Page 35 - TheGoldBug1947-48
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THE LINEUP BY HOMER EARLL PAGE 3 Vol. 25, No.9 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. February 24, 1948 Seniors Lead Students To Receive Pendulum ... Junior Players To Present B. Smith By Jeffrey Dean's List Biology Scholarship You may now enlist in the regular Evening Of One Act Plays Opportunity for special work in army with $75 base pay. Your food, Dean's List for second semester of biology has been given by the 'I'rl- clothing, shelter, and medical and With the accent on laughter, the'annual junior one-act plays will be pre- 1947·48 as released by Miss Manahan, Beta Fraternity to three of its mem- dental cares are non-existent. You are sented on Friday, March 5, at 8:15 P. M., in Alumni Hall. registrar, showed the seniors topping bers, Edgar Hammersla, Marie Law- in the "Regular" Army. Under the direction of Miss Esther Smith, the plays chosen this year are the list with 53 achieving the honor, son, and Geraldine Frizzell. If you are an ex-G. I. in search or all comedies: The Purple DOM' Knob by Walter Pritchard Eaton, Re8ur- juniors following a close second with Through the Milton Hendrickson higher education, you may establish reotiow Ezra by Ronald E. Mitchell, and When Shakespeare's Ladies Meet by 44, and the 21 sophomores falling to Scholarship Fund, Marie Lawson will yourself at any of the accredited in- Charles George. The first play, which was one of a low third. Following is the com- attend the Conservation Workshop at stitutions for that purpose, sit back, the first to be televised as. an unusual pleted Jist. . Audubon Center, Greenwich, while and let Uncle Samuel foot all expen- Seniors: Bennighof, Raymond H.; Edgar Hammersla will do special ses. All expenses: tuition, fees, books comedy for three women, in which a to seeking actress, charming young Chafin, William T.; Cushen, W. Ed- work in Embryology at Woods Hole, (all three combined for-tunately below buy from a bed-ridden old woman Massachusetts. Although undecided in ward; Fleming, Charles W.; Gore, Jay her choice' of schools, Geraldine Friz- the $~('0 m·l.k per year fcr-, those one of her antiques, achieves her end C.; Johnson, George N.; Lacount, zell plans to do research in the field purposes), and $75 a month to splurge by giving the shut-in a theatrical per- Joseph F.; Lemeshaw, Seymour; recklessly on trivials such as room, formance in her chamber, and induc- Mann, Jerold F.j Rice, Millard L.j \of i~:ec~i_Beta Fraternity is now board, laundry, cleaning, insurance, ing the old lady to be one of the Schaeffer, Philip E.; SUmmers, Lin- under the sponsorship of Professor clothes and shoe repair, toothpaste, characters. den D.; Wroten, Phillip Orin. Cloyd Benninghof who is replacing shaving cream, razor blades, soap, Betty Amos will portray Mrs. Armiger, Elizabeth E.; Bishop, J. Dean Bertholf. transportation, new clothes, dances, Bartholomew, the old lady, while the Catherine; Buckel, Catherine G.; The spring initiation of beth pro- phone calls, dates, cigarettes, and an part of the young actress -will be en- Buhrman, Madeline J.j Cathell, O. visional and fun members will take occasional shot of sweet cider. acted by Anna Hess. Jean Daugh- Dorothy; Childs, Mary Ruth; Crow. place Wednesday night, February 26, Representative Rogers gained pas- trey fills the remaining role of Aman- Adelaide C.; Ferris, Betty J'ear»; nt Dr. Isanogle's home on. Ridge Road. sage for her bill (the Roger's bill) da Dunbar. Gleckler, Annabel; Gordy, Sarah L.; in the House of Representatives prac- Resurl'ection Ezra, a highly Hershfeld, Mary Alice; Hess, Anna tically upon presentation. The House amusing and good-humored play, 'J.; Hopkins, Adelene M.; Houck, Civil .Service Exams saw fit to pass this bill intact with shows how a small-town ne'er-do-well, Phyllis L.; Jacobson, Dorothy; Kei- $90 allowances for single, and $120 who apparently rose from the dead ser, M. Ft'ances ; Kelbaugh, L. Jean. Offered To Juniors for married veterans in college. OUT on the way to his funeral, gets even Kellam, Hope; Little, Betty; Mere- Applications are being accepted by bill takes the usual channels and pas- with a rival miracle man whose dith, Marian; Morris, Barbara Lee; the Executive Secretary, Board of ses the U. S. Senate in mid-summer Miss E-sther Smith friends have concocted a similar Parris, Mary Lou; Patterson, Jeanne, U. S. Civil Service Examin.ers for '47. Ah! but we have a slightly modi- miracle by way of competition. U.; Ray, Fern A.; Rogers, Elinor D.; Scientific and Technical Personnel of fied bill. Although surveys show that The cast includes: James Leonard Royer, R. Christine; Sause, Gladys the Potomac River Naval Command, _the single veteran in college required Guest Pianist Will as James Evans, Duane Saltzgaver as