Page 30 - TheGoldBug1947-48
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4 ' The Gold Bug, Jan. 16. 1948 study bee. Pencil Shavings . . Bertholf Leaves and Upon continued return to with the the United tholf has written a pamphlet, Lear-n- fection of the Western Maryland stu- his by the tea' was demonstrated dents ing to Dive the Christian Life, which States in 1931, the Department of will be nationally distributed. given them on Sunday, January 11. (Continued fr?m page 2, column 4) For Ccdifornia Agriculture evidently suffered from On the campus he was superinten- As a wonderful person and great fleck of cosmic dust that will some day the same difficulty as the National dent of the Sunday School until it was scientist, Western Maryland mourn shrivel, its orbit slacken, and fall into (Continued from page 1, column 5) Research. He'was appointed an agent taken over by the students, and was his leaving and wishes him well in the mother sun? the University of North Carolina. Al- by them Q,nd authorized to conduct counselor to the YMCA until the for- his new venture. Oh, lost, lost in the wilderness! though 1923 is notable to the scien- further research with his WMC stu- mation of the SCA. Still very active If men can become lost among the tific world as the year in which Dr. dents. . in SCA affairs, both he and Mrs. Ber- mountains and jungles and deserts Bertholf started his bee experiments, • Active Interest in Religion tholf have conducted informal meet. of the earth, where -are they among 1924 is of greater interest to Western Paralleling his biological work has ings at their home. Mrs. Bertholf has the stars? Why do they toil and la- Marylanders as the date of his ar- been an active participation in the been particularly active with the JOHN EVERHART bor when they know their monuments rival on the Hill. wesleyanettes. will melt? Why do they build and While teaching at WMC, he worked Methodist Church and the religious The place of the Bertholfs in the af- The College Barber organizations For many on campus. collect learning when they know that at Johns Hopkins for his master's de- years chairman of the Board of Edu- their works are lost to hopeless gree, which he received in 1925. In cation of the Baltimore Conference and Bobber anonymity? We are alone, alone. 1928, the result of his summer work J. WM. HULL, Jeweler And who will know that men ever for the Department of Agriculture on of Methodist Churches, he became Successor to Cassell's AT THE FORKS lived when the earth explodes? the reactions of the honeybee to light President in 1941. With thi's he was Associate Lay Leader for the West r felt shame for my own industry. enabled him to receive the Doctor of Baltimore district, becoming Lay The Store of New Fashioned Why had 1 spent sleepless nights Philosophy degree from JHU. He j eweley and Old Fashioned cramming for exams; why had I spent determined decielvely that the bee has Leader three years ago. For Lay- Honesty the very light of -day cooped up in chroma vision and is sensitive to men's Day in February, Dr. Ber- Barnes Appliance Service the dark hole of a library, feverishly ultra violet light. TIMES BUILDING reading, burning to know what was East Main Street Phone 793 hidden in the million books that • Study in Germany RADIO-ELECTRONIC Westminster, Md. pressed against me? I had wondered In order to continue experiments SERVICE BENDIX-THOR how I could ever read them all. furthering these discoveries he ap- has table model Radios of •R.C.A.