Page 25 - TheGoldBug1947-48
P. 25
The Gold Bug, Dec. 12, 1947 Ortenzi Seeks Courtmen Travel Southward Inside Info More Mittmen by Bob Bubel To Meet Strong Opposition by Fletcher Ward Sports Editor, -The Gold Bug Heading south on their first road trip of the present campaign, the Green Coach Carlo Ortenzi opened box- The winter season rushed in thi~ ing training on December 1 to find and Gold varsity basketballers left early today for Quantico, Va., where they week as Western Maryland came out approximately fifteen leather-pushers will meet the Quantico Marines. Coach Bruce Ferguson's quintet will be on the short end of a skirmish with answering the call. out to avenge last year's defeat inflicted at the Marine base. Roanoke College. Out for position ere two former • To Face William And Mary A representative showing was pre- Eastern Intercollegiate finalists, Joe Then on Saturday the Terrors will continue their southern jaunt, travel- sented by a Terror outfit which W'IS Corleto, heavyweight of '47, and Van ing to Williamsburg, Va., where they will meet the strong aggregation of handicapped by a belated start of "Rip" Hudson of '41. Together with William and Mary College. The Colonials, a tower in football strength this practice, due to football duties of the Carlo Ortenzi, who won the 175-pound year, will undoubtedly provide a warm welcome for our lads. coach and several players. last year, these men should form a After snatching the lead with six minutes gone in the first half at 11·10, In this era of fast and scientific Eastern Intercollegiate championship a polished Roanoke CoIlege five downed the Terror ccurtmen in the opening basketball, it is extremely difficult to solid framework around which to game of 1947-48 jseries by a 52-41 count on the home court. weld together a winning team in a build a team. The Maroons, centering their attack around co-captains, "Big Jim" wesk-c-espeeially against the type of Doran and Jim Russick, pulled away after the six-minute mark to increase opposition that Roanoke, Maryland, • All Positions Open their lead to ten points for a 29-19 half-time score. William and l'tl'ary, Quantico Marines, Joe Corleto At present, however, all positions • Sibiski Leads Scorers and American U. offer. Football tackle is a big 1IIa1! in the or. the squad are open and will re- After missing the first seven shots from the floor after the opening of Al! of these pre-holiday opponents ring. main pen until a few days before the second half, AI Jacobson, Terror guard, split the cards to bring the home have been driIling for several weeks. the first match. At that time, one team into the game. Walt Sibiski, game high scorer at fifteen points, fol- Roanoke had a 54-32 victory over Green Terror man in each class will be chosen to lowed up with another swisher to bring the home team within six points of Lynchburg College under its belt. box the initial match. the opponents at 29-23. Against the Maroon forces the Ter- If any other boxer on the squad At this point Jim Russick tapped in a rebound and the Maroons went rors were working the ball in, but Court Shorts shows more ability after the first ahead to increase their lead to 43-26, the widest margin in the fray. Then they were missing their shots. Mid- tilt, he wili replace a boxer who bat- with ten minutes left in the half the season accuracy by Roanoke spelled John Adamovich member of the tled in the first contest. For The Ladies Big Green, led by clever guard John the difference between the two Glen Lyon (Pennsylvania) clan A ,itentativd rocr-mntch schedule Adamovich, began to close the lead, teems. Newport High School plays cu has been arranged, with more tilts to but only managed to get within ten • Terrors Have Spirit Terror baseball club in spring. fellow if the sport attracts enough Parker Forming points of the visitors when Roanoke Coach Bruce Ferguson is fortunate third year on WMC five . keen eye pugilists. coach Joe Hackman sent his whole ill 'having a veteran team which lacks from the outside ball hawk. Last year's card listed matches Basketball Slate first team into the game. nothing in spirit. It will take a com- fine spirit. The home team held the visitors to bination of this spirit, speed and Ernest Burch. . up from 1946-47 with Penn State, Coast Guard, Army, a With the fast-approaching holidays, a one-point advantage in second half I and showed a steadier and Bucknell. All contests, except type of game heads-up basketball to offset a lack of Jay Vee outfit. . much improved .. return tilt with Bucknell at Gill Gym, every day and evening the girl's than they had in the first half. Ad- height. good man for rebounds . 