Page 27 - TheGoldBug1946-47
P. 27
The Gold Bug, Nov. 27, 1946 Alfr,ed De Long, Bass-Baritone, To Offer Western Marylancl Announces Voice Program On Friday, December 6 New Acaclemic Requirements The following are the new mini- . ula i- semester and each summer h. Bass-baritone Alfred de Long of the Curtis Institute for four years. After teacher at Western Maryland. mum academic standards in force as 4. These regulations will go into music department, accompanied by graduation and private study, he sang Mr. Spangler, a graduate of Otter- of September, 1946. Questions that effect with students entering in the Mr. Oliver Spangler, will give a grand opera for eight years with the bein College, received his master's arise in connection with these regu- fall of 1946. For each student al- voice recit~l in Alumni Hall, Decem- lations should be referred to the re- ready enrolled at that time whose ber 6, at 8:15 p. m. Philadelphia Grand Opera Company degree at Peabody, and taught at spective counselors assigned to stu- record stands between the new stand- Having started his music career as and the Mont~al Opera Company in Western Maryland before his en- dents. These supersede the stand- ards and those formerly in force, a a choir singer while still a very Canada. He is now in his eleven~h trance into the service. He returned ards adopted in April, 1939. new minimum curve will be con- young man, Mr. de Long attended year as choral director and voice to our faculty last February. 1. Students at Western Maryland structed, starting at this student's College, carrying the standard load of position in September 1946 and run- PROGRAM 17 hours each semester, shan be re- ning parallel to the new standards. quired to have earned as a minimum FOUR SERIOUS SONGS-Opus 121 J. BraMIUI Regulation No.4 requires some ex- the. following specified number of planation. It is stated that a new No. 1. As With Beasts points (and hours by the end of the minimum curve will be constructed No.2. So I Returned semester indicated: for each student already enrolled at No.3.' 0 Death! End of semester numbe •••..•....... 1 2 S 5 (; Number of bourQ eRrried at W. M. a .. 17 34 51 68 a5102 ,No.4. Though I Speak With the Tongues of Men Minimum number of points (and n ra 30 43 60 hours) reqUIred ...•.....•...... ~rah"d~~~i~fi~;;:~e~.i~. ~~~~t-: (~~.. Hear Me! Ye Winds and Waves (from "Scipio") __.....G. F. Handel 2. The requirements stated above the time these regulations go in rorce From Provence, O'er Land and Sea (from "Traviata") __-G. Verdi apply both to beginning and to trans- Only those students Slander's Whisper (from "The Barber of Seville") ._ G. Rossini fer students, except that no freshmen stand between the new Lullaby (from Mignon) ._._._ .._ . _ A. Thomas entering college for the first time those formerly in force, may be dropped for purely academic qualify for this consideration. When a Maiden Takes Your Fancy (from The Seraglio) reasons until he has had opportunity means that those students already W. A.Mozart to take at least two semesters- of enrolled in the fall of 1946 who had Rogues Like You (from The Seraglio). __. .........lV. A. Mozart work here (a full summer session records below the present required o Let No Star Compare With Thee.__ counting as one semester). standards will not be subject to these Instead, they must main- standards. On the Idle Hill of Summer.,., .._ .._.._. .._ ..._R. Ai1!sworth. 3. In case students are allowed to tain a record based on their work as take loads of more or less than 17 In Love, If Love Be Love.L ...._._. ...__ ... _J. M. Dia~k of the fall of '46 in its relation to hours each semester, they will be re- The Donkey .--.- ...--.--.--~ __.. ._.._.. .__jlJ. Besly quired to earn a number of points the new requirements. A for separate will be constructed each curve Some Rival Has Stolen My True Love Away.-,-_Trad. Surrey Song (and hours) proportionate to the individual student. This curve will numbers stated above. A reckoning Captain Stratton's Fancy __ ...__D. Taylor run parallel to the new standards in will be taken at the close of each reg- every respect. clinched the date, as our fraiernity Letters To The Eclitor did not to make formal application. VoiceJ, ... have information the re- quested Yet we had every reason to believe the student will have more time !~:~:lo~:ti:~~iS~~:st~y ::;:i:~S:~!!