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cWIerrlJ Vol. 24 No.7 WESTEHN MARYLAND COLLEGE December 12, 1946 19hns fmas 1 \ Students, Faculty Dramatic Production,'(hoir Concert Discuss Adopted To Be Chief Highlights Of Christmas Absence System Program Sunday, December 15 Gamma Bet Dance Saturday the new cut system adopted by the of mas celebration on December 15, at 4 p- m. and 7:15 p. m. in Alumni Hall. The To discuss all the possibilities Christ- The choir and College Players will blend their talents in the annual faculty for the second semester and program will include a concert presented by the choir and the play, " 0, Come, Features Bill Slade's Band to work out any difficulties and mi- Let Us Adore Him," enacted by the College Players. that may arise with its nor details inauguration were the tasks set be- • Concert Program All of the holiday spirit and gaiety Dr. and Mrs. Holthaus, and Mr. and fore the student committee that met The concert given by the college choir will include: of a pre-war Christmas Dance will be Mrs. Jones. with the iaculty absence committee the theme of the annual Christmas The Dance Committee consists of today at 1:35 p. m. While By Our Sleeping Flock We Lay-German melody Arranged by Hugo JungBt Dance to be sponsored by the Gamma Bill Donley, Nick Pisacano, Ira Alt- The system as outlined at the God Rest You Merry, Gentiemen _ __.__ ...Arranged by Channing Lii ebore Beta Chi fraternity. The dance will feder, Charles Warner, and Jim Dud- present time for tbe next semester Christmas Snows of Sweden _ __ ._ ..__ _._Arranged by Harvey Gaul be held on Saturday, December 14, in ley. will enable the student to have six Masters in This Hall-Old French melody._._..Arranged by Homes Whiteford Gill Gymnasium from 8:30 to 11:45 The dance will be semi-formal with absences in each three-hour course of Jesus, Jesus, Rest Your Head-Appalachian Garol p. m. A very special program of admission set at $2.00, plus tax, per study. This is equivalent to two Arranged by Arthur Warrell dance music will be provided by Bill couple. A strict non-corsage policy weeks of absence and will include ex- The Citizens of Chartres _ _ _._ .._ _._Clare1Ice Dickil!80n Slade and his fourteen-piece orches- will be adhered to. cused and unexcused absences. If, at The Christ of the Snow-Hungarian Oarot.c. __ Arranged by Harvey Gaul tra, featuring a female vocalist. Refreshments will be sold. Tickets the end of the semester a student has There will be a big Christmas tree for this dance are now on sale in both missed the class more than his six • Hallelujah Chorus and fireplace, and the ceiling and wall McDaniel Hall office and Blanche allowable times, an " Incomplete" In keeping with tradition the choir will conclude with the famous Hallelujah decorations will carry out the Christ- Ward office. will automatically be placed on his Chorus by George Handel. Jea'n Murray and Oliver Spangler will collaborate mas motif in green and red. Lighting record, which must be removed by the on the piano and organ. will be controlled by a flood-light sys- passing of a written examination cov- The play will consist of a series of panels or pictures depicting the birth of tem and a four-way public address Formal Banquet ering the entire course. system will be used to facilitate better As is inevitable in the admirrisfra, Christ. Between the various tableaux the choir will sing several carols, and hearing. be Arranged For Mr. Royer will render a violin solo. Throughout the play, Fred Holloway, Jr., Sponsors for the evening will tion of any cut system, many prob- narrator, will read the Christmas story according to the gospels of St. Luke Dr. and Mrs. Holloway, Dean and lems will result. The student-faculty to and St. Matthew .• committee meeting was arranged Mrs. Free, Dr. and Mrs, Straughn, December 18 iron out any of these difficulties, ac- • Cast of Play The following cording to Dr. Spicer, head of the WMC Schedules participate: College Players will On December 18 the annual formal All-Night Celebrations Christmas banquet will be served in faculty committee that has been con- Narrator, Fred Holloway, Jr.; To Be Climaxed With the colleg~ dining hall. Because of sidering the cut system for a long Special Broadcast Mary, Martha Powell; Joseph, Jack period of time. the crowded conditions in the dining Ammon; the Angel of the Annuncia; of the faculty The members com- Caroling OF Seniors hall, it will bevimpossible to entertain mittee, besides Dr. Spicer, are as fol- Mrs. W. W. Meeks, director of tion, Christine Royer; the Angel of the off-campus faculty and their 'Western Maryland on the air, has an- the Star, Dorothy Kullmar; King By Jean Cohen lows: Dr. MacDonald, Dr. Ridington, wives as in former years. nounced that our first program since Herod, Art O'Keeffe; the Inn-keeper, Climaxing the WMC Christmas ac- The girls from Cassell Hall and the absence officer, Dr. Isanog-le, Miss the war to be broadcast directly from William Cook; the Wise Men: First, tivities with traditional charm and team members who eat ill the down- Snader, and Mr. Willen. All other the campus, will originate from Mc- Bob Mathias, Second, Art O'Keeffe, faculty members have been invited to nostalgia is the annual early-morning- stairs dining room 'will eat in the Daniel Lounge, on Monday, December Third, William Cook; Shepherds;. Christmas caroling by the senior main dining room with the rest of the attend the discussion also. 16, from 4:30 to 5:00 p. m. First, E. Langrell, Second, James class. From approximately 4 :00 to student body. The faculty. who live Emajane Hahn, Shirley Snyder, This will be a Christmas program, Leonard, Third, D. Saltzgaver. 