6' 3" were fought away. gymnasium is packed with bevies of Looking ahead to the. Mason-Dixon should help Terrors . fine possibil- badminton batters eager to playoff amovich had the most accurate eye in Conference race, it appears that the ities.. claimed by Swedesboro, New The 1947-48 schedule will probably their scheduled games before vaca- the home team's game and was second points, hav- high scorer with fourteen Green Terrors will have a tough row Jersey. t.ion. ing converted four for four at the to hoe. Ed (Lefty) Elliott. . hails from The first round ended last week, foul line. Loyola, with high-scoring Jim Southern High (Baltimore) Doran some fancy displayed Jim Lacey still running rampant, has ot.her- JV grad . fast. . good ball- and now some eager shuttle-bouncers one-hand foul shooting for the visit- are starting their third contest. been impressive in early season trials. handler. . slugging fielder' or Green ors as he accomplished a seven for The Greyhounds, who scrimmaged and Gold baseball team ... excellent Nearly one hundred girls signed up eight average. This was the South- against the professional Baltimore competitor. for the tournament.rfifty of which are freshmen. Ample talent has been per- erners' second win in as many starts, !~::~s :.a~:~:h :ugt~itIO~~_~~aa;ti!~I~ AI (Jal'e) ..Ja.cobson playing ceived in all of the classes. Last and was accomplished by a polished disputed decision. ~~!:~p~;ar .o~ ~:;:~t~d q~!:~etduring year's shuttlecock queen, Virginia to attack. Maryland was obviously Western has returned Clayton, sophomore, • Ameriean U. Strong football season protect her crown, and it will take a hampered by a lack of practice as Over in Washington, American morale builder .. Forest Park their inaccuracy in shots taken was University is expected to come up High School (Baltimore). good bit of skill and dexterity to cap- poor enough to give them a team av- ture her title. with a team and will be a co-favorite Leo Lathroum another South- erage of 20 per cent from the floor. season," "Basketball with Loyola to take the conference ern High gift to the Terror five. Miss Marie Parker, "will announces FLASH! FLASH! start im- crown. polished floorman. should be a big western Maryland was edged out Do not overlook Mt. St. Mary's. The gun in Terror attack back on mediately after the holidays." by a favored University of Maryland Mounts just missed defeating Villa- football team. She also stated that several invi- five, 63·58, last night in a fast contest nova by a hair. Joe Hunlock Creek, tat ions for basketball games have at- on the home floor. At present, basketball is "the" Macie ready been received, and some accep- The Terrors started test, but trailed sport at these three institutions. Loy- Pennsylvania (wherever that is) ted. lit. the half 24-31. Then. an inspired tallest . big cog on man on squad. ola and American University do not last winter's JV outfit should gu "we've received requests for games Western Maryland quintet outplayed compete in intercollegiate football. places this winter . football end. John Adamnvieh with two independent teams, Hager's- the taller Maryland rwc to close th", and Mt. St. Mary played only an ab- AI Paul Forest Park's 'other veteran shows speed and town and St. James girls, but we'll gap at 50-53 with five minutes to go. breviated schedule on the gridiron. aggressiveness. stick to playing only college teams." Five minutes of racehor-se play saw 18 Enough said! The Terrors have donation . third year on WMC The St. James team is coached by points St!ored as the T'erps drew ahead quite a job cut out for them. court. dependable . good de- be similar to last winter's, with pos- Dorothy Rovecamp, an alumna of fensive man. . first string football sible additions. 63-58. • Basket Shorts tackle . Jake's straight man. So for, the prospective pugilists WMC. Teacher's WAA Chooses A few minutes before the Roanoke Walter Pia vis another product have not seen any ring work, as the Other invitations have come from game, the referee told the. timekeep- of Newport High School . aggres- Gettysburg, Towson State er, "You had better throw in a towel, sive and fast. good inside shot coach feels it is necessary first to College, Notre Dame, and Mount St. or fire a gun, or something 'when the third season on Green and Gold floor get his proteges in good physical con- Joseph, the first three of which have Hockey Team dition before any sparring is done. game is over, because I never hear football end deluxe. been accepted. the regular buzzer with all these Pre-holiday training will consist cf The WAA held a meeting on Mon- girls screaming." All of which serves William Seibert hails from cal'iatherrica, with a little sparring day to determine the 1947 honorary This decision is based to remind us that the spirit at the Hanover, Pennsylvania .. last sea- thrown in just before vacation. Arter JV Basketballers hockey team. ability, attitude, number on playing fine ball handler. son holdover. game was tops. fast ... football punter . missed