Page 23 - TheGoldBug1947-48
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HONORARY HOCKEY TEAM PAGE 3 Vol. 25, No, 6 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD, December 12, 1947 Brainard Recital In January 100 Voice Chorus Preachers Plan College Choir Christmas Dance To Feature Schumann Work Sings French Carols Tn key with the holiday spirit, the Sin'gs Messiah December 15, On Monday, the French Club will present the tradi- Preachers will add to the Christmas Miss Helen Brainard, a member of tional French carol service at 8 p. m. festivities with the big social event Dramatic Art Students the Western Maryland College reo- in McDaniel Lounge. of the season, the Christmas Dance, to ulty, will present a piano recital, fea- Aileen Taylor, a senior French stu- be held in Gill Gymnasium, Saturday, Give Christmas Play turing the Schumann FanUUw. in C dent, will recite the Saint Luke ver- December 18, at 8:30 p. m. lIfajor Op1f..817, on January 13, at sion of the Christmas story. The Good music will be provided to the To open the week of holiday festivi- 8:15 p. m. in Alumni Hall. chorus, consisting of one hundred tune of Walter Hubbel's twelve-piece ties, the College Choir will present its The program includes: French students, will be directed by Baltimore Orchestra, featuring three annual Christmas program on Decem- PaTtita in B Flat Major No.1 ...Bach Christine Royer and accompanied by vocalists. ber 13, in Alumni Hall. There will be Prelude Martha Schaeffer. Heading the dance committee is Al- two performances, one at 4 :30 p. m. Allemande For their first selection, the girls' fred Yaglinski, while Walter Dorsey for the general public, and another Courante chorus will sing an old French chant, is in charge of the committee for dec- at 7:30 p. m. for the students and Sarabande Voici La Noel. The mens' chorus will orations. The boys are providing at- faculty. Minuets I, II continue the program with Ancien mosphere with the help of pine This year, contrary to their custom Gigue Noel-solos by Messieurs John Sie- needles, mistletoe, and even Santa of singing separate carols from other Fantasia in C Majol' Opus 11 land and William Gilmartin. Mlle. Claus. nations, the Choir has chosen Han- Schumann Audrey Dixon will sing the Ave Faculty sponsors at the dance will del's M(Jssiah. Louise Scott will be so- Allegro Multo Appasionato lIJaria, by Bach-Gounod. be President and Mrs. Ensor, Dr. and prano soloist and Margaret Magoon, a Maestoso Sempre Con Energia Other musical selections on the pro- Mrs. Marshall (club sponsors), Dr. newcomer to Westminster, will be Lento Portamento gram are Dans Loe Ombres De La and Mrs. Spicer, Mr. and Mrs. Jones, mezzo-soprano soloist. Intermission Nuit, sung by the girls' chorus; Il and Dr. and Mrs. MacDonald. All Mr. Alfred de Long and Mr. Oliver Images __.._.__ ..Debussy Est n« Mlle. Betty Bachtell and other faculty member's are cordially Spangler will be director and accom- I. Refleta Dans L'eeu chorus; D'on Vi61Ul-tu Bergen>, Mlle. invited to the dance as special guests panist, respectively. Miss Grace Mur- U. Hommege a Rameau Mis8 Helen Brainard Rachel Holmes and chorus; and of the Delta Pi Alpha Fraternity. ray will play a fifteen-minute prelude III. Mouvement Marche des Rois, M. Charles Shook. - Tickets are on sale at McDaniel before the processional, an interlude Suite for Piano Opus 14.._ _Bartole The boys' and girls' choruses will Hall office for $2.00, including tax. between programs, and also during Allegretto Stover' Becomes combine their voices in the two selec- the Hallelnjah Chorus. The choir will Scherzo tions, Que Chacum D'EmpJ'688c and march in a procession, holding can- Allegro Molto Dean Of Faculty Voici No6l. LC8 A-ngls De La Ca·m- Christmas Dinner dles and singing 0 Come, AU Yo Sostenuto pag1lc, Le Flambeau, and Le Jour De Faithful. Ballade in F Minor Opus 52 __Chopin Lumiore will also be presented by the I\nnounced Miss Esther Smith will direct with Miles. Dorothy Alexan- ~enu Miss Brainard has been coaching Dr. G. Franklin Stover, present carolers, Gloria, a one-act play by Katherine