~ November 18, 1946. 2. Take the course offered by Profes- Dear Edit01': sor Makoaky in Contemporary Litera- that our tentative date would remain (Continued from page 2, column 3) We have [uat finished reading the ture 325.) unchanged. Perhaps I'm prejudiced, that short story chosen for this week but this seems to be. a cut and dried for all of the innumerable other aca- But, above all, they are marked by a (Today Is Tuesday), and want to To the Editor of the Gold Bug: example of power politics here on our demic and intellectual endeavors that love of mankind and the sincere de- ask if it is not possible that the [This is a brief tale of exploitation.] campus. But who among us dares to constantly occupy his or her mind. sire to advance and assist others; judges misplaced a page of the man- The Inter-Fraternity council, dur- stand up to the um-eleuting- and un- But lo! there are even those who never do they seek after self-ad, uscript before it was turned over to ing the first week of November sub- swerving Military? dare to suggest that there exists a vancement, merely relief from these the printers. mitted a list of four tentative dates Robert Grumbine college student who is not striving tyrants ~ impractical requirements. We might add that we think the for fraternity dances to -the Student President, Pi Alpha Alpha for an education. Let those cynics be Cooperation is stressed in this prize of five dollars should be given Activities Committee, the organization (The Blael~ and Whites). banished! Let . them be fully con- modern civili2ation as well as the not to the chosen writer at the end of controlling the social calendar. The demned unto the lower recesses of theory that it is better to give than to the contest, but to the person who can Black and White Club selected March life. It is shocking to the mind that receive. Think of the wonderful interpret this first story. 15 as its date--the month of March there are such selfish, egoistic idiots! ation that would exist if Yours truly, formerly having been reserved for Life is not long nor is it particu- tried continually to force his Walter Dorsey, the Military Ball. The Military A rag, a bone, and a hank of larly easy, for there does exist such edge upon another. The honor system Charles Koboeko, Department had not planned on apcn- hair. -Kipl-ing. despicable and selfish attitudes as would provide an excellent oppor- Bob Gemmill, soring_a dance this year. Two weeks womnn could be more charming would prohibit mutual co-operation. tunity for all to manifest their broth- Alfred Raymond Yaglinski, later, I was notified by a member of if one coullf fall into her arms It is a well known fact that each erly love and friendliness toward each Leona?'d J. Zawacl.;i, the Activities Council that the Mili- without falling into her hands. individual must grasp for what he other. "Big" Jim Fortnwalt, tary BaJJ, previously unscheduled, can possess with a maximum economy The student with his infinitely Harry "Bulldog" Bush, would be held on March 15, and that -Rmny de Gourmora; of effort. Know, then, the methods of great intelligence is not forced to S. Tullai. we would have to change our date. I am very fond of the company obtaining knowledge such as broth- bother with mere trifles such as lift- (Editor's Note: We suggest one of , The high and mighty Military De- of ladies. I. like their beauty, I erly-love, assistance in overcoming ing his eyes from the works of the like their delicacy, I like their vi- two challenges as an answer to the partment being a powerful wheel on vacity, and I like their silence. written barriers as insignificant as classical age for examinations. Ant! above letter: 1. Write a short story the Hill was able to make application -Samuel Johnson. they may be, and one will surely find yet, wisdom may grant that it is bet- and enter it in the contest. Everyone for a date already taken, and by se- it easy to obtain the necessary facts • ter to pass tests occasionally than is eligible to win that $5.00 award; curing the necessary information and theory as life's situations arise. is to flunk them occasionally. And Shirley Snyder ... The liberal factions of the students of finished so I say unto you: let th. the which all years realized examinations are have always A~? 1.f(We
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