the holidays, extensive training will of games played, and seniority. The begin. The Terrors are still seeking candi . Open Campaign . ~:;:,h[::~~;t3I~ season because of shoulder op- dates ill all classes-125, 130, 135, results were as follows: Witter fall Center Forward-Martha oration. Walter (Si) Sibiski Baltimore 145, 155, 165, 175, and heavyweight. The Jay Vee cagers are preparing Right Inner-Sherry Donovan 227 points. He City College grad . tallest man on Anyon~ interested in receiving boxing for the winter season under a new is Left Inner-Sue Dixon who mentor, Kulakowski, Stan has raced off to starting team. . high scorer last illstruction without trying out fo,' the handling the reins of his first college Right Wing-Wilma Steele a fine start this year . experienced. . good pivot team is welcome. Left Wing-Jean Minnis year. His height shot skillful under the baskct Following is a partial list of candi- five. Center Halfback- Margaret Ruppenthal • comes in handy soccer fullback Iinksman in the dates for the squad in th!!ir present He is going easy on his commcnts Right Halfback-Hope Kellam around the hlack- spring. weight classes: Dave Myers and Tom about his prospects, but he does ad· _ boards. Frankie Stephenson smallest Doolittle, 125 pounds; Van "Rip" mit that he likes the hard work I;Ind Left Halfback-Ruth Wentz IIfike Phillips Johnny Ada- man on squad starter. excel- Hudson and Joe Damuth, 130 pounds; enthusiasm the squad is showing. Af- Right Fullback-Reba Wentz Left Fullback-Gladys Sause movich makcs up lent floorman . fine shot. plcnty Park Ranck, 135 pounds; DOll Lichty, ter a few intra-squad and practice Goalie-Annette McMahan for a lack of height with alertness of pep. "S!poky City" boy. Bob Dubel, John Seiland, 145 pounds; games, Stan hopes to have the posi- Alternates-Betsy Taylor, and aggressiveness. Those qualities Joe Thompson ... only senior on Bill Eliason, Walt McJilton, 155 tions of the team filled, but he sai-l Mary Will, Charlotte Janney can make a ball club. Frankie Ste- squad. four years of Terror has- pounds; John Bracaglia, 165 pounds; positions will change from game to phenson is in the same category, al- ketball . fast good shot .. Carlo Ortenzi, 'Norman Coates, 175 bame as the meil qu'alify for fiuch though his main asset is clever ball- one hand specialist. plays socce\" pounds; Joe Corleto, Mike Denny, and Junior varsity contests have bl'ell handling. in fa\]. first baseman on ball dub Seymour Lemeshaw, heavyweight. scheduled as preliminaries to !Ill .,f • Bo:x.:ersAnd Wrestlers Need Len Zawacki habitltt-Gl{!\l Jack Eccles and Doug Beakes an~ the varsity's home games. JUaterial Lyon. good team man good working as managers. The Jay Vee squad is composed oj The mittmen and the grapplers arc spirit .. tine shot from the outside all new material e:lLcept for Vmwe still seeking additional candidates. manager of JV football. Hale and Al Bright. The new men Experience is not required. At pre- Wrestlers Need Men are: "Lefty" Benton, John Stui'nburg-, sent both teams appear weaker t.han Phil Sack, Dick Clower, "Rev" Smith, last season. There is still plenty of Franklin and Marshall, Muhlenburg, Coach Bill Kern reports that there Murry Friedman, Milt Herbert, Micky time before the first matches to and Bucknell. Joe made the honorable is nothing new on the grappling front, ' McCall, Charley Hammer, Ste,'e change the situation. team in '46. (Tilo' was not playing but he hastens to add, "We certainly Covey, AI Grimes, Pudge Bruner, could use some more wrestlel"~" • Back To Football then.) All students are welcome whethel Stan Fieldman, and Lynch. Even with gray December skics Addition: Joe Corleto's name' was closing in, it hi impossible to push omitted from the Jast issue's list of trey have experience or not. At pres- on condi- football rompJetely out of the pic- the "terrific Medford four"-a very ent Kern is concentrating of fund")- A late report informs us that Homer and the tioning teaching ture. careless mistake. Joe Corleto and Tilo Margarita Mike Phillips, captain of the '42 mentals. Earll has been selected as one of the huve been chosen for Delaware's all- Terrors, has finished the season as The Terrors do not go into action eighteen men from this section of the opponent team. That means some- first string center for the Baltimore until the middle of January, when country who will participate in olym- thing when you discover that the Colts. In the fi~al contest against the they square off against Johns Hop- pic trials. Homer was selected by the Blue Hens played such teams as Cleveland Browns, Mike fractured kins. Thus, there is plenty of time committee at the section trials held Stan Kul!lkowski Maryland, Washiftgton, and . Lee three ribs. for rough work after the holidays. at the Naval Academy.
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