Page 26 - TheGoldBug1947-48
P. 26
The Gold Bug, Dec. 12, 1947 Lives And Times Don Cossacks Seminary Pageant Messiah •.. Home Economics Club (continued from page 1, column 2) (continued from page 1, column 5) Attends State Meeting Of Archy ... To Sing Here gold cross on top of the Seminary Saradan of Chaldea James Hackman of Miss Helen Under the direction (continued from page 2, column 5) Under the management of S. building will be lighted at 6 p. m. on Elizabeth , . .__.....Sherry Donovan Gray, adviser, and Susan Steelman, First Howard Haines Soldier the night of the pageant. "II Archy adds that that was a long time Hurok, the Original Don Cossack Appearing in the Nativity pageant Second Soldier _.. ._William Porter president, the Home Economics Club ago, and we must »ot be surprised .if Chorus and Dancers, headed by through all but one of its eighteen Third Soldier _ .cHcwerd Hall has begun a very active year. mehitabel has forgotten some of her- Serge Jaroff, .will present a program years of production hasv been Miss Voice from Heeven.L'I'homaa Doolittle On December 6, several members more regal manners. She, however, of Russian liturgies, soldier and folk Betty Little. She will take part this The Madonna _ _.....Edith Doolittle attended a state Home Economics considers herself still an aristocrat ditties when they appear in Alumni year as Mary. Joseph ._. .__. William Porter Club meeting at Hood College in and an artist (though her career is Hall, January 6, at 8: 15 p. m. Included in the cast are: Prophet, The Three Kings. .c.Howard Hall, Frederick. State president Susan hampered by the fact that life for her The chorus, consisting of thirty-two D. E. Lewis; Pharisee, K. I. Gombert; Harry Adams, Howard Haines Steelman presided. is "just one damn kitten after an- members, all of whom are now Mary, Betty Little; Joseph, Elwood Donald Bailey will be in charge of The girls have sent 18 Ibs. of toys other.") Despite whatever temporary American citizens, have begun their Zimmerman ; Innkeeper, Stanley Em- the lighting. -, to the needy children in Europe as disadvantages she might struggle un- eighteenth consecutive concert cam- j·ich; St. Paul, R. G. Barrett; Angel The Choir will make its debut on part of their work. Two members at- der at present, she explains that she paign throughout the United States, Gabriel, George Ports; Wise Men, the radio on Tuesday, December 14, tended a Providence Workshop heid once was a pampered and be-ribboned for which are scheduled 128 perform- Grovcr Powell, William Get chey, and at 4:30 p. m. on Station WFMD. The at University of Maryland in order kitten. Unfortunately, however, ances. Following this, they will drive Samuel McClain. M e88iah. will be repeated at that time. to obtain better ideas for club work. a maltese cat came by on to Europe in the spring to make Angels: Jean Lee Somervillc. The Home Economics Club is open with a come hither look in his eye their first unsupported tour in nine Marte» Auld, Norma AV(>I"~, Ol'-":u for membership to all girls enrolled and a song that soared to the sky years, the last one having been under Bruning, Eva May Davis, Barbarr, T ri Beta To Celebr.t~ in any home economics course. oh wotthehell wotthehell= USO auspices, during which they en- Donley, Edith Doolittle, Yi ;>"inia Its officers are: Susan Steelman, and i followed adown the street .tertained GI's stationed in England, Dodd, Dot Gamber, Joyce (k··lUCh, With Christmas Party president; Mary Katherine Fielder, the pad of his rhythmical feet France, Holland, Belgium: and Ger- Nancy Haskin, Millicent H!' vard, On December 16, the Tri Beta will vice president; Phyllis Weaver, seci-e- o permit me again to repeat many. Doris Holmes, Marilyn Hooper, Mel- iary; Nancy Bounds, treasurer. wotthehell wotthehell. Their 4'10%" director, Serge Ja- meet in McDaniel Lounge for their Anita Rowan has been selected 1\S Later on the tables are turned, and roff, first trained to be a choir master va Hoover, Barbara Jolley, Sat·:: Lee annual Christmas party. will Santa Claus reporter for the national home econo- BennighoO distribute Larmore, Ruth Marsden, (Prof. Jean Minnis, instead of being the pursuer, mehlta- at St. Petersburg