Page 37 - TheGoldBug1947-48
P. 37
The Gold Bug, Feb. 24, 1948 The-Lineup WMCT opsBisonSi Terror Basketeers Continue By Hornet C. Earll Sports Editor, The Gold Bug P:~~d:~~:':~n~'~!~:h~Stretch Drive For Play-offs It has been an oft-heard saying who unanimously teammates elected during the past week and a half that "' him captain of the 1947-48 team. This- Green And Gold Must DeFeat Hopkins Or Mount the Green Terror basketball team year Joe is undefeated with one for- has finally gotten into stride. This fei t and two decisions. We hope to see IF They Are To QualiFy For Tournament Position 1l1ay well be, but the real test still lies ahead. Aiter the Hampden-Syd- him in the Eastern Inter-collegiate Tonight the Western Maryland Courtmen travel to Washington to en- meet next month. ney battle, we run up against Catho- The Terror mittmen journey to counter a potent Catholic University quintet in a crucial Mason-Dixon Con- lie University, Mt. St. Mary's, and southern Maryland to meet the Pa- ference contest. Johns Hopkins-all within five nights tuxent Naval Air Station team on The Green Terrors are motivated to strive for victory over the Cardinals and the first and last 6f the above Wednesday, February 25. The flyer-a tonight on two accounts. First, a win tonight would bolster the hopes of contests will be played on foreign are being coached by an alumnus, Lt. qualifying for the tournament. Second, a victory would avenge the disap- floors. Com. "Shorty" Long, class of '28. p9_inting defeat suffered at the hands of the Flying Cardinals last month. Although the Terrors managed to Coach Carlo Ortenzi and "Shorty" The loss in Gill Gymnasium was disappoirrting because the Green and outlast the powerful Hampden-Sydney will meet under different circum- Gold had a six point advantage with four minutes remaining, but the Cardinals club and hang up a 54-52 victory, they stances from those of 1937-38, at rallied to take a six point decision. will have to win either the Hopkins or which time Carlo was boxing for • Last Home Game Mt, St. lIIary's game in orde.r to make AI Jacobson Southern High School and "Shorty" On Tuesday night, the Terrors engage Aft. St. Mary's in the final home the play-oIls. This will scarcely he an Second lighest scorer has played was coaching Baltimore Polytechnic contest of the season. Then on Saturday night, the Fergusonites meet Johns elsy task for the Ferguson boys, but c01Isistently fine game all season. Institute. Hopkins at Homewood to complete the regular season. These three teams the past three games have shown that Following the flyers, the Eag,.es 0:1' are currently battling for the seventh and eighth tournament positions, so the Terrors arc not to be taken light· qM'qa./" American University of Washington these games are all-important! Iy, on March 6, will be next on the card The Terrors were humiliated by the Mounts on the Frederick Court in a • Three Records Set for the pugilists of Western Mary- game played in January. Since that time the Terrors have improved, and the scene of some dazzling basketball Seniors Beaome land. With our team showing so with the further advantage of playing on the home court, they expect to In. fact, Gill Gymnasium has been give the Mounts a stiff battle. • during the past ten days. The quintet much improvement this past month Johns Hopkins has two conference contests remaining on its schedule. they should take them in stride. from Washington College was the Crown Holders Coach Carlo Ortenzi's mittmen One is against Loyola tomorrow night, and the final is against the Terrors on hapless victim of the highest score handed Bucknell a 41,6-3% defeat on Saturday night. ever recorded by a WMC basketball By Helen Miles Saturday night in a thrill-packed pro- The Green and Gold aggregation downed Hopkins 68-62 a couple of team. It took just slightly over five Last week the unrdefeated Senior gram. The card opened with Harold weeks ago in a thrilling ball game in Gill Gymnasium. The contest was nip minutes for the Terrors to..get away netmen captured the basketball 'title Shannon and Ray Hood. Shannon and tuck and was not decided until the final few minut::.. to a 17-4 edge and the remainder of for the fourth consecutive year by went three fast rounds with Hood, who • Hopkins To Honor Tickets the contest ran true to that vein. Al- swamping the Juniors 63-21 in a had 3 victories and 1 defeat for the With Saturday night's game being played away at Homewood, another though there is no d a u b t but rough and tumble tilt. year, but the decision went to the tight contest is in prospect. Unless the Terrors defeat both Catholic U. and what we had their defense complete- Forwards Marty Witter and Gladys Bison with more experience. In the Mt. St. Mary's, the Hopkins rrame will be a "must." Officials at the Johns ly demoralized', our second score can Sause were hig h scorers of the day. Hopkins door will honor Western Maryland activity books. Students are be attributed principally to the fact advised to go early as the seats are limited. The Baby Terrors will play the . a~ 7 p.m. that the western Maryland men sank Those two were "on" and seemingly Hopkins' Yearlings have come a long way since December end January to post could not miss. Other members of the The Terrors forty-one percent of 'their- shots from whrning squad are Ruth wenee, Reba a 5 and 5 Mason-Dixon record. In fact, February has been a banner month the floor. Not only was the final score wenta, Betty Armiger, Hope Kellam, a record-breaker, but the fifty-two Jo Brown, and Kitty Brown. with the quintet winning four out of five-all Mason-Dixon tests. The lone markers rung up in the first half set The other three !eams tied for defeat came at the hands of Loyola. and Hampden-Sydney by identical University In edging out American an all-time high for Gill Gym. second place. scores, 54-52, the Terrors created quite a stir in league standings. First, Then a certain Mr. James Lacy of Three interecllcg-iate games are be. they forced American University to relinquish second place to Hampden- Loyola trod the home court