Page 36 - TheGoldBug1947-48
P. 36
The Gold Bug, Feb. 24, 1948 A Slant On The Hill WMC Presents - - - And Maybe Deader We're By JAN ROGERS "So a good time is being had by Philippinea. At 16 he returned and Off I by Marian Meredith all the' guys and dolls present when began the work he followed all his life-sports and news reporting, with who comes in but a character by the name of Little Reds. who lS known to a little boxing promotion and ball One office, two typewriters, and 3 One of those rare people who is one and all as a most illegal individual team managing on the side. slightly used whip is the visible in . always happy and whose most serious in every respect. In fact, Little Reds He hit New York City when he was heritance of the new Gold Bug staff. peeve is olives-that's Fern Ray, has no standing in the community just 26, and from then on it was his Added to this is one extremely bewil- talented vic tim of "accumulitis" whatever, and I am surprised no beat. He knew all the regular Broad- dered ex-Managing Editor, pathat.i . (see Dr. Smith). "Why, I'm always little and quite some to see him even wayites and they knew him. His short cally eager to put her finger on the collecting things, you see." Indeed we poke his coco in the midst of such a stories,oftcn.called"fairytales",re_ pulse of the campus-if only she do, because we looked around her guthertng of citizens, because Little flect this side of his life, for in them could discover where Miss Ray put it. room and found an enviable collection Reds is usually on the larumie from Mindy's (Lindy's), Waldo Winches-· Fortunately; Miss Ray left us a of records, poetry and other litera- some place, and the gendarmes every- tel', the newspaper scribe (Walter far greater, although intangible, in- ture, where arc always anxious to have a Winchell), and all the common Man- heri tanee. Not only has she given us .A small sweet miss from Balti- chat with him. The last I hear of him hattan types appear. There is Regret, an idea of what one does with a more, she began her newspaper work he is out west some place attending the horse player, and baseball Hattie, comma, but she has carefully preserv- as feature editor for the Southern college for a little incident involving and Hot Horse Herbie, who is a tout. ed the grant of former Gold Bv.gB, a High Courie1' (it's a good school, bankr-obber-y, but Little Reds tells me (A tout, Runyon explains, is a charac- spirit of tolerance. By this we mean too!) and has been at it ever since. later it is aU a case of mistaken ter of very low repute who dopes out neither the namby-pamby acceptance Always a perfectionist, Fern plans identity. It seems he mistakes a plain the horses and is broke; if he is not of whims and mental fads, nor the to learn piano this summer as prepe- clothes copper for a bank messenger. broke he is a "handicapper" and ~s passive reporting of surging currents ration for becoming a Methodist mini- "It so happens that just as Little. respected by one and all.) Nights are of thought. It is, rather, the analysis ster's wife. "Well, I have to be able Reds comes in, who should Rock Candy colder than a deputy sheriff's heart; of the trends and the objective in- to play hymns at least." Tbat spec- Joe be dancing with but Miss Lulu- people who die put their checks hack belle Divine, who not only looks like a in the rack; doctors are croakers, terpretation of them. ~!U~:i~~~d!S~V~tn~~~;a:~~ob:ir~~~ million, but has a couple, because jails are pokeys, and kady is a hat. se!iou~:d a::n~:~vh~~dpot;p:~: ,!~:~:her finger this past Christmas vace- Fern Ray some obliging gentleman. who ad- These characters are woven into under a title which, we hope, has been tion. ' other kids all had lemonade stands," mired her dancing when she was with very simple little stories which deal ~:~O:::;::i~i~~o;'~~:S:I~::Oh~::rf~~~::;:~;:~;~:J~~~~:~~r:::n~;:;: she said, "and I love to eat, but the Mr. Georgie White's Scandals kicked with aspects of life like murder and her all his cucumbers. off and left love (which many writers gang war time." With first that books came make an impression thought, it was like an illegitimate loom large on her agenda for the their cousin as an assistant, they Rock Candy Joe is very anxious to to exploit for their brutal and vicious on Miss Lulu- pcsaihili ties ) with the delicacy of the pooled all their books, making an im- child, something to be kept out of ~~~~:d~~t i~Vt:r~~::\v~~~th~tr~!