Page 21 - TheGoldBug1947-48
P. 21
The Gold Bug, Nov. 28, 1947 v Inside Info Quintet Faces Full Schedule: By Bob Dubet Boxers Open After Holidays Sport8 'Editor, The Gold Bug First, a salute to the football squad Courtmen To Compete In Mason-Dixon Conference; for a winning season. Then, a compli- ment to the whole gang here on the Mittmen To Med Eastern Intercollegiate Foes Hill for a return of school spirit. Homecoming weekend, rain and all, Western Maryland's varsity boxers Under the experienced eye of vet- lacked nothing in enthusiasm. But will begin working out next week eran coach Bruce Ferguson, this sea- esprit de corps reached a peak during under the guidance of Carlo Dr-tenxi, son's prospective hoop artists have the hostilit.ies witll~ Hopkins. Nice go- who will double as coach and fighter been going through their paces daily ing, gang! Coach Ortenzi announces that all this week in Gill Gym. Approximately Let's not. overtook the soccer team positions are open, and he urges all fifty candidates turned out for the which furnished the fall campaign ir terested students to tryout wheth- squad, and Coach Ferguson has been making daily cuts in an effort to get \\tth a sparkling victory oyer Johns er they have had experience 0)" not. Hopkins. The schedule is not complete as yet. the squad down to about twenty-five, but it will probably include three or jayvees included. 1947 brought a football season of With their opening game a little ups and downs to the Hill. In the end, Joe Thompson four matches with Eastern Intercol- over a week off, the Terrors have be- powers. Last winter the legiate the Terrors posted a 4 won, 3 lost, Walt Sibiski Senior is starting his fOU1·tk sea- 'I'er- gun to settle down to scrimmaging. 8i is val'uable Penn State, High-scoring 1 tied record-a creditable showing. to Green and Gold COl1rtmom. asset rot-s met Army, Academy from and the The season will officially open on Mon- Coast Guard that With a little more reserve strength, league. They also faced Bucknell in day, December 8, at $ :15 p. m. in Gill especially in the middle of the line, d}.eHUHiH-e $41 Gym, when the Green and Gold bas- and a tighter pass defense, the Ter- up Wrestling Team h('.me and away matches. keters encounter Roanoke College of rors might easily have chalked • Ortenzi l75-pound champ Roanoke, Va . two more victories. Juniors Capture Ortenzi was crowned 175-pound The following Thursday evening With only Stan Kulakowski, back, Needs Material champion at the Eastern Intercollegi- will find the Terrors playing host to and Carlo Ortenai, guard. being lost a usually strong University of Mary- at State via graduation, the Ter ror s should be By Homer Earll Hockey League ate Tournament Corleto, Penn heavyweight, last land five, and the home team will be March. Joe in good shape when next September The howling winds are present fought his way to the finals. out to avenge their 49-39 loss of last rolls around. once more, the football and soccer by Helen Miles year at College Park. Several members of the Junior Var- seasons have gone down in the stati- Prospects for this winter are un- All varsity games will be preceded the beginning Next week marks sity aggregation are ready for var- stics book, and Western Maryland badminton season, as the shuttlecock of certain, but the Green Terrors pro- by jayvee games which will begin at mise to have a potent one-two punch sity duty. Stan Pieldman, Paul 'I'ere- again turns to winter sports. tournament gets underway on Wed- 7 p. m. Stan Kulakowski, veteran shinski in the back field, and Hank The Green Terrors have a new in Ortenzi and Corlcto. Terror letterman, will handle these Norman, Joe Macie, John Gruber, and wrestling coach this year in the per- nesday. Ward gym In the 225-pound division, the Ter- boys, and is looking hopefully to a All this week Blanche Stu Werner in the line, loom as good son of Bill Ksrn. Bill is one of the has been filled with girls batting rors have a hold over from last year'a successful season. bets in the Terror future. team in Dave Myers. Also listed for Baltimore clan, having learned his "birds" back and forth over the nets 1'1 lower weight berth is Rip Hudson, • Twenty-One Game Schedule Medford High School (Massachu- grappling at Southern High