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BERTHOLF BOXING MATCH SAYS GOODBYE TOMORROW PAGE 2 PAGE 3 Vol. 25, No.7 , WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. January 16, 1948 B.&W.'s Plan Sophomores Bid Faculty Members Bertholf Accepts New Posti MidTermHop To Fraternities Attend Meetings Leaves WM After 23 Years Though the newly formed regula- Dr. Reuben Holthaus of the philos- western Marylanders are invited to tions concerning fraternity bidding ophy department, attended, in De- by Jean Cohen forget their exam worries for a night sliced the eligibility list by one half, cember, the Second Inter-American In the past twenty-three ycara ing Western Mar'yland to assume the and to come out and enjoythemselves twenty-nine sophomores pledged to Congress of Philosophy at Columbia probably no. other person has been as office of Dean of the ColIege of the at the Mid-Term Dance. Sponsored by the four fraternities on the Hill on University. This congress was in a intimately concerned in all phases of Pacific in California. Pi Alpha Alpha Fraternity, the dance January 6, aceording to the various combined meeting with the Forty- Western Maryland life as has Dr. will be held in Gill Gym, Saturday, presidents. ' Fourth Annual Meeting of the East- Lloyd M. Bertholf. The present Dean • Pioneer in Education January 24, from 8 :30 to 11 :45 p. m. Bachelors headed the list with ern Division of which Dr. Holthaus is of the Faculty and head of the bio- In his new role of pioneer in the Music will be provided by Bill fifteen pledges: Milton Herbert, a member. The program included logy department, Dr. Bertholf is leav- educational problems of a senior col- school of Slade and his 13-piece orchestra. Lionel Burgess, Ralph Cockey, Ernest addresses in Spanish' and Italian, as lege, the only liberal arts Dr. Bertholf well as English, and there were many It3 kind in the country, Although the entertainment and Burch, Guy Smith, Edward Nordby, the theme of the decorations are to be Joe Damuth, Ward Jump, Stan Ab- representatives from Mexico, Peru, will be continuing the tradition he has established South on the Hill. Ac- American secret until the big night, the com- rams, Richard Randell, Charles Wil- Cuba and who other presented papers in already working in the fields of bio- tively countries mittees promise to surpass last year's liams, Thomas Albright, Robert their own languages. logy, education, and religion, he has attempt. Hershberger, George Walters, Wil- liam Seibert. Separately attended by Dr. Mac- had personal contact with almost Black and Whites heading commit- Donald and Dr. Ridington were the every W!'IfC student. To many he is tees are: Tom Larsen, general chair- Achieving the highest number of meetings at Yale University of the the person who efficiently irons out man; Bill Henry and Don Bailey, co- acceptances in proportion to the American Philological Association, the schedule conflicts; to others he chairmen of decorations and advertis- number of bids sent out, Gamma Beta The Archaeologieal Ihstituta of Amer- makes biology Jive by modeling clay ing; Orin Wroten, in charge of the Chi received six new members. They ica and the Linguistic Society of while lecturing; and to all he's known tlckets ; Fletcher Ward, refreshments are: Joe Shallenberger, Sam Knepp, America. Items of varied interest for inspirational chapel talks and and band arrangements. Ralph Smith, Dan Bradley, Richard were under discussion, including: discussions at his home. Robert Wilmer. Bucher, Tickets are on sale in McDaniel of- ntt{ritional deficiencies i~ ancient Possibly not as well known among fice for $2.00. The dress is semi-for- Bryan Haddaway, Robert Martin, times, the effects of war and com- his WMC activities is his inaugura- mal with no corsages. Walter Lanius, and Paul Schaeffer merce upon nutr-ition, and also the re- tion of the college band and the pledged to the Preachers. Sponsors of the dance are Dr. Wills, cent excavations of sculpture in Argonauts; rarely ment.ioned is the Dr. and Mrs. Marshall, Mr. Makosky, Pi Alpha Alpha welcomed Dick Greece. The latter was presented by prodigious list of national honors and Gerald Pinholster, and Dr. Holthaus. Dunlop, Dan and Cliff Ptaff to mem- Dr. David M. Robinson of Johns published articles and pamphlets. Ackerman, Personal invitations have been is- bership. Hopkins University, under whom Dr. 11 Head Start on Fame sued to Dickinson College, Loyola MacDonald has studied. Dr, Lloyd 111.Bertholf By attending a one-room school- College, Gettysburg College, Johns Dr. David M. Bradley was present house in Kansas until his high school Hopkins University, Goucher College, Students Conduct at the Nat.ional Association of Bibli- clays, he received a head start on where Japan Issues Call and Mount St. Mary's College. Alum- cal Institutes and a