Page 29 - TheGoldBug1947-48
P. 29
The: Gold Bug, Jan. 16, 1948 Terrors Open 1948 Home 'Season tJoeJ tJlJ/Uf-M Quintet Entertains Gallaudeti On The Inside Class Champions Spectators Face Weekend Treat; Mittmen Face Coast Guard Indoor Teams Need More Room In Sirdie Finals by Wayne Cowan by Helen Miles When the Terrors take the floor to- Baltimore, the cagers had lost five By Bob Dubel night against Gallaudet of Washing- straight, three being played away The final play-offs in the badmin- ton, they will not only be opening and two at home. Their southern Sport8 Editor, The Gold Bltg ton tournament will be staged next week. Already three class champions their post-holiday home season, but road trip to both Quantico and Wil- The lull is over and the storm has begun-Western Maryland teams, idle they will also be opening their 1948 liamsburg to play the marines and since mid-December, swing into action as they bring Gallaudet and the Coast have been determined. When all four effort to gain the Mason-Dixon Con- William and Mary was disastrous, as Guard Academy to the 01' homestead (Gill Gym) over the weekend. class victors are named they will com- ference. they lost both games by wide margins. pete for the school championship. Coach Ifruee !Ferguson's courtmen traveled a tough rped prior to the holi- Martha Witter came through as The- Green and Gold quintet is key- e Amertcen U. Str~ng day as they rail into tough competition after limited practice sessions. This senior shuttlecock champ. Marty, our ed up and set to go with hopes of American University, on their home past week has enabled Ferguson to iron out the wrinkles before the 1948 five lone school letter-holder, is a new- putting a conference victory in the court, tagged the fifth loss on the begins its quest for the Mason-Dixon title. comer in the shuttlecock finals bag. To date the boys from Wash- Green Tenors with a fine effort. ington have not been very impressive. The Terrors should at least hold their own against most conference foes, having come close in former years. The Washingtonians, heavily streng- but they will have their bands ,full with Loyola and American University. Della Grauel, also a novice netwom- thened by new blood, are currently an; showed remarkable improvement sporting one of their best teams. • Loyola Shows Speed this season and batted her way to Walt Sibiski, stellar forward, split The Greyhound!; of Loyola tripped the Eagles last week. Fielding a tall supremacy in the junior class. Della the cords for 23 points against Ameri- team with abundant reserves, the Washingtonians were rated as the log-ical appears to be a good prospect for can U. and kept up his fine play f)! contender for Loyola's Mason-Dixon Crown. It may be a little early to make the title. the season. Supporting him in his a prediction, but it seems that Loyola will top A. U. via its speed and smooth Another fa s t contender in the efforts have been two boys not much Aoorwork. finals is the 1946 "bird" queen, in stature, but with plenty on the ball, Of course, there is always room for a dark horse. And the Tenors have Virginia Clayton, who rose to the John Adamovich and Frank Stephen- pulled some good ones. Last year they 'upset. American U. in Washington, sophomore pinnacle again this year. son. Kulakowski's Stun junior only to lose by twenty points the following evening in Gill Gym. Because of the larger number of five will play a preliminary varsity contest While the basketballers fire engaging Washington College on the Sho' freshman contestants, the representa- prior to the varsity tilt. Saturday night, the boxers will square off against the Coas't Guard Academy tive for that class has not been de- in Gill Gymnasium. These teams fought to a 4-4 deadlock last year. termined as yet. Western Maryland's mittmen open The new year was started with a the 1948 boxing season January 17, The 'Terror mittmen have a fine nucleus in Carlo Ortenei, 175, Joe Cor- Ieto, heavyweight, and an "old-timer" Rip Hudson, 130. Keep an eye on large basketball turnout. 