for ing played this year with Gettysburg, Sydney, and then three nights later they dusted off Hampden-Sydney to allow thirty-eight minutes on the night of American University to creep back into second position. All of which pushed Towson, and St. Joseph's. The last of Februa'ry 14 and proceeded to set these will be played on March 27 at Western Maryland into a tie with Hopkins for seventh place and a game the third record in. two nights as he Western Maryland. \ ahead of Mt. St. Mary's. contributed forty-four of his team's No varsity was chosen for these The Terrors capitalized on aggressive defensive play and a fast-breaking seventy-four-point. total. The Grey- games. Miss Parker prefers the sys- offense to upset a tall and highly-rated American University five. Frankie hound ace just couldn't seem to miss tem of picking out different teams for Stephenson sparkled as a clever ball stealer, and he was usually the first £I" he dropped eighteen out of twenty- each game from the outstanding man away on the fast break. seven shots. The Grecn and Gold lads players of the school. In this way, Walt Sibiski played a brilliant shooting game as he tallied 26 points to played well but Loyola and Lacy were more girls arc able to participate. set the squad's individual scoring record for the season. It was Al Jacobson not to be denied. Lust week the Sigmas bowed down who hooked in a final layup to settle the game at 54-52 with just a few seconds • Scoring Led By Sibiski to the Delta and the Iotas to Phi remaining. Walt Sibiski gave the Terror fans Alphs. It looks as jf the major game • Sibiski Close Behind Lacy something to scream about a week of the season will be that between the John Seiland Against Hampden-Sydney, Sibiski had another big night with 23 points. ago Monday as he hooped .twersty-aix Delts and the Phi Alpha although as This 1UJU"C01neris doing a fine job Leo Lathroum put the tilt on ice when he flipped in a field goal to make' the points against American University. for the Terror boxcr8. score 54-50 with only 15 seconds to go. George Bales scored a spectacular AU went off to a ten point lead but yet any team has a chance for sorori- one-handed shot from mid-court as the final horn sounded to leave the final the Green Tcrrors soon settled down ty queenship. The game between the second bout Tommy Doolittle fought count at 54-52. Delts and the Phi Alphs is sehoduled and led by five points at the mid-way tor March 17, the last of the season. a steady three round draw with Walt Sibiski's point rampage in the past two games has enabled him to The situation looked bad about Gladys Sause, W. A. A. president, Frances Lobos. In the 135 pound !emain in close pursuit to Jim Lacy of Loyola for conference scoring honors. the ten-minute mark when thc Eagles reports that in the meeting of that class John Seiland cut his opponent led 48-43. But the followin~ ten min- organization last week they voted on over the left cye in the first round and utes surpassed even the Hopkins per- minor changes of thc constitution. the fight was ended in a draw. In the RiRe Squad To Fire formance for excitement as the Ter- Also the propostd change in the poin-t fourth bout of the' evening, Don rors came to life and took the lead system was ratified by the group and Lichty proved too powerful and ag- At Maryland and G-Burg for good when Al Jacobson put 'us now needs only Miss Parker's signa- gressive for Quentin Walters of Buck- By Ted Quelch ahead 54-52. This was the biggest up_ ture. nell, who climbed between the ropes set in Conference play this year and Two movies on sports are being dter 1:35 of the 3rd rouOO.Don came This Saturday, Western Maryland's the team deserves a great deal of oroored by the W. A. A. to be shown in low in a semi-crouch and worked rifle team wiII face three keen op- crcdit for the fine ball game which some time next month. upward with hard body blows until he ponents in the University of Mary- they played. The TerrorS' took but connected successive lefts and rights land, Virginia Polytechnic Institute. fifty-one shots, and of these, twenty- to the face and head to send his man and Georgetown University in a frat Hoop Data to the canvas. Ken Munroe fought four-way match on, the College Park tW;h:e;,~e!:o:n!O~~d P::p~~e;:i:~~ Dick Robip.iSonin the fifth haut of the range. Originally the schedule called really be gunning for Catholic on the night, and added 1,6 point with a draw. for a single match with Georgetown 24th. That 47-53 loss to them back in Preachers Head In the 165 pound class, Hugh Burgess 0'1 their range. Maryland has de- January was a heartbreaker and the met Captain Doug FlemiThgwho was feafed the Terrors once this seaSOll a defeat. Frat Conference boys would take grcat pleasure in undefeated in all four of his bouts while this will be the initial encounter handing the Washingtonians this year. Fleming won by a TKO in with Georgetown and VPI. -Mt. St. Mary's is always a tough As the Inter-Fraternity Basketball ~~: ~~:tt b:~~I:df~~~ur~~:shin ~tr:~~George Davis was high scorer in the nut to crack. Our players absorbed League approaches the end of the first The scventh bout of the evening John Second Army Inter-Collegiate Matc11 their worst Conference defeat from round, the record book shows that the this club, but that game was played Bachelors and the Preachers are the ~;~:i!~Ot~:o~~i:u:d~K~o~~ !~r:~~d ;:~ic~.a~~i:eb~:~i:~~uX:I~:;g t~~sr~:~~ at Frederick. The Moun,~ plays quite only clubs still remaining in the un- the battle with aggre·ssiveness, secure- ~e~k. Bill Rho~desd ~~~' :ficke y t~f.C- Walt Piavis a different game on any other floor. defeated class. However, these two Walt has proven that he's a hard Since Gill Gym is not conducive to clubs have not as yet played each ly I~l~~~n:in:~c~o~~b ~an~a~:o~~e Cor-J IY~;e~:~c~~ar;~nd :Usrts:I:~:v~~ man to keep doU"n. the type of game played by the Em- other. That game will be played to- (Continued from column 2) mitsburg team, we're looking for the morrow night. leto carried his unble~ishe
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