Page 24 - TheGoldBug1947-48
P. 24
The Gold Bug, Dec. 12, 1941 Milestones God Jul Och Goff Nytt Ar! College Calendar Christmas by Helen Lindahl Friday, December 12- and Lowe, West- own hammon, sau- All The Year are awakened early in the dark morn- still make their bread, cookies, and ale by Chrysanthemum Q. Clapsaddle Pro- Whittemore High School, 8:16 of December you On the thirteenth sage, brawn, minster is everywhere. Holiday spirit p. m. by a young_ white-dressed with hops. The Christmas rush goes girl ing with a leaf crown and candles around on to Christmas Eve, when it reaches fessors are lavishing exams and term ~asketball, Quantico Mar-ines, It is not yet Christmas, but her hair. That is Sencta Lucia, who its climax; all people are in a hurry paper assignments with bountiful away. the spirit of that season is al- comes accompanied by boys and girls to get ready to take it easy before it hands. Nightly revelers from Ta- Saturday, December 13- ready felt everywhere. It is con- singing the tune of Saneta Lucia: gets dark, between two and three beard's Irtn have changed their carol- Christmas Dance, Gill Gym, tagious: as soon as the first hint "Night goes with silent steps o'clock. The children put up oat iug from "Sweet Violet" to "Silent of red and green, the first Santa Round house and cottage. sheaves for the birds, and place big, Night". The ivy has disappeared Ba8sk~:u:il, Wmtam and Ma- Claus, the first Christmas tree Over the earth that the sun forgot deep plates of rice pudding in the from Blanche Ward Hall and Christ- ry, away. appear, our thoughts leap ahead Dark shadows linger. barns for the patron elves, to get mas wreaths will soon be on sale at SUnday, December 14- to the day of days and a whole Then on our thr-eshholds stands them to stay and decorate the Christ- Albert Norman Ward. To get the full College Choir Christmas Pro- new atmosphere is created. For Whiteclad, with candles in her hair, mas tree. Eating is, of course, a very enjoyment out of this. last festive gram and Play, Alumni suddenly our minds are focused Sancta Lucia, Sancta Lucia." important factor. After dopp i gryta_n week on the Hill, here are a few hint-s Hall, 4:30 and 7:30 p. m. on other people, on giving some- In the homes Lucia is usually rep- (bread dipped in broth), hammon to aid in avoiding seasonal hazards. Monday, December 16- thing of ourselves to them- resented by the oldest daughter of the with red cabbage, lutfisk (a kind of A deceptive pitf'all is the Christ- French Club Christmas Pro- even if it be only the signing of family. In almost every town, how- cod-fish buried in beech ashes), and mas chimes. For example: in Sept- gram, McDaniel Lounge, 8 our name to a card. ever, they choose a Lucia Bride by rice pudding, comes at last Jultomten ember Pat Drum and Bob Cymbal Bet p. m. It is fitting that Christmas popular vote, in much the same way (Santa Claus) with our gifts in his up light housekeeping ill McDaniel Tuesday, December 16-- should come in December. We beauty queens are elected in the bag, and we start dancing and sing- reception room. Last week they con- Seminary Pageant, in front have had a whole yearful of USA. Great parties and dances are ing around the .....Christmas tree. fused the Christmas chimes with wed- of Seminary, 8 and 8:40 blessings, for which we are duly given that night to aid activities for ding bells; today they are trying to p.m . grateful Oil Thanksgiving Day. poor children. • To Church In A Sleigh persuade a squirrel on Main Street Tri Beta Christmas Party, The consummation of the year • Custom Originated In Sicily If we have not got snow before, it to sublet his oak tree.' McDaniel Lounge. should be the giving of our- usually comes a little on Christmas Don't be alarmed by the meteor Wednesday, December 17- selves. Scandinavian observance of the Eve and lays a soft white quilt over flashing overhead next weekend. For Christmas Banquet, Dining Would it not be good to have Lucia festival has come down through everything gray and dull, and con- three weeks Dan Blowhorn and Yum- Hall,-6 p. m. this transforming influence- the centuries to modern times from vinces us that Christmas has really Yum Yugg have been lashed to a SCA Pageant, immediately this spirit of giving-with us Sicily. In the fourth century, Lucia, come. Christmas