Page 36 - TheGoldBug1946-47
P. 36
The Gold Bug, Dec. 12, 1946 Westminster Community Concert IRC Program Committee SCA Christmas Schedules Famous Foxhole Ballet Outlines Futur~ Activities Service Theme On Discrimination r am a Jew: Hath not a Jew An IRC committee to outline the eyes? Hath not a Jew hands, The Westminster Community Con- °cfha~~~a~e~~ Is World-Wide cert Association has announced that ~::g~::~s a~;oi!~:/~s~e organs, dimensions, senses, af- it will present the Foxhole Ballet as George Wilson, and the committee fections, passions? fed with the the second in its series of programs members are Jeff Smith, Marilyn Christmas in a war-weary world same food, hurt with the same , this year. The ballet is scheduled for Cole, Eleanor Nettleship, Janice D'i- will be the theme of the annual SCA weapons, subject to the same Monday, January 13, at 8:15 p. m., vel'S, and Edgar Hammerela. They Christmas program this year. The diseases, healed by the same at the Westminster High School. plan to bring in outside speakers and program will take place in Baker means, warmed and cooled by This ballet received its name from to show movies pertaining to the Chapel immediately after the Chr-ist- the same- winter and summer, as the fact that it was the first dance current inter-national situation. mas banquet on Wednesday, Decem- a Christian is? unit organized to play to American ber 18. The service will emphasize Shakespeare-- troops overseas. Sent abroad in No- The members of the dub recently the meaning of Christ's birth to the Merchant of Venice. vember, 1944, under the auspices of attended a regional conference in Bal- countries of the world today .. Act III, sc. r. USO Camp Shows, the group first t.imore at Notre Dame of Maryland The music, which will be provided went to Italy appearing all the way College. The topic for discussion by a special choir, is being arranged from Sicily, Palermo, Naples and was, "Focal Points on American by Frances Bartley. Soloists are Rome to Pisa and Florence, then Foreign Policy." They, in turn, are Wanda Bradham, Virginia Dodd, and moved on to France, Belgium, and to be the host club for the regional Helen Miles; and there is to be a' ""'''''l'Gi'''~''~_'''''''''''''''''~''';-;;''''''''~'''''~''-'''""'~...""_;:'U" Germany. Everywl'iere the .G. I. re- conference in March or April. At quartet consisting of Mary Dodd, A D V E R TIS E MEN T sponse was termed "terrific." this time the discussion will deal Louise Scott, William Cook, and Jerry After returning to this country in with the United Nations' subjects as Mann. Westminster Light Society the autumn of 1945, the Foxhole Bal- outlined by II. committee planning the The program will be led by Doro- j "We lead yOlt from nirtue to model UNO to be held at Swarthmore let made a cross-country tour from Sonia Wowikowska thy Kullmar and Wayne Cowan, and happine8S." will Anderson the provide coast to coast. in the spring. Dorothy music. Nancy Haskin and Each of the following wishes to organ The ballet consists of seven top- Mary Hershfeld head the worship ranking well-known solo dancers, Four Sororities Plan Holiday Parties state publicly that he thinks headed by Grant Mouradoff; and two committee, while Helen Frantz will , ~~:h f~~O~l~ others is a mighty famous concert pianists. Mouradoff Christmas plans of the four sorori- priate verse to accompany her pres- .take care of art work, and Jay Cum- mings will supervise the lighting. was at one time premier danseur oi ties on the Hill are in full swing. ent. The sophomore members are in Altfeder, Ira the Metropolitan Grand Opera, later On December 13, Iota Gamma Chi charge of entertainment. Brooks, Charles of the Paris Grand Opera, and of the will have its