Page 28 - TheGoldBug1947-48
P. 28
The Gold Bug, Jan. 16, 1948 Pencil Shavings by LeQ'It Stooer To the Western Maryland Family: Another of my prominent emotions by Marian Meredith If you don't believe this writing of at this tiri'ie is that of gratitude. PeJ;- Another laboratory exercise. Study farewell letters is a hard job, you haps I may be permitted to para- and record the activity of naked pro- A great deal has already been said consideration of it is important. Since ought to try it some time. phrase Winston Churchill by saying, toplasm, the manual said. The lab- about the possibilities of 1948, and it means so many things to s; many Many emotions stir within me as I " Never has one person owed so much oratory assistants dispensed amoeba- similarly, a great deal remains to be people, it's not a bad idea to know write. For one 'thing, there is a sense to so many." Probably 4000 students swarmed droplets on clear-shiny glass said. It was a singularly quiet New what it means to you. The important of joy as I think back over the past have come and gone through these slides, and the students focused the Year's Eve that was celebrated in thing is not success itself, although 23 years and recall the progress halls in the days I have been here, quiet power of their gleaming micro- most parts of the world. For some it that is a favorite cry of students and WMC has made: her growth in size and I have had some contact with scopes upon t.he tiny puddles. was average and for some it was professors alike, but rather, whether (there were 374 students here in nearly everyone of them. Many of "Oh, aren't they cute!" extra gay, but a few of us were sit- or not you have thought about it. 1924-25); her growth in resources them 1 count today 'as dear friends. "My, what stupid animals." ting and thinking and wondering just A common gripe, from which none (endowment $300,000 then, nearly They are in all sorts of positions of "Gee, I bet they don't get much what the New Y.ear holds for us. Iso- of us is completely exempt, is that $1,000,000 now), in buildings (there service, as you of the present student fun out of life, do they? How would lated as we are, we are not reall~ in professors are filling us with a bunch was no Science Hall then, nor Blanche body will soon be. You have all made you like to be like that-no movies, a position to see accurately what hap- of useless facts and belaboring us Ward, nor A. N. Ward, nor Gill some contribution to my life and to no dances, no pretty girls?" pens all over the world. ·'Ve are en- with a battery of tests calculated tv Gym), and in campus (no golf course that of the Bertholf family and we Everybody laughed. I laughed. g-rossed in our own sphere and, volun- fret us into a series of nightmarish nor Harvey Stone- Park then). The are sincerely grateful. The room voice-buzzed and work- tarily or not, we are easy targets for nervous breakdowns. 1 do not believe 1924·25 catalog stated: "Nearly But I must include here a mention buzzed. An autoclave hiss hissed in ali sorts of propaganda concerning that the aim of a liberal education is three-quarters of a million dollars of the debt lowe to my colleagues on the next room, and somewhere bottles the future. For those of us who are for us to remember all of these facts have been expended in this institu- the faculty. I came here as a young clear-clinked. seniors, the problem is more immedi- (most of which are probably learned tion in buildings and endowment." and inexperienced teacher. I was The instructor smiled knowingly. ate and must be faced in some fashion the night before the final anyway J The 1947 catalog states: "More than pretty much of a specialist, knowing He remembered when he had first within the next few months. There but rather to make us think about three million dollars have been ex- nothing much but biology, and not a seen the microcosm. Yesterday, is an easy way out and no doubt a them and .to correlate what we do not pended in this institution in build- great deal of that. Contact with this other students had first seen the tiny, great many graduates will take that learn into a useful backlog for day ings and endowment." faculty has rounded out my educa- transient lives. He had smiled then. one. The line of least resistance is al- to day living. Then there is a sense of satisfac- tion. Dr. A. N. Ward, Dr. H. T. Tomorrow he would smile again. He ways the easiest, but unfortunately, A lot of us are going to vote for tion over the advance in our academic Stephens, Dean A. M. Isanogle, Dr. had smiled last year, and the year it is not always the most successful. the first time in the November elec- standards and our curriculum. 