E.; Scott, H. Louise; Shipley, A. Building 35, Naval Research Labora- in the vicinity of $96 per month to Johnny Knedlik, Harry Adams as Mildred; Smith, June C.; Smith, tory, Washington 20, D. C., for filling subsist and his married prototype Feature Chopin Harry Hughes, Robert Lizer as Ted Sarah E.; Somerville, Jean Lee; Student Aid positions in the fields of $138, this august body of bill butch- Schafer, Mary Mott as Minnie Evans, Steelman, Susan; Taylor, A. Aileen; ers reduces the allowances to $75 and James Mannix, pianist and teacher Rebecca Hale as Margaret Hughes, Todd, Mary K; Walters, Virginia G.; Engineering, Mathematics, Metallur- $105 respectively. Our bill is then from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, will Rachael Ennis as Jane Hopkins, Wilder, Dorothy; Witter, Martha V. gy, Chemistry, Physics, and Meteoro- hurr-ied back to the House where it give a recital in Levine Hall, Tuesday, Donald Bailey as Ezra Powell, Rita logy. Juniors: Brewington, J. Walter; The salary for Student Aid posi- must be passed in its final state be- March 2, at 8:15 p.m. The program, Ludwig- as Anna Valgardson, Jean Callas, Peter G.; Carroll, William H.; fore the Con.gressional session termi- which will feature the twenty-foul' Daughtrey as Helen Smith, and Cotter, James V.; Damuth, K. Joseph; tions is $2,394 a year. To qualify, nates. If it does not beat the dead- preludes of Chopin, is as follows: Miriam Simmons as Sarah Knedlik. Ehlers, 'William W.; Garrison, J. applicants must pass a written test line, the veterans in college are to cut Prelude and Fugue in C# Maior The last play, When Shakespeare's Shermer-: Gold, Armand J.; Ham- and, in addition, they must have even deeper into any savings they had Bach Ladies .Meet, may well be called "a mersla, Edgar W.; Haugh, W. Ken- credit equivalent to at least 3 years accumulated during the protracted Toccata Paradise comedy of errors" when Shakespeare's neth; Kimble, Robert P.; Leonard, of college study in' one of the above war, or suffer in the throes of poverty Twenty-four Prelnuiee Chopin most noted heroines meet to discuss James 111.; Malone, AJoysius W.; subject-matter fields. Applications the entire winter. Laughs! Our bill Rhapsody in G minor Brahms the world's most universal topic-love. Martin, Gruver H.; Ogden, James will be accepted from students who fails passage for the official reason, The Fountain . ...Ravel Portia is there with her legal mind, Howard; Randall, Richard C.; Tan- expect to complete the required study "lack of time", while eye-witnesses Prelude in E flat ........Rachmaninoff which she used to advantage inThe ner, William A.; Thomas, Floyd 0.; by June 30, 1948. Age limits for Stu- tell of quartets of Representatives II{ omen~ Musical .Rachmaninoff Merchant of Venice. Katherine is Turner, David E.; Walters, S. dents Aids, 18 to 35 years, are waived over the House floor singing, "Sep- Etude tn D flat Liszt present to inform Juliet that the George; Wampler, Roy H. for persons enfitled to veteran pre- tember Song" and "I'll be commin' Etude in F minor .Lisz t ways of the "shrew" bring resutts.; 'Alexander, K. Phyllis; Amos, I. ference. around -the mountain" to fill their Also present are the romantic Des- Elizabeth; Barkman, Ninita J.; Bel- Announcements and applications idle hours in the closing days of Con- Intersorority News demona out of Othello, the mad ler, Doris J.; Glossman, Marguerite forma may be obtained at most first gress. Ophelia from Hamlet, and the siren T.; Dingus, Jean; Dixon, Audrey L.; and second-class post offices, from February 3, 1948, finds the Dean Helen M. Howery has accept- Cleopatra, telling of her romance with Eney, Irma I.; Englar, Anna M.; Civil Service regional offices, or from House passing our bill. We await the ed the positlon as sponsor of the In- the attractive Antony. In the end Gorsuch, Joyce E.; Greifenstein, the Civil Service Commission, Wash- presidential signature. He is allowed tersorority Ocuctl for 1948. Earlier they find that Juliet can give all of Marian F.; Holmes, Doris 'V.; Knox, ington 25, D. C. Applications must be ten days plus Sundays to sign or veto. in .the year a tea was given in honor them lessons in love despite her ex- Jean M.; Krebs, Carol J.; Poland, received by the Executive Secretary He takes ten days plus Sundays and of the new dean by the council. treme youth. (Continued on page 4, column 4) not later than, March 9, 1948. signs on the 14th. Perhaps his delay At present, the principle thing on Appearing in these roles will be Norma Wright, the was indicative of partial disapproval the agenda its of sports Intersorority A Phyllis Houck, Juliet; Goodrich, Desde- Charlotte Portia; is Council program. Dr. Newlin To Perform Classical or perhaps for another reason: there basketball tournament is now under- mona; Martha Powell, Cleopatra; is no