Page 35 - TheGoldBug1946-47
P. 35
The Gold Bug, Dec. 12, 1946 eagers Start Tomorrow -I Th' C Terror Mittmen Make Ready Open Season In ConFerence Game n IS orne~ For Five Match Schedule hardwood night when the Terrors' quintet Ry N. J. Wolfsheimer ~~~~aak~.~I'~~~~i~!,,~ytop~,a\~'~:~:~~I~ndtomorrow to invades the Nation's Capital, (Sports Editor, The Gold Bug) Coach Jensen States That More Ring Candidates tackle GaUaudet in a Mason-Dixon League encounter. Tomorrow night finds Bruce Fergu- Are Needed For Team As First Qout Is Close work~~~~hsi:c:u~~e ~~~;eu~~n~~eI;~:ba~{us:~s::sinb:~n e;;~e~!o~:~ i~~:e:~~~: ~G:a~lbl.:~ulnde~,~n,g,in:'W :al;h:"n'~gtoe~~n;i.~~n~!a~~:; With several men battling by Jim Elliott twenty- iaf~~,.d,i~cnhr,,'.t~~'~mO~ai~u.:;nt~:~a~:~:~~,~~c:a~:~ !~~l~~~e~~~e~ ~~:e~::t GO:mM:~[i~ i "" for positions in each weight diviaion, "" ::'::::::~i:~J~~:::::;:..:;::a~:~:~:~:~t:,:~r.!~:I;:~.~o::~:n~:~~:::F:~~~~:t~;~~~t~:~~~::g::~yB::::: ;,::~:;~:::~~:::~n~~~:r:::::.~:::~:::::::;:~~::;r:;~~.:~::~':\~~;:~J~:; ~:;ht~=~s~n;o v:~:Il;i:::~i~h:e::~ ~~:~i:~~~~;~~~.~e:o~;::.:~v;~gv~~a~,;l~:~t~n p~::~e!:s '~~~e:l~;::~er~i~~a:~~ ::~~n:;.ticiPate a fine year and should get off to a winning start at Gallaudet's ~:t~:::;::a;:'::.~:,;;::~~::.~::k ::~:E::~:~L:~:~:f!;~h~:,~,::t·::v:o:~::'::'::"o:u~::::::n:',~::~:,,!n;~:l,;:;~';~~:::u;h~ ~::;~,:::;~: :~r::=;:':~i~~~:'\~~::~~tE~; str~::~~~;t t~~t ~;~ad nl~st ~::~, ~~~ z: =~~s b~:s::l:n b~~:::I;~~d~!~I\~~!~~~e~~iSh to make any headway against Loyola is always a strong contender Loyola and Washington again have Heading the list of Terror mittmen Jensen. Their job is a hig one. ~~i~~;s~;;,wl:'st:::I~:l:i~:~~~~cs~~ thei usual tough teams and if the 10 is Carlo Ortenzi, a junior from Balti- ca~l~oopsters can stay' ahead of th~ more, who really needs little int.roduc- Ernie McFadden, who just hung up ~!~r~ca~OI~~eJan~cc~~. ;i~to~a~;~:' IIIIG,.yh.,un>', and Shoremen, the cham- :~:~e!~s.P~~:~l~r \~::st:~:t!;~:~~~~;!~.~~cc~:a:~~es o~ods:':n: b~~~:~i:nn:~ which is always a local nemesis. The probably be heading champion in 1942, and after seeing fighting in the Navy programs at the Terrors, however, should be able to several years' service is back showing ~~~~;r:~Yemo:ti::r:~n~:in;nh~s i:e~:~·; ::~::IS~P a~V;lla~gai~~:.e~~i~g ofs::::~ is very easy for any person to the title before the season starts, ~;:~~s:~h~! !::!:~\~iIl\:::r:i~\!~~~ down to the i30-pound division and should be in store for Green and Gold it is still another thing for the possibly swing that post on the var- Ferguson has had much experience sity always to fulfill the promise Others fighting for the team posts in coaching and has turned out many has been placed in them. There- are 165-pound, Norman Coates, a fine basketball teams on the Hill. in all fairness to Fergie and freshman; i55-pound, Bob Kiehne Most notable was the 1940-1941 out- it would be better to say and George Spittel; 145-pound, fit which won the conference cham- George Coulter, Jack Eccles, Dick pionship. He then left for the army Palmer, Roger Simpkins, and Don where he had great success coaching Lichty; 135-pound, Bob Burns and the Aberdeen Bombers for a season, Bill BoyJe; 130-pound, Joe Damuth one of the strongest of the army and Fletcher Ward; 125-pound, Shel- quints. He has fine material and this don Atfield, David Myers, and How- year should prove no exception. ard Shannon. The schedule, as it appears at pres- ent, will find the Terrors opening with Penn State at State College, Pa., on January 18th; followed by the Coast Guard Academy at New Lon- against Gallaudet tomorrow night in don, Conn., on January 25th; Buck- the season's opener for the Terrors. nell at Lewisburg, Pa., February 1st; Army, at West Point. N. Y., on Feb- out of basketball candidates in the ruary 8th, and the only llOme test, history of the college, with about fifty Sig Jensen with Bucknell here on March 1st. hopeiuls. The squad has now been cut down to twenty-three including var- New Terror boxing coach has been All of these teams have been peren- drilling t.he fighters daily in prepara- nial powers in Eastern Intercollegiate sity and jayvee. Ferguson emphasized that he will have plenty of fine re- tion for the coming season. Boxing circles, and after facing them serves and that no five men may be the Western Maryland ringmen ar~ ing down the 175-pound post on the listed to compete in the ElBA tour- considered outstanding at this time. Rehor is quite prominent. squad. Besides being the 175-poun(! ney scheduled fol' March 7th and 8th. Such has not usually been the case , as any \Vestern Maryland fan stalwart, Carlo is aiding Coach Jen- Inasmuch as the team has been with former Terror fives, and a well- will remember, is the lad who almost sen in directing the squad's workout. working out for just a week, Coach rounded aggregation should be forth- single-handed defeated the Terrors Although no one has definitely Jensen cannot make any predictions, coming. this year at Dickinson. In addition to sewed up a varsity berth, several oth- good or bad. He is just hoping, and to Returned from last year's squad being honored on the South team, ers of this year's