Imperial Choral Joyce Parker, Anne Shuppert, Phyllis gifts to the members. mics magazine, Colhecon. bel is the pursued-which is just fine School and was under the patronage, Weaver, and Norma Wright. with her, until she strikes up an ac- of the Grand Duchess Marie. This The chairman for the committees Attendants: music, Betty Sue Chandler, Patricia Amos; ·quaintance with a handsome coyote. was followed by his service in World Howes, Kitty Kerns, Shirley Mag-end- are as follows; Ed Harnmer-sla ; equip- Christmas Greetings entertainment, This, however, is definitely not one of War I, and in 1920 his internment in er, Bobby Magruder. ment, Jesse Meyers; and refresh- and a the great loves of her life, and is soon a prison camp at Constantinople, The part of the Indian will be ments, Dorothy Jacobson. Happy New Year forgotten; however, before long her where around the evening campfires played by H. I. Webb; the Greek, All faculty and student members from family enlarges once more and she is he met the thirty booted he-men he Christopher Nikolakopouloe, the Chi- of Tri Beta are invited to attend. blessed with a litter of offspring, later forged into the inimitable Don nese, Chiu Yun-Hsi; Sweden, Helen T. W. Mather & Sons who are very sweet, except that they Cossack Chorus. Holland, Yvonne de Jonc ; do not meow. They bark. For more ')f The Cossacks then became the LindahJ; Maida Ching; Puerto Rico, Lillian Westminster's Department Hawaii, this, see the verses "boss do you sup- choir of the Orthodox Cathedral of Reynaldo Garcia; Great Britain, Store of pose such things could be" and "cat- St. Sophia, in the capital of Bulgaria, Howard Hatues ; the child, Paula Fashion Shop Good Service and Values nip be damned mother dear". after which they were sent on their Schilling; and Booker T. Washington, Despite her misfortunes, mehitabel first concert tour by one of the church George Crawford LADIES' READY_TO_WEAR is unfailingly cheerful. She always members who was a concert manager. has some such comment as: The organization of the group is Give Us a Trial Radio-Electronic Service for there's a dance in the old dame yet quite unusual, having specific rules in ALL POPULAR BRANDS toujours gai toujours gai its unwritten constitution governing OF RECORDS or, as on the occasion archy found her all the details necessary for their per- WELCOME! Compliments Decca, Columbia, Victor, in an icy alley trying to dig a frozen formance, making for complete coop- Majestic, Capitol, etc. lambchop out of the snow: eration among the group, thus con- COLLEGE STUDENTS Needles a heluva comedown tributing to concerts of superb qual- of Popular, Swing and Classical that is for me archy ity. The Everhart Barber Shop Use Our Record Booth to she says a few Besides their many successful BONSACK'S Hear and Choose Your brief centuries ago tours, further evidence of their unique Favorite Selections one of king At: The Forks presentations may be sighted in one SODAS LUNCHES tnt of the reviews from the New York Radio Electronic Service ankh World-Telegram: 14 W. Main St. Phone 703 amen s favorite "The Don Cossacks, hale, hearty queens and today and lusty-voiced, gave a concert be- the village scavenger fore a jam-packed house in Carnegie but wotthehell Run Right to Barnes Appliance Service it e cheerio Hall last evening. It all made for Flowers for Every Occasion READ'S my deario that colorful excitement, and to say that Phone 793 pulls a lady through the gathering applauded enthusiasti- Stewart N. Dutterer cally would be halving the truth." For Fine Ccsmeeics, Toiletries BENDIX-THOR yesterday sceptre and crowns FLORIST and Drug Needs R.C.A.-SUN BEAM fried oysters and velvet gowns Complete Photography All Work Guaranteed She is unfailingly grateful for one Don't soveelook to 114 Pennsylvania Ave. Department thing, that Subscribe to 15 E. Main Street, 45 E. Main Street i am a lady archy Your Favorite Magazine Phone 350 ~ Westminster, Md. Westminster, Md. always a lady Fo, in spite of hell ~~·r~~f;i~t~~~;~£o1~~:fi~:~·~:Of;~h:,~; Yourself. Family or Friends Special Rates to Students It Pays To Look Well HEAGY'S P. G. Coffman (!!l)l"istmua
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