hurry; our bill is not retroactive', Ruth Volk, Ophelia; and Caroline Mc- or active upon, passage, but active as way, with each sorority entering. a Nabb, Katherine. And Modern Works In Recital of April first. Yes, boys, when your team. Two games have been played Donald Bailey is taking the design- the to date with the Delts defeating first fabulous check for $75 arrives Sigmas and the Phi Alphs victors ing and construction of the setting for May first, spend lavishly; cat, drink Featuring a program which will over the Iotas. This program has done this playas a private project, the set- compare works of old masters and and be merry, for next November we much tow a r d increasing spirit tings for the others being handled by contemporary composers, Dr. Dika elect a new Congress. among the sororities and the Council the respective casts. Newlin will present the fourth in a is going ahead with plans for a volley- series of faculty music recitals to- ball tournament to follow up the night at 8:15 in Alumni HaiL Du Bose To Speak basketball. Also, in line with recre- Cowan To Take Noted for their unusual, atonalistie ation, plans for an intersorority A project, sponsored by Phi Alpha Position In Japan .compositions, Artur Schnabel and On Conscription bridge tournament are in the making. Arnold Schoenbul'g portray the modern music technique. Dr. New- A seldom heard side of the military Mu, to secure a co-ed study room is lin is particularly well qualified to conscription debate will be presented being considered by the Council. A Wayne Cowan has been selected interpret Schoen burg as she studied by Major Du Bose on Wednesday committee has been appointed under by the Fellowship for Christian Re- to teach for three years construction composition under his tutelage. Less night at 7 :00 p. m. in the SCA room. the chairmanship of Elinor Rogers to at a university in Japan. well-known than Schoenburg, Schna- In contrast to recent speakers on thc look into the possibilities of obtaining Although official notification will bel will be remembered by music HiU, Major Du Bose will present the such a room. lovers for his recent interpretation case for compulsory military train- Two informal dances have been not be made until March 15, he of Beethoven and Schubert, in Balti- scheduled for Saturday nights in has obtained the approval of the more. ing. March and April. They will be under New Yo r k Personnel Committee A talented composer herself, Dr. As an initial step in a policy to the sponsorship of Iota Gamma Chi of the Methodist Mission Board. His cooperation between the Newlin, at the age of nine, composed form more groups of the colleges and. and Phi Alpha Mu Sororities. is also the honor of being the first religious male student to be chosen. her Cradle Song for the piano, which universities in this district, 18 stu- Forty college graduates from the was subsequently orchestrated and dents from the University of Mary- entire United States will comp}ise the played by the Cincinnati Symphony, Dr. Dika Ncwlin land participated in the worship serv- team. Before leaving for Japan, they the Los Angeles Philharmonic, and The program is as follows: ice of Religious Emphasis Week on will attend school in Riverdale, New the NBC Summer Symphony. A I. Siz lIfmnents lIfusicales Schubert February 17. Dr. Fred Garrigus Holloway, York from June 2, to August 2, 1948. number of her other songs have been II. Sonata in F Sharp Major Two new members, Dorothy Dagle- former president of Western The school, directed by Dr. 'and Mrs. College, was elected played in New York by the Inter- Beethoven, Op. 78 ish and Herbert Klinger, have been Maryland of Drew University Floyd Shacklock, will consist of president national Society of Contemporary III. Four Movements from Piece in added to the SCA Cabinet. They will courses conducted by Columbia Uni- Music. Seven Movements ..... Schnabel. serve as the freshmen representatives at Madison, N. J., on February versity scholars. Their subjects will (1937) until next February. 18, the Board of Trustees an- deal with the background of the Tonight, Dr. Newlin, will endeavor IV. Six Little Piano Piece8 All students are reminded that a nounced. Dr. Holloway 1 eft church in Japan and Japanese cus- to demonstrate that the ultra-modern- Schoenburg, Op. 19, (1911) Communion Service will be held in Western Maryland last year to toms and language. ist movement, far from being of a V. Variations and Fugue the chapel at 6:45 each morning dur- accept the position as Dean of After completing this preliminary contemporary nature, can be traced Theme by Handel ing Lent, with Rev. John B. Jones the Drew Theological Seminary. training, they will sail to Japan from back to Beethoven and Schubert. Brahms, Op. 24 officiating. San Francisco.
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