITYOf THE COCA-COLA COM.PANY BY Wed. to Fri., Mar. 10-12 Sat., March 6 SEATS "GONE WITH THE WIND" "CHEYENNE TAKES OVER" WESTMINSTER COCA·COLA BOTl'I..ING CO. NOW! Clark Gable Vivian Leigh Lash LaRue Fuzzy St. John 0IU8.Tb.Coco.CoIoCompony.
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