meeting of the fame. As the valedictorian of his ni have also been invited. Society of Biblical Literature Winter Concert he read a paper of his own prepara- graduating class, which also included tion entitled, "The Topes as a Form For Special Service the present Mrs. Bertholf, he was The Pauline Paraeneeis." ICE SKATERS!! In Alumni Hall in concerns ethical instruction. which awarded a scholarship to the Friend's University. His studies there were Chln:ch is issuing The Methodist The student government has ar- Official delegate of the Maryland call for forty young men and women a interrupted after llh years by the ranged for your pleasure to have the Five student conductors will direct Chapter of the American Association United States' entry into World War tennis courts flooded for skating as the annual mid-winter Western Mary- of Teachers of French was Dr. Kath- to join in The Fellowship of Christian 1. With the army's Student Training long- as the weather remains cold land Symphony in a concert on Mon- ryn Hildebran '"bf the modern lan- Reconstruction in Japan. This call Unit he attended Kansas State Uni- of a plea from enough. Enjoy this sport while it day, January 19, at 11:30 a. m. in guages department. This meeting and is the direct result leaders. versity and Southwestern University. Christian Japanese lasts. Alumni Hall. the annual meeting of the Modern Those selected will go to Japan in When discharged he returned to These students, Madeline Buhrman, Language Association of America 1948 for a three-year period of ser- Friend's University until the middle of Michigan, from Lorna Haines, Robcrt Youngblood, were held in Detroit, The former dis- vice. They will work in high schools his senior year, when the opportunity in- December 28 to 31. an assistant to. become came Two Students Have Louise Scott and Max Bertholf, arc cussed plans for developing nation- and colleges as teachers 9f English, structor at Johns Hopkins Univer- fourteenth members music and of Mr. Royer's with a few girls teaching conducting class. They are given an wide interest in the French language physical education. They will also sity. This might have been due to out- from work, is now a member Work Published excellent in opportunity to sharpen their and Dr. Hildebran Committee for plan- take part in clubs, sports, fellowships, standing scholastic Hopkins but, was des- his account, Johns of the Regional conducting, talents actually group by and religious work, beginning working with an orchestra. 'I'hey ning and administering a national of necessity with those- activities, perately in need of undergraduate With the publication of a poem and have rehearsed with the orchestra contest in French for high school which they can carryon in English. students to place in such positions. an essay, national recognition of li- during the first semester. students. They will live in the schools and In January, 1921, he graduated and ill tf.rary merit has been accorded two Miss Maude Gesner, head of our will be expected to share in the rigors June was married in Baltimore. Western Maryland students, Audrey Numbering forty-seven this year, music department, represented West- of life in a devastated country- • Began Bee Experiments Dixon and Jim Ogden. the college orchestra is the largest in ern Maryland at the twenty-third shortages of equipment, unheated The' next two years were spent Audrey's poem, "The Negative' the history of Western Maryland. It annual meeting of the National As- classrooms, very simple diet. teaching at the Women's College of (printed below), will appear in the includes twenty-two strings, te n sociation of Schools of Music in Bos- Applicants will be accepted through (Continued on page 4, column 2) forthcoming Annual Anthology of brass, ten woodwind, foul' percussion, ton, Massachusetts. The Association the regular procedure and on the College Poetry. Published by the Na- and one piano. The faculty has been is recognized by the Amencen Coun- basis of standards- adopted for the tional Poetry Association, the an- very cooperative, with seven mem- cil on Education as the only accredit- three-year plan of service with the Exam Schedu/~ thology is a compilation of the finest bers participating within the group: ing agency for schools of music in Board of Missions and Church Ex- poetry written by the college men Dr. Bertholf playing the bass viol; the United States. Prominent among tension. For January '48 and women of America, represent- Dr. Earp, the French hom: Dr. Hilde- the discussions was one regarding They must be single men and wo- ing every state in the union. bran, the violin; Dr. Holthaus and the recent ban on recordings. The men between the ages of 21 and 25 Space doesn't permit the reprint- Dr. Ridington, the trombone; Dr. Association feels that recordings are years, and they must agree to remain Monday, Jan. 26, 191;8 ing of Jim Ogden's essay which won Summers, the flute; Dr. Hendron the necessary to the teaching of musk. single during the period of service. 