Day we always try rocket in the Gaol Bets fraternity after dinner. all the time? Why should we a young girl from Syracuse, is said to go by sleigh, though there might room. On the night of the Christmas Basketball, American U., a- limit something which benefits to have cut out her eyes because their Be only a little layer of snow, to dance their kerosene-soaked beards way. ourselves and others to one cer- beauty attracted a heathen nobleman. julottan, an early morning service at will be lit; at midnight, if flight in- Thursday, December 18- • Christian She was denounced as a tain season of the year? six o'clock and sometimes earlier. The structions are accurate, they will de- Basketball, U. of Baltimore, At Christmas we emphasize a and burned to death. In ancient days, runners crunch, the hoofs make scend through the Gill Gym chimney." home. w01'ld view of things in the fa- people used to whisper that the Lu- sparks, the small bells jingle, and the A new booby trap for men, is the Friday, December 19- miliar words "Peace on earth, cia Bride, clothed in white and torches flicker over the horses with advisory board set up by two senior Senior Caroling, 4 a. m. good will to men." Why relin- crowned with light, could be seen white cloths. In church all the living Christmas Recess begins, 12 quish this attitude when Christ- between three and four in the morn- candles create a warm atmosphere authorities on the man-problem situ- p. m, ing on December 13 moving across ation. Bermuda Bound and Auld Sodd mas is over? If we can sustain icy lakes and snow-covered hills with during the short service. It is a won- ere not divulging any trade secrets, such a feeling for a month or food and drink for the people of the derful experience to have been at hut several suspicious activities have Monday, January 6- more, why not for three months, parish. ;n/ottan in a church from the twelfth six months, a year? Why not or thirteenth century with its rough been uncovered. are Among those being • Christmas Recess ends, 8 p. the investigated invitations re- m. make a habit of it? • Jullomten Brings Gifts stone walls and narrow windows. Ai- ceived by the Eta Bita Pi men to a Tuesday, January s..- Christmas is almost 2,000 The Lucia Day is the beginning of ter the service, people go to take bowl of hot grog by the fireplace in Don Cossack Chorus, Alumni years old, and people have been our Yuletide, which lasts nearly one church-coffee at the vicarage and Hall. 8:16 p. m. expressing the same sentiments month. From then on everything goes wish their neighbors God Jul (Merry Mehitabel Smitten Room. Not only Friday, January 12- about it through all those years. in the spirit of Christmas: Christmas Christmas). does the room have no fireplace, but Miss It is difficult to avoid trite trees, lights, Santa Claus, and red • Oott Nytt Ar! the grog is cold! Piano Recital, Alumni Helen Life i. rough-----e"en for squirrel,. Brainard, Hall, 1. phrases and tiresome repeti- and green decorations all over. On Then you go skiing and ice-skating 2. In cue of emergenc)' the G...ol Bet. 8:15 p. m. of fr""hm ...n pledgee locked in tion-" There is nothing new the farms and in many homes they between parties and dances till New hn. hundred. office boxe •. HHe II"'" lookad in empty po.t under the sun," The essence of Year's Eve. At twelve o'clock you ),ourboxlatelyf the Christmas spirit is eternally open all windows and listen to the the same; it would be new to ful and the illusion is complete with church bells ringing in the new year. boss can such things be have that spirit with us always. Aunt Nellie, the family ghost, and hai You hope that the coming year will The_accomplishment, of such an prize mare, Spitfire. not be worse than the past one, and ideal is an individual responsi- In the historical vein we have The wish Gott Nytt Art (Happy New If you are trying to decide what to down on his typewriter. The newsman bility. Wal18 of Jericho, by Paul Wellman. Year) and make good resolutions. do with the holiday spare time you had absent-mindedly left a sheet of We meet the violence- and drama of Trettondagsafton (the thirteenth should be using for term papers and paper in the machine the evening be- early Kansas, specifically Jericho, as day after Chr-istmas}, January 6, collateral