Page 39 - TheGoldBug1947-48
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Libr~ry l1estern Maryland College \-}estminst,er, Md • ke .~ 1 qoM Bw; PAGE 2 MEET "IDDY" Vol. 25, No. 10 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMlNSTER, MD. March 9, 191-8 OFFicers Club Announces Freshmen Elect Howard Mitchell Conducts Semi-Formal Military Ball Class Officers National Symphony Concert On March 4, holding their- first Preparations have begun for the of the dance, the Camera Club will be election on the Hill, the Western Howard B. Mitchell, associate director, will conduct the National Sym- annual Military Ball to be given by taking pictures on the balcony of Gill Maryland freshman class selected phony Orchestra as it presents the twelfth annual concert in Alumni Hall, at the Officers' Cltib on March 20, 8:30 Gym all evening. The price will be Joseph Luperini as president, John 8 :15 p. m., Friday, March 12. Dr. Kindler, founder and permanent conductor p. m. to 11:45 p. rn. in Gill Gym. The $1.00 for two 8" x 10" photographs. B~bb as vice-president, Peggy Kerns cr the organization, is 'at this time making a tour of Europe. Mr. Mitchell music will be furnished by Don Tickets will go on sale next week in as secretary, Mickie Rupert as treas- conducted the orchestra last year, since Dr. Kindler was in the hospital when Peebles' Orchestra of Harrisburg, McDaniel Office at .$2.00 per couple. urer, and Alice Yearley as historian. the National Symphony gave its program in this city. Pennsylvania. Contrary to the tradi- Mr. Mitchell has been solo cellist tional custom of having the Military of the National Symphony since 1933, Ball strictly formal, this year it will after having graduated with honors be semi-formal and non-corsage. Professor H. from the Cui-tis Institute of Music Under the chairmanship of Sam in Philadelphia. In addition to serv- Knepp, committees have been formed or Vice Verse ing in this capacity and pinch-hit- to handle the activities. Officers head- ting for Dr. Kindler, he has devoted ing these groups are: Del Wareheim, The prof on the right is a sage. considerable time and effort to work decorations; Dick Pindell, band pro- with children in Washington. As a curement; Alfred Yaglinski, ticket As a whiz with a quiz, he's the recitalist, Mitchel! has received na- one tional acclaim and is considered printing and sales; Norman Coates, rage; of the best cellists of today.> publicity; and Kenneth Munroe, clean-up. The prof on the left His talents have not been confined Col. Carlton Smith, professor of to the field of music alone. At the military science and tactics, Major Is equally deft- age of fifteen he was the champion golfer of Sioux City, Iowa, and eince DuBose, President Ensor, Dean Free, has won the District Championship and Coach Havens will be faculty several times. sponsors for the evening. For more on the score, turn the Program Summary: "If hard work and enthusiasm mean page. anything," said Sam Knepp, "this will The initial offering will be a Kind- be one of the best dances of the year. ler version of the fir~t two of six The officers promise fun and merri- movements of Handel's Concerto ment for all." Grosso, Op. 3, No.5. The second num- ber on the' program is the least fami- For those who want a remembrance Spangler To Present Co-ed Study Room Caters To All liar of Brahm's four symphonies, Annual Piano Recital Campus or Day Hop Students Symphony No.3 in F major. Richter, who conducted its first performance, Mile Sponsors called this work, Brahm's Eroica, On Hill March 19th One of the goals of Western Mary- we can conduct ourselves in an adult which would indicate that although Fiction Contest Oliver Spangler, member of the land students in their crusade for manner without the constant super- it \s the composer's least known Western Maryland music faculty, will more student privileges has been visi~n of a .st:aff member. If we expect work, it might. ·be considered his All women students interested in offer a piano recital in Alumni Hall reached. A cooed study room, spon- furtlier pr-ivileges," she stated, "we greatest. creative writing are urged by the on Friday, March 19, at 8:15 p- m. sored by the Intersorority Council, must prove our worthiness of them." Mter the intermission, the orches- publishers of Mademoiselle