8:00 p. m. in Gill f,ymnasium against John Seiland. He may turn into Quite a point-getter. The practice schedule posted is us the Coast Guard Academy from New At present it appears that the two heavy brackets and the light divisions follows: London, Connecticut. ru-e well-manned, but the material is thin in the middle classes. Monday, everybody; Tuesday ana Not only does the team show signs Thursday, upperclassmen, Wednesday of good conditioning, which is a prime • Penn State Next Week and Friday, freshmen. factor to be considered, but several Next week the scrappers travel to western Pennsylvania to meet what will Last year's prime netmen, the pre- prospective toami members are shap- probably be their toughest foe of the year-Penn State. The Lions always sent seniors, have not as yet shown ing up as, experienced boxers. present a rugged team. their former championship ability, • Exper-ienced Squad on Hand but may shape up before the games Because of a schedule conDict, the Ter-rors will not fight Army this year. Howard Shann-on, Dave Myers, Don The only other definite match is with Bucknell. At least three other matches' be!f~e infrt::he~a:ee~:il_Players, how- Lichty, Norm Coates, Mike Denny and Joe Corleto all have at least one ~::ep::!n~-:;-.!:;:=.Ivania Military College, American U., and Lock Haven ever, show great possibilities, having year's training, while "Rip" Hudson tall guards and crack-sliOt forwards Charlie Havens, athletic director, regrets to announce that wrestling has as assets. Carlo Ortenat saw action in the ring for the Ter- was Carlo Ortenzi been dropped from the 1948 Western Maryland athletic program. A lack of Sophomore and junior teams also Fighting coach leads Terrors into rors back in '40. Intercollegiate 1 i g h t Eastern the :e~::ii~~t~~ ~~: ~;::~ divisions and overcrowded gymnasium facilities have ~~:~s~ndications of having topnotch initial tilt. heavy champ last. season. The Terrors sport only 1 win and 5 At present, all positions on the The Mason-Dixon Wrestling Tournament will be held in Gill Gym, Feb- Gladys Sause, WAA president, in- lost record, but the Green and Gold team are open, with the lineup to be ruary 27-28. Bill Kern, John Silber, and one or two more Terrors will com- dicates that the organization is work- announced just before the fight. pete. Kern was a finalist in the heavyweight division last year. ing on a new system whereby fewer forces ran into some first class compe- There arc at least two men out for tition in compiling that record. It is too bad that western Maryland can not be represented by a wrestling points will be required for a letter, each position, so Coach Ortenzi has team. If better practice conditions were available, more boys would be at- thus enabling the student to receive • Washington College Tomorrow the opportunity of picking a good tracted to the sport. 'Vith construction conditions improving, it seems that it in her junior year. Tomorrow night the Westminster- squad from his material. the administration could begin planning a building- to house the boxers and This is, as yet, merely on the calen- ites travel to Chestertown where they In the 125 lb. division, Howard wrestlers. The dusty, unequipped area, under the boy's dormitory. used for dar and must pass the WAA vote as meet an opponent that is always Shannon and Dave Myers are fight- these sports, is unsatisfactory to say the least. Guess it would be going toe well as Miss Parker's approval be- tough, Washington College. The ing for top honors. Both men fought far to ask for a swimming pool. fore going int"'oeffect. Sho'men will be at their best on their last year. Sports editors throughout the country have commented on the post-war own court, which is a miniature of wave of unspor-tsmanlike conduct on the part of spectators-especially at q'Wel. tJt.rdie4 Gill Gym! and they will put up an all- • Hudson is Back and Joe Damuth are Terrors into the to take Rip Hudson out effort basketball games. At times, Western Maryland students have been guilty of camp. the most promising candidates in the booing both officials and visiti~g players. Booing is a foolish pastime which Next week will find the varsity 130 pound bracket. gains nothing. Visiting athletic teams always regard Western Maryland as Fraternify Council John Seiland, an exper-ienced boxer, here night basketera a friendly school. Let's not alter that reputation. meet a formidable on Tuesday U. squad to appears to be all alone in the 135 Catholic All of which serves to remind that no cheering is allowed during the and then on the road to meet two pound class, and Don Lichty has the rounds of an intercollegiate boxing match. Save your shoutin' for between Makes Schedule tough opponents in