5:00 a. m. on December 20, the day on campus will be removed to the Margaret Statler, and George Nor- and will include Harry Adams, Ho- Helping behind the scenes of the man are members of the student dele- beginning the Christmas holidays, the President's dining room for this one gation. mer Earll, and Ralph Barrett in its production are George \Vilson, stage custom of serenading will be observ- meal. cast. Also featured are six recordings manager, and Frank Jaumot and The cut system in operation since ed. The Trumpeters will decorate the mid-semester has allowed one cut for of carols sung by the college choir. Donald Bailey, in charge of the Jight- With no expectation of sleep, a dining hall in the traditional manner, every semester hour. Thus the stu- Janice Chreitzberg will play several ing. condition condoned for the student dent may have three absences for a harp selections. body only once a year, the nocturnal with evergreens and candles. In place three-hour course while only one ab- Mrs. Meeks wishes to announce • Two Performances of the orchestra the piano will be used festivities will start for the senior to accompany the singing of Christ- sence is- permitted in a one-hour that anyone interested in participat- Two performances of the program girls in the sorority rooms of Blanche course. This semester the system of ing in this year's broadcasts, may Ward Hall where hot food wilJ be mas carols. fines for overcutting is being prac- turn in his name, accompanied by his will be given: one at 4 p. m. on Sun- provided and served by the combined The menu for the banquet is as fol- ticed. schedule, including scheduled extra- day afternoon, the other at the regu- campus sororities. lows: One of the main topics of discus- curricular activities, to Dr. Meeks in lar chapel hour-7:15 p. m. Students However, their final objective will Tomato Juice Cocktail sion at the meeting today was the his room in Lewis Hall. Time and are urged to attend the 7 :15 perform- be the dining hall where a specially Crackers method for dealing with absences ta- place of auditions will be announced ance, thus alleviating much of the prepared breakfast will greet them. Roast Turkey Raspberry Ice ken before and after holiday periods. later. congestion in the afternoon. During their meal, to add to the Dressing and Giblet Gravy holiday mood, there will be the dis- tribution of gifts from the juniors to Candied Sweet Potatoes Frozen Limas Cast ·Of Traditional Seminary Pageant To Include the seniors. Jellied Fruit Satad As a final expression of tribute to Hot Rolls College Students, Faculty, Westminster Residents their last undergraduate Christmas Pumpkin Pie a la Mode season on the Hill, the Seniors will Coffee Nuts Candy end the breakfast with carols sung to Following the festivities in the din- Representatives of the faculty, stu- resentative, for instance, is the princi- are chosen from the same school. A the freshman, sophomore, and junior ing hall, many of the students will dent body, and alumni of Western . pal of the local Robert Moton High native of Greece reads an ancient classes separately and the complete proceed to Baker Chapel, where the Maryland College will be included in school. The attendants of the kings prophecy of Sibyl. student body will join together in the SCA will present its annual Christ- the cast of the annual outdoor Na- Western Maryland Alma Mater. mas service. Although non-resident tivity of the Westminster Theologi- faculty cannot be present at the ban- cal Seminary. The production 8:00 is scheduled for December 17 at quet, the SCA invites them to attend and 8:40 p. m., or in case of too in- 11u 1Ql(l'mnriam the Christmas program. clement weather, The illumination of the December 19 at the same hours. The student body, faculty, Beta Beta Beta To Hold gold cross on the building at dusk and administration of Western announces that the night is consid- Maryland College wish to ex- Annual Christmas Party ered favorable. press sincere sympathy to the For sixteen consecutive years, Mrs. family and friends of Charles 'I'ri-Beta will hold its annual Christ- Oliver Spangler and her sister Miss . Harden, who was killed in an mas party in McDaniel Lounge on De- Betty Little have appeared in various automobile accident on Monday, cember 17 at 4:30 p. m., in keeping roles of this traditional pageant. December 9. with its formal tradition. 'I'his year they will present, respec- A student at Western Mary- The entertainment this year will tively, Mary and the Angel of the land for three years before his include carol singing directed by Dr. Nativity. The tabJeau of the an- entrance into the Navy, Charles Lloyd M. Bertholf. Several party gelic host will be depicted by girls returned to the Hill in October games are planned for the occasion of the college. signifi- The Seminary Nativity and would have been graduated and are to be led by Shizu Yamaguchi. cant as the only international is and in- in February. In the service of As in previous years Professor Ben- his country, he was a Lieuten- nighof will play Santa Claus and give terracial dramatic activity produced ant (Junior Grade) in com- each member a Christmas gift. in this-community. Among the West- mand of an L. C. I. and served On December 3 Miss Alverta Dillon ern Maryland participants Joshua Zia in the invasion of Southern was initiated as Tri-Beta's alum- will represent China; Shizu Yama- France and in the Pacific Area. ni member of 1946-47. Following for- guchi, Japan; Alice Haagerup, Den- mal initiation, she gave an interesting mark; Henrietta Essom, Holland; Charles' death means a great talk on a trip to the West Indies. Prof. J. C. Willen, Germany. The role loss to the college, where he had Miss Dillon is a graduate of Western of St. Paul, the Jew who was also a built and maintained many Roman, is played by William Cook. friendships. Maryland College and received her master's degree at Columbia Uni- Townsfolk join those of College Hill versity. in the presentation. The Negro rep- Mi86 B~tty J;,ittle as Angel of tke Nativity and lIJrs. Oliver Spangler M Mary.
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