1 do G. S. Wills, to name a few of the before. All over the land laboratory The preparedness question is usually tions and a lot of us are going to vote not mean to imply that either the "old guard," have been especially just a matter of letting Nature take Democrat or Republican be c a use quality of our students or of our prominent in my training. We have instructors smiled. its course, but it might be wise once that's the way our parents vote and teaching was poor in those days, for had a rather remarkable lack of turn- I peered down into the quiet, teem- in a while, to [ielp Nature out. The besides, where we come from, it just 1 do not believe they were. But it is over in our faculty so that it has ing depths of my infested drop of columnists and commentators all over wouldn't be the thing to vote outside a fact that there was in 1924-25 only been our privilege to have a long water. A silent, mindless blob of the nation are making pr-edictions the accepted pattern. And I suppose one earned doctor's degree among the period of time in which to build up sparkling jelly bright-moved slowly, which range aU the way from im- if cliff-jumping were the fad, some faculty; today there are, 1 believe, friendships through common tasks. soft-spreading over, under,' around mediate war with Russia and a of us would indulge in that too.Silly, twenty-one such degrees. At that And so we take with us a great bits of dull, tiny debris. The bright, terrible economic collapse, to thc isn't it? But it isn't any sillier than time we were offering altogether the deal «. Western Maryland. Even if quivering gelatin spread itself one most successful year the United a lot of the things we do and maybe, equivalent of about 80 three-hour we wished we could not make it other- way, two ways. It came to a speck States has ever known. Success is an just maybe, that guy who coined courses. Now we are offering more wise, and we certainly do not wish it of green and poured itself over it. extr-emely ambiguous term and the "individualism" had something. than twice that many. Along with otherwise. For the things-the in- The green speck flowed with other There are bound to be things this there has been an impressive ex- tangible things-we take with us are specks inside the jelly. I moved the that you don't Ii keto do, but tension of our good reputation among such as to make our lives-richer, and slide to follow the self-flowing blob. that must be done for the good of the our sister colleges and among the we trust more useful, than they ever Then it stretched itself apart, and merely moves on, eating and dividing majority. You don't have to be a lone in two, eating and growing, and split- citizens of this and neighboring states, could have been without these ex- two blobs bright-moved. ting again for a life that has no end, wolf to be an individualist and you and a modest increase in cosmopoli- pertences and these associations. Hold The water was slowly evaporating, don't have to have an I. Q. of 150 to tism (20 per cent of our students from high the torch of liberal scholarship, and the cover-glass began to squash no purpose; a life that will go on, make a real life. Nor do you have to out-of-state then, 26 per cent now). and hold high along with it the torch the little animals. They came apart mindless, never knowing that it ever "get religion" to be a human being. This 23-year period has been one of of character and friendliness and in little. dull flecks, until the whole lived. And when men wear out, and You wouldn't be in college if that much experimentation in the field of well-rounded personality. If students microscope field was scattered with amoeba are squashed, who will be were necessary. I'm not saying it Dust- their dust? able to separate education. There have been lots of continue through the years to learn tiny, dry particles. Nothing moved. the great equalizer. might not help, but you don't have to fads that have swept the country, lots these things at WMC, she will always It seemed quieter. have it. And the rest of it is easy. of different "theme-songs" of pro- have the support of a grateful body Everybody had finished their draw- Poor little creatures, men. Do they Just think about it, not too long- fessional educators. In this ebb and of alumni and fr-iends. ings and had gone. My paper was