Page 18 - TheGoldBug1947-48
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The Gold Bug, Nov. 14, 1947 Ward announced to a de- 'W/w.'iJ. 'W/w. ... Gold Bug History carried evidence of this fact: "President lighted study body that next summer (Continued from page 3, column 5) a new dormitory for girls would be (Continued from page 1, column 4) begun. This new building will be the French Club; and Gamma Beta Chi outdone, all the literary seoctettes en- first of the units which, when all are fraternity, secretary. tered. completed, will make up 'The Greater Gordon Groby: a philosophy and Suceeding George Benner in Sep- religion major from Bexley, Ohio. tember, 1926, was George Baker. His weetem Maryland.''' French Club; Wesleyans; Sunday issues advocated the establishment of In the fall of 1934, the home School counselor; Men's Student a department of journalism, still a management house was opened. Thi'S manager of Aloha; secretary of Ar- Gold Bug goal. same year. WM's Green Terrors end- Government; Pi Alpha Alpha The Gold Bug contest for 1926 ed an undefeated season. Perhaps fril- called for a motto expressing the team members relaxed after the ternit.y ; president of the Student opinion of the newspaper. The winner strenuous season at the Opra House, Christian Association; and the college orchestra. was to have the privilege of designat- when Greta Garbo was starring in Mary Alice Her-shfeld : an English ing one person for the free mailing The Painted Veil. There in January of major from St. Denis, Maryland. Ed- list for one year. 1935 came the announcement of the J. Paul Lambertson became editor Harvard Athletic Association naming itor of 1948 Aloha; Gold B11g staff'~ Club; French in September, 1927. With all his du- Dick Harlow new head coach of foot- Argonauts; class; treasurer, historian, junior sophomore ties he found time to win the Mary- ball. In March Charlie Havens ar- class; member of Sunday School; land debating contest in competition rived to fill the coaching vacancy at Student Christian Association, pro- with several other colleges. Western Maryland. In March Rosa- Building started upon Science Hall, Jie Silberstein was elected editor of gram chairman; and Iota Gamma Chi and for the eighth year the school the Gold B11g for 1935 to 1936. sorority, historian. a math major- Houck: Phyllis scheduled French and English exten- Activities on the Hill continued from Woodsboro, Maryland. French sion courses to be given at night. during the summer months. Elated Club; Girls' Glee Club; Sunday Immediately after the Christmas students returning in the fall of 1935 holidays, a letter appeared: "You, were informed that, among other im- school member; Tri-Beta; business secretary of Ar- manager that have not yet recovered from provements, "Ward Hall has had a gonauts; of Aloha; junior class; busi- historian, your Christmas feasts, remember the new plumbing system, including ness manager of Gold Bug; president. greatness of Franklin and his corn showers, installed." On Sunday, Sep- Iota Gamma Chi sorority; house pres- meal mush, and be thankful for the tember 22, Dr. Albert N. Ward died ident of McDaniel Hall; student gov- blessings of hard substantial food suddenly; Dr. Fred G. Holloway was once more. (Signed) The College Din- elected to succeed him, but the inau- ernment; Trumpeter. from Ma- Stanley Kulakowski: ing Room." gural ceremonies were not held until hanoy City, Pennsylvania. Varsity 1928 saw Caspar Hart as~editor-in- April 25, 1936. chief. Following Hart was William G. Alfred Goldberg was editor-in-chief football and baseball. from Baltimore. Carlo Ortenal: Eaton, at present a teacher at West- of The Gold Bug in September, 1937, Letterman, minster High School. During his edi- when a $250,000 building fund cam- Intercollegiate varsity Boxing football; Eastern in Champion torship in 1929, Gold Bug staff mem- paign was under way for a new men's 1942 and 1947; team captain, boxing; bers were selected by ballot by the dormitory, a field house, and an ad- received trophy for outstanding box- entire student body. dition to the library. In March of Dr. L. Bertholf in January, 1929, 1938, Frank Sherrard was elected to ~~~io~r:~~ds:~t'~r~~:~:~~~s~;0~~Si6;;:~ Dr: Lowell Ensor, fift~ president of Westem Maryland College, delivering his was honored by the American Asso- edit The Gold Bug and in the issue ers' Club; Cadet Major, ROTC; and ~naugural address tn Alumni Hall dw-i-ng the exercises on November 8. ciation for the Advancement of which appeared on the seventeenth Cadet Lt. Colonel, ROTC. Science. This was the result of origi- of that month, there appeared an Fern Ray: an English major from nal experiments and results in the editorial advocating the instituting Baltimore. staff, four years Compliments of • field of chroma-vision of the honey- of an efficient honor system at West- (copy editor, Gold Bug Compliments news editor, managing bee. (They have it.) ern Maryland. Efforts in this di- Laurels that year were not limited rection were fruitless, however. editor, editor-in-chief) ; copy editor of T. W. Mather & Sons to the biology department. Dr. 