to enter His program will range from the was opened last night. tra will present a work of the late The room, located in the basement their annual College Fiction Contest. ultra-modernists to the old masters. of McDaniel Hall, is to be used by Dean Howery Takes Italian composer, Ottorino Respighi. The magazine is offering $500 each Those who have not heard Mr. Respighi'a Aria for Orchestra was one for the two best short stories sub- Spangler in a concert are familiar men and women students who wish to of a number of unpublished compo- study together. It will be open from sitions recently found in" New York. mltted. with his organ playing every Sunday 1 o'clock to 5 o'clock in the afternoon Leave of Absence This contest is limited to women night in chapel. The final number on the program will and from 7 o'clock to 9 o'clock in the Helen M. Howery, Dean of Women be Tchaikovsky's Fromceeca: Da Rim- ~:~~r!~:::etet~e °f:llr~wi:~ ru~~!~a~~. Je!~~o~r:r~;:1!~sCI~~:~;e Bach evening. Members of the sororities at WMC, is utilizing a temporary ini, Op. 32. Upon hearing Bizet's Car- paper must be typewritten, double will proctor on a weekly basis. How- partial-leave-of-absence to complete men, Tchaikovsky was inspired to spaced, on one side of the paper only, Pasto?'ale _..- Scarlotte ever, the room will be open to every- her work for the Doctor of Education compose a dramatic work on a modern and accompanied by the contestant's Capr-iccio _ _..._.Scarlotte one on the campus. The room will still degree from Columbia University. subject. The result was this symphonic name, home address, college address, Sonata, Op. 26.__ _ ..Beethoven be available for the use of day-stu- From March 2 until the end of poem with which the orchestra will and college. The length must be from Six Etudes . . Chopin dents. spring vacation, Dean Howery's ad- conclude its program. 3,000 to 5,000 worf-s. Etude in D flaL_ _ Liszt The Intersorority committee, under ministrative duties will be taken over Judging will be done by the editors ..__._Brockway the chairmanship of Elinor Rogers, by Mrs. Sarah Veale, who will be act- of Mademoiselle, whose decision will has met with Dean Howery to estab- ing Dean of Women. Mrs. Veale will be Debating Team Plans be final. Although MIle assumes no Rhapsody in P# minor. ..... Dohnanyi available at any time in her office in Promising Semester responsibility for manuscripts, those Mr. Spangler received the Bachelor lish a set of rules. Eating and smok- Blanche Ward Hall. accompanied by stamped, self-addres- of Arts and Bachelor of Music de- ing are to be allowed. The only re- Dean Howery's English classes are "Resolved: That a Federal World sed envelopes will be returned. All grees at Otterbein College and his strictions concern necking, unneces- Government should be adopted," will entries must be postmarked no later Master of Music degree at the Pea- sary noise and abuse of the furniture. being conducted by Dr. Wills. Dean be the subject for the Western Mary- than midnight, April 15, 1948. They body Conservatory in Baltimore. Male students are allowed only in the Howery, however, will continue with land Debating Club this year. It was the supervision of student teaching. should be submitted to: selected by a national group of col- study room. In the case of a male Although not available for campus College Fiction Contest , Asia Authority work, she will remain at Cassell Hall leges due to its timeliness and import- Mademoi8elle student being found in one of the while she completes her thesis, which ance. Four debates on this topic have 122 East 42 Street other basement rooms, the study room will deal with the interactional ma- ~een scheduled with other colleges. New York 17, New York. To Speak Here will be closed immediately. Infrac- terials of major romantic poets. This On March 10th, at 8 p. m., in West- In the last four years, three win- tions of other rules will result in de- is the last step for 'her doctorate, as minster, the WMC team will debate ners in Mademoiselle creative writ- Dr. Donald G. Tewksbury of Co- nial of the use of the room by the she has completed all other examina- with Dickinson College, Western ing contests have received contracts lumbia University will address the tions a.nd requirements. Maryland to take the affirmative. for