think that their life is more than the that's a hardship for anybody-just flow of pedagogical controversy West- Sincerely yours, still empty. How long had I watched amoeba's because they are walled once in a while take stock and see if ern Maryland has held a middle the creatures? within cities of concrete and smoke, what you're doing is the outcome of ground, "not the first by which tpe Lloyd M. Bertholf. I got up to stretch before making because they attend movies and dance consideration or the result of an ado- new was tr-ied, nor yet the last to lay the drawing. and looked ou~tthe win- with girls? Because men seek recog- lescent impulse. It helps, it really does. the old aside »-middle, or perhaps dow. Black evening clouds seemed nition and wealth, do they think that somewhat to the right of middle She was just as sweet as honey, S0 to rise from the land, disguising the their life is more than just eating, Because the amoeba can Cupid's Christmas would be more accurate. For exam- he nectar. horizon with tenuous mountain rang- and moving, and peopling the face of ple, we have expanded our curricu- es. Car lights moved slowly on a the earth? ... lum, but have kept to a conservative What is an opportunist? One who dark, distant road. A star, wind- not raise a stone with its name in- by Jan Lee Gal1z liberal arts pattern; we have gone in meets the wolf at the door, and ap- polished, hung in the sky next to the scribed upon it, is the amoeba less we've all made New Year's reso- for counseling (were one of the first pears the next day in a fur coat. cloud ridge. The planet earth, little, than men? lutions, and providing the temptation to adopt a Freshman Orientation was swinging in space-blackness. What finality is there in that fleet- is not too great, we intend to keep Week program), yet have kept it on Weihrauh: Prof, do you use a red In the solitude of that room, I felt ing moment that is the life of man; an "amateur" basis, widely distrib- or blue pencil when you are correct- the smallness of human life. Was it that bright spark that flashes bril- them. But we must backtrack just a bit, and givc credit where credit is uted among the faculty; we have de- ing examination papers? more than that blob of gelatin that liantly for one infinitesimal instant due. It goes without saying· that veloped fine departments of educa- Prof. Woodhead: I use black; it's lay rotting under my microscope? and then is extinguished in the black Cupid couldn't be overlooked. (Santa's tion and music, but have kept this sadder. What more do men accomplish in night of the ageless universe forever? Little Helper!) From all accounts, he work within the framework of the their lifctime than even the mindless What great goal do men hope to reach had a very suceessful year! \Ve can't liberal arts curriculum and have not Drunk (lying on sidewalk): "I'll amoeba performs? that they struggle over the surface resist quoting a remark made by a sought to develop" schools" of edu- climb this wall if it takes me all Oh, yes; men can fear death. The of this piece of solar- driftwood, this certain history professor here on the cation or music or anything else. And night." amoeba does not fear death. He (Continued on page 4, column 1) Hill-"The saying goes that a man in an. that we have done we have chases a woman until she catches continued to place a great emphasis him..." Need we say more! on character, and on the development WMC Presents The following students have an- of the entire personality, including nounced their engagements, and we the spiritual nature. want to wish them all the best of I review some of these advances of luck: Ruth Anderson, '48, and Lionel the last two decades not to imply at Burgess, '49; Mary (" Butch ") all that I deserve any undue share by Ruby Stein Dom, '48, and Bob Brown; Bunny of the credit for these things, but to Doolittle, '50, and Bob Clock; Jan explain why all of us, including my- Dean's lister, class officeI·, Argo- plorable speed. She's as blind as a Lee Ganz, '48 and Sam Greenwood; self, are proud of our institution. naut, Tri-Beta member, WAA mem- bat without glasses, and hates to Martha Libis, '47, and David Ben- She stands today, I firmly believe, on ber, Sigma Sigma Tau member, and take them off for fear she'll miss nighof, '47; Lillian Lines, '48, and the threshold of a new advance. president of the Women's Student something that's going on ... and Keith Buell; Lou Parris, '48, and Higher education everywhere is des- Government ._.. that's