8 :30--11 :30 All classes meeting violin, and Miss Perry, the bassoon. third prize in a national contest deal- They must be graduates of accredited 5th period Mondays, Wednesdays ng with solutions for the "alcohol Dean Bertholf, who has been un- colleges and active members of the and Fridays; classes meeting per- Hurt To Speak At IRe; crutch". It may, however, be read in usually active in interest and Church. In some cases, a year of ex- 5th period on anyone or two of the October issue of The Internatwn- formance, will make his last ap'~ perience in this country will be re- these days, and the following al Stldent. Copies are in the library pearance with the orchestra on Mon- Debate Planned Next quired. There are high qualitative Art 215, BioI. 301, French 405, and the SCA room. day. In former years, he conducted the To give the college students a clear- standards ill areas of health, academic Greek 101, Lat. 10l. orchestra and, since 1931, has played record, practical ability and Christian 1:00--4:00 All classes meeting The Negative under Mr. Philip Royer, the present er Interpretation of the Marshall character. 5th period Tuesday and Thurs- Plan, Frank This life is but the shadow of the life conductor. address Professor International B. Hurt will Those accepted will be given be- day (plus, in some cases, another the day the also), and Relations following: to come, The program includes: Club on this topic on January 19. fore sailing a six-week period of in- Art 211, BioI. 30!), Econ. 203B, The negative of an undeveloped pr-int, Mal'ch of the Mcistersingers After the lecture, a question and dis- tensive training to include orientation Eng. 233, French 303, German The seed of an unborn child cussion period will follow, at which to Japan and methods of teaching 203, Horne Ec. 405, Reading 101, Waiting-waiting its birth- Ario8o :: :..:: ,. tsacn time anyone may participate. English. Support on the field will be and Spanish 301. And while waiting, growing, , Madeline Buhrman In addition to this program, the on the regular missionary basis, Tu.esday, Jan. £7, 1945 (For without growth it would be no ItlemLettu from Sym1)hony No.5 IRC has also scheduled a debate on which averages $1,000 per year for a 8:30--11:30 All classes meeting more Schubert another current problem on Febru- single person. In addition, there will the 1st period Monday. housing, At birth than that first microscopic Themes from Piano Concerto No. 1 ary 2. Four students of Dr. Lincoln be provision for in the Board's medical I :00-4:30 All classes meeting care, and sharing pen- seed, Tschaikowsky Lorenz's debating class will partici- sion plan. Travel expenses will be 2nd period Monday. Which was only life-- Lorna Haines' pate. paid to and frorA Japan. • Wedne8day, Jan. 2S, 191;8 Not life with significance.) Two will take the affirmative and 8:30--11:30 All classes meeting For This life is but an unexpressed WaUz of the Flowers from the "N1tt- two the negative side of the topic; Kathryne further information write: 3rd period Monday. Suite" cracker J. Bieri or M. O. Williams, Tschiakowsky thought, ThemeB from Piano Concerto No. 2 "Resolved: That a Federal World Jr., The Department of Missionary 1:00-4:00 All classes meeting The music of an unplayed symphony, Government Should Be Established." Personnel, The Board of Missions and 4th period M.onday. The dream of a man in sleep--- Rachmaninoff This topic has been suggested by an Church Extension, The Methodist Thl~rsday, Jan. 29, 1948 The dream which needs wakefulness Robert Youngblood inter-collegiate council and is 1Jeing Church, 150 Fifth Avenue, New 8:30--11:30 All classes meeting and action Excerpt from FiTst movement of debated in collegeS all over the York 11, N. Y. 1st period Tuesday. To make it reality. Symphony No.5 Beethoven 1 :00--4 :00 'AlI classes meeting This life is the prelude to a suite, Finale from Symphony No.5 co:~~r~embers of the student body' ----------- 2nd ,period Tuesday. The darkness before the light of Beethoven and faculty are cordiaJly invited A limited number of attractive Fdday, Jan. 30, 191;S dawn-->. Louise Scott by the IRC to attend both of these Western Maryland College appoint- 8:30-11:30 All classes meeting And finally, the preface'to a book- Emperor Waltz Stranss current events discussions. They rttent calendars are still available for 3rd period Tuesday. The Book of Eternity. Marek Slav. . Tschaikowsky will be held in McDaniel Lounge at purchase. Get yOUn>while the year is J :00--4 :00 All classes meeting -Audrey D~on. Max Bertholf 6:45 p.m. on their respective dates. yet young. 4th period Tuesday.
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