Page 41 - TheGoldBug1947-48
P. 41
\ T~e_Gold Bug, March 9, 1948 The'lineup 'Willi New.4 Boxing /Squad Set JHU, Mount Drop Terrors; By Homer C. Earll Sause, Armiger, For Intercollegiates Tourney Drive Falls Short SPOTU Editor by Bill Eliason February proved to be the month Witter Receive 'M' Coach Carlo Ortenzi has announceJ for the long-awaited arrival of a pro- that he will enter a full team in the Johns Hopkins Ahead Throughout Takes 60-5 8 Win longed 'I'error winning streak, but the By Annette McMahan Eastern Intercollegiate Ho x i n g- habit of ending games with only a At the last W.A.A. meeting the Association tournament to be held at West"rn Maryland Out of Playoffs For First Tim" difference of several points finally honorary basketball team was select- / the Uraversity of Virginia. The squad kicked back on our scrappy basketeers. ed. The forwards are Gladys Sause, will leave for Charlottesville on Wed- Completing one of their toughest schedules to date, the Western Mary- It all started back when we eased Martha Witter, Wilma Lee Steele and nesday evening, prepared for a three land cagers dropped a heartbreaker to Johns Hopkins on the victor's floor on past American U. and Hampden-Syd- alternates Betsy Ann Taylor and day meet. Pug iii e t, representing February 28, by a 50-48 count. cage season, but eliminated the Ter- The loss not only closed the regular ney, each falling 54-52. At halftime, Rita Bittle. The guards are Ruth Army, Penn State, Syracuse, and Vir- rors, hopes of making the Mason-Dixon cage tournament as well. The loss Catholic University left the floor be- Wentz, Peggy Brown, Annette Mc- ginia, to mention a few will he en- came by virtue of the failure of the team to connect at the foul line. In the lieving that they had the Westminster Mahan and alternates Kitty Brown countered. club well in hand inasmuch as we had and Reba Wentz. The boxers defeated American first meeting of the two teams in Gill Gym early last month, the Green and Gold was victorious been able to slip the ball through the The new amendments to the eonsti- University this past Saturday night throw department. 68-62, mainly because of marked proficiency in the free nets for only eleven points while the tution of the Women's Athletic As- by 4%-3% points, and on February Cardinals were getting twerrty-three. sociation pertain to the revision of 25, battled the Patuxent Naval Air • TERRORS RALLY The contest was marked by the excessive calling of fouls, and it was not After the intermission, the situation the point system. Under the new ar- Station to a 4-4 draw, victories go- until the last five minutes that the game got really hot. Trailing by eleven reversed itself. Through the remaining rangement a girl is able to earn a ing to Shannon, Seiland, Sg ar-ig'lo points going into the last quarter, the Green and Gold, behind the fine efforts twenty minutes Catholic U. saw the "WM" with 700 points and an "M" and Corleto at Patuxent. of Walt Piavis began to pull up until they tied the score at 48-all. Then with Terrors gradually pull abreast and with 1200 points. Betty Armiger, approximately thirty seconds remaining in the contest, Bob Tolson tossed a eventually slide on past to a 40-35 Gladys Sause and Mar-tha Witter re- neat one-bander into the basket, his first field goal of the evening, to give the triumph. It was quite a safe margin cently were awarded their "M'e". boys from J.H.U. the game and a berth in the play-offs. compared to the two games im- At the last basketball game in Gill Al Jacobson's attempt to put WMC back into the game was ruined when mediately preceeding this one. Gym, Gladys Sause and Martha Wit- the ball hit a ceiling beam and bounced out of play. It was a tragic ending, ter were-presented with green sweat- • Mount Tr-iumphs ers. This is the top honor in girls mindful of the earlier J.V. game when a similar ending was enacted. Against Mt. St. Mary's the score athletics, and all senior "M" women • SIBISKI GUARDED was close but unlike the others, it are eligible. The award is based pri- The Green and Gold 'fas hampered by the inability of "Big Gun", Walt caused no jubilation in the ranks of marily on athletic accomplishment, Sibiski, to score. "Si" was limited greatly by injuries and was closely guarded the Green and Gold. The Mount jump- by two men throughout. He was still able to cop second place, with'287 points, ed out to a 4-0 lead but by the four- but spirit, service, and scholarship in the Mason-Dixon scoring race, not too far behind sensational Jim Lacy. are also considered. teen minute mark that had deterior- The standing of the sorority Final season standings found the ated into a six-point deficit. About basketball teams to date: team with an over-all record of seven this time everything that the Emmits- W. L. About The Greeks wins and thirteen losses while they burg men tossed in the general di- Phi Alphs 2 0 faired better in conference standings reclon of the basket, found it's way Delta 2 0 Delta Pi Alpha with a six and seven record. through the rim, and by the time Iotas 0 2 Although not the scoring sensation, the horn sounded, they had the Ter- Sigmas 0 2 Maintains Leacl the big little cog of the team was rors down 31-27. There are two games left to play, Frank "Tiny" Stephenson who turn- Never again did the WMC team the Delts versus Phi Alpha