-SUN BEAM But now, as r stood looking at the plied for a National Research Fellow- Famous makes, sky-the cold, indifferent sky that did ship for study under Dr. von. Frisch RECORD PLAYERS, ETC., All Work Guaranteed not recognize the furious working of at the University of Munich. for immediate delivery Compliments 45 E. Main Street men above the slow, mindless bright- "Apparently no one else had ap- Prompt and E~cient R.,:tdio Westminster, Md. movement of the amoeba-it did not plied for the fellowship that year, so Repairs of matter. Nothing mattered. There they sent me," was his characteristic Radio Electronic Service was nothing to do but await dissolu- comment upon his study in 11)30. tion. There he worked on the effect of 14 W. Main St. Phone 703 BONSACK'S The janitor was at the door. " Time ultra violet light upon the fruit fly to lock up, young man," he said. SODAS LUNCHES The Artcraftsman· I wanted to say that it made no difference. But I knew that he would SMITH & REIFSNIDER Flowers for Every Occasion not care that we were transient Incorporated 80 East Main Street thing's of watery salt; and I washed LUMBER-COAL Stewart N. Dutter.r _ off the rotted remains of my speci- WESTMINSTER, MD. Opposite Post Office mens from the slide, and went home. FLORIST Run Right to READ'S T AILOR.MADE GIFTS PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS VALENTINES 114 Pennsylvania Ave. For Fine Cosmetics, Toiletries FOR THOSE YOU LOVE Phone 350 and Drug Needs Greeting Cards, Stationery Compliments Complete Photography Also, For Those You Don't of Department Hand.paineing done Heag~' s Barber Shop At 15 E. Main Street, to order Westminster, Md. Coffman's Stationery Typewriter and Adding opposite Bus Terminal Machine Repairs Everybody Stops In At RENTALS It Pays To Look Well Margaret & E~rl's Davis Typewriter Co. Visit The Compliments of 32 West Main Street Avenue Barber Shop T. W. Mather & Sons SANDWICHES- Westminster, Maryland Where The Students Go SOFT DRINKS Telephone 585 Westminster's Department 85 Pennsylvania Avenue Store of Agency Good Service and Values The L. C. Smith Typewriter COFFMAN· FISHER COMPANY CLOSING OUT AFTER THE GAME DEPARTMENT STORE Tricks. Jokes and Novelties At Reduced Prices Stop In For Fun REFRESH WITH COKE 11 E. Main St. Phone 102 Ray.J.Mond's Studio of Magic 2 Liberty St. 2nd Floor Westminster, Md. Good Health To All Continuous 2 p- m. Saturdays and Continuous 1 p. J\1. Saturdays and' Matinees Sunday Holidays From Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p. m. Holidays; Everting show 9 p. m. 2 and 4 Wee~ p. m. Matinee 2 p. m.-Evenings 7 & 9 p. m. day shows continuous from 4:30 p. 111. REXALL Fri. and Sat., Jan. 16 and 17 .• SADDLE PALS" Sat., Jan. 17 .. DARK PASSAGE .. Gene Autry Hu;;"phrey Bogart Lauren Bacal! Sun. to Tues., Jan. 18 to 20 Sun. to 'I'ues., Jun. 18 to 20 .. NIGHTMARE ALLEY" , THE WISTFUL WIDOW Tyrone Power Joan Blondell OF WAGON GAP" Wed., Jan. 21 Welcome to Ida Lupino Dane Clark "KING OF THE BANDl'fS" Fri. and Sat., Jan. 23 and 24 Gilbert Roland Angela Green Benny's Kitchen "DRIFTWOOD" Thurs. and Fri., Jan. 22 and 23 Ruth Warrick "Walter Brennan "SECOND CHANCE" Dean Jaeger Where old friends meet "BLACKMAIL ,. Sun. to Wed., Jan. 25 to 28 Double Feature and like to eat "ROAD TO RIO" Sat., Jan. 24 Strictly home cooked food Bob Hope Bing Crosby "FIGHTING VIGILANTES" Dorothy Lamour Lash Larue Fuzzy St. John 59 W. Main Sr., Westminster Thurs, to Sat., Jan. 29 to 3J Sun. and Mon., Jan. 25 and 26 or ntE co","cou. COMPANY 1'1 .OTTUD UNDU A\ffiiORm' Westminster 654-J .. KILLER McCOY" ''THE LAST OF THE RED MEN" WESTMINSTER COCA-COLA BOTILING CO. • Mickey Rooney Jon Hall Michael O'Shea Brian Dontovv Ann Blyth Evelyn Anker's 019<18,TheCooo-Cd"C"",pant
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