Page 34 - TheGoldBug1947-48
P. 34
The Gold Bug, Feb. 10, 1948 eueee'', who believe that a thorough in certain essential subject ta-ainlng Pencil/Shavings th::p:ri::=~~:a~~er;~~~~iailn fO~~~ After Exams ... matter should be -given to all students, WMC Students Attend would hold the vicious fluid for the that pupils of college level shauld be State IRC ConFerence (Continued from page 2, column 4) longest period of time. I arranged (Continued from page 2, column 3) well grounded in the skills of study, I put into the greedy stuff, wood, several of these on the ring-stand, Another followed the same procedure that they should be earnest and well "Scandinavia in Mid-Passage" was metal, cloth, it was completely con- one under the other, and poured the for a true-false exam, so as to leave disciplined in their pursuit of the the timely theme of the combined \ sumed. universal solvent into the tpp dish his mind "free for pure speculation". knowledge they must absorb. meeting of the Maryland-District of Then the truth dawned upon me. Before it reached the bottom dish I While the entire thing was, teehni- On the other hand, there are the Columbia International Relations I had accidently discovered the long- would have time to find the chemistry cally, an ."experiment", and while endorsers of the "progressive educa- Clubs at Goucher College on February sought universal solvent. instructor. -c, there is still an element of opposition tion" movement, who emphasize the 7. While I was gloating over my good When I returned the solvent was to finals within the faculty, it seems desires and needs of the individual Dr. Theodore Whitfield, IRC ad- fortune, it suddenly occurred to me gone. The lower container had net fairly certain that the procedure will rather than a set body of subject visor on the Hill, attended with that no container would be invulner- yet been dissolved; the bottoms had become a: permanent one-if not this matter which must be transmitted. approximately eight students as able to the corrosive action of this been eaten from all the dishes except year, some year soon. We have no They believe that the aim of education Western Maryland representatives. liquid that dissolved everything and the last one. There it had stopped course but to bow to the new order as is to prepare students to face con- Directed by, a group from the New anything with which it came into con- while I was searching for the chemi- gracefully as possible. We come and temporary problems, to fit them for York area, the meeting consisted of tact. The graduate-cylinder tempo- stry professor, but now there was no go, spending anywhere from a few useful social lives, and to prepare a two-hour panel discussion, followed rarily holding the solvent was now trace of the liquid. No one could months to four years here. It is the them to contribute ma terially to the by an informal social hour. almost disintegrated. have stolen it, there was. no evidence faculty who stay on long after we culture of their own time. Even more disturbing was the that it had spilled to the fioor, and have gone. They have the school's In this dispute we are merely by- thought that if the solvent got away yet it had utterly disappeared. best interests at heart; they are do- standers, for the issue will not be PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS from me it would eat through the The professor was smiling. Anger- ing what they consider to be best for decided during our student lives. It floor of the building and down through ed that he should so lightly take my Us and for WMC, and we assume they would be well, however, for us to SMITH & REIFSNIDER the earth's crust. Eventually.It would loss, I demanded of him, almost in know what they arc nbout. watch it with some interest, for some- Incorporated work its way to the molten core and tears, "What happened to it?" The sad part is that we are guinea thing that is·going to concern us quite LUMBER-COAL hot lava would spurt to the surface. He smiled sagely at my youthful pigs in a great educational cxperi- definitely in a few years is the educa- WESTMINSTER, MD. The Board of Trustees would not ex'itabilfty for some time before he ment. This is a time of transition, tion of our children. exactly appreciate a second Paracutin spoke. "Don't you know?" he asked! and whatever