Page 20 - TheGoldBug1947-48
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The Gold Bug, Nov. 28, 1947 Letters "N« (ross .:No Crown" To The Editor A. Teachers record of the number better and have not received a Milton Mayer, of the University of LlANOS is not a member and by JANE to keep are required which Russia an accurate ("Dean's of work semester hour Dear Editor; and date of all absences from etas- grade below C in more than one Chicago and former newspaper cor- refuses to participate." (These are in an address respondent, before the FAD, WAO, the Ko- the UNESCO, ses, and to report the number of List") Before the last word is uttered, the such absences each time grades 1. Attendance at class sessions Institute of International Relations rean Commission, and the Balkan book dosed and placed upon the shelf are reported. In the case of absen- is voluntary except for cases cov- held at the Friends Meeting House in Commiss.ion.) As long as this con- to gather dust until another year, I ces on the day or half-day immedi- ered in section B. In the case of Baltimore on November 21-22, stated dition exists we can't talk peace. should like to add my impressions vf ately preceding a holiday and the laboratory work each instructor that we must do everything in' our "However," he went on, "it is not the cut system", to the already wcli- day following a holiday, these are should be consulted as to his own power to stop our country's path into governments who bring the peace, but war. \Ve have reached worn discussion. to be reported at once. requirements. hour of the peace and the eleventh we the people." unless The Powers-That-Be have proved B. Regulations applying to all 2. A student loses his place on work "until it hurts, until it affects us • Much To Learn From Russia Mrs. IItarkoosha to be a source of disappointment to students the Dean's List if at mid-semester personally, it will not mean a thing." Louis Fischer, former Fischer, wife of Soviet citizen me by not stating along with the 1. Attendance is required at the he has a grade of 0 or below in There are several ways, says Mr. and author of My Lives in Russia, other rules and regulations, such as more than one semester hour of Mayer, in which: we, the private citi- compulsory chapel attendance, requi- first meeting of a class. Failure in work. zens of the U. S., could help to pro- agreed with I'Ilr. Fischer that the as a phase of late on page 4, column 1) (Continued this is regarded rements for graduation, dormitory registration and is subject to the D. Regulations applying to all mote better understanding between regulations, and the like, the number fine therefor (two dollars). students who do not qualify for countries and to avert war. L The and conditions under which 'absences inclusion in section C. exchange of foreign students must be Col/ege Calendar from classes would be allowed. This is 2. In a semester with an exami- The college officially recogni- encouraged. 2. we must be aware of certainly an error on their part, for nation period, attendance is requi- zes no absences except for authori- the activities of our Congressmen Sunday, November 29_ definite measures should have been red during this period. Where no zed trips and for sickness. Teach- and the general policies of our coun- Sunday School, Dr. Bradley, Baker Chapel, 9:15 a. presented to us on Registration Day. examination period is scheduled, ers may deal with all other cases try. We must take an active, not. a Chapel, Dr. Ensor, Alumni Ill. Before any kind of competitive game attendance is required during the of absence in any way they think passive, interest in current affairs. 2. or contest the rules are stated 1;0 last seven calendar days of a sem- necessary, except that a student We must stop thinking in terms of Hall, 7:15 n. m. that any difficulties which may arise ester. Attendance is also required may not be dropped from class the next war. 4. \Ve must feed our Monday, December 1- in the course of the activity may be during the day or half-day immedi- without approval of the Dean of enemies as well as our friends. The Camera Club, McDaniel Day Room, 7 p. m. Students' solved hy referring back to the hand- ately preceding a holiday and the the Faculty. It is the responsibility whole world is starving while the U. WAA party, Blanche Ward book of rules. One is more readily day immediately following a holi- of the student to present to the S. is gluttonizing. This, of course, Gym, 8:30 p. m. able to distinguish between right and day. Absence at such times will teacher evidence of the excuanbih- leads to the bitter feeling and misun- Tuesday, December 2- wrong if one knows ahead of time be subject to a fine of $5.00 per ty of his absence. derstanding which already exists to- AAUW, Glee Club Christ- ~hat whic~ is. proper or day or fraction thereof. E. On general prtnciples, the fac- wards the U. S. 5. Disarm ourselves- mas Program, McDaniel Improper, and lS less likely to do the 3. Attendance is also required ulty regards absences on the part make the first move towards peace. Lounge, 8 p- m. wrong thing. The lax attitude main- at the time of announced tests. of all students, from any cause, We have nothing to lose and the tained by the administration does not Responsibility for getting the an- amounting to more than one week friendship of the world to gain. Rus- Wednesday, December 3- SCA Commissions, 7 p. m. set a good example for us to follow. nouncement rests with the student. in a course each semester as seri- sia cannot fight a war now, neither Thursday, December 4.