~t~: and set up a lending belle Divine, as who wouldn't be when fairy tale. Even the toughest gang- pressive total, everyone's way n.nd ~s quiet ~s possi- to Bob or her Girl Scout troop. library, a la Enoch Pratt, complete a doll has as many cucumbers as she sters have sentimental sides, and happens to have, so he is telling her with cards, stamps and fines. "It was "right" guys always ta-iumph. Stolen ~~~f~~:::~~egahZabOn no~ I.s.rather ha:v~;a~~:~e :~e bCeanare::~~r, ::~ about all the guys he has cooled in money is usually returned, or at least very popular," she sighed, "but it Truthfully, the responsibility of", will follow this up as she begins her didn't last very long because mother his time and of his many exciting ad- given to widows and orphans. And carrying on the fine tradition ?f t~e practice teaching late this month. rather speedily became tired of hav- ventures with the local coppers. never is there a shade of indelicacy or ?old Bt!g would be over~ow~rmg If Her major drawback she says, is ing strange children appear at the Consequently, Joe, who is ordinarily suggestiveness. Most of all, they are ~t .were not for the realization that that "I always seem to be splitting front door at all hours of the day a very timid character indeed, is feel- funny. Not just the frightful English It IS not sho~I~~red by the staff alone. infinitives." A lover of languages, and ask to borrow books from the ing no little bold. used, but the attitude of the story The responsibility of a student body she has studied French, German, library." "Personally, I would not care to teller- makes for wit. Understatement towards its newspaper is no less than Latin Spanish and Italian. As proof "But Fern," I asked, "didn't you incur the hostility of Little Reds on is used very effectively, and the whole its responsibility towards its student for ~t least one of these she has have any serious disappointmenta?" any accounc, even for a doll with as thing has a wide-eyed, childlike councilor its football team. Dirty named her "little green bed beast", After much coaxing, she admitted many potatoes as Miss Lulubelle Di- quality that is chatming. that her life was simply ruined, when vine, because he is known far and Runyon himself was one of these j~~r~:~t~;m t~~ou~e~:r.~OI:;:;:~a~~ ~~:;~~~c:::;~'h~:a;:;:t~sd e::;~~e;~ at the age of six, she was made to wide as one vcry tough goriIl, who Broadway regulars. He roamed the more than should the espousal of ed asleep, you see." (Fern admits" stand in the corner by her first grade has personally cooled nine guys that White Way (called Jacob's Beach by fascism by the Western Maryland wistfully that this is only wishful teacher for talking in class. "I I know of. However, what with the those who know) until four or five newspaper. Unless, of course, the stu- thinking on her part). \ thought I was a complete failure." champagne and all, Rock Candy Joe (C~ntinued on page 4, column 1) dents approve of fascism. A favorite occupation is reading She certainly wasn't for she rose from seems very confident indeed, and ho Despite the attitude of recen,t as- literature of all forms, especially a "cub" reporter on the Gold Bug ups to Little Reds and says to him sembly speakers, we believe the poetry, with historical novels for re- through the succeeding positions of like this. 