pangs we suffer are the spewing volcanic products allover quietly. growing pains of a new system. Or, the Western Maryland College cam- "No!" I shrieked compacting all to express it another way, we are in Colonial Music Co. Send Her a Flowery pus. my bereavement into one syllable. the midst of a conflict, being fought VALENTINE To keep the solvent from getting not just i'l.ere, but ali over the United 32 W. Main St. Phone 303 "It's simple," he said as he started a chance at the floor I kept trans- to leave me alone among the rubble States. Two opposing theories, advo- The Home of Stewart N. Duiterer ferring the impetuous liquid from one tbat had once held my bid for renOW11. cates of each apparently being repre- King & Buescher Band Inst. container to another. I could not sented even in our small institution, EPIPHONE & GIBSON FLORIST leave it long enough to get help. Soon "Since it dissolved aver ything, it had are fighting it out. GUITARS to dissolve itself!" ultimately all the hollow vessels in the labora- On the one hand are the "form- Hammond Solovox 114 Pennsylvania Ave. tory would be used up and the liquid And All Musical would escape from me to do its ter- Accessories Phone 350 rible work in the ground. Everybody Stops In At VALENTINES Margaret & Earl's FOR THOSE YOU LOVE It Pays To Look Well RADIO·ELECTRONIC SERVICE JOHN EVERHART Also, For Those You Don't Visit The has table model makes, of Radios Famous SANDWICHES- RECORD PLAYERS, ETC., The College Barber Coffman's Stationery Avenue Barber Shop for immediate delivery SOFT DRINKS and Bobber opposite Bus Terminal Prompt and Efficient Radio Where The Students Go Repairs AT THE FORKS 85 Pennsylvania Avenue Radio Electronic Service 14 ·W. Main St. Phone 703 Compliments of Barnes Appliance Service T. W. Mather & Sons Phone 793 Run Right to Compliments BENDIX-THOR READ'S "PETE'S" Westminster's Department R.C.A.-SUN BEAM Fa< of For Fine Cosmetics, Toiletries Store of All Work Guaranteed and Drug Needs Groceries - Soft Drinks BONSAcK'S Good Service and Values 45 E. Main Street Complete Photography and Department Westminster, Md. SODAS LUNCHES 15 E. Main Street, SEAL TEST ICE CREAM Westminster, Md. Main St.-Green Neon Sign The Artcraftsman Good Health J. WM. HULL, Jeweler Successor to Cassell's 80 East Main Street To THIRST KNOWS The Store of New Fashioned Opposite Post Office Jewelry and Old Fashioned All Honesty TAILOR·MADe- GIFTS NO SEASON TIMES BUILDING From East Main Street Greeting Cards, Stationery Westminster, Md. REXALL Hand-painting done to order Westminster's' New Modern Drug Store DRUGS SCHOOL SUPPLIES COSMETICS SODAS Continuous 2 p. m. Saturdays and Continuous 1 p. m. Saturdays and Holidays Holidays; Sunday Matinees 2 and 4 Bixler and Guild Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p. m. p. m. Evening show 9 p. m. Week day shows continuous from 4:30 p. Drug Co. Matinee 2 p. m.-Evenings 7 & 9 p. m. In. Wed., Feb. 11 Wed. and Thurs., Feb. 11 and 12 "BILLY THE KID IN TEXAS" John and Main Sts. "IF WINTER COi\fP..8" Bob Steelo Walter Pidgeon Deborah Kerr Thurs. and Fri., Feb 12 and 13 Fri. and Sat., Feb. 13 and 14 "SEVEN KEYS TO BALDPATE" "ALWAYS TOGETHER" "KEY WITNESS" Joyce Reynolds Barbara Hutton Doub-le Feature Sun. to Tues., Feb. 15, 16 and 17 "BtAtcle:Jiits" Welcome to 7HE SENATOR WAS INDISCREET' Eddie Dean Roscoe Ates William Powell Ella Raines Sun. to Tues., Feb. 15, 16 and 17 Benny's Kitchen Wed. and Thurs., Feb. 18 and 19 Robert "HEAVEN ONLY KNOWS" Cummings Bryan Donlevy CARNEGIE HALL Marsha Hunt Wilfiam Price "OKLA~eg;{l~e'Rl~DERS" Where old friends meet Fri. and Sat., Feb. 20 and 21 Tex Ritter . and like to eat "THE RETURN OF RIN-TIN-TIN THE THIRD" Thurs. and Fri., Feb. 19 and 20 Donald Woods Claudia Drake "SWEET GENEVIEVE" StrictiX home cooked food "FEAR OF THE NIGHT" Sun. to Tues .• Feb. 22, 23 and 24 Double Feature 59 W. Main St., Westminster "CASS Tl1\IBERLANE" Sat., Feb. 21 Lana Turner Spencer Traey "P AJNTED DESERT" Zachary Scott Westminster 654-} George O'Brien ,ornm UNllEi .wmORllY Of TH~ COc.\-COlA COMPANY 'Y :Y~'k'N~~'V~? Sun. to Tues., Feb. 22, 23 and 24 WESTMINSTER COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. "PIRATES OF MONTEREY" Laurence Olivier Robert Newton Maria Montez Rod Cameron o 194B.Th.Coco·CoI"Company
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