Page 33 - TheGoldBug1947-48
P. 33
The Gold Bug, Feb. 10, 1948 Boxers Prepare Terrors Meet Washington For Bucknell U. In Important Court Contest The Green Terror mittmen will not swing into action again until Febru- ary 20. At that time the boxers will Courfmen To Play Five Of Seven Tilts At Home; entertain the Bisons of Bucknell Uni- Ferguson's Squad Must Rally To Make Tourn!'y versity in Gill Gymnasium. Last year the Terrors fought the by Wayne Cowan Bisons on two occasions, The first Tomorrow night the Green and Gold five will take the floor against Wash· match, held at Lewisburg, ended in: ington College in Gill Gym at 8:30 p. m. The home team will be seeking its a 4-4 deadlock. In a return tilt in third conference victory against four losses. Gill Gym, the Bisons emerged with .• Coach Bruce Ferguson's improved five will be out' to sink the Chester- a 5-3 victory. town squad in this their only meeting of the season. Needing wins in most Coach Carlo Orlenzi has been tak- of their remaining games in order to gain a place in the Mason-Dixon play- ing advantage of the lapse of time offs, the Terrors will be primed for the test. between the Penn State match and The probable starting lineup for the Sho'men includes forwards Dick the Bucknell bouts to drill bis charges Tattersall, and Mel Morgan, Bill Mullineaux at center and Walt Romanition in the fundamentnls of the art of self and Lee Cook filling the guard slots. defense. Bill Seibert Mike Denny • Tough Opponents Ahead Greatly improved Terror is playing iI1ik.e }IUS a job on his hands fiUing • Coates leaves squad The remainder of February finds the Westminsterites appearing on the heada-up ball. Ca?'/o Ortem::i's shoes. It was learned this week that Norm home court five times against Washington, Loyola, American U., Hampden- Coates, 165, who has split even in two Sydney, and Mt. St. Mary's. Everyone of the opposing teams is strong and On The Inside For The Ladies fights this year, is dropping boxing the Big Green team will need plenty of student support as it swings down to devote more time to his scholastic the home stretch. efforts. Hugh Burgess is being pri- Playing their first. game after a week's layoff and only their second in Sororities Form med to step into his shoes. by Bob Dubel "Johnny Sgnriglio, a letterman last two weeks, an alert and hustling Green and Gold quintet outlasted a Johns Sports Editor, The Gold Bug season, is now working out with the Hopkins five on the home court last Saturday' night and copped a thrilling have not Basketball Loop 68-62 conference victory. Western Maryland fans teem. It is probable that" he will Led by the spectacular play of agile, high-scoring Walt Sibiski, who had too much to cheer about this shape up as a 175 pounder. equaled his season record of twenty-three points against American U., and winter. The courtmen have been on by Helen L. Miles Coach Ortenzi reports that two Al Jacobson, who split the cards for ten foul shots without a single" miss, the short end in all but two contests After three weeks of daily practice newcomers are now working out. the home team pulled away from the Blue Jays in the last minute and a and the boxers are still seeking their the girls' basketball class tourna- They are Bob Wilsey at 130 and Han half to take the game. initial victory. Wrestling has been ment is getting underway. The ached- Henneman at 145. ~ dropped from the athletic program ule was posted last week by Miss At present the team shapes up us • Stephenson Sinks Clincher three points apart during the whole With the teams never more than because of lack of participants. Mar-ie Parker, along with the list of follows: 125, Howard Shannon; 130, test, Piavie sank a foul shot with two minutes to go to make the score 59-55, • Terrors Have Pep girls chosen to represent their class Joe Damuth; 135, John Seiland; 145, but this was not enough, and both teams continued to battle it out until Just what is the trouble? I sin- teams. Don Lichty or Henry Mulier; 155, Frank Stephenson clinched the first of two decisive shots he was to make cerely feel that the athletes are doing • Class Teams Chosen Ken Munroe or Walt McJilton; 165, befor._ethe final buzzer to put the Terrors on top 64-59. A field goal by Joe their. best. There is no lack of pep. Six freshman teams were chosen, Hugh Burgess; 175, John Sgariglio Thompson and foul shots by Stephenson and Jacobson put the game on ice There is no lack of team spirit. This two sophomore, two junior, and one or Mike Denny; heavy, Joe Corleto. as the WMC fast break caught the unnerved Black and Blue defense off guard. goes without saying after the spark- senior. The members of the "An • A.U. on schedule Showing much improvement at the foul line the Fergusonites scored their ling victory over Hopkins. teams are as follows: Athletic Director Charles Havens first eight points on foul