traditional Christmas The "Baby Delta" (newly-elected Christopher, Harry Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo. The banquet at the Charles Carroll Hotel. members of Delta Sigma Kappa) will Cushen, Edward four ballerinas are Sonia Woicikow- Gifts will be distributed to all mem- present a skit with a Yuletide theme Theo. F. Shaeffer Donley, Bill Dudley, James sku, Virginia Richardson, Zoya Le- bers at that time. at their Christmas party. Refresh- Master Plumber J eumot, Frank porska and Rosa Rolland. The male Sigma Sigma Tau plans to have a ments will be served and gifts will be dancers are Mouradoff, George Tomal pajB:ma party in the club room on exchanged. 92 W. Main St. O'Leary, Tom Pisacano, Nick and Richard Thomas. December 16. Each girl is to bring The new members of each sorority Each also wishes to take the Sonia Woicikowska first came to a record as a Christmas present to will decorate the club rooms and pre- Phone 359.J opportunity to wish each of the America as prima ballerina with the the sorority. Entertainment and re- sent a gift to their respective sorori- Westminster, Md. Polish ballet at the World's Fair, and freshments will be provided by the ties. others a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. later became premiere danseuse with sophomore members, and gifts will be the Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo. exchanged. Virginia Richardson has appeared in Tuesday, December 17, is the date many hit Broadway productions. Zoya of the Phi Alpha Mu party. Names Leporska has been solo dancer with have been exchanged for gifts, and Compliments the Ballet Ruase de Monte Carlo for each girl must compose an appro- two years, while Rosa Rolland was a of Elk~ principal dancer with the Metropoli- PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS tan Opera Company BaUet. George Tomal was a leading male dancer in BONSACK'S B·U-LO-VA Polonaise and lIfarinka, and Richard SMITH & REIFSNIDER Thomas was with Mia SJavenska in Incorporated SODAS LUN€f.:lES her latest success; Song Without LUMBER-COAL Words. WESTMINSTER, MD. fX~~t~~ Compliments of 21 jewels Jl)O~jJJ~ Heagy's Barber Shop Phone 300 ICE CREAM CARROLtEEN CONVENIENT PARKING SPACE Individual Coiffures 70 COMFORTABLE SEATS Beauty in its Entirety liz MILE SOUTH OF· WESTMINSTER 66 W. Main St. WESTMINSTER, MD. BALTIMORE BOULEVARD ON ROUTE 140 Colonial Jewelry Company 32 W. MAIN ST. Typewriter and Adding WESTMINSTER, MD. Machine Repairs Phone 303 RENTALS Davis Typewriter Co. The Artcrattsman 32 West Main Street 'kI~,Afd. 80 EAST MAIN STREET Westminster, Maryland DEC. 12-13, THURS. AND FRI. Telephone 585 Opposite Post Office DEC. 12·14, THURS. TO SAT. Double Feature "HOME SWEET HOMICIDE" "STRANGE TRIANGLE" Agency Peggy Ann Garner "TRUTH ABOUT MURDER" L. C. Smith Typewriter Randolph Scott DEC. 14, SAT. TAILOR·MADE GIFTS "UNDER NEVADA SKIES" DEC. 15·17, SUN. TO TUES. Roy Rogers Save With Safety SPECIALIZES IN GIFTS FOR "GALLANT JOURNEY" At The COLLEGE STUDENTS Glenn Ford Rexall Drug Store Janet Blair DEC. 15-16, SUN. AND MON. "ALLOTMENT Old Spice, Friendship Garden, Kay Francis WIVES" Paul Kelly Cara Nome, Orloff and Berganot Toiletries Listen to the Jimmy Durante- DEC. 18-19, WED. AND THURS. DEC. 17-18,TUES. AND WED. Garry Moore Rexall Drug PACKAGES MAILED AND INSURED "AVALANCHE" "SPOOK BUSTERS" Radio Show every Bowery Kids Friday evening ANYWHERE IN U.S.A. Bruce Cabot Roscoe Karnes 9:30 P. M., WCAO and Leo Gorcey WFMD AT OUR EXPENSE SCHMITT'S DEC. 19-20,THURS. AND FRI. REXALL DRUG STORE DEC. 20-21, FRI. AND SAT. Double Feature 55 E. Main St. Phone 298 "COLORADO SERENADE" "BEDLAM" Eddie Dean Mary Kcrryon "CAPTAIN TUGBOAT ANNIE"
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