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Libr~ry -, , i~s~~y~l~~.~.C~Ollege MEET THE DEAN INTERSORORITY OF THE FACULTY BASKETBALL PAGE 2 PAGE 3 Z286 Vol. 25, No.8 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. February 10,1948 Bachelor Hop Sowers Ancl Gamber Appointecl Cohen To Edit Gold Bug; To Be Patriotic To Heacl Aloha Staff For 1949 Quelch Is Business Manager Honoring the Father of OUl" Coun- Jean Cohen has been named the new try, the dance sponsored by the Bach- editor-in-chief of The Gold Bug,' her elors will take place in Gill Gym Sat- duties to begin with the ibue to be urday, February 21, at 8':15 p. m. published on February 24, according The dance marks the return of-the to an announcement of the present first George Washington's Birthday editor, Fern Ray. Assisting her as Ball since 1941. Because of previous managing editor will be Gruver Mar- arrangements by the Activities Com- tin. mittee, the event is being held in Ted Quelch will take over the job lieu of the annual Valentine formal. of business manager, with Ed Wright Chairman in charge of the decora- filling his present position as adver- tions committee is Don Smyth. Ned tising manager. Della Grauel will con- Masenheimer, head of the orchestra tinue as circulation manager. committee, has arranged for George Jan Rogers will return to her post Spittel .and his band to play that as feature editor, which she relin- night. Joe Faller, who is publjcity quished for a semester. 'I'heoda Lee manager, promises entertainment Kompanek has been advanced from during intermission, but both this copy editor to news editor. Bill Porter and the decorations are to be a sur- will be assistant news editor, and the prise. f. new copy editor will be Jane Gutt- Faculty sponsors who will be pre- mann. Homer Earll will replace Bob sent are Professor Hurt, fraternity , Barba1'a So-aere Dubel as sports editor. faculty advisor, Dean Free and Dean Dr. Lincoln Lorenz, who teaches Howery. Other members of the facul- Barbara Sowers has been elected by the present junior class as editor-in- journalism, is the iaeulty adviser for ty are cordially invited to attend. chief of the 1949 Aloha, and Dorothy Gamber has been chosen business man- The/Gold Bug. ager. They will succeed Mary Alice Hershfeld and Phyllis Houck, respective- The dance is semi-formal and non-- ly, of the 1948 Aloha staff. Keese To Give Miss Cohen h,as held the office of corsage, with favors to be supplied Miss Sowers has had some experience in writing for The Gold Bug and managing editor of the paper since by the Bachelors. At present, Series Of Talks, February, 1947; before that she was Tickets will be on sale at Mc- was feature editor of her high school (Hagerstown) newspaper. "star" reporter. After two years as Daniel office for $2.00, tax included. she is secretary of the junior class and a member of the Phi Alpha Mu Religious Emphasis Week will be sorority and the Tri Beta Biological Fraternity. a sergeant in the WAC, Miss Cohen Miss Gamber now holds the position of business manager on the staff of observed at Western Maryland College returned to the Hill in 1946. She ex- Audience Lauds her sorority (Phi Alpha Mu) yearbook, The Toroh: She is also treasurer of from Sunday, February 15 through pects to graduate in August, 1948. the junior class and secretary of the WAA. Wednesday, February 18. Delong's Program The two new Aloha heads w:ill work in conjunction with the 1948 staff ing chapel service, the guest speaker WM Radio Players Commencing with the Sunday even- during the remainder of this semester. From the very first phrase of will be Dr. William Keese of Balti- Schubert's The Wanderer, the audi- more. Dr. Keese will speak in the To Broadcast life ence knew it was in for a rare treat Dorothy Johnson Four New Teachers chapel on Monday and Tuesday even- of fine singing. Mr. Alfred de Long ings, February 16 and 17, at 7 p.m. to OF W. A. White and a sizable audience applauded him To Give Recital Added To Faculty He also welcomes the opportunity on On Monday, February 23, at 4:30 has seldom been in such fine voice, time with students at, any talk and his able accompanist, Mr. Oliver Dorothy Johnson will present the Appointment of four additional in- these afternoons. p. m., over station WFMD, Frederick, Spangler, with great enthusiasm. "- structors for the beginning of the sec- Dr. Keese is one of the more noted the Western Maryland College Radio The program, the third in the ::~~~~t i:rf:~ ~!