shots and completed nine straight before the streak The coaches are usually the target Senior "A"-Witter (F), Sause (F), announces that a match has been was broken. of early criticism, but I do not feel Wentz (F), Armiger (G), Wentz scheduled with American U. in Wash- JAY VEE DATA ••• that much of the blame can be thrown (G), Kellam (G) ington on March 6. An attempt wiII in that direction on this occasion. Junior "A"-Steele (F), Miles (F), be made to bring the Eagles to Gill After dropping the first four games of the schedule, Coach Stan Looking at basketball for a moment Taylor (F), Me.Mahan (G), Price Gym next year. (Gloomy) Kulakowski's Baby Terrors have come back strong to win four of · .. The Green Terrors have as well- (G), Dixon (G) their last-six contests. balanced a team as they have had for Sophomore "A"-Lenz (F), Graf (F), Last Saturday night they defeated the tall Johns Hopkins yearlings in the past two seasons. Donley (F), Donovan (G), F'roun- a thrilling ball game. Ken Munroe tallied twenty points to lead the JV's to In '46 they battled to the finals of fetter (G), Clayton (G) victory. the Mason-Dixon Tournamcnt.T't Laat Freshman "A"-Pfoub: (F), Bittle Washington College will not bring along a junior varsity squad tomorrow year they put up a great scrap before (F), Babylon (F), Dalgleish (G), night, but the Baby Terrors will stage a preliminary contest with an as yet bowing out of the tourney. Brown (G), Engle (G) unnamed opponent. • Opposition is Improved • Sorority League Formed Coach Kulakowski's charges have come a long way since December. Thus, it seems that the trouble does New on the agenda this' year is the They utilize skillful ball-handling and a fast break to offset a lack of height. not lie in the degeneration of the Ter- intersorority basketball league which To date Ken Munroe, Vance Hall, John Sternberg, "Slim" Benton, and ror team; but the short of it is that was announced by the Intersorority Ed "Lefty" Elliot have been the big guns in the Jay Vee attack. the opposition is gl;catly improved. Council last week. The sorority teams The four leading teams in the con- have been chosen and some have al- I Green Terror Scoring I ference--Loyola, Hampden - Sydney ready been drilling for the opening American U., and Mt. St. Mary's-- games. These games are scheduled Intramural Fives emphasize basketball as "the" sport. to be held from 9 to 10 in Blanche Player Total Points Two of the above colleges did not Ward Gymnasium: All sorcrity I)lem- Walt Sibiski 182 sponsor footbal! teams last fall, and bers and friends are invited to attend, Open Schedules AI Jacobson .. ... 119 the other two fielded gridiron outfits Bach team will play the other sorer- John Adamovich 80 of the weak sister variety. These iuies once as is posted below The Interfraternity Bas k e t b a II Frank Stephenson schools have attracted basketball February League got off to a flying start this Leo Lathroum 71 59 players rather than football players. 9 .. Delis vs Sigmas Howard Shannon week with games scheduled for every Joe Thompson 57 Such a setup is far from perfect, 18.. . Phi Alpha vs Iotas Shifty 8lugger ready for Bucknell. night except Saturday, when the Ter- Walt Piavis 54 beeauaa football is a great sport., too. 25 .. .Delts vs Iotas In losing to Penn state, the Terrors ror varsity plays . Bill Seibert 18 Thns, the question which arises in my March gathered only Ph points out of a pos- On Monday night, last year's run- Ernie Burch .. mind is··Why can't Western Maryland 3 .. . .Sigmas vs Phi Alphs sible eight. Joe Corlelo earned a ner-up, the Gamma Bets, trimmed Al Paul ... emphasize both sports? Two or three 10 Sigmas vs Iotas point, and John Seiland picked up Joe Shallenberger's Tarfon indepen- Len Zawacki . _ . tall courtmen, who oould supplement 17 .. . Delts vs Phi Alphs half a counter and a draw. dent club by a 23-15 score. The win- Ed Elliott . the speed and aggressiveness of the The badminton playoffs were com- Two or three otber bouts at State ners showed an abundance of speed, present Terror squad, could have turn- pleted last week, with Della Grauel were extremely close. Coach Orten- but the shooting of both teams left ed 1947-48 intI) a winning season. I'-merging as school champion. Having zi did not fight. He has retired from Il).uch to be desired. (Continued from column 3) February should inject a few rays batted her way to class supremacy, the collegiate ring, so he will not Tuesday night found Pi Alpha team will playas a unit in the spring. of sunshine into the local pictu're as Della picked off the other class win- compete in the March tournament. Alpha meeting the titleholders, the • Short Shots come off on Bachelors, and the latter the basketers are on the upgrade, and ners-Virginia Clayton, sophomore, top by a 43-23 count. Walt Sibiski stands tenth among- the opposition i~ a little lighter