- Nor does it .perpetuate good feelings Penalties are determined by the ous, and absences amounting to' can Germany nor any other European Inter-soror-ity Tea, McDaniel and a spirit of cooperation between teacher in charge. more than two weeks as jeopardi- power. The present day preoccupa- Lounge, 4 :30 p. m. the student body and the adminisrn- C. Regulations applying to sopho- zing credit for the course. tion with Russia is a sure step to Friday, December 5-- tion. ' mores, juniors and seniors, who These regulations are retroac- war. Recital, Mr. Royer and Miss According to my interpretation of during the previous semester have tive from the beginning of the pre- • Peace Through Personal Care Brainard, Alumni Hall, the cut system, the discretion of the attained an average grade of B or sent semester. Mr. Louis Fischer, well known au- 8:15 p. m. teacher is the deciding factor in the thor and lecturer, stated that the Sunday, December 7- number of cuts permissable. But what only way to peace lies through per- Sunday School, Baker Chapel, of those who are not allowing any ab- sonal care. This is the reason, he 9:15 a. m. sences at all from their classes (ex- pointed out, why the Friends Service Chapel, Dr. John Owen Gross, cept for students who bring notes Committee won the Nobel Peace Prize Alumni Hall, 7:15 p. m. from the infirmary)? Perhaps at the this year. Mr. Fischer summarized Monday, December 8- end of the semester perfect etten- by NEHOC' our present efforts -towards peace Basketball, Roanoke College, d.ance ribhons will be awarded. A movement is being conducted on (Local 12 noon) and are preparing through the United Nations as hope- Gill Gym, 8:15 p. m. This is not an elementary school, campus to destroy our present system for strike action. less. "There exists today two United Wednesday, December 10- end by now we should be able to of faculty individualism and free en- Nations: one the talking U. N. in SCA Commissions, 7 p. m. judge for ourselves what is best. We terprise. Led by the Chaucerian revo- • Standardization Of Seating which Russia is a member, the other Thursday, December 11- know our own limitations and the ex- lutionist, Dan Dean White, whom we 3. Following the democratic plan the working U. N. comprised of the Basketball, U. of Maryland, perience of making our own decisions also suspect of having a finger in dis- of a recent Georgian civil rights smaller and specialized committees of Gill Gym, 8:15 p. m. will, I think, prove invaluable to us. torting "the music of the spheres" as meeting, standardization of seating I'm not saying we are all sages and produced last week by the sun', plans could be advantageous. As a farsight_ that we won't make any erroneous are brewing to standardize term pa- ed administration keeps the Negro decisions, but that we should try our pers, collateral cards, and book re- out of our hallowed halls entirely, it own wings now while a mistake won't ports. makes color segregation extremely be as serious as it will be when we go With true Ameriean spirit this ac- difficult. out into the big, bad world. Please, tion is being resisted by faculty mem- However, we would suggest such an give us a chance to get away from bers. Psychological demoralization is arrangement: all the brachycephalies mama's apron strings and acquire their weapon. It works like this: an iT: Rowl, dolichocephalies in Row II, "Well,'! mumbled the amiable presi- indicates that his Hungarian Dunn some self-confidence! eager student, let's say Dan Waldo, blonde women in Row III, male Dean's dent of the senior class, "there isn't Bradstreet rating has leaped sky-high & in Row IV ( fitting reward), Listers No matter what type of system is assiduously copies K. Berne's "A" philosophy majors in Row V and their too much to say." But a feature in these two years A.S. (Anno Saro- decided upon, no matter how lenient term paper. It was done in the re- keepers in Row VI. writer must not be backward, and we si) . or how strict the plan may be, 110t quired style of Dt. Marsh Mallow; 4. Marks should be graded on the finally found that Carlo Ortenzi has Carlo's deep feeling for the campus everyone will be completely satisfied. that is, written from the bottom to straight--all A's. one of the best-integrated personali- and its friendly atmosphere is re- I think we all realize this fact. Let the top with head notes in red ink. 5. Simplification could accomplish ties on campus. flected by the confidence of his class- us, therefore, evolve a method to be Then he discovered, next to the "F" much in the math department. Look Ever since he was knee-high to a mates, who have elected him to the used which will become a tradition, on his paper, that he should have fol- what it did for the University of Chi- boxing glove, Carlo has found a first presidency of the senior class, and in and not undergo yearly metamor- lowed Dr. Johnovitch Donsky's meth- cago. They threw out every number love in boxing. His ambition of win- his selection as a Who's Who repre- phoses. It will have to be a compromi- od of printing from the right, left, but 9, and then sent their students to ning a championship in the ring was sentative from WMC. There is still se with the interests of both the ad- and top