team are looking quote him, "Perhaps I'll be able to tell which advanced to the final in the Rehor was placed on the All Pennsyl- good in workouts for their respective you something after the Penn State league tourney, are Al Jacobson, Joe Stan Kulakowski vania team, which included stars weight divisions. clash on the 18th of next month. Lots Thompson, Paul Zlonkevicz, Walt from such teams as Penn, Pitt, Tem- John Sgariglio, a freshman from will depend upon the shape the men Piavis, John Adamovich, Al Paul, Although not listed for a starting ple, Villanova and others. Camden, N. J., who saw some experi- will be able to get themselves into Carroll \Vallace, and Al Resnick. Two assignment tomorrow, Kulakowski The final date for the closing of the ence in the Army, and Nick Denny, during the short 10-day span be- outstanding veterans of pre-war vint- should see a lot of action. Stan was Coll~ge Table Tennis tourney will be also a freshman and hailing from tween our return from the Christmas age are Art O'Keeife and Stan Kula- a regular on the 1942-43 team_ shoved back to January 13, due to the Baltimore's City College, are cur- vacation and our opening match." kowski, while Walt Sibiski, Leo Lath- fact that at this time there is little rently battling for the 165-pound po- The men are working out daily roum, and Buford Zephyr are new- The schedule is as follows: time to play much 0/ the tourney sition. from 3 :30 to 5 p. m. in the boxing comers. Other candidates include December: prior to the holidays, and also to al- Two heavyweight freshmen, Joe room in A. N. Ward Hall. Managers Jack Spicknall, Joe Macie, Len Za- 13 Gallaudet* Washington, D. C. low 11tOre entries to be received by Corleto, and Tom Larsen, are train- this season are Al Conley and Doug wacki, Gene Marron, Al Bright, 17 Maryland College Park, Md. this department. ing to fill the spot vacated by Coach Beaks. Frank Stephenson, and Lou Elliott. 18 Quantico Marines • Christmas Presents Quantico, Va. Christmas is just around the cor- Football January: ner, and if Santa Claus would grant 15 Catholic U.'" some of the wishes around this col- Harvard On Westminster, Md. lege, here are some presents that 17 Dickinson Westminster, Md. would go well. 18 Washington'" To CHARLIEHAVENS:A rugged line 1947Schedule Chestertown, Md. and fast backfield that would enable 21 Gallaudet· Westminster, Md. the 1947 edition of the football team 25 Gettysburg Gettysburg, Pa. to have the first undefeated Western Harvard will play host to Western February: Maryland season since 1934. Maryland's gridders next September 5 Johns Hopkins· To BRUCEFERGUSON:The Mason- 27 in the opening game of the season Westminster,Md. Dixon championship in basketball this for both teams, it was announced yes- 7 Mt. St. Mary's· season. terday by the Athletic Council of Westminster,Md, To SIG JENSEN: A winning boxing Harvard University. 12 Washington· team. The Crimson is coached by Dick Westminster, Md. To CARLOORTENZI;Another cham- Harlow, who was head coach at 13 Mt. St. Mary's'" pionship. Western Maryland from 1926 through Emmitsburg, Md. To WESTERNMARYLAND:A stadi- 1934 and turned in a record of 60 15 Loyola'" Baltimore, Md. um with seating capacity between wins against only 13 defeats with 7 19 Catholic U.* 5,000 and 10,000. tie games. Harlow was head coach Washington, D. C. To PROF.HURT,;Another champion- here during the playing days of 21 American U.* ship tennis team. Charlie Havens and Bruce Ferguson. Washington, D. C. To MR. MAKOSKY;His first medal- Harlow left Western Maryland in 22 American U.'" ist for the Maryland Intercollegiates. 1935 to go to Harvard and then. Ha- Westminster, Md. To JOE KI'ITNER: To have his vens was named mentor here. 25 LoyoJa* Westminster, Md. American Legion basketball team The game will be the first grid C011- 27 Johns Hopkins* wallop Reisterstown. test ever played between these col- Baltimore, Md. To MISS PARKER; Several more BALLOTS FOR THE COAIJIES ALL-AMERICAN leges and will be played in the Har- March: athletes like Louise Rossell. Evidence (If the stiff competition for 1946 AlI-American honors plIes val'd Stadium in Cambridge. 1 Randolph-Macon* • Price, Volkart Make Ali Stan; up in the office of D. O. ("Tuss") McLaugbry, secretary~treasurer of Havens stated that the remainder Ashland, Va. Tommie Price and Kenny Volkart the American Football Coaches Association. Here McLaughry. of the Western Maryland schedule is 6-7-8 Mason-Dixon Tournament, were honored by being placed on the Dartmouth head coach, and hlssecrettlry, Miss Minnie Crosby. study not ready for release at this time, but Washington, D. C. lOme of the ballots cast by the 475 members of the Association. The first annual All South soccer team. Coaches All-American selections will be published in the Dec. :nst did say that the Terrors would play The Southern All Stars will play the Saturday Evening Post in a copyrilUtted article by Coach D1c.t more games than this season, when '"Indicates Mason-Dixon Conference (Continued on page 4, column 1) B!lrlDw. of Harvard, president of the ~tlon. they pl1lred ~ev~1lcontests. game.
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