'I'heo- The fall of 1938 was another grow- 1947 and 1948 Aloha; member of Ar- Glee gonauts, Girls' Club, Sunday dore Whitfield won the Baruch prize ing season for Western Maryland. School choir. BONSACK'S Westminster's Department of $1000 offered by the United Daugh- Dr. Earp and Miss Helen Gray joined Christine Royer: a music major ters of the Confederacy for the best the faculty, and plans were progress- Store of paper on Southern history. for the construction of Albert Nor- from Westminster. French Club, SODAS LUNCHES Good Service and Values Delta Sigma Kappa, pr-eai. president; The alumni also came in for their man Ward Hall and Gill Gym. In dent; member of Argonants and Col- share of honors. Charles Bish, of December, Governor-elect O'Connor lege Players, starring in Claudia and Black and White fame, won a scholar- attended the ground-breaking cere- ship to spend the month of July, mony for Albert Norman ward. In Playgoers. Smith: a math major from Sally 1929, visiting England, Ireland, Scot- March of 1939 Veronica Kompanek Churchill, Maryland. President of land, and Wales. was named editor of the Gold Bug for Women's Student Government; secre- Run Right to Roy T. Edwards became editor in the coming year. tary, junior class; vice president, WELCOMEl September, 1930. That year the ma- The enrollment of 600 students in Argonauts; vice president, Student READ'S COLLEGE STUDENTS jor banner headline proclaimed, September, 1939, was the largest 'Christian Association; Trumpeter; "Green Terrors Defeat Terrapins since the founding of the college. Women's· Athletic Association; bad- For Fine Cosmetics, Toiletries 7-0." That was also the year an al- Perhaps it was the crowded condi- and Drug Needs The Everhart Barber Shop umnus, T. K. Harrison, '01, was ap- tions and resulting cut-throat compe- minton champion; and a member of Complete Photography Sigma Sigma Tau sorority. pointed business manager of the col- tition which caused The Gold Bug to Department lege and entered his familiar office in sponsor the first Sadie Hawkins Day 15 E. Main Street, At The Forks the Book Store. here on the Hill. In November, re- SMITH Be REIFSNIDER The next year C. W. Koockogey modeling work on Levine Hall was Incorporated Westminster, Md. was editor and the literary training LUMBER-COAL of Western Maryland became appar- begun as the college continued to WESTMINSTER, MD, grow. ent when two books by former stu- dents were added to the library: Pea- By April of this same year the It Pays To Look Well cocks on Parade by Albert Stevens books on the shelves of the library Barnes Appliance Service The Green Ter- Crockett, '91, and Steamboatn' Days numbered 34, 375. team of 1941 walked Visit The rors basketball by John H. K. Shannahan, '02. off with the Mason-Dixon crown. In phone 793 The first woman editor appeared in Avenue Barber Shop September, 1932, Miss Susan Strow. the spring of this year Isaac B. Re- BENDIX-THOR Her issues featured the excellent cur- hert became editor-in-chief of The R.C.A.-SUN BEAM Where The Students Go rent events column of Brady Bryson Gold B1(g. All Work Guaranteed and a fine journalistic style through- _ The more recent Gold Bug issues 85 Pennsylvania Avenue from the years 1943 to 1948 have out. 45 E. Main Street In 1934 the January 11 issue of the been notable for the fact that all the Westminster, Md. Gold Bug, operating with the slogan, editor-s-in-chief have been women. "Worthy opinion; Model manage- One of them, Lillian Jackson, also ment; Correct news", carried the broke a Gold Bug precedent by being news that the debating team would editor for two consecutive years, 1944 'k/~,Md. wrestle with the timely subject: "Re- and 1945. She was succeeded by Flowers for Every Occasion solved that the essential features of Virginia Voorhees in 1945-46, Mar- the N.l.R.A. be adopted as a per- garet Statler in 1946·47, and by the Slew.rl N. Dutterer Continuous 2 p. m. Saturdays and Continuous 1 p. m. Saturdays and manent policy of the United States present editor, Fern Ray, in 1947. Holidays Holidays; Sunday Matinees: 2 and -t Government." It was also during this FLORIST Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p. m. p. m. Evening show 9 p. m. month that the Gold Bug proudly Matinee 2 p. m.:-Evenings 7 & 9 p.m. Wcek day SllOWScontinuous from 4:30 celebrated its tenth anniversary. HEAGY'S 114 Pennsylvania Ave. 1'. m. Dennis Brown was elected editor- BARBER SHOP Fri. and Sat., Nov. 14 and 15 FrL and Sat., Nov. 14 and 15 in-chief of the Gold Bug for the com- Five First-Class Barbers Phone 350 "UNDER THE TONTO RIM'· ·'ROBIN HOOD OF TEXAS" ing year. Western Maryland con- 24 West Main St. Tim Holt Gene Autry tinued to grow. The March 22 issue Sun. to 'I'ues., Nov. 16 to 18 Sun. to 'I'ues., Nov. 16 to 18 "SLAVE GIRL" "SOMETHING IN THE WIND" Yvonne DeCarlo George Brent Welcome to Good Health The Artcraftsman Deanna Durbin Donald O'Connor "RIDERS Wed., Nov. 19 OF DESTINY'· Wayne John Benny's Kitchen . To Fri. and Sat., Nov. 21 and 22 Thurs. and Fri., Nov. 20 and :!1 "GUNFIGHTERS" 80 East Main Street "FOREVER AMBER" Randolph Scott Barbara Britton Linda Darnell Cornel Wilde Where old friends meet All Opposite Post Office Sat., Nov. 22 and like to eat Sun. to Tues., Nov. 23 to 25 "PR'xIRIE EXPRESS" "SECRET LIFE From TAILOR·MADE GIFTS OF WALTE!{ MIT'IT' John Mack Brown Strictly home cooked food Sun. to 'I'ues., Nov. 23 to 25 Greeting Cards, Stationery Danny Kaye Virginia Mayo -xrss OF DEATH" REXALL Hand-painting done wed., Nov. 26 59 W. Main St., Westminster Boris Karloff Victor Mature Brian Donlevy Westminster 654-J to order Wed. and Thur., Nov. 26 and 27 "SWA!'I1PWATER" "SINGAPORE" wetecr Brennan Walter Houston Fred :f.IacMurray Ava Gardner Ann Baxter
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