Page 37 - TheGoldBug1946-47
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CUT SYSTEM DR. WILLS PAGE 3 PAGE 2 Vol. 24, No.8 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. January 16, 1947 Gold Bug Contest Hershfeld, Houck Are Aloha Heads Hamilton's Band Will Play F~r Short Stories At Mid-Year Hop, Given Ends January 24 Student Vote To Determine By Delta Pi Alpha 'Frat Winner Of Cash Prize One of Baltimore's most popular bands, led by Carl Hamilton, will pro- vide the music for the semi-formal mid-year hop, sponsored by the Delta Pi All entries lor the Gold Bl~g short Alpha fraternity. The dance will be held 011Saturday, February 1, in Gill story contest must be placed in the Gymnasium, from 8 to 11 :45 p. rn, box outside the post office by 7 p. m., Chairmen of the various committees appointed by the Preachers include Friday, January 24, according t? an Don Brohawn, gener al chairman; George Stephens and Joe Thompson, co- announcement of Margaret Statler, chairmen of decorations; Wayne Cowan, publicity; and Charles Brooks, check editor of the paper. The last story se- room manager. lected by the judges will be printed Special programs have been in the Gold Bug that will be publish- planned for this affair, which is the Chapel Speaker On ed on 'I'hur sday.c.Ianu.ary 3Q. first big social event of the new se- Professor Makosky and Dr: Marsh- mester. The color scheme and decora- January J9 Will Be all are acting as judges to select the tions are to be kept secret till the story to be printed in each issue. The night of the dance. Dr. O. A. Bartley winners so fal'include "Today is p' '_ w w_', ~_ The ten-piece orchestra, featuring a Tuesday", "Apples1 I Love 'I'hem", male vocalist, has a large repertoire Dr. O. A. Bartley, father of Frances "They Rest in Peace", and "The Alary Hershfeld Phyllis Houck of sweet tunes and specialty numbers Bartley, a senior at Western Mary- Grave" from the present issue. Mary Alice Hershfeld has been Mary Fleda Davies and Herbert Dog- and will play any song requested. land, will be the chapel speaker for The final winner, who will be an- elected by the present junior class as gett, 'respectively. There will be twelve sets of dances in Sunday, January 19. nounced in the issue of February 20 Editor-in-Chief of the 1948 Aloha, Miss Hershfeld has had previous all. Numbered placards will be used Dr. Bartley spent his first two years and will receive an award of $5.00, and Phyllis Houck has been chosen as experience dur-ing the editing of the to announce each set. of college at Randolph Macon, where will be chosen by vote of the entire Business Manager. These two juniors 1946 publication and for the past sev- Dr. and Mrs. Holloway, Dr. and he founded an honorary scientific fra- student body. For this purpose the will replace on the yearbook staff eral months has been filling tho posi- Mrs. Earp, Dr. and Mrs. Marshall, ternity, which has since spread Gold B~lu will include a ballot in its tion of News Editor of the Gold Bug. and Mr. and Mrs. Jones have been throughout the South. He received his fill in this ballot and place it in the Miller/ Blick Plan She is a member of Iota Gamma Chi invited to act as sponsors for the oc- A.B. and M.A. degrees from the Uni- a 30. Students must issue of January of Delaware, and became versity Gold Bug box before Monday, Febru- Individual Recitals sorority and the Argonauts and wor- casion. member of the Phi Kappa Phi Hon- ship chairman of the SCA Council. ary 7. Next year Miss Houck will be act- orary Fraternity. A follow-up of the poetry contest Notice Aftel· receiving the degree of Doc- sponsored by the. Gold Bug last year, OF Organ Music ing as Business Manager of both of tor of Divinity fro~ Dickinson Col- the short story contest has as its aim the campus publications. Having Please note that fines due on first lege, he taught school for awhile and the encouragement and recognition of Miss Betty Miller and Miss J acque- filled that capacity on the Gold Bug semester absences must be paid before then entered the ministry, serving in staff this year, she will assume next literary talent on ;he Hill. line Blick will both present organ September the additional duties of the end of the present semester (Jan- churches. in Delaware and the Eastern recitals during the month of January. uary 20), at latest, to permit admis- Shore of Maryland. While minister of Both are