their books. It is the hope of college during the assembly on Mon- offender for the remainder of the se- Scheduled for April are two debates the magazine's editors that Western day, March 22. His topic will be mester. with Mt. St. Mary's College and one Maryland College students will take "Thunder Over Asia". Furnishing of the room is being Camera Enthusiasts with Pennsylvania College. advantage of this opportunity. Dr. Tewksbury, a noted authority carried on by the Intersorority com- Under the direction of Dr. Lincoln on international affairs, is currently mittee. Furniture has been given by Discuss Techniques Lorenz, the Debating Club member- Kahn, Harriet 'SCA Chooses Date attending a meeting of UNESCO in the administration; however, there is ship now. includes: Culotta, Lincoln Mexico City. At Columbia he serves Mary Todd, Joseph in the capacity of professor of inter- a need for additional pieces, especial- Feature of the next regular meet- Justice, C. MclRtyre, H. Pender, and ing of the Camera Club will be a dis- For St. Pat Dance national relations. In addition to this ly couches. Anyone wishing to donate cussion and demonstration of deve- D. Denny. It is expected that some of background, his own personal experi- any furnishings is asked to get in lopment and printing techniques, to these members will attend the Penn- Shamrocks and other green decora- ences in Asia well qualifies him to touch with the committee. be presented by David Patten. This sylvania State Debaters' Convention tions will give color and atmosphere speak expertly on the subject. Miss Rogers places special empha- meeting will be held in the darkroom to be held May 18th and 19th. to the St. Patrick's Day Dance to be The Cosmos Committee, faculty sis on the ultimate value of the study of Science Hall, where future demon- As Western Maryland is a mem- held Saturday, March'13, in Blanche members who choose the speaker, is strations are also scheduled. ber of the Debating Association of Ward Gym, from 8 Ii. m. to 11 p. m. attempting to engage Mr. W. H. room. "This is a chance to show that Any student interested in photo- American Colleges, there have been The affair is being sponsored by the Chamberlain to speak to the student graphy, especially developing and many opportunities for engagements Student Christian Association. body at some future date. printing, is invited by the Camera with other colleges. However, the Dancing and games mil comprise Club to attend these meetings. No limited audience which the debates to with the music being supplied by re- WMC Student Gov't knowledge of this work is necessary date have received has kept tbe club of entertainment the evening, the from taking camera is not needed. of these of- advantage and a "super" cordings. In line with the tradition of Sponsors "Women" We have time on our hands To preserve the memories of the fers. So we've had to make plans the holiday, everyone is requested to To avoid date-ophrenia Military Ball, the Camera Club will wear a bit of green. Admission and The Student Government will spon- also take pictures of the couples on refreshments will be free for all, and sor the movie, The Women, starring neurosis the balcony of Gill Gym the night of Home Ec Elects OfAcers both stags and drags are welcome. Joan Crawford, at the Carroll Be the first to arrive the dance. The club has set the price They are ROW $.75 The various committee chairmen Theater on Thursday, March 18. The And they're stacked from our at $1.00 for two 8" X 10" prints. Officers for 1948 were elected at the are: Phyllis Weaver, general chair- price of admission will be forty cents A new magazine The Camera has recent meeting of the Western Mary- man; Priscilla Lankford, refresh- for both the matinee and the evening heads to our toesis. been secured for the club. Three is- land Home Ec Club. The new president ments; Marion Auld, program; Libby shows. Tickets may be purchased P.S. The Gold Bug is still sell- sues are now in the library and are is Maradel Clayton; vice-president, Kline, publicity; and Jack Nau, dec- from members of the Student Govern- ing WMC calendars! available to anyone interested in this Phyllis Weaver; secretary, Pat orations. ment. field. Moore; treasurer, Pat Sulzbach.
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