Page 28 - TheGoldBug1946-47
P. 28
Nov. 27., 1946 Close Campaign With' Basketball Team Gamma Bets To Sponsor To Gettysburg, Marylancl Starts Practice Dance On December 14 Lost - One Barrel (Continued from page 1, column 4) A few days after the Sadie Haw- one of the toughest matches of Ed Howard, all of whom scored one 19 Games On Sch.dule the usual green and red color motifs, kins Dance, Gill Gym was broken into season, 'Vestern Mar.yland's boot- goal. with a big Christmas tree as the cen- and robbed of an empty barrel. ers dropped a tough game to the Uni- The hooter-s copped second place in With Eight Home Tilts tral idea. Lighting will be controlled This barrel is the property of Bol- versity of Maryland last Wednesday the Mason-Dixon Conference tfollow- by a flood-light system and a four- linger's, and Mr. Bollinger very much on the victor's turf by a 2 to 0 count. ing close on the heels of Johns Hop- With football out of the way, bas- way public address system will be desires its return. The game was exciting all the way kins, whom they tied, and also took ketball will gain the spotlight and used to facilitate better acoustics. If anyone on campus knows of its and marked the first meeting of these second in the Maryland Division of practice is already in full swing in This semi-formal dance, sponsored whereabouts, kindly contact Fern Gill Gym. old rivals since the war. the Middle Atlantic Conference. son, former Coached by Bruce Fergu- by the Gamma Beta Chi Fraternity Ray, McDaniel Hall, as soon as pos- star athlete on the Hill, • Largest. Crowd Those who have played their last will last from 8:30 to 11:45 p. m. A sible. The largest crowd to witness any on the turf for the Terrors the Terrors are anticipating a good strict non-corsage policy will be ad- of the booter's tests this season was were Bill Merriman and Tommy season. Little is known as yet, of hered to in view of the fact that tick- on hand as they watched the two Price, both of whom were key defense course, but with such boys' as Paul ets for admission are $2.00 plus tax. teams battle scoreless in the first men and are scheduled to graduate Zlonkevicz, Walt Piavis, Art O'Keeffe, Refreshments will be sold. 'I'iekets FOR RENT half, although the Terps held some next May. Stan Kulakowski, Al Jacobson, John will be on sale in McDaniel Hall of- COSTUMES and, FORMALS edge during the first quarter. It was Adamovich, Leo Lathroum, Joe fice. second quarter. before the Ter- French Club Carol Program ~ha~;:~:~nAI B;:~~,d w~~ih~~biS~r~~~ Dorothy Elderdice got under way and then they, Scheduled For December 16 others on the squad, prospects should rivals, were unable to score. 75 W. Green St. was no score till late in the Le In keeping with former tradition, ob- be good. Since the Mason-Dixon Conference will again Cercle Francais when "Sparky" John- Theo. F. Shaeffer Westminster, Md. to dribble through the serve its annual Christmas celebra- was organized in 1940, Western up a shot that was too tion on December 16th from 8 to 10 Maryland has never failed to gain the Master Plumber Phone 57 winning playoffs, the goalie Jack Spicknall. Mary- p. m. championship 1940-1941 season in a title in the The program this year will include second mark came on a pivot 92 W. Main St. carols by Bill Linzwhich which was several familiar Christmas students stunning upset over the Loyola Grey- phone 359-] the finals two sung in French by French hounds, and reaching made with one minute left in the Jast and those interested in the language. \ other years. In the other season that J. WM. HULL, Jeweler period. The Christmas story will also be read they participated in the league, the Westminster. Md. Successor to Cassell's In spite of the loss of their last two contests to Maryland end Gettys- from the Bible in French. by Terrors were upset in the opening The Store of New Fashioned carols will be directed round by a Delaware team which they .The burg, the team was still able to man- Jewelry and Old Fashioned age a .500 average. Considering that Christine Royer, who has been re- had already beaten twice during the Honesty most of the opposition had returned hearsing with the group from 9 to 10 regular schedule. Headquarters for Candy I Times Building to competition last year and that this i~rl~~Ji~~c~f e;::i:~~a!~n,a!~l !~!~:========== was the Terror's first post-war sea- girls participating wiy wear evening Compliments t East Main St. son there is much to be said for the dresses. of a Westminster, Md. varsity boaters. The entire student body is invited GOI~::~~iteG~t~~!eTh~:~pe ~~~~~~~~~I .Volkart Leads Scorers to attend the affair, the purpose of Heagy's Barber Shop The line shared the scoring pretty which is to try to captivate some of well with two stellar boaters shtlwing the French Yuletide charm and at- FULL COURSE DINNER Gibson Guitars the way. Ken Volkart and Ernie mosphere. 11 A. M.-2 P. M. McFadden led the list with five goals Barnes Appliance Service 35, Selmer Band Instruments apiece, followed closely by Bob Loga~, Bendix Home Laundry a freshman with four tallies to his Make this a All kinds of EI~ctrical credit. Others who figured in the Appliances Serviced Stu's Music Studios scoring were Joe Thompson with PARKER "51" and Repaired 32 W. Main St. 2nd Floor three, Wayne Cowan with two mark- Christmas Speed Queen Washers and Margaret & Earl's Westminster, Md. ers; Kelly Rice, Fletcher Ward, and Ironers See our display Phone 585 45 EAST MAIN STREET SMITH & REIFSNIDpR P. G. Coffman Co. WESTMINSTER, MD. Students' Center Down Beat-Instruments Phone 793 Incorporated Phone 214-W Popular Sheet Music LUMBER-COAL Westminster. Maryland WESTMINST1§.R! MD. SANDWICHES- Accessories Radio·Electronic Service for SOFT DRINKS Recordings Made ALL POPULAR BRANDS OF RECORDS Where the Students Come Decca, Columbia, Victor, JOHN EVERHART Majestic, Capitol, etc. Compliments Needles Popular, Swing and Classical of the. The College Barber Use Our Record Booth to BO~~jjJ~ and Choose Avenue Barber Shop and Bobber Hear Favorite Selections Your AT THE FORKS 85 Pennsylvania Avenue Radio Eleclronic Service ICE CREAM 14 W. Main St. Phone 703 CONVENIENT PARKING SPACE 70 COMFORTABLE SEATS Compliments of Typewriter and Adding V2 MILE SOUTH OF- WESTMINSTER Benny's Kitchen Machine Repairs .Rutan Chevrolet Co. RENTALS BALTIMORE BOULEVARD ON ROUTE 140 Where old friends meet Davis Typewriter Co. Watch for Latest and like to eat Models of Chevrolet 32 West Main Street Strictly home cooked food Westminster. Maryland 59 W. Main St., Westminster Telephone 585 Run Right to Westminster 654-] Agency The Artcraftsman READ'S L. C. Smith Typewriter 80 EAST MAIN STREET For Fine Cosmetics, Toiletries and all your F""...,. 'W" ...,.~ Opposite Post Office DRUG STORE NEEDS • Suggestions ~. 15 E.MainStreet. Westminster, Md. Holiday Gifts TAILOR_MADE GIFTS SPECIALIZES IN GIFTS FOR WITH COLLEGE SEAL COLLEGE STUDENTS KEY CHAINS RINGS LOCKETS MONEY HOLDERS COMPACTS BABUSHKAS BRACELETS CIGARETIE CASES PACKAGES MAILED AND INSURED CIGARETTE LIGHTERS ALBUMS CHRISTMAS CARDS ANYWHERE IN U.S.A. SHOP EARLY AT THE AT OUR EXPENSE College Book Store
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