Mt. St. Ma-y's 145 pound division under control. rounds tomorrow niaht. and Loyola. In the 155 pound division, Harring- The four fraternities are currently In their last effort before the hcli- ton Smith and Walt Mc.Hlton lead • Hampden-Sjdney in Conference involved in the process of building days, the varsity courtmen played the parade. Norm Coates shows pro- Hampden-Sidney has been admitted to the Mason-Dixon Conference. The their 1948 hardwood clubs. Again host to the Untvereity of Baltimore mise at 165, and Hugh Burges.'; is Tigers will place a quintet in the March Tournament. this year, as last, there seems to be five and tagged a 57 _44 loss on them. rated as a cornel" in that class. Walt Sibiski has the best average in Mason-Dixon scoring-23.0. This an abundance of excellent material. With five minutes remaining in the Carlo Ortenzi will again hold down average includes only the American U. g-ame. Last years champions, the Bach- first half and the score 20 _4 in favor the 175 slot, and J DC Corleto will Two independent teams will compete along with the four fraternities for elors, have lost a number of their big of \Vestern Maryland, Coach Bruce fight as heavyweight. the intramural bnskethalJ crown. One team goes by the name of Indcpendent~, men including Coffman, Laupheimer, Ferguson sent in his second and third Here is the boxing schedule. and the other claims Tarfon as a name. It is probably a secret, but Tarfon is Mendell, O'keeffe, and Phillips. This teams. Half-time score was 23 _ 14 Three other matches are pending. "no frat" spelled backwards ..... year the Blue and White will be pin- January 17 Coast Guard Home ing their hopes on a team prohabl:.' .Th{)mpson Paced Scorers January 24 Penn. State Away composed of Cotter, Kulakowski, Sil- Joe Thompson, playing his best February 20 Bucknell Home University Of Maryland ber, Welliver, Dorgan, O'Hara, Sei- game of the season, put the game on bert and Kein. ice with one minute left with two Meets RiRe Team Gamma Beta Chi has in Beakes, swishers. He also Icd the scoring for Volkart, and Hammargren the nucleus the evening with 14 points. Al Jacob- Western Maryland's rifle "'am of a well-balanced organization. 1he son turned in his most creditable will partioipate in a match with the services of Grose, Finck, Bradley, game of the season agaivst thp. Balti- University of I\Iaryland tomorrow Engle, Noble, and Brewington .will more Bees. afternoon o~ the homc rifle-range. probably be exploitcd extensively. Prior to thcir initial win against TIle rifle team will fire sevel'al it is expected that Delta Pi Alpha postal matches as well as shouldel"-to- should pl'oduce a much strongcr team Feinblatt, and a number of oth(>l"s. -shoulder tilts. Western Maryland has prospective candidates for the ;~~~~~71~0~~o:~~~t t~~ ;too:he~~:i~~ The other non-frat team is being team. George Davis, Jim Leonard, including Brohawn, Palmer, Dorsey, managed by Joe Schall enberger. Henry Muller, Ted Quelch, and Henry Earll, Leap, Cropper, Corleto, Dyke, Personnel on his aggregation include Stone will be in the ring fOJ' the thil·a Huckman, Mishler, Rice, \Veaver, and Eshelman, Douglass, Peregoy, Mon- consecutive year. a numb(>r of others. Added strength/ roe,Chafin, and Paulsen. 7h, Srl"du~ :'>lor , S IlOUI,DE ft..'I'O·SH 0 U LD E R t'eb.27 :\L\TCl1ES 1 Januar)' 17 ~bryl.nd Horne , 24 liellysburg Away " ; ~eab:c~ary H ~:~:~r~~~~.:~~~:}fff~~~~::E::~~nF~:~;~1:,::,,'" ';;:::_,""'" "," \ 27 Na,"y Away :::: ~~ilr~~~~:~I~' ~;c~:~:inu!he~; u ~ l~ " Frank Stephenson Janu8ry 17 Un;~era;ty of Pittsburg '" n 24 Virginia Polytechnic Barnes, Simpkins, ,.Hammer, Chesley, {~ Februllry 7 Uni,·e .. ity of 'Vyoming " Frank is a "smooth fioorman and a 8 Uni~e,"ity 01 Arizona and Davis. There's a lot of height 20 " polished lay-up al·tist 21 28 Lafayette State College College -on this club. ~! '" Kanau " 28 Oregon State CO.llege There are two independent teams 25 " 1 Indiana Uni~erolty participating this year. One is being 6 Washington Slate C.ollege ~~"I'arfon 6 Uni~ersity of HawaII ! Coach Ferguson 18 Yale UDi~el'Sity ALUMNI SUBSCRIBE TO THE 20 University of Wi.cons ... :::~~:d~:d 0': i:e~:s~r ~~rc~h:=::esa:~ i~~:~~:::ot~Vhites Goach Bruce Ferguson hopes to get April 10 Univer.ity nf ~==~:~~I:~Beh Terrors five along winning ways GOLD BUG Ransford, Keenan, Hadjuk, Kovler,
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