her program with the wor-ld-famous Dean of Education at western Mary- der, Mary Ellen Hess, and Edith Traditionally formal, the annual Kester, with background music sup- musician, Mr. Carl Friedberg. Pre- land College, will assume the dutie 1 Sanner as soloists. Christmas banquet will be held in the plied by the soprano and alto sections vious to her recital at the college, she of Dean of the Faculty in February, Concluding the program, the entire college dining hall on Wednesday, of the choir. will play this program outside of 1948. He will replace Dr. Lloyd Ber- chorus will join with Mlle. Dorothy December 17, at 6 p- m. The play, a project of the sopho- Philadelphia and in Utica, New York. tholf who will be leaving after tweu- Rupert in the Christmas song, La Mr. Smith has announced the fol- more dramatic art students, portrays ty-fhree years as a faculty member. Cantique De Noel. lowing menu: the story of a shepherd who stays be- Pageant Of The Kings Dr. Stover entered WMC in Sep- The members of the French Club - Blended Fruit Cup hind to tend a wounded lamb, a tember, 1946, with a background of extend to all students and faculty Roast Turkey and Dressing frightened mother who flees from the To Be Given By SCA impressive teaching positions. From members a cordial invitation to their Crnnberr-y Sause wrath of Herod, and a wise man who 1942 until 1946 he was the curriculum Christmas program. Snowflake Potatoes uses his gift to buy the safety of a On December 17, immediately fol- consultant for the Department of baby. The scene is a ficld near Bethle- lowing the Christmas banquet, the Public Instruction at Pennsyvania Notice To Veterans ..• Buttered Green Peas hem on the first Christmas Eve. Christian Heritage Commission of the State College, He had previously Tomato and Lettuce Salad Student Christian Association will After the holidays, Mr. Ketehens, Hot Rolls and Butter The cast is as follows: present The Pageant of the Kings in been an instructor at Pennsylvania the Veterans' Administration 'rcpre- Celery, Olives, Pickles First Shepherd _...._.~_Thomas Doolittle of Educa- State College and Professor Baker Chapel. tion at the State Teachers' College. sentative, will be on campus the sec- Ice Cream and Cookies Second Shepherd.c. __.Klein Haddaway The story is centered around 'ri- Troy, Alabama. In the summer of ond Wednesday of every month. At Christmas Candies and Nuts Third Shepherd .. .i.Har ry Adams vonius, a centurion highly favored by 1946 he taught at Nor-thwestern Uni- that time he will be available fOTcon- Entertainment will be provided by Obe'd ._. .. .. ...._._Leon Stover Judah .__Donald Lichty' Herod. Tivonius has been picked by veraity. sultation between the hours of 9 a. rn. the Girls' Glcc Club under- the direc- Herod to succeed him to the throne, and 3 p. m. tion of Miss Crace Murray. (continucd on page 4, column 4) His which he suspects everyone is trying conferred bachelor of arts degree was at SUsquehanna University, to steal. Whittemore And Lowe, Duo-Pianists, Featured As the pageant begins, the king his master of science at Pennsylvan'a receives news of the birth of Christ. State College, and his doctor of cd:J- In Community Concert At High School Tonight Herod talks to thc wise men who are cation at Columbia University. on their way to see the new-born The office of Dean of Education Arthur Whittemorc and Jack Lowe, taught piano on a WPA project. appreciation and conducted the glee King, and then sends Tivonius to fol· will be abolished, although Dr. Stover duo-pianists, will be featured in the Whittmore and Lowe met at the club. One of his students, Jack Lowe, low them to the birthplace. On the will continue as head of the depart- Community Concert to be given at the Eastman School of Music in Roches- was assistant, co-arranger and ac- way, the centurion meets two shep- ment. . Westminster High School tonight, ter, New York, to which both had companist. herds who go with him to see Jesus. Replacing Dr. Bertholf as head of December 12, at 8:15 p. m. won scholarships on their talent for Now they play three or four con- Tivonius is stricken blind and repents thc biology departmcnt wi!! be PTof. The piano team carries a large musical composition. 