School. in preparation for this year's tourney. setts) and Newport High School They apparently have a good teacher The schedule of games will be posted I~ pre-war leather tosser. The varsity cagers this year will be (Pennsylvania) certainly did their at that institution, for Bill went all this afternoon and these games will The lighter divisions will miss hru-d playing a rigorous twenty-one game best in brightening the Terror grid- the way through the 1947 season to continue until Christmas. hitting Ernie McFadden, who will schedule including contests with iron picture. Medford supplied Hank the Mason-Dixon finals before he met On the frozen hockey field, Tuesday graduate in February. American University, William and Corrado, Joe Giannelli, and Tilo Mar- defeat. His experience and ability afternoon, the juniors won their un- The presence of Dick Palmer. Mary, Quantico Marine Base. and garita, while Newport provided Walt show him to be well-qualified to take defeated championship by whipping Johnny Sgariglio, Rico Vita, and Bob Loyola (Jim Lacey and Co.), among Piavis, Si Tullai, Al Yaglinski, Gene over the coaching burden. the freshmen 6 to O. The only chal- Dubel is on the doubtful side because others. Frank and Paul 'I'er-eshinski. Junior Gone due to graduation from last lenger to the three-year pennant of scholastic problems or injuries. Six cage tilts have been listed be- Varsity coaches Tom 'Tereshinsk i and year's squad is Wally "The Mauler" holders was the senior team, which Mike Denny figures in the plans in fore the Christmas holidays, three at George Piavis are also Newport pro- Raubenheimer. Also missing are held to a 1 to 1 tie. the heavier divisions. home and three away. Home games ducts. Members of the winning team are: The boxers work out in the base- include all non-league games with Ralph Goldman and Jack Larrimore, A Delaware paper referred to Hank the latter being last year's Mason- Betty Minnis, left wing; Betsy Tay- ment of the Albert Norman Ward Roanoke, Maryland and the Univer- Corrado and Joe Giannelli as western Dixon 165-lb. champ. However, with lor, left inside; Helen Miles, center; dormitory. sity of Baltimore, while the Terrors Maryland's Mr, Inside and Mr. Out- Sue Dixon, right inside; Wilma Steele, will travel to meet Quantico, William side. right wing; Louise Reese, left half; and Mary and American U., the last With Hank Corrado doing the kick- Mm-ga ret Ruppenthal, center half- named being the only Mason-Dixon ir.g, the Tenors successfully conver- - back; Hazel Weeks, 'right halfback; contest. ted 13 out of 18 points after touch- Dot Gamber, left. forward; Della The varsity hoopster-s will perform center, downs. Grauel, right forward; Annette Me- minus the services of veteran be absent Zlonkevicz, who will Paul During the last three contests the Mahan, goalie .• TIle hockey varsity team bowed out Terrors had only twenty-six men on of the season with a 4 to 1 victory from a WMC lineup for the first time since January, 1946, when he entered the squad. In this era of fast football over Towson State Teacher's College. her-e. which requires specialists for the The winning goals were made by various duties, twenty-six men just Minnis, Dixon, Donovan, and Ruppen- • Leading Performers are not enough to fill the bill. thal. The season ended with the rec- Graduation had little effect on the If Western Maryland continues to ord standing at two wins, one loss, strength of the squad, and much thc schedule the brand of opposition that and one tie. same team will take the court this Harvard, Delaware, and G-Burg pro- Attention is called to the WAA year as last, It is too early to say vide, then more football player's are party on Monday evening. Awards much regarding newcomers. Leading required. As one battered guard mut- will be made at that time. The most performers returning this year to tered after the Delaware battle, "It outstanding award will be an "M" to blast the enemy nets are Walt Sibi- is pretty discouraging to face n rc- be presented to Marty Witter for hav- ski, 6' 3" high scorer of last year; Ieeshed guy in a clean uniform who ing earned 1500 points. "Tiny" is just as good as the fellow he re- Frank considerable Stephenson, who l'e- from recognition ceived placed." Baltimore papers