reading, we suggest a de- fore and the roach (whose name, he New library Books typified in a struggle between two ot you say farewell to Christmas, lightful little tome entitled the live8 later learned, was archy), by a la- its leading citizens. "plunder" the Christmas trees and and time8 of archy and mehitabel. borious process of jumping head first entertainment For you can Reviewed ... now turn sheer to the new Young Gard- throw them out in the backyards. a daily column in the New York Sun, on one key at a time, was typing a of writing Don Marquis, It's author, Because letter. of the difficulty There you find them, brown and dry, This month's additions to our libra- ener's Party Book, Game8 and Stunts with a little tinsel on, among the startled his readers a few years ago operating the shift key, the insect . ry shelves offer a wide variety of in- fOI" all Occasion8, complete guide to sweepings around springtime--re- by announcing that, on coming to his was confined to lower case letters and tereats to the selective reader. real fun for parties, clubs and other minding you of the last merry, but office early one morning, he had deprived of punctuation, though in Heading the Iistvis Home Country, social and educational groups. very fatiguing Christmas. found a cockroach jumping up and times of great need he spelled out oy Ernie Pyle. In five years he "interrogation point" and "exclama- tion mark". home life in America from the bums I Wayne Cowan 'W1eoJ 'Who. (jn It Office, under the Act o! March 8, 1S79 that women are definitely helpful in i once heard the survivors is dividing, or should I say, de-multi: flashed through his mind. The mus- SulmcripUon Price 82.00 a Year plying his time among his duties as one's life work. (I guess they're here tard, having fallen, broke. Needless to of a colony of ants chairman of the SCA Campus and to stay.) say, the error of his ways was duly that had been partially EDITORIALSTAFF Personal Affairs Committee, chair- Good music frosted with ice cream obliterated by a cow's foot Editor·ln·chief ....•.••••.•.•.. Fern Ray man of the Student Christian Asso- and lots of conversation with room- impressed Upon him at the time. his seriously debating aside, All kidding he credits r:~:g~jit!~itor.. . .. . .... Len~;:aHo~~:~ ciation of the Middle Atlantic Region, mate and pal Ed Hammersla are family with having done everything the intention of the gods Feature Editor .. Jaoice Gan~ '3port" Editor •...........•.. Robert Dubll' Area 4, member of the International definitely absorbing-and as I mut- to make possible his education and to toward their civilization. Copy Editora.. . ...•. Betty Lee Robbins tered, "Where does he find the time!" Theodr. Lee Kompanel: Relations Club, senior representative make sure that his life will be a hap- But of all archy's contribution ..;, to the Men's Student Government and I heard that neighbors in Hering py and successful one--we're sure he the most delightful are those which Busioe"s M...nager ••...••.• Phyllla Houck men's counselor for our own SCA. Hall complain of beatings inflicted on won't let them down. deal with his free-souled companion, Ad,·erlising Manager .• • ..• Ted Qualch "But," I said, "What of your light- Ed. "But they just don't understand All this adds up to a guy with a mehitabel th6 alley cat. Mehitabel, Circulation Manager. .Della G"'"el er interests-heart, maybe! (ahem!)" the finer points of a deep logical ar- love for nature and the plain simple he explained, is a believer in the Py- Helen l.ingenfel!er, Wayne Cowan, Ed. Interest is admitted, but the real gument." We concede. way of life. He hopes to make his thagorean theory of the transmigra- Wright, Alice Yearley, Jane Guttmann. Mary thing is still an unknown quantity of Pride of the Cowan family is home in the country, but any place tion of the .soul, and claims that in Jean Rupe",. PhyUi. Smith, J;m Ogden, .\!illiC<'nt.{HiIlyard, Nancy Winkelman. June the future. He: plans t;.o marry in the eighteen-year_old Lila-Jean, who's will do that's got lots of people. Tlie a former life. she was Cleopatra. :~~;~~'. Etoine Ominoky. Anit,. Rowan. Bill next few years, however, for he. feels got" aU the looks and personality." more the better. (oontinued on page 4, column 1)
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