'Whittemore certs a wcek and cover thousands of planning to kill the new King. Cloyd L. Bennighof, a membcr of thc variety of fans, ranging from t.he later held a fellowship at the Uni- miles on their tours. They live a Many years pass, but the youngest faculty since 1927. Prior to that date bobby-soxer group to the habitual versity of Rochester's College for strenuous and active life as concert shepherd never gives up hope that he taught at the Mission School in concert-gael's, to their fellow musi- Men, where he taught classes in music pianists, but they love it. Christ will return. Finally the King Wisconsin. cians, probably because their reper- returns to Jerusalem, .and the young toire includes such a wide variety of shepherd goes to see his triumphal Seminary To Present selections, among which are popular entry.'On the way he is set upon by tunes, opera airs, and rare classics. robbers and left to die. Levites and 18th Annual Pageant After four years' absence from the priests pass him by until finally a concert world, they have played 109 blind man takes him to the city. Th~ ~ The porticos of Westminster Theo- major concerts since their separation blind man is Tivonius, who is also go- logical Seminary will again bc the from the Navy in January, 1946. Also, ing to see Jesus. setting for thc eighteenth annual prc- since then, they llave been auditioned - As the play ends, the crowd gather sentation of the Seminary's Nativity by three major studios in Hollywood to watch Jesus enter Jerusalem. In Guild pagcant, Tidings to All People. for movie roles, and have acquired their midst is a leper whom Tivoi\iu~ With a cast that will include scm- the distinction of being the only piano comforts. Because of his good deeds. inary students, college students, and team for RCA-Victor Recordings. Christ restores the centurion's sig-ht townspeople, the pageant is schcduled They began their twin careers ten and calls bim to his service. for December 16, at 8 and 8:40 p. m. years ago, while they were still stu- . Those taking part in the pageant In case of unfavorable weather the dents, vacationing in Puerto Rico. are: Joseph Lacount, JOhll Barnes, alternate date is December 17. There they made public appearances, Ed Wright. Fred Keefer, Joseph Cu- Resembling a medieval mystery recorded transcriptions, and broad- lotta, George Coulter, George Pfer- play, the Nativity pagcant consists of cast a regular radio program. They deort, James Ogden, Fern Ray, a series of tableaux, whicb tlSe a~ gave occasional concerts before their Dorothy Dalgleish, Michael Chandler, their setting the front of the Sem- graduation from music schooL A Jack Ammon. Mary Dodd will direct inary building. Two of thc tableaux month after Pearl Harbor, they en- the chorus and Lillian Lines will be this year will portray Hofman's "An- listed in the Navy and served in the organist. The entire production j~ lIunciation" and Coreggio's "Ma- same units during the war. During under the direction of Gerry Acker- donna." their service in the Navy, they or- In keeping with tradition, the pag- ganized the first entertainment unit eant will stress the brotherhood of and toured the United States and the all people through the birth of Chl'ist. Pacific Theater. WMC CALENDARS To the Pharisee there is coming a Both artists earned their education Messiah for only a chosen people, -both general and musical. At fif- Are Still Available while to the Prophet Christ is to he teen Jack Lowe was a violinist in the the Saviour of the world. This pag- Denver Civic Symphony Orchestra Get Yours Before Christmas eant is the only interriational, inter- but he also had a natural talent for $1.00 Baeh racial presentation in the community. the piano. Arthur ('Buck') Whitte- As the signal to the production, thq more was playing the piano in a local WhitWmore and Lowe, dIU) pianistlj (continued on page 4, column 3) movie theater at eleven. Later he
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