Page 33 - TheGoldBug1946-47
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The Gold Bug, Dec. 12, 1946 Grapplers Ready Veterans May Make College Calendar For New Season $llO Monthly In Jobs Has New Plan (Continued from page 3, column 5) Plus GI Allowances least one essay calculated to elevate students of Western Maryland, and Hold Daily Practice Veterans enrolled in Western Mary- (Continued from page 3, column 2) the moral tone of the student body. you of our sister colleges, we sincere- Not even the Christmas holidays es- In A. N. Ward Hall land College under the G. I. Bill were The Calendar Committee is con- caped without a warning about proper ly hope that you may spend a holiday of unalloyed and unequalled happi- reminded today that they are allowed cerned with weekday events, Monday by Wayne Cowan through Friday. One need apply to behavior. A sober young moralist of ness and enjoyment. Our worst wish to earn as much as $110 a month in 1886 writing in praise of the yuletide Coach Bill Anderson has issued a outside jobs and still receive full sub- this committee only in case the event spirit and the joyous pastimes of the is that happiness may be neither so call for wrestlers for the coming sea- sistence allowances from the Vet- is scheduled to run later than 8 :00 much as to surfeit nor so little as to son in an effort to fill all positions on erans Administration. p. m. Meetings. or events before 8 :00 Blessed Day asked, "But is it cele- be incomplete; our best wish is that No! manner? the varsity mat team. However, if a veteran earns more p. m. and not earlier than 4 :00 p- m. brated in the right more wickedness it may suit you perfectly, and that Christmas During At the present time, he is without than $110 on the side, then his sub- may be held without special permis- you may return in January fully fit- any men to fill the lighter weight sistence allowance is cut in propor- sion. Like the social activities com- goes on than at any other time in the ted to surpass all your former records classes; namely the 121 and 128 tion, Mr. A. John Hinlicky, VA train- mittee, all requests for open dates year. People meet together and drink, in the classroom." swear, and in many instances come to pound classes. If this situation is not ing officer at the college, explained. must be filed one month in advance. blows. There are shooting matches, remedied, the squad will be forced to Recent legislation provides that a This is important in that both Corn- dancing parties, and all sorts of wick- forfeit these weight classes to the op- veteran shall not receive combined mittees reserve the right to cancel an DISTINCTIVE ponents and lose points. This would wages and subsistence of more than application whenever it conflicts with ed amusements-c-and people who pro- greatly hurt the team both in dual $175 a month if he has no dependents dates previously asked for. fