Page 19 - TheGoldBug1947-48
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BASKETBALL SCHEDULE PAGE 3 Vol. 25, No.5 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMlNSTER, MD. November 28, 1947 Glee Club To Sing. qued U~ . Sonata Recital tln ~~~U«; To Be Given F~~G~~~~'ill present ~~ and violinist, Royer, Mr. Philip their annual Christmas program for comparative misery and inseeur-ity ? Miss Helen Brainard, pianist, both of the American Association of Uni- 'I'hanksgiving Day is distinctly all One follows as naturally and logically versity Women in McDaniel Lounge American tradition, and as much a a", the other. the faculty of Western Maryland College, will present recital a sonata on December 2. part of our national heritage as the The only way out of this dilemma on Friday, December 5, at 8:15 p. m. The program will be divided into Declaration of Independence or the two parts, the first consisting of six Bill of Rights or any of the other val- is to recognize that God never gives in Alumni Hall. us the finished product. is the That songs sung by the entire glee club uable possessions we Americans cher- The program includes: and ingenu- of man's industry and the second of ten carols of the ish. It is rather surprising that in result God puts neither money in our Sonatf.l. in D 1I1in01· No.3 Brahms ity. United Nations. spite of its religious implication, the banks, grain in our storehouses." nor Allegro The chorus will sing the following: celebration of Thanksgiving Day is Adagio On This Good Christmas 1I1orn, determined not by the edict of any integrity in our character. He gives Un poco presto e con sentimento Noble Cain church or ecclesiastical group, but by ue, however, the raw materials which Presto agitato His Sta.r Shineth Clear, proclamation of the President of the if properly used by human industry Sonata in Eb Major No. Je_ ... Mozart Franz Bcmschein United States. This is tremendously and ingenuity will put money in our Allegro Ye Bells 0/ Bethlehem. . Luvaas significant in a nation that is scru- banks, grain in our storehouses and Andante con moto OUT Christmas Day. Mueller pulously careful to maintain the- doc- integrity in our character. If mis- Rondo: Allegro Noel, Noel .. Gevaert trine of the separation of Church and used, however, the result is war, suf- Sonata. in A Major No.9 ... Beethoven o Holy Night .... Adolphe Adam State. It means that although tha fering, starvation, pover-ty amid Adagio sostenuto-Presto . This part of the program will be institutional separation is real, the plenty, and characters blackened by Andante con variazioni followed by various solos sung by State does not separate itself from selfishness, dishonesty, and hatred. Finale: Presto in providing God has been faithful members of the glee club. Each solo nor does it deny the basic affirmation the raw materials of nature to supply The Beethoven sonata has been will represent one country in the of the Church-God. great land. the physical needs of man; the raw called a concerto for two unaccom- United Nations. Thanksgiving assumes the existence In these days when there is so panied solo instruments. Beethoven Oh, Heer the Herk1)enly Angela_Brazil of someone greater than self-some- much suffering around the world it is materials of opportunity that man dedicated it to Rodolphe Kreutzer, a Miss Mary Ellen Hess one greater than the nation-some- terribly easy for us to become phari- might achieve a better world in which celebrated violinist and composer of Where Were You, o» M(Liden? one upon whom both the individual saical in our thanks-"Thank God I to live; the raw materials of spirit- etudes for the violin. Canada citizen and the nation as a whole are am 110tlike other men." It is always ual values that man might develop Carl Freeburg, a well-known pian- Miss Betty McFarland dependent for their well-being .. It is dangerous to be thankful on the basis a more God-like character. For these, ist, turned the pages of the D Minor Hear JVhf.l.t Gref.l.t NewB We. Bring, in recognition -of that Person and His of a comparison like this, because if let us eternally give thanks. For our sonata for Brahms when he played Czechoslovakia cure for our wel\,being that we join.' God is to be thanked for our com- misuse of these, let us be humbly this composition with Josef Joachim Miss Kitty Lou Olewiler our prayers and songs of Thanks- para.tiva comfort and security, why penitent. at the home of Clara Schumann in A ngela at Christma..stide. __.Denmark giving with others all across this not blame Him for another nation's _Lowell S. Ensor. Germany. Miss Barnes Between these two monumental At Christmas Time When works will be played the Mozart so- All Is Gf.l.y._.__..__ ..._Norway Haines To Discuss Camera Club Sells nata in E major, one of the loveliest Miss Louise Scott pepsiColaCompany of that composer's works for piano Listen, Lordlings _ _ _England Politics Of China and violin. For some time 'Miss Brainard has Let Us Prf.l.ise Thee _ ...__ ..... Russia Offers Fellowships Christmas Cards been coaching piano with Mr. Free- Miss Carmela Cox Miss Shirley Bankert Harry Haines, recently returned At the next meeting of the Camera burg in New York. Mr. Royer is a Stars of lee . ._. __ China Thirty-six new graduate fellow- from China, will 00 the guest speak- Club on December 1, three members pupil of Theodore Hemberger, who er at thc next meeting of the IRC. Mis-s Dorothy Alexander ships, each of which will pay full of the Westminster Camera Club studied violin with Joachim in Berlin. for $750 a year thr-ee Shepherds O'er the Fields .._France tuition are and being offered to college The topic to be discussed will be will be present to help analyze the "Political Situation of China Today." years, Miss Anne Lockey seniors this year for the first time pictures taken at the November meet- Open Letter • . . Tell It on de Mountain, Mr. Haines will be remembered by American Negro hy the Pepsi-Cola Scholarship Board. fnrmer IRC members as an excellent ing. Miss Betty Bachtell Like the four-year-old Pepsi-Cola lecturer. His "inside" information These men, all amateurs, helped Dear Students, The Glee Club is under the direc- four-year college scholarship pro- and personal experience make him the students to take still life pictures With the successful passing of mid- tion of Miss Grace Cordia Murray. gram, winners of which are now at- especially well-versed in his topic. with photo flood lights. year quizzes under our belts, perhaps of activities a prospectus for the fu- The accompanist is Miss Martha tending 152 colleges, this new fellow- After the lecture, students will be At present, the main project o~ ture is in order. has as its purpose ship program the Schaeffer. provided with an to ask Although nothing could be done discovering of students of unusual opportunity the Camera Club is selling Christmas ability and helping them to secure questions of the speaker. The meet- cards with views of the college pic- about changing the Thanksgiving va- Ideas For Movies further education. by an independent iLg will be held on M011day, Decem- tured on them. There are four stan- cation this year, the suggestion year has a programs Both that next been forwarded ber ure, administered McDaniel in 1, at 6:45 p- m. dard styles from which to choose, or may be more edueators Sought In Contest group of Scholarship known as the Lounge. the last meeting of the IRC, personal negatives may be used. The Thanksgiving rather weekend just Thursday desirable, than Pepsi-Cola Board and are cards are 75c a dozen. At offered as a service to American off. A unique nation-wide contest to dis- youth by the Pepsi-Cola Company Jeff Smith and Hal Travis reported The Camera Club meets once a We want also to thank those who cover people who think they can write upon the recommendation of its presi- Oil the Model World Court Conven- month on Mondays at 7 p.m. in the helped us on our watches in the night short stories or create ideas for mo- dent, Walter S. Mack, Jr. tion held at Notre Dame College, day students' room in McDaniel Hall. to help minimize the painting on the ! tion pictures, movie titles, or radio luty college student who will re- Baltimore, on November 15. At the The officers of the club Include campus. It seems probable that no shows has been announced by Writers ceive a bachelor's degree during the Convention which the men attended, Dorothy Scott, president; David Pat- painting team could possibly have Talent Scout, Inc. school year 1947-48 from a college 01" the question of the Dardanelles was penetrated our defenses on Friday Prizes totalling several thousand university in the United States may studied. Mr. Smith acted as one of ton, vice president: Anna Hess, sec- night, although a few cagey charac- dollars and a ten week Hollywood (Continued on page 4, column 2) the Judges of the Court. retary-treasurer. ters slipped by us earlier in the week writer's contract will be awarded the when only a token watch was main- winning contestants. tained. is only part of the search, the ability WMC Curriculum Committee Announces mittee to investigate is heading a com- Hamilton Stan writing skill The quest for actual the possibilities to think up plots and titles being the of flooding the tennis courts or a part other. of the Revised Requirements For Graduation of Hoffa Field for the ice skating fans In the short story division this winter. A layer of ice should have a fairly long life, and will pro- ~:~~~' ~~~, :~t;l,~~otl~:s~at:orJ~~~ At the meeting of the faculty on have been required under the old plan. of the work done in junior and senior vide a delightful supplement for the best story submitted, $300 for second May 5, a recommendation of the cur- Thus seniors with 102 hours will need courses as somewhat too low at pre- skiing and sledding that always goes best, and $200 for third. riculum committee was approved 30 additional (instead of 34); juniors sent. By allowing students to take along with the snow here. Cosmopolitan magazine, in addi- making a change in the total hours with 68 will need 60 additional (in- fewer courses it is assumed that the This Saturday night we hope to tion, will pay $1,500 for serial rights required for graduation beginning: stead of 68); and so on. Fractional requirements for each course may be have a jazz concert arranged for pre- to the winning story, and will have with the fall of 1948. Since this hour requirements will not be disre- raised somewhat, so that fully as sentation in McDaniel Lounge. A rights of first refusal on all other "hange may effect the plans for garded, but counted as the next high- much, or even more, work wifl be re- program of some collector's items in }JrolJlising material submitted. Thus, gYaduation of present juniors, so- er whole number. quired for the 15 hours as is now re- the jazz line is planned, with some even if an entry fails to win a prize phomores, and freshmen, it seems The reason for making these quired for 17. rather amusing program breakers a- there is the possibility that it maY well to make a public statement re- changes is not that the faculty rt!- There will be, of course, a revision long the line. Admission will be free, eventually lead to a lucrative writing garding the new plan at this time. gards our present requirements for also in the rules regarding maximum of course, and formal attire unnec- essary. career. The plan in essenCe is to reduce the graduation as too high, but on the load which students are allowed tJ The sophomore show in the spring Stories submitted will be judged by contrary, that it regards the quality carry in the junior and senior years. in the junior talent, of hours and Adela Rogers St. Johns, Paul Gallico, number years to 15 each semester, The maximum will be reduced two taps a lot of the second-year well of senior still a tremendous but there's Walter Duranty, Frances Marion, and leaving the number at 17 each se- hours all along the line; that is, stn·- Hving Shepard, nephew of the late potentiality left idle. Whenever you mester for the freshman and sopho· Announcing ..• dents with a point-hour ratio below have any brainstorms along this line, Jack L
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