Page 34 - TheGoldBug1946-47
P. 34
The Gold Bug. Dec. 12, 1946 Banquet Honors Jackson Fraternity Notice V0ke4 .. Off C? q. OlUMJl.t Upon Receiving Degree formed that bids for fraternities will (Continued from page 2, column 5) night. The following is a dream of . Non-fraternity men are hereby in- be sent out in the morning mail on science degree for their _ endeavors that night recorded on the ensuing Who Ok Lord, morning and entitled, Friday, December 20. (which means work in this case). Shall Stand? All bids, whether accepted or re- We feel that if the subject of physical This is the world in my dream; jected, must be returned to the .re- educatiou.may be permitted some day, My dream must b.. dreamt within a spective fraternity rooms not later or is permitted, as a major, the equal- dream, than 8 p. m., Tuesday, January 7, ly venerable study of military might Although it is real-for all imagery 1947, should also be included in the hal- is real when dreamt: All fraternity men are reminded lowed curricula of liberal arts. Hazily stretched horizons that they are to observe a strict pe- "We would further like to take this F'Iung carelessly about on all sides; riod of silence on Monday, January 6, opportunity to extend to you an in- Indiscriminate mists aud searching and Tuesday, January 7, with non- vitation to be present at the presen- skies; f!'aternity men. This is to eliminate tation of an honorary doctor's dcgree any "high pressuring" of a man into to the highest ranking student in g~:~i:~~::~:t~:~;. the distance, a fraternity. RO.T.C. on December 25, at the Con- And here is the center gressional Library in Washington, Where sprawling limbs of life lie ali D. C. around, "We believe, Sir, that you will as- And rivulets of blood are flOwing Dan Cupid Shoots Again sist us in our sanctified project. cautiously~ Have yofi been noticing an added Sincerely, Forming and flowing and drying. sparkle about Gladys Schlag? That Anonymous." Scabs on the earth. comes from the lovely diamond she The above letter was received, of Stained skin is dry; the flesh is acquired recently from Ernest Twigg. course, with much joy and surprise, cracking: Rumor has it he proposed in histology and t'0w my nearly-lost faith in hu- Decayed life and permeating stench lab .. manity has been restored. One might of death. Perk Haller, class of '46, is proud White bones lie in the sun -Photo by John R. Byers also suggest the inauguration of a The obove picture was takC1~ at the banqwJt held on Thursday, December of her ring from Bill Holloway. In- group of Sea Scouts, or even Air Glistening beneath the scorching skies of Hell; 5, following the conferring of the degree of Doctor of Law8 upon Jl(.8tiee cidentally, Bill is now attending med Scouts such as the Junior Rovers. Shriveling flesh; putrefied flesh, once Robert H. Jw;kIJon. Standing are Generals Gill and TViedemair, and 8eated school at the University of Maryland. The possibilities are unlimited in any life. are Dr. Holloway and JWltice Jackson. Congratulations to Frank Zeigler case; the alliance of these organiza- on his recent marriage. tions represents a great step forward Thank God they have all died! No life would want to live now. Ann Mur-phy and Joe Wilson will into the unknown, a step which Do you hear that, God? Do you hear? Letters To The Eclitor "middle-aisle" it during the Christ- pushes back the frontiers of peace From all sides the haze is closing in mas holidays. and leaves us in' its midst. Rodney Austin recently placed a And yet, Friday night I had a Prophecy again. fulfilled . • (Continued from page 2, column 4) student and likes to partieipata in all Christmas ornament in the shape of dream. I had gone to bed with a few Only death. the extra-curricular activities, but he a diamond ring on Dottie Jacobson's care to show. They were lavishing can't. He has a right to attend all strange and awful apprehensions, and Only dust it on American guests in large num- third finger, l'eft hand. I slept but restlessly throughout the And death. The can't. bers at a time when most of them these activities but he want him to sponsoring organizations were actually depriving themselves, mouthful for mouthful, of what they attend, but he can't. My soliloquy insisted on giving their GI friends. ends here. There are many such students here For those people of gooQ intentions but small energy, I would be happy at WMC. Johnny Student here has By JACK ANDJAN ROGERS to buy for them any articles they the same desires as the above Johnny did. Johnny Student likes to keep "Christmas, whose coming shines Germany, while Qucen Victoria was growing fast. It was the largest col- ~~~,g:~dth;~il a::e:~al on them, box up to the standard of Johnny Student in the near future, indeed is almost nearing her fiftieth year of reign. lege in the state, both in the size of Smith, who has a larger allowance. upon us, and is greeted by young and Virginia Woolf and James Joyce had the faculty and the number of stu- Sincerely, He will keep up with him until he's old with bright hopes and happy just been born, and Robert Louis dents in attendance. Tuition ranged Edward Nygren._ broke and no longer can attend the memories. This is indeed a season of Stevenson was just publishing Trea8- from $12.50 to $30.00, not counting school functions. deJight to all. Not only does the stu- ure IBland. Dear Edit
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