pupils of Miss Grace Business Manager of the Aloha. Miss sion to the work of the second semes- the Newark Methodist Church, he Veterans To Discuss Murray. clude membership campus activities in- ter. taught economics part time at the ether Houck's in Iota Gamma Chi Mias Betty Miller will give her re- Prohlems Of India cital on Monday evening, J'anuary 27, and the Argonaut Honor Society. IV. Ridington, Absence Officer. University of Delaware during the _ war. 1943, Dr. Bartley was In February, At IRC Meeting at 8:00 p. m. Miss Miller is the only Student Conductors Will Direct appointed president of Wesley Junior who has student at Western Maryland taken organ four years. She served College by the late Bishop Leonard. "India", the topic to be discussed at The school was only a year old at that Breth- in the Westminster as organist the IRC meeting on January 20, at ren Church and plans to secure "'8 po- WMC Symphony At Assembly time and since then has more than 7 :00 p. m. in McDaniel Lounge, will sition as organist in a Baltimore tripled in size under his outstanding furnish an appropriate follow-up of church. Under the leadership of five stu- opera Sadko, Ritnsky-Korsako'IJ, di- leadership. the assembly speaker of Monday, Jan- Her program will include the fol- dent conductors ill one of the most riceted by Fonda Mae Boyer of Mid- Before transferring to Western uary 13, Dr. Mollie Reddick. lowing: ambitious debuts to be made this sea- dletown, Md.; Maryland at the beginning of her jun- There will be three student speak- Salvation Now is Come to Us son, the Western Maryland Little The Brook, Hasselmans, harp solo ior year, Dr. Bartley's daughter,"Fran- ers, all veterans who were in India at Our Father Who Art in Heaven Symphony Orchestra will present an by Janice Chreitzberg of Washington, ces, attended Wesley Junior College. some time during the war. George Wil- Dietrich Buxtehude assembly concert in Alumni Hall on D. C.; Since her transfer here, she has been son, the program chairman, will dis- P)'elude and Fugue in A Minor Monday, January 20, at 11:30 a. m. Gavotte, Glazounov, directed by active as interracial chairman of the cuss the religions practiced in India J. S. Bach For their first public appearance this Jcan Murray; and their various aspects. Carl Webb Prl.'lllde, F'ugue, et Variatien ~~o~, ~~:~:erOfofthr:~~!~m~t;;~~ will speak on the effects of British in- Cesar Franck ~::~ :~esi~'~!~~:'l;~i~~ ~~e;:t!::~a~:~ Alwlnande from Suite in D Minor, and as a member of the choir, the Ar- fluence. The third speaker is Charles Fifth Sonata Felix Mendelssohn for this performance by Mr. Philip D'Albert, directed by Prances Bart- gonauts, and the College Players, be- Warner, whose topic will be peoples Caprice Heroiquc Joseph "Sonnet Royer, who directs both the orchestra Icy; ing remembered for her role as Els- and cultures. Miss Blick's recital will be ~,_ld the rehearsals and the class of orchestra Russian Sailors' Dance from the beth, Janie's little sister, in the Future plans reveal that at the Feb- following afternoon, January 28, at conducting. ballet Red Poppy, Gliere, directed by Thanksgiving play. ruary meeting the guest speaker will 4 :20 p. m. in Alumni Hall. Follow- Although the student directors, all Robert Snydt_r, of Littlestown, Pa. This Sunday evening chapel will be Alice Haagerup, who will tell about ing is the program wbtch.Mtss Blick seniors and music majors, are famil- The annual spr-ing- concert on be the second consecutive week when her native Denmark. Alice will espe- will cffer: iar to the campus through individual Thursday, April 17, at 8:15 p. m., in the father of one of Western Mary- cially stress the war and its effects, Toccata in E Minor_. __. .__ Pachelbel recitals in their fields, this will be Alumni Hall will be the occasion for land's students has spoken. On Sun- the present-day problems of her coun- My Sou.l Doth Magnify The Lord their initial effort as conductors. the second appearance of the orches- day,·January 12, Dr. Lawrence Little, try, and the social conditions. Chorale Preludes: Bach The following program will be pre- tra. At that time the program will father of Miss Betty Little, a junior, .The program in March will deal From Heaven Above to sented' include: and of Mrs. Oliver Spangler and with the Allied War Crimes Commis- Eal·th I G01Jt($ T~'i!wtphal },jareh, Wagner, direct. The ilIalTiage