'Little Reds: he says, 'you Western Maryland student to be ma- creation in that elusive free moment. Copy Editor, News Editor, and Man_ had better look out or you will find College Calendar ture and well aware of the turbulent Favorite poets are Karl Shapiro and aging Editor to b~comeEditor-in-chief yourself reclining on the bottom of times. Visible proof may be seen in Dylan Thomas and this love is second last February and turn in a really the East River in a cement jacket.' Tuesday, February 24 the appearance of the long skirts on only to classical music of all kinds fine job. Now "She expects to feel This does not seem to frighten Little Recital, Dr. Newlin, Alumni the women or the Communist mani- with opera, concerts and ballets head- very strange when she picks up a Reds at all, but only makes him Hall, 8:15 p. m. festo on the ree room bulletin board. ing the list. Gold Bug of which she hasn't already angrier, and before we know it he is Basketball, Catholic Univer- Journalistically speaking, we arc liv- Early evidence of her love for books read every single word. committing the very grave social er- sity, Washington, 8 :30 p.m. jn,g" in a wonderful age. We don't goes a long way back to the time A constant Dean's Lister, Fern is ror of pulling out his Betsey and Wednesday, February 25 want to miss a thing! The fight for when she and Iier sister, Helen, now also an Argonaut and a member of the throwing slugs at Rock Candy Joe un- "Henry V", Carroll Theater, world pcace is no less desperate than at Western Maryland, decided to Girl~' Glee Club and the Sunday til the latter is as dead as a doornail, 2:30,7:30,10 p. m. the fight for world conquest; the start a library of their own. "The School Choir. Another thrilling ac- and maybe deader." SCA, Commission meetings, presidential campaign immediately complishment was her election to this These paragraphs are typical of SCA Room, 7 p. m. affects every student, either as an year's edition of Who's Who Among the writing of one of the best Thursday, February 26 eligible voter or through its ultimate Students in American Univ6rsiti68 loved of American story tellers- Basketball, Mt. Saint Mary's, affect upon our eaucational system; shall try. Criticism is nccessary and and Colleges. Damon Runyon, the chronicler of Gill Gym, 8:30 p. m. the advance of student government wanted. We ask only that it be defi- With that she rose and said she'd Broadway and its "guys and dolls". Friday, February 27 on the Hill demands eon.tinued stu- nite and constructive. Remember that love to talk some more, but she just Runyon was born in 1884 in wes- G i r I s' basketball, Mt. St. dent support. it is your paper and your trust. Take couldn't because, "I haven't read a tern Kansas. His schoQling stopped Joseph's, Blanche War d These things in themselves, how- care of it. Griping in the Grille is word of my Education, not a word, in the fourth grade, nnd at 14 h:J Gym, 7 :30 p. m: ever, are not important. It is as the not enough! mind you, and I know I'll be up all bluffed his way into the Spanish Saturday, February 28 ('xpression of the times and their ef- -THE EDITOR night. I always am, Ylim see." American War, seeing action in the Basketball, Johns Hopkins fect upon our individual lives that they University,'Baltimore, 8:30 concern us. Our job is to reflect these p. m. times through the attitudes and acti- Sunday, February 29 vities of the student. Letters To The Editor Operation Infirmary Sunday School, Lorna Haines, Of course, if we have fun while do- Baker Chapel, 9: 15 a. m. ing it, so much the better. It's all up Dear Editor: Dear Editor' Dear Editor: Chapel, priest, rabbi, and to you. The columns of the Gold Bug In the four years that. I have been I appreciate your giving me a pre- The two nurses take alJ of their minister, Alumni Hall, 7 are always open for letters, the mind at Westerl1l Maryland College many publication notice of a letter written exams the same as other students. p. m. of the' staff for new ideas. Polished reforms have been accomplished. The in reference to the Infirmary. First, Fireside Fellowship, Baker literary gems or incomplete thoughts olle place, however, of primary im- let me suggest that I am available in They are here on a part-time basis Chapel, 8 p. m. and cannot work longer hours than are equally weleome. Maybe you have portance to faculty and student alike, my office for discussion of such prob- a specified number. They do all the Monday, March 1 the world peace plan. Or a good joke. where absolutely nothing has been lems with any student at any time. cooking and get out all the trays for IRC, McDaniel Lounge, 7 :30 Or a movement to impeach the editor. done to better outrageous