and Iotas Delta Pi Alpha with six wins and ed in more than a creditable job for gain the advantage. With about eight versus Sigmas. no losses remains as the only unde- the team all season. He was high minutes left the Mount led 51-40. .Gladys ~ause, W.A.A. president, feated basketball team so far on the scorer in the last two games against Those last minutes were all Terror Will speak at the 1948 Student Sec- John Sgariglio frat loop. While chalking up this re- Hopkins and Mt. St. Mary's with 20 as Mt. St. Mary's failed to score a tion Convention of the Eastern Dis- Has scored knockouts in both of his cord they have met determined and 16 points respectively. single marker. A successful freeze in trict of American Association of lights this year resistance from the Gamma Bets and • JACOBSON SHARP ON ,FOULS the dying moments by the winners Health, Physical Education, and Rec- Bachelors. Dependable throughout the season halted our men just four points short reation. This meeting will be held The card with the Eagles of A. U. The thriller of the frat league so was Al Jacobson who sported the of a much needed victory. April 5 in Baltimore. The topic for opened with thr,e exhibition bouts. far was the tussel between the 'second high scoring average with The chips were really down at discussion is "What Your School of Joe Damuth, 130, carried Jim Wingo Preachers and Bachelors. The out- 172 points. "Jake" was high man on Homew~ on the 28th. The winner Physical Education is Contributing for three rounds. The two sluggers come was uncertain until the final the foul line converting 41 out of 58 would make the playolTs---the loser Toward the Future Citizen." traded punches, toe to toe, up to the whistle, arid it had this writer chew- shots. His best night was against would be out by a half game. However final bell, there was no decision. ing his nails most of the time. "Reds" Hopkins when he tossed in 10 for 10 WMC could have still lost that game ability to score; that is, if you desire The second bout brought two Hill- O'Hara's spectacular one-hand pivot fouls. and made the tournament had Cath, the spectators to show any apprecia-. , men together, who had won their shots almost turned the game in olie U. defeated the Mount in a game tion of your efforts. Furthermore the events of the evening by forfeit, favor of the "single men". John Sil- played aimultaneous'ly at Frederick, attitude shown by just one player on heavyweight Joe Corleto and 175 ber and Bill Kern played a very but the Mount came through with a a team can easily cause a bad irnpres- pound John Sgariglo. Both men ap- steady game for the Blue and White. 4.9-38 triumph. ston on the opposiJ'l-€team and its sup pea red in fine condition and prepared Walt Dorsey of Delta Pi Alpha, who Meanwhile Hopkins was off to a porters and possibly even seriously mar for their entry in the ElBA meet. has been running quite hot so far this split cords for running start. The Terrors evened the relations between the two schools. The In the third exhibition, we had season, and was the ably supported twelve by points, score at 4-4 but JHU moved out to a time needed to remove such a stain is Harry LeFew-, 135, carrying the Green his teammates who played a stable 34-28 lead at the half. Western Mary- far greater than the few moments of and Gold leather to Phil Heathcote. brand of ball. Jack "The Sponge" land couldn't find the range at all in uncontrolled temper that can cause it. Le Few, has an unorthodox over-the- Ernie shared Leap the third period and fell behind by • Possible Playoff Revision shoulder right, but it carries plenty Spicknall for and second highest scoring honors eleven points. A great deal of discussion has been of speed and power. with eight points apiece. • The Curtain Falls Representing Wl\IC in the first· Gamma Beta Chi is the dark horse A great rally brought the Westmin- scheduled bout of the evening Harold of the league, and should Coach Walt ster men back in the running as they Shannon, 125, met Martin Reis. The Sibiski's aggregation show some eccr-. blasted through the Jays defense 'to first round was fast, with Shannon ing power in their remaining con- string eight points. With slightly over sending his man to the canvas for a tests, the race for first place will be a minute remaining Walt Plavis push. count of 9. In the second round the a tossup. ed in a lay-up to even the score at fight was stopped by the rcfree when Last Thursday night was the acid 58-all. With some eighteen hundred Shannon received a cut near his right test for both the Preachers and Gam- people in an uproar Tolson threw in eye. Being ahead on points, the bout ma Bets as these two teams met in the hoop that proved to be tfie margin was awarded to Shannon, in accord Gill Gym and the Purple Raiders, won of victory for Hopkins. For the first with NIBA rules. 