of Figaro, Overture, former head of the Department of Re- sion in Japan. The speaker will be To Thee, Lord JesU8, ed by Anna Lee Butler of Seaford, Mozart; ligion and Philosophy, addressed the Richard 'Volfrom who was a lawyer Thatlks We Give Delaware; Symphony No, 7 in C MajOl', the student body. at the trials. Mr. Wolfrom will have Cu.ntabile ~~ ._ ._French Inte1"'111fJZZO, MacDowell, directed by first three movements, Schubert; much of interest to tell concerning FugwJ in D lI1ajor ~ Pachelbel Jean Murray of Mt. Airy, Md.; Double Concerto in E Flat Maior, WMC SCA To Observe Japanese war crimes and the high- PrellldfJ . . Purcell Cordova, from Songs of Spain, AI· for two pianos and orchestra;D-lozart. Ti.ghts of the trials. PrfJlllde and Fugue in C ./Ifajor_Bach beniz, directed by Frances Bartley of Religious Emphasis Week Dover, Delaware; Dr. Dika Newlin and Miss Helen Religious Emphasis Week at West- Four Frats' On Hill Break Records Dance of the BlIifons from the Brainard will be heard as soloists in ern Maryland College will be observed Concel·to. the Mozart from February 21 to February 5, ac- In Number Of Pledges Received Ortenzi Elected President cording to an announcement the of Robert president SCA of Grumbine, With each of the four fraternities the care of Wilson Webster, initiation Of ROTC Officers' Club De Long To Give Postponed Council. Reverend Hoover Rupert of The on the Hill setting new records of the chairman, and his committee, James Carlo Ortenzi has been elected Voice Recital January 31 Nashville, Tennessee, wiII be the number of pledges being received into Bigger, Kenneth Bouchelle, Ronald president of the ROTC Officers' Club Professor Alfred de Long has an- guest speaker for the three days and the organizations, the season for Keith, Jack Lechliter, Al Resnick, and recently reorganized here on the Hill. nounced that the date of his recital, will present a program each night un- paddle-bearing initiates has opened Ray Via. This club's exercises began The members chose Alfred Yaglinski which was postponed before the holi~ der the general topic of "Alive in again on the Hill. Delta Pi Alpha on January 14 and will terminate on as_vice president; Don Brohawn, sec- days, will be January 31, at 8:15 p. Such an Age." During the afternoons with 37 pledges led the other frater- "Hell Night" on January 21- retary; Harry Bright, treasurer; and m., in Alumni Hall. opportunity will be provided for per- nities in the number of new members The Preacher pledges are being in- Cliff Pedone, chaplain. Selections from operas by Verdi, sonal conferences \vith Reverend Ru- received. Twenty-six men were ini- itiated under a committee of Al Paul, The club's chief project will be the Rossini, Thomas, and Mozart, and a pert. tiated into the Bachelor and Gamma Dick Brown, and Bob Gemmill. The Military Ball, to be held on March 15, group of songs hy the great German On Wednesday, January 22, the Beta brotherhoods, while the Black 37 pledges started initiation ye'ster- at which the cadet officers will present master Johannes Brahms, will be fea- Reverend C. C. Hung of the Chinese and Whites followed closely with 25. day and will continue until next a sabre drill. This affair is one of the tured on the program. Community Church in Washington, The Black and Whites were the Wednesday. Formal initiation will be three formal dances of the year, the Mr. de Long is now in his eleventh D. C., will address the SCA. He will first to begin the initiation routine, held the following Tuesday. other two being the Junior Prom and year as choral director and voice present a message concerning the climaxing a week of activities with "Ham" Hammergren is in charge the Pan-Hellenic Dance. teacher at Western Maryland College. Chinese people in an attempt to pro- the informal ceremony, or "HeB of the Gamma Bet initiation which Admission to the Military Ball is by He will be accompanied in his recital mote better understanding. Night", on January 12, and the for- began Friday and will end today. The invitation only. for in- by Mr. Oliver Spangler, also of the mal induction on January 13. - pledges, as one of their special proj- vitations may be music department. Is Your Heart In The Right Place? The Bachelor pledges are under (Cont. on page 6, column 2) of the Officers' ~=~~~==~=~ If it is. you'll take her:
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