~~I~ninse1~~m~~ ond semester has been announced by speakers on the problems of youth. Players will present their first broad- series of Faculty Recitals, was skil- Hall on February 24, at 4 :30 p. m. President Lowell S. Ensor. Having a daughter of college age, he cast of the new semester, entitled fully chosen for its appeal to the gen- For her program Miss Johnson has Mrs. Helen M. James, who received speaks from practical, as well as The Prairie Sage. eral public and the connoisseur alike. selected: her bachelor of science degree at theoretical, experience. This is the story of the life of Wil- There were four sections: a group of Prelude and Fugue in C Major State Teachers College at Bridgewa- "For the Living of These Days" is liam-Allen White, journalist, who put Schubert songs, five songs by Brahms, Vincent Luebeck ter, Massachusetts, has been named the topic for the week chosen by the Emporia, Kansas, on the map through a like number Qf folk melodies end a Chorale. Prelude: To Shepherds As associate professor of psychology. Af- committee, Betty Amos, Bettye Ben- its newspaper: the Emporia Gazette. concluding group of art songs by They Watchcd by Nigkt Bach ter receiving her B.S., Mrs. James son, Kitty Brown, Wayne Cowan, The cast includes: Homer Earll, American composers. All were sung Cantabile . Cesar Franck taught elementary school and partici- Gordon Groby, Seymour Lemesbaw, narrator; Janice McKaig, announcer; in English, a practice that more mu- Sonata No.2, Second Mov~ent pated in child work. Influenced by a Caroline McNabb, Virginia Ross, and Don Bailey, William Allen White; sicians should follow if they w:ish to Mendelssohn professor at Cornell University, she Ruby Stein. Martha Powell, Sallie White; Norma be in full communication with their Prelude in C Minor . . .Bach decided to do her master's work in It is hnped that a way will be shown Wright, Mary White; Sheila Siegel, audience. Mr. de Long's diction is al- Miss Johnson has studied under psychology. She is now studying for to arrive at a. greater social respon- Sue. George Davis will portray ways clear, and, coupled with his the direction of Miss Grace Cordia her Ph.D. at the University of Mary- sihility and ethical living as it relates O'Brien; Bill Porter, wire chief; Tom ability to project himself into a song, Murray for a year and a half. She land. ! to campus existence. While not di- Larsen, Mark Hanna; Bob Keyes, this made for a memorable perform- has held the p6sition of assistant or- A February graduate, Helen Beck- rectly concerned with Religious Ern- Tvmee editor; and Jimmy Leonard, ganist at her home church. er, has remained on the Hill to act as phasis Week, an assembly program is editor of the Gazette. Miriam Sim- Among so many well sung numbers, special instructor in biology. She took being planned around March 1 to co- mons will appear as secretary to it is difficult to pick out the best. How- her ·freshman studies at George ordinate with these ideas. Mark Hanna, Tom Doolittle as the ever, the audience was visibly im- Theology Students Washington University in Washing- Plans for Wednesday include a minister, and Harry Adams as the pressed by The Erlking, My Phantom ton, D. C., transferred to Gettysburg panel discussion in McDaniel Lounge. office boy. Double, Sweet Cheeks to Me Turnino, Hold ConFerence College for one semester, and entered The sound effects and music will be She received previous French Club Imitates A Ballad of Trees and The Master, Western Maryland to complete her handled by Kaye Buckel, Ann Shup- and an encore, The Lamb. The voice In West;ninster college career. pert, and Charlotte Goodrich. Marian was so well under control, and so teacning experience as assistant lab- Mareli Gras Festival Meredith will produce and direct the equal all the way up and down the A vocational conference for pro- oratory instructor at George Wash- show with Lois Hicks as assistant scale that it gave the impression of spective and pre-ministerial students ington University in the summer of The regular monthly meeting of producer. effortless ease. And that is fine vocal- will be held in Westminster from Feh- 1946. I Le Cenle Francais was held last The setting is in Emporia, Kansas, ism! ruary 20 to 22. Mrs. Kathleen M. Raver has been night, February 9, in Blanche Ward in the early 1900's. It tens