Page 32 - TheGoldBug1946-47
P. 32
The Gold Bug, Dec. 12, 1946 Along The Way Letters To The Editor II Voices ... By CHARLESG. BROOKS Dear Editor: cultured, refined. Lives with 'mother help from the Van Hauwaerts. The other day in the dorm I men- about 65 years old, equally gifted in (6) M. and Mme. Louis Disc1ez Now it has been firmly established tioned sending a Christmas box of personality traits. Both speak En- Rue Hullos 7 that the students in a liberal arts food to some friends in France, and glish like Professor Makosky. Liege, Belgium college are endowed with the qualities Lifting Christmas above the small- to my surprise, three of my freshman (2) M. uud Mme. Robert Lavergne Elderly couple. Two pin-up daugh- of brotherly love and humanitarian- er joys of seventeen holidays. twenty- friends offered to send a box; too, if I 9 Rue Jean Formige ters (blonde and brunette), eighteen ism, or they would not be there. It five more shopping days, and turkey would give them the address of " peo- Paris, France and twenty years old. Son, seven- has been proposed further that these dinners is difficult after three months ple who won't sell the stuff to the Utterly generous and hospitable teen. This is a family of regular qualities are quite self-evident, espe- spent amid the turmoil .of college Black Market "-a very wise consid- middle-aged people. No children. Un- characters. They used to tease me cially to those members of the Society life. It seems to us, however, that eration. I happen to know of seven derstand, do not speak English. until I was tongue-tied. The girls for Advanced Intellectualism of Low- the Christmas season should certainly such families in France and Belgium (3) M. and Mme. Louis Pantalacci read and write English well. er Union Street. Perhaps it would extend our thinking beyond our own who will not deal with the Black Mar- 5 Rue de Centre (7) Mlle. Lutegarde LeCoq be wise to enlighten those who are small worlds. World-wide thoughts ket and consequently are not eating Paris, France Dor-pst.raat 32 unaware of the existence of this noble of peace, better living conditions for much these days. I was only too Elderly couple, not much money. Neerem, Belgium society to the extent that it was the peoples of ravlehed areas, and happy to distribute their addresses Have perhaps fewer resources than A great big, wonderful, jolly, sim- formed some few years ago in order brotherhood among all nations should among those fellows. any of the others. Very kind old ple farm girl about twenty-six years that the better men of the RO.T.C. be given serious thought in relation Then the thought occurred to me people.- No English. old. Old mother and father, little might, upon fitting and proper oc- to the spirit of Christianity as that perhaps there are others among (4) M. and Mme. Walter Van sister, and two brothers. No English. casion, be ceremoniously awarded pressed at Christmas time. the student body. who have long had Hauwaert Fair French. These people are also some recognition for their talents, Intenttcns of sendingfood but haven't Rue Guillaume Tell 1F wonderful, and refreshingly plain and prowess, and especially their attained • Deserved Holiday for such reasons as the following: Ghent, Belgium straightforward. "Lucy" used to ranks, in the form of verbal citations we do not advocate any sacrifice of (1) don't know any addresses; (2) Fairly young couple. Two children, bake us plum pies and waffles, and or little silver medals to be displayed the traditions of Christmas that mean afraid people will sell the food; (3) three and six years old. Blanche Van stuff us until we couldn't breathe. upon the distinctive blue lapels. Al- so much to the college student---the sore because of all the talk about Hauweert is not only pretty, but pos- "Mama" would scream at us in though the ~rganization has remained days of rest from student teaching, Europeans not liking Americans; (4) sessed of an almost perfect person- Flemish, poke the nearest one in the hitherto unpublicized, it is not of a tests, and pounding lectures of pro- just keep putting it off; (5) "Is she ality. The year I spent at Ghent was ribs, and we would all laugh until we secret nature and has even received fessors, the turkey feasts, or the ex- pretty?" and " Does she speak largely passed in her home, along were weak-about what, we never several new members., including a citement of hours of shopping. Sac- English1 " with seven of my GI friends. Very knew. These people live off the land, couple who write for the student rifice of these things is not ..neces- This led me to write this letter good English. and need not so much food as sugar, journal of this college. There is no sary-we can certainly have our spirit containing seven addresses and my (5) Mme. Veuve Temmerman chocolate, soap, clothes, etc. great array of qualifications for mem- an .edherence except to the bership of revelry and still have time enough personal comments on each. Here Rue Neuva St. Pierre 19 Concerning all of the above people, principles of the America First So- and maturity enough to realize that they are: Ghent, Belgium I can sincerely assure anyone that Thus Christmas must be taken as a total (1) Mlle. Jacqueline Adam The mother of Blanche. A marvel- they will not tolerate one bad word ciety and the Ku Klux Klan. group it is a liberal and progressive