51 to 33 for victory number six. Frank Stephenson time since the formation of the Tommy Doolittle, 130, engaged Bill Perhaps it is too early to mention Fast-moving forward was the Mason-Dixon Conference, W11C had Erickson in a very close fight with all star choices, but the following nemesis of m(lny of OUT opponents failed to make the playoffs. the decision going in favor of Er-ick- have, in this writer's opinion, been John Adamovich kept a keen eye son. playing outstanding ball thus far. • Spirit PrevaiIS all season, while Leo Lathroum play- That good old WMC s pirit In the third bout, John Seiland 135, Tom Barnes and Rog Simpkins have ed a consistently fine game at the which had become more and more gained a point over Henr-y Schaffer. been sharing scoring honors for Pi guard post. Joe Thompson and Walt prominent as the season wore on real- The 1st and 2nd rounds were marked Alpha Alpha. Joe Shallenberger and Piavis have been reserves who have ly stood out in that game at Hopkins. by fast punches to the head by both Bill Hawkins of the Tarfons have per- seen a lot of action. Despite the fact that the campus was men. Schaffer tried to measure SeTiand formed admirably for that squad. rather empty that weekend, two bus- with light lert jabs but left himself The big guns of the Gamma Bets are loads of rooters were accumulated and wide open to catch hard rights to the Doug Beakes, Gene "Spook" Frank Terror Scoring Totals they, plus the WMC Baltimoreans, did Joe Thompson face and head. and floor man Ken Volkart. a great job of cheering. Judging from Played consistll1ltly good ball in his Don Lichty, 145, fought a draw a- Walter Dorsey, Hom'er Earll and Walt Sibiski . 287 the noise that came from our section, last season in a Terror uniform gainst Marvin Schiff in a fast 3 round team men Spicknall, Dyke and Leap Al Jacobson .................__172 one would have thought we were play- tilt. Don has shown much improve have been important cogs in the suc- Frank Stephenson . . .......... 147 ing on our home court. The teaM real- heard recently with \ regard to the ment and we can coun.t on him this cessfulness of the Purple Raiders. John Adamovich 107 ly appreciated this support. method of q1.)alifying for the confer- week down, at Virginia. O'Hara, Silber and lay-up artist Her- Leo Lathroum .............. 101 The fine sport.'3manlike attitude ence playoffs. A good many of these In the fifth battie, Pudge Bruner, bert have been setting the pace for Joe Thompson . 86 shown by our studenb> at Hopkins remarks were aimed at the Towson 155, squared off against Tom Fora the Alpha Gamma Tau squad, while Walt Piavis 78 32 providus I!lfl interesting comparison Teachers' team. This club made the in a rough and tumble affair, the bout the scoring threats of the Indepen- Bill Seibert .. ,. to the display that the Mt. Sf.. Mary'S playoffs for the first time, yet when going to Ford by a decision. This was dents are Mike Chandler, Joe Keenan Ernie Burch . crew pnt on in Gill Gym. Not only one considers their schedule as com- Bruner's first experieruce in the ring and "Waldo" Hadjuk. Al Paul. 14 did their student body behave in such and Ford isnt't the type of fighter a the Mason-Dixon' Conference will Len Zawacki. a manner as to provoke anything but • M-D Conlerence boxer expects to meet in his first bout. Tom Gorman. respect and good feeling between these Walt Piavis, 165, fought Bob Mates change its system next year. One plan Ed Elliott . calls for two di· two colleges, but the Mount's star, FINAL STANDING I in the final bout of the evening. Walt under consideration to qualify -for the visions. In order Pete Clark, flaunted a style of sports- is also a new mittman here on the 1050 manship which succeeded in gaining W. L Pct. Hill, but he proved to be a very ag- playoffs each team must play at least for him only a blot on his reputation Loyola College ......... 12 1.923 gressive and skillful boxer, trading six games in its own division and at 5i}!:points in the last two games, we and two teehineal fouls! And we're American Univ . 10 2 .833 punches all the way. The nod went the least four in the other section. The bestow the laurels this time on Frank schedule composition will still remain told that Mr. Clark has conducted him- Randolph-Macon ........... 8 3.727 other way but Walt did a fine job. with the individual colleges, but the Stephenson. With the Mount and JHU self in a like manner on a number of Hampden-Sydney ......... 4 3 .571 new plan will prevent "snap sched- playing so close on Sibiski that he previous oeea.sions. Mount St. Mary's 6 5 .545 pared to the caliber of their team, it ules" for anyone. We believe that this couldn't even breathe deeply, it was Perhaps someone should drop a Catholic Univ.' 9 8 .529 is difficult to see how they could avoid revision is badly needed and had it "SteVie" who came up with high scor- hint in this young man's (the word Towson Teachers 6 6 .500 making the tourney. Yet some two ing honors in both contests and kept gentleman would not be used in its Johns Hopkins . ......... 4 4 .500 weeks ago, lowly Washington College been in force this past season, the the Green and Gald right in there 00 correct form if suhstituted here) ear Western Maryland 6 7 .462 rose up from the musty recesses of playoff competitors might have been that excruciating end_ 'Ve'lJ settle for different. somewhat that being the "big man" on an inter- Washington . ......... 2 11 .154 the cellar position..-and posted a 66-56 Compliments Department: an I8_point average throughout all collegiate clan requires more that just Gallaudet 2 11 .154 ,vin over Towson. After watching him rack up thirty- of next season, Frank! (Continued on column 2) Bridgewater ........ 1 • .100 At any rate, it is quite likely that
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