in Marion Benson, freshman, and Marthn RiAe Squad To Compele The following night saw the the nation's smaller colleges in free spots. I am looking for a couple of Witter, senior-to hold the undisput- Preachers playing the Independents. throw accuracy with 83% average ... surprises! ed badmhlton crown. In Tests At- Maryland The fast-breaking Purple rolled to a Ken Munroe is a durable athlete. He • Tourney Approaches Della's victory places the junior 65-27 victory as Giannelli and is leading the JV' courtmen in scoring" The Terrors will have to put on class high in athletic achievements Western Maryland will send a five- Earll led the scoring. and he fought in the 155-pound divis- some steam to qualify for one of the for 1947-48, since this class also sc- man rifle team to compete' in the Thursday, Tar f 0 n encountered ion against Penn State .... The Mason eight playoff berths for tournament cured the hockey title. Marine matches to be heldat the Uni- Alpha Gamma Tau and dropped their Dixon Conference is to ac- play. A Ferguson-coaehed team has .versity of Maryland this Saturday. second straight. quire the Baltimore Coliseum for the uever failed to capture a tournament Maryland's hopes for an eastern Henry Stone, David Buffington, Ted A notable change has been made in final two nights of the basketball tour- position. champ will be carried by Joe Corlew. Quelch, Charles Kidd, and Jim Leon- the playing of these games this year. nament. The boxe~'s stand a fine chance of John Seiland could come through. One ard will fire for the Green and Gold. Last year the "A" and "B" league finishing the season with a bang. They of the obstacles in Joe Corleto's path Last Saturday the Terror marks- games were played simultaneously on rate about even with Bucknell and is 6' 5", 250-pounder from Syracuse men defeated the Gettysburg rifle the short courts. The size of these have an edge over American U. U., Dick Bagley.'" Bagley was one of team. Western Maryland's five high- courts practically eliminated the ele· JOe Corleto's victl)ry and John Sei- Joe's high school mates in Medford, est men and their scores were as fol- ment of teamwork, and in addition, land's draw gave Western Maryland Massachusetts. What a way to renew lows: Henry Stone, 270, David Buf- the sound of the whistles from two (mly 1'h points out of a possible '3 an acquaintance! fington, 269, Ted Quelch, 265, Charles games was extremely confusing to against Penn State. Some of the • Toumey in Gill Kidd, 265, and Jim Leonard, 260. all the players. It was also difficult boxers feel that the match was closer Even though WAlC is not represen- David Buffington, a freshman, who for the spectators to concentrate on til an tile ~core indicated. They claim ted by a wrestling team, grappling fired his initial match against G-burg, one game. t.hat three deci:;:ions could have been fans will not be neglected. The Mason- is rated as a valuable prospect. This year the Interfraternity Ath- called either way. Indeed, that would Dixon Tournament will be held in Gill The rifle team has a 1 ~d 1 record. letic Council was successful in ob- have made a close match! GymnasiUm on February 27 and 28. Before turning back G-burg, they had taining permission to play all the • Ortenzi Retires Student activity books w)lfbe honored lost to the University of Maryland. games on the full length floor. Coach Carll) Ortenzi has announced at these bouts. The quarters will be ten min- his retirement from the colIegiate Bill Kern, Bill Miller, ~d Bill formulative stage, but contests have utes long and there will be no limit ring. He has not fought since he won Wisey will represent Western Mary· already been scheduled with Wash- on substitutions. The s I' changes the Eastern Intercollegiate 175 pound land ru> they compete for individual iugton College and Franklin and should make it possible for the teams title last March. Carlo could prob- championships. Marshall. to exploit teamwork to better advan- ably capture considerable olympic Bill Kern was a heavyweight final- Homer Earli has been given honor- tage. attention if he competed in the tourn- ist in the conference tourney last able mention on the 1947..All.Amer· Although the' c a lib e r of play ey this year. Maybe he feels that a spring. Bill Miller is a former ETO kan CoIlegiate soccer teAm. Romer last season was very good, all of the Al Paul married man has more important 145-pound champ. is also a member of the seuthcrn col· clubs should display an even higher Big Moon has broken into the scoring year the with this type of game tcMn. business to be looking after. Lacrosse has been added to the ath- legiate olympic tryout 'Dhis above revisions in the rules. colwmn in recent conte8ts. At present it looks as "if Western letic program. Plans are still'in the (Continued on oolumn 6)
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