concept-a world-wide concept rather 32 Rue Georges Mandel lous, tyrannical old grandmother. T against GI's or the States. Any one of militant minds, who are safe from than the private American way or the Paris, France belo"llg to this family-they couldn't of them is worthy of any sign of any accusations of hypocrisy. private western Maryland way of Twenty-six years old. Gorgeous (l be more my own if I had been adopt- generosity that any American may Furthermore, there has recently having a gay celebration. have pictures to prove), charming, ed by them as a child. English, with (Continued on page 3, column 1) been some donbt as to the sincerity • Christmas Traditions and effectiveness of the alliance be- Advanced In- tween the Society for America prides itself on its Christ- Art O'K.elf. Song And Dance Man tellectualism of Lower Union Street, mas traditions, just as Western Ma- the Student Mohammedan Association ryland College prides itself on its and the International Stamp Collec- Christmas traditions - the senior tors' Relations Club. It is in attesta- caroling and breakfast, the seminary By Daphne Clarke tion of the purity of this alliance that pageant, the formal banquet, the all- we print the following letter received night celebrations. But America and anonymously on last Friday morning: Western Maryland should pride them- Don't let Art O'Keeffe's dead pan But don't get the wrong impression. basketball now and wants to play "Dear Mr. Brooks, selves on the whole-hearted keeping fool you. Although he didn't crack a Art's talents don't lie only in the baseball in the spring. "We write to beg you to cause an of these traditions rather than as the smile in the Thanksgiving play, he's Art's main interests, though, center understanding with the public that originators of such customs. usually never seen without a big grin. around his wife, Debby. She's a for- we who compose the common student He's one of those guys who's always l mer WMC girl who was here when body are in firm accord with the over- • OUR Turkey! making you laugh. Not only is he he was before he went into the Army. lapping principles of physical might Our Christmas candles appear to talented as a "dead pan", but also as They were married September 10, and strength, Christianity and Inter- have come from the Holy Land it- a comedian. He's an ardent admirer 1945. Now she's teaching at Roland national Stamp Collecting. self; our Christmas trees from the of the old-time vaudeville, and can Park=-vsending me to college," says "We further believe that this newly East by way of Germany; our Santa always be depended on as the life of Art. She's "blonde, blue-eyed, 118 allied trinity will of its own weight from Holland; our custom of hanging the party. With a little (n per suas- lbs., well-proportioned, and a swell support and uphold the United Na- stockings in the chimney from France ion (1) he'll sing you a few songs, cook." tions Organizations----established with or Belgium; our Christmas cards and and with a little (1) more persuasion Art has been selected ·for Who's a veto to provide for the exercises of Verbal greetings, our Yule-logs, our (?) he might even break into one of Who this year. He's president of the the various consciences of the world plum puddings, our mince pies, from those old-fashioned soft shoe routines. Bachelors and of the Interfraternity We hold it to be self-evident that all England; our caroling from every Art says he saw Yankce Doodle Council and vice-president of the men are fundamentally good and un- European country. A glance at this Dandy abont ten times just to pick senior class. Although he's not quite selfish, merely misguided at times. list seems to leave America with only up those songs and dances of Cag- a Dean's Lister, he was honor grad- We believe that an integrated co-op- one contribution-the turkey. ney's. uate of his 0. C. S. class #343 in the eration between the Church, the Art's been singing all his life. He's Army. 'Course, he's also a member Christian soldiers of the military, and • Not America Alone very interested in any type of dra- of the College Players and one of the the good intentions of the stamp col- America cannot celebrate Christ- matics. While in the Army overseas leaders in sports. lectors will greatly aid in the main- mas alone; whether we admit it or he had one of the leads in "The Bat", After graduation, Art intends to tenance of world peace. not, our Christmas is a world-wide taken from Mary Roberts Rinehart's coach and teach phys. ed. in a high "Sir, we believe that you will be occasion. Could there be a better The Circular Staircase. This was Art O'J(eeffc school, preferably in the county. But only too happy to espouse our latest time to concentrate upon lifting our produced with the aid of civilian ac-. more than that, he's looking forward cause, that of instituting military science as a subject in which students minds, and do we dare to suggest to tresses. Art was also in Miss Smith's dramatic line. As you all know, he's to the time when he can just settle may choose a minor, or even a major, the sceptics on the campus, our souls, "Stage Door" in '41, and did a take- one of our foremost football stars, down to being an old happily married thereby receiving by it a bachelor of to something beyond our personal off on George M. Cohan in the Senior and helped