last season; John • At present attention is focused to- BiIIl{ern G" ek Chauer Ernie McFadden Adamovich, crafty little ball-stealer: ward the winter program, so here Heavyweight to tutor wrestlers. Senior glove swinger will be grad- Al Jacobson, classy ball-handler; Joe goes a gander at the basketball court, Frats Prepare uated. Thompson, a standout of the war era the boxing ring, and the wrestling the return of veterans Ned Masen- and following; Walt Piavis, hustling mat, heimer, Paul Schaier, and Johnny Sil- mainstay for the past two years; The courtmen certainly picked a bEr, the team shows a strong nucleus. For Basketball IMason-Dixon Standings I Hoon Paul, big, aggressive player tough way to start the ball rolling. Newcomers this year include' Bill who aided the team greatly in 1945- Opening against Roanoke College on Niller, who was the 145-1b. champion With the football championship in Over-all Conference Football 46 season; Bill Seibert, lanky man December 8, they conthlUe the pre- o! the European Theater while in the Gamma Bet hands, fraternity atten- Standing who can handle the ball well; and Ghristmas session with tilts against Army. Another promising freshman is tion is turned toward the basketball (final tabulation) finally, Leo Lathroum, who returns the University of Maryland, the Warren Balla, who wrestled two W. L. T. this year after an incomplete season Quantico Marines, William and Mar:l, yt::ars at Southern High. There are a The Interfraternity Athletic Coun- Hopkins __._ .._._ 5 2 last year. American University, and Baltimore number of other men out for the cil will announce the schedule and Rnndolph-Macon 6 3 Th, schedule: University. That will be no picnic. squad who have had prep or high regulations later. League play will Western Maryland 4 3 Dec. 8 Roanoke College Home The Mason-Dixon Conference will s('hool experience. not start until after the holidays. Delaware .. _ _ _ . 11 Maryland Home be strong this winter with LoyoL>, With a combination of these aspi- If enough interest is shown, two Catholic Univ. 12 Quantico Marines Away American University, and -Mt. St. rl\nts and the veterans of last year, leagues will be formed with an A and Washington .._ _ _ 2 5 0 & Mary ..Away r.Iary's prodUCing experienced team~. Coach Kern hopes to mold a team ::t B team representing each frat. Ath- Hampden-Sydney 1 8 0 13 William U .Away 17 American Indeed, the Terrors have quite a job that will return a favorable record. ktic director Charlie Havens lras an- lilt. St. Mary's 0 3 0 18 U_ of Baltimore. ......Home cut out for them. Wrestlers are still being sought. hli nounced that one or two independent Int.ra-Conference Games Jan. 14 Dickinson ......Away .Coach Bruce Ferguson will have tJ men arc invited to tryout whether teams will be allowed to part.icipate (final) 16 Gallaudet Home depend on speed to offset a lack of they have experience or not. Anyonc in this intramural basketball pr'l- W. L. r. 17 Washington College . Away height. Without a doubt, the quintet indCurly Coffman among the miss- 16 American U Home The boxing schedule has not been leto fought to the finals. ing, the Bachelors have a tough row Soccer Standing 19 Hampden-Sydney Home completed yet, but it promises to be Both boxers will be trying for titles tc hoe in defending the crown they (final) 24 Catholic U Away a toughie, because the Terrol's com- again this year. Ortenzi will double captured last year. The Preachers and W. L. T. 26 Mt. Saint Mary's .... Home pete in the Eastern Intercollegiate as coach. Gamma Bets are expected to give the WaShin '""""". ._.__•••.._.•••...••••_••.• 5 0 0 28 Johns Hopkins .Away g Boxing Association-which is "the" Gill Gym will be the scene of the champs quite a tussle. Loyola ... 1 0 boxing league. Last winter the glove 1948 Mason-Dixon wrestling tourney. Western Maryland 2 0 swingers met Penn State, Coast Bill Kern, heavy-weight wrestler and ~:~~;~e. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, Guard, and- Army in league matches. football tackle, will take a turn at Oyez! Oyez! Wimmin and men, /...~! ~ The Wl'tI calendar is a Christmas At the tournament at Penn State, coaching: Here's the gift to give a fren'! Towson Teachers 0 4 0
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