the story No small part of the success of the Ministerial students and any young appointed special instructor in nutri- Gym in the form of a Mardi Gras. of the rise of William Allen White songs was due to the lyrics. Shakes- men who have completed at least their tion in the home economics depart- Efforts were made to make the af- from a "cub" reporter to one of the peare, Lanier, Mrs. Browning, Wither sophomor-a year of high school are in- ment. She is an alumna and a for- fair as much like the true Mardi most highly revered journalists of all and Heine were among the writers vited to attend. Registration must be mer dietician. After earning her B.S. Gras as possible, '....ith those attend- time. who inspired the composers in these made before February 14. The fee she obtained additional training at ing attired in gala costumes and the generally beautiful and appropriate of $4.00 may be paid upon arrival. Johns Hopkins Hospital. program following the t y pic a 1 settings. The full significance of the Those attending the conference will Returning after three years, Mrs. French 'atyle. 1l1UWUHCU<9 . accompaniments was skilfully real- be entertained in the homes of West- Marie A. Summers, wife of the head In line with the old French custom ized by Mr. Spangler. minster Methodists. All Friday ana of the physics department, is teaching of having the mayor of each town The Carroll Theater is pleased It is a great pity that the uncer- Saturday sessions win be held at Con- modern languages. Her last year of present a speech, talks were given to present Henry V in techni- tain weather kept Alumni Hall from tenary Methodist Church in Westmin- instruction at this college was 1944· by the following people, each repre- color, with Laurence Olivier being entirely filled. For those who ster. The Sunday program will take 45. senting a French town: James Cot- and Robert Newton, in a special try to sing it was a great object les- place on the Western Maryland Col- tel', Paris; Philip Sewall, Stras- showing for one day only, bourg; Gordon Groby, Avignon; son; for those who just like to hear lege campus. FLASH! ! ! ! are the results of last John Bradley, Montreal. and Wednesday, February 25. Following music, it was a capital evening's en- Dr. Fred G. Holloway, Dean of Drew night's election for the May Court: The musical program consisted of The picture will be shown at joyment. Theological Seminary wil'[ give the Queen ~_ .. .. G1adys Sause solos by three members of the club. 2 and at 7 p. m. Tickets for the opening address of the conference on Senior duchess.c, .Margaret Eierman These- included Charles Shook, La afternoon show will be $1.20, pFRcers For New Term Friday, February 20, at 7:30 p.m. Senior attendants ...J ean Stein, Mar 8 e ilIa i 8 e, Dorothy Rupert, for the evening show $1.80. Other speakers will be Leonard Ed- Beverly Wallis Pleurez, Pleurez, .Me8 Yeux, and Student tickets, good at either EI"ct"d By W"sleyans munds, W. W. Delaplain, Reuben Holt- Junior duchess ._ ...._Martha Powell Catherine Bishop, who sang an old showing, will be available for On February 5, the Wesleyans held haus, John B. Howes, John Olivt;r Junior attendants. ...Betty Staley French folk tune. 75c. an election of officers for the new Nelson, O. G. Robinson, S. Paul Schil- Janet Raubenheimer The main features of the evening The movie, lasting approxi- term. ling, Montgomery J. Shroyer, Paul F. Sophomore duchess~Sherry Donovan were a Cinderella Dance and a mately 2'h hours, is the British George Pferdeort was chosen pres- Warner, and Lester A. Welliver. Sophomore attendants Peggy Stacey Grand Promenade, for which prizes film version of Shakespeare's ident, Ed Wright vice president, and The conference is being conducted Martha Schaeffer were awarded for the most outstand- play. Not only the events of the Jack Buckingham secretary-treas- by the Board of Ministerial Training Freshman duchess. Marion Engle ing costumes. The program concluded play are presented, but an ex- urer. They will replace Jack Ammon, and the Board of Education of the Freshman attendants I with general dancing by everyone, cellent picture of the Elizabe- Jim Ogden, and Ed Wright, in their Baltimore Conference of the Method- A. Elizabeth Fisher, the music being furnished by George than theater. respective positions. ist Church. Dorothy Payant Spittel:s orchestra.
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