a lot to put our team in man, coming home every night to enjoyments of Christmas? Follies of '42. first place in Maryland. He's playing Debby and her good cooking. (Continued on page 3, column 4) If American thinking could be twined with the rest of the world as This Week's Short Story Gold Bug Contest Winner so that it would be en- turned as American customs. and traditions cele- brating the Yule-Tide season 81·e, peace could not miss its goal, and 1~ Red !In Peac£ ideals that are Christian could be ap- plied to a truly unified world. Is not Christmas with all its bind- The persistent patter of the rain, ... but-" what made it doubly hard to take was slightly as they descended narrow, ing qualities a more fitting time than faintly heard above the mournful Then she saw me. 0, pitiful figure! the fact that Jack was fighting over- white steps. They paused momen- any other for college students to do moaning of the wind, added an eerie Her eyes focused and held. She seas at the time-to make the world tarily as a door was opened, and then some thinking about the world? note to the night. Street lights threw wasn't zcared-c-at first. What else safe for him, his wife-to-be, and the picked up their measured tread across -The Editor. murky shadows across pavements, could happen to her? Gradually the three children they had planned on. a white, marble floor into the center room and pedestrians, flicking furtive thought of what this meant penetrat- But brooding over his ex-wife-to-be of a dimly-lit, stopped white-painted a white they before where Here was a had cost him his job. steps. THE GOLD BUG glances about, quickened their It was a ed her brain-there was no mercy in poor, tortured soul. table covered with a white sheet. The was ominous. The night me. The certain knowledge of death strange night; a typical night for covered her features like a blanket as A full, round, yellow moon beamed sheet had no qualms about covering Offidal student newspaper of Weet.e:rnM ..l""J'· stark terror wrote its message upon delightedly through the window. The the stiff, still, stcnelike figure of a land CoUelte, published semi·monthly on .... 'lnurder. Thursday. dueing October. N~vember. Janu· Incessantly the raindrops beat upon her face. .. she was Oil the verge stars twinkled, smiled, and embraced human being. A hand reached out, uy. February. March and Apr']. and monthly the earth. It was a lovely night-- secured one corner of the sheet and during September. December, Bnd M..,.. En the shingled roof, and, relentlessly, of hysteria .... ! ! tered B. second cbs" matter ,,~ Westminster the tiles tossed them back into the It was over so quickly. The hole not at all foreboding-yet I knew, drew it down slightly, exposing a Post Office. under tbe Act of M..rch S. 1879. air, to tumble past the red brick sides in her temple was small, but the pool tonight, Tragedy wore a different deathly-white face, only partially SubscrIption Price $2.00 a Year of blood, framing her head as it rest- mask. marred by a round, black hole in the of the house, on their journey into Poor Randall. Poor, grief-stricken temple. The sheet was replaced. The EDITORIAL STAFF oblivion. ed 011 the cold, wooden floor, grew face! He seemed not to care at all. sharp clacking of leather on marble steadily larger. She looked much more Editor·iu·chief...... . ... M..rg ..ret Statler The light from the window made a echoed and re-echoed to the farthest Managing Edi]or .. feeble attempt to pierce the blackness peaceful in death. The moment he laid eyes on me, he New", Editor . lunged, reached, grabbed me! But recesses of the room and came bound- Sport. Editor . of the night. Indeed, the glow from Jack Randall was a tall, muscular, F~ature Editore.D"phne he was as easy to handle, really, as ing back from the hard, white sur- ('opy Editors .. Jrma the single lamp was insufficient to il- athletic-looking man. He was sports the little old lady had been. faces of the walls to be absorbed by Typing Editor Anue Klein luminate the entire room, and one editor for a large city newspaper and Staff Photogr"pher Cul Webb could barely discern the huddled fig- a hard worker. Only ... he hadn't The hole in his forehead was rather the hard, cold-but receptive-forms BUSINESS STAFF ure of an old woman seated before a worked very hard today. As he sat jagged-not at all neat---but effective. under the sheets, as the persons in BU5;ne •• M.. nagH Phylli. Houck at home before a large, mahogany His brain---once torn mentally by the room moved to another table. Ad"~rtising Manager ••... Dorothy Ander"on bare, round table in the center of the anguish-was now shorn physically. Oirculation ManBger.. ..William Oook room. Her thoughts were as forlorn desk, cluttered with "unfinished" I dare say he has no more ... earthly "Morgues give me the creeps!" Another CONTRIBUTORS as the face which mirrored them. business, some would say he was was exposed. palid, expressionless face "He hasn't come back ... will my thinking. But I happen to know he "Say, that was a poor job. Some son ever come back to me, now1 God was brooding. Yo"'] see, Jack's girl Footsteps echoed hollowly along the knows I tried to stop him, I tried" to tossed him over for another guy, and long, silent corridor, then were muffled (Continued on page 3, column 1)
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