margins simultaneously to Reno, where they cleaned up 'on the twice realized in the Eastern Inter" timc for the leadership of our ROTC ministration and the student 60dy meet in the middle. Footnotes are to roulette wheels. One of our sopho- collegiate circuit, once in the 165- unit, an honorary membership in taken into consideration. Wholehear- be written on the head of a pin with mores, Bob (Waterfount) Gamble, do-' pound and Jast year in the 175-pound Delta Pi Alpha, and an active part ted cooperation is required. Amen. no abbreviations. ing math research at the Pimlico ly_ class. His biggest thrill (barring Peg- in the American Legion. A Sophomore. We wholeheartedly support any ceum, not only lost his anticipated gy's "yes", of course) came when he campaign against infringement of in- Let's leave our humanized St. Fran- alienable rights, but we believe the (Continued on page 4, column 3) was awarded the Eastern Intercol- cis with an anecdote about his fresh- Correction ..• method of counter attack to be faulty. legiate best boxer award last year. man year. During the Maryland in the back of his mind is Lurking The student is getting toughened. Re- watch, it seems that the U. of M. boys In The Gold Bug of November U member what happened to the effete Poet's Corner a hope that some day he will walk off actually penetrated the defenses, and there was an article entitled "WMC Romans and French! Over-standard- with an OlympiC prize. Professional the were willing to settle the painting de- says. Since he boxing is out, Has Shares In \Vestminster Co-op". ize them! ON PASSING HER IN A CITY "Ginzo" doesn't want to make anyone (Continued on page 4, column 4)" This statement is incorrect. Western • Classroom Files CROWD unhappy, he feels no desire to enter Maryland ColIege has never had The following are various SOP professional boxing. Mike Jacobs' shares nor membership in the Coop. classroom files which have been used A hundred million nameless faces headaches aren't over, though, be- The Student Christian Association is, successfully on this campus and at throng cause Carlo feels that he might like however, a member of the Coop. The other institutions. The hundred thousand unknown to try promoting. Gold B?tg regrets this error. 1. Dr. Rob Peter has inaugurated streets: When pressed about his theories on a plan in his afternoon Greek lyceum The vastly popUlated, high-~pire.1 physical education. Carlo quickly (or academy, as the case may be) of city beats came back with the comment that he serving fresh pressed grape juice and 'THE GOLD BUG buttered laurel leaves. HiB classes do To the pulse of people moving all day thinks that physical education should long. be an integral part of the curriculum. Olllelal.tndent newspaper of Wea1ernMary· not get that needed afternoon nap! Strange feet tread by mine, driven This, of course, classes him with Iud Oollege. pnbll.hed .eml·monthl,. on Dr. Pay Paul's Biblicp! literature by a song Plato, who was once reported to have !;;~81;'b":~:;'~~Ma~cfo~~~A~ri't~~~{'mo;~~i'; and Dr. Sara Sen's ancient history Of movement thl'ough the fOI'est advocated similar measures. during September, Deeemher, and Ma,.. En classes could profit from this pro-- of anonymity. When a first sergeant in the MP's t"red a. oerter cedure, with the possible substitution I drifted unknown-alone-in t-hl' Po.t Om.e, nnder ,the Act of MSTchII. 1879. of motzo for laurel leaves. alien sea, in Trinidad, land of calypso and BuhBerlption Price $2.00 a Year "Rum and Coca-Cola" fame, Carlo 2. Dr. Floyd Boyd of the biology And watched the hordes stream by, was post boxing instructor. And at EDITORIAL STAFF department has succeeded in con- no binding throllg Fort Meade he pitched a post softball Editor·ln·chlef •.• • ••••.. Fern Ra,. founding his students to the point of Of familiarity. Then I saw a face team to Second Army championship Managing Editor ....•......•• .Jean Cohen nervous breakdown. After carefully That blurred the re~t: She stood fame. ~::;~r;d~~~io~·.·.·· .•. Len~':ni~olf:..~~ training them to use a green pencil upon the corner, His return to the campus likewise iport.!! Editor .....•......•.. Robert Dnbel Copy Edltotl.. • .•.•• Betty L..e Robbine for drawing inside Jines, red for mid- Saw me not, nor felt my gaze, brought honor to local sports events. Tbeoda Lee Kompanek dle, and blue for outer, he craftily in- that like a glove- Last year he was college boxing troduced a yellow. His erratic meth- From wind-swept curl to ankle trim- coach and softball coach for the West- Business Maoager • ..Phyllil Houck od, however, has caused a student did her incase, .Ted Qnelch Advertising Manager minster Merchants' team. This, of Circulation ,Manager DeUa Grauel rally under the leadership of a senior Her lovely secrets hid fl'om me; course, in addition to handling a physiologist, Ting A. Ling, and the she has another. capahle guard position on our foot- Heien Lingenfelter. Wayne COW811, Jalle embryonic scholar, C. Moor Hemhaw. And if J knew, perhaps I, too, Lian06. Ed, Wright, Alice Yearley, Jane antt ball varsity. mann, Mary Je ..n Rupert. Phylli~ Smith, They have organized the Rules, would know love. "Meester Cortanzi" majors in eco- Fletcher Wu.rd. Ruth Allen. Virginia Do-dd, Jim Ol"den, Standards, and Plumbing Association -Leon Stover. nomies; ticker tape from Budapest Carlo Ortenzi
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