Sally Smith. she talks so fast that, according to Bill Weber, ex '50; Fern Ray, '48, tined to achieve new importance and This little gal who has more vim and Dr. Schofield, there is a constant and Bob Grumbine, '47; Elinor Ro- new popularity, and Western Mary- vigor than any two big gals, comes race between Spicer, Schofield, and gers, '48, and George Johnson, '48; land is in a strategic position to ad- from "God's country", the Eastern Smith to see who'll get a word in Betty Sauter, ex-'48, and Don Gar- vance in most any direction she Shore ... Church Hili (two words), edgewise! lock; Virginia Watt, '49, and Ed chooses. Md. Has so much energy that r-oom- Summers are sometimes spent in Wright, '49; Marty 'Witter, '48, and mate Lennie Hoffman is complaining traveling with the family ... New about it. England and the Southern states for Ed Hawkins, Louise Rosseli, ex '50, Sally grew up in Church Hill, and the most part. At other times sum- and John O'Hara, '48. THE GOLD BUG is mucho proud of the schools there. mer is spent in staying home to cut dents who took t.he final atcp before There were also a few WMC stu- The ~nior class of 1944 consisted of grass. Miss and as a grass-cutter OIllc!BI student newspaper of Western Mary fourteen scholars, but it was a better Smith is qualified to say that the t.he old year passed by: lond CoUe~e. published .eml.montbly on wen Lanius, '49 was married Dec- Friday. during October. Noycmber. Janu class fol' all of that. So "better" Eastern Shor-e is not flat as some .ry .. Febn1ary. March and April. Bnd montbly ember 20; Joan Johnsnn, ex '48, has dUring- September._ Deeember. and May. En was it that Sally thinks that there people have stated, but is decidedly tared a" second 01.."" malter M W ..'tmlu"le1 ought to be more small schools in the hilly. She knows ... she pushes the announced her marriage to Bob Pogue, POll! om"... nnder the Act of M..rcb S. 1879 Jr. on November 11; Pat DUmire, '4:.1, States ... better for the country. lawn mower UP-hill every time she Subscription Price $2.00 a Year The Smith family consists of does the job. and Bob Kimble, '49, were married Mother, Father, Brothel', Sally and The lady is a biology major and a Thanksgiving Day; Bob Kein sur- a blonde-haired cocker spaniel named math minor with plans to teach. prised everyone by announcing that ;I~~:~.f~~~~·:~~.····L~~~:ri!O~~t~ She likes to dance, and according to he has been married Harry Schwenk. Editor-in·ehief .•.....•.••.••.• Fern Ray Sally Smir"h Brother is a doctor ... gradu- Taffy. since August. Not to be outdone, reliable witnesses, is good at it. Loves U.... maybe that's ate of Washington iporU! Editor. . ......•.•. Robert Dubel why Sally has a cer-tain affinity for football more than she played house, to cook when she has guests so that '49, recently revealed that he was and so had to wait until she got to Copy Editor •••......•• Betty Lee RObbins Theod .. Lee Komp med. students, internes, and Wash- college to get up a collection of dolls. she can make them clean up all the married in September. George Nor- .... Jan ington U. Still an ardent sports fan, although dirty dishes (shows a decided sense man, '47, and Betty Powell, '47, tied As a child she was quite a tomboy her favorite is badminton because of humor). the knot during the holidays. 3uoine." Manager •.•••.•..• Pbym. HOUCk .. has had more stitches and wounds The third act in Cupid's drama Advertising- Manager .•.•...... Ted Quelcb that's the only one at which she can In addition to all her other assets, Circulation Manager .•...... Della Grauel than the whole family put together beat other players! Sally plays the organ (for weddings commenced with the arrival on ... also had quite a number of whip- In speaking of herself there are and church); "has naturally curly January 5 of Miss Marquita Leigh Ada Lee Harde.ter. Helen Lingenfelter. Jane pings for doing things Mother didn't always two things that Sally com- hail' and teeth"; and has no southern Griffin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Guttmann. June Beaver. Rutb Alien. Wayne Cowan. Helen Miles. Klein H ..ddaway, Bill approve of. As a result of being a plains of ... that she has to wear accent because "I talk too fast." In Don Griffin, '42. And is "Grandma" Porter. Eleanor ColHns. Barbara Sower ... tomboy, Madame Prexie played touch glasses, and that she talks with de- Griffin proud!! Alice Y.arly. Homer Earll. other words, she's O.K.
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