conditions, Furthermore, I welcome the opportu- anywhere from ten to forty peoplB. p. m. We realize the impossibility of is the infirmary: Mrs. Griffin has been nity of talking over our mutual prob- They take care of the office whenev<'.r Tuesday, March 2 pleasing everybody-or even any- doing a tremendous, almost super- lems, but they can be discussed far an emergency arises and have very Recital, James Mannix, Le- body but the Gold Bug staff-but we human, job ill>conditions which arc more satisfactorily in the free inter- graciously and sweetly stayed up all vine Hall, 8: 15 p. m. deplorable. play of conversation than through night when the situation required Thursday, March 4 The hazard of fire in Old Main has the more limited medium of correspon- them to. Basketball, Mason - D i x 0 n • THE GOLD BUG long been a threat to campus wdfare. dence. To the best of my knowledge! In the matter of the choice of a doc- Friday, play-offs, Baltimore. no has made corresponden.t March 5 your \Ve realize that plans are being made for a new building some day-some effort to bring the problem to me tor, the patient always has the liber- Junior Plays, Alumni Hall, Official .t-lldenl new8pBpe~ of WuteTll Ma,..,.· ty of choosing. When the patients land CoUege, published sentl·montbly on day is not soon enough if a flame personally. 8 p. m. Friday. during October, November, Janu· ~JlOwa greater liking for an,y doc- a,..,., Feb:rtl8ry, March and .April, and montbly starts in any corner of that entirely To be sure, the inadequacy of Old tor, he is the one we usually call. Basketball, Mason - D i x 0 n during September. Dee.mber, Bnd Ma,.. En· inadequate building. Main and particularly the unsatis- play-offs, Baltimore. tered as ""wild du. matter at WestmInster It appears to me that this letter Poat Ollie., under tlle .Act of Much 3, 1879. The building itself is not the only factory physical conditions of the In- was probably written during the re- Saturday, March 6 handicap to the sick. That suffering tinnary are easily rccognized by all Cf:!nttime when the situation was far Basketball, Mason - D i x 0 n studcnts are made to wait on them- of us. There is a fire hazard, but not play-offa, Baltimore. selves is indicative of the general atti- quite as great as your correspondent from normal in the Infinnary. Condi- Sunday, March 7 tude of the- student nurses to them. would indicate. The most dangerous tions were considerably more crowded Sunday School, Baker Chapel, than usual and all the help was over- We have also noticed a definite hazard results from the 10catioflJot taxed. On the whole the student body ... 9:15 p. m. favoritism shown towards certain doc- the store-room, carpenter shop and Chapel, Bishop Edwin tors in town. which we believe un- paint shop on the first flo~r. Unless has accepted such situations very un- Hughes, Alumni Hall, 7:15 warranted. something unforeseen occurs the erec- derstandingly, and I am very grate- p. m. ful to them. Business :Man.ger ....... Ted Quele), As the health of the campus per· tion of a new Service Building will Conditions in the Infirmary are Monday, March 8 McDaniel French Club, AdV()rii&ing ~[an ..ger ....... Ed Wright sonnel should be of the first impor- be begun this spring. It is to be built Oirculation Manager . Della Gra"e] certainly not ideal now, but they will Lounge, 7 p. m. tnnce to any administration, we be- in connectioru with the old stable ut Iieve that something should be done the rear of the Administration Build_ be improved in the near future, and Friday, March 12 Bill Scbedar. Carroll Pnrker, Ruth A!len, Jean in the meantime we are all trying to National Symphony, Alumni Tull, Eleanor Collins, Sheila Siegal, Leon before it is too late. The students ing. This will eliminate the above Stover, JUlie Beaver, Jack Roger., Robert do the best with what we have. Hall, 8:15 p. m. Hendrickson, Bill EIK.on, Oharles Rahtu, should know the exact administra- mentioned hazard and also provide Helen Becker, Duane S"ltzgner, Pat McLllr~n, ton policy. Ruby Stein - (Continued on page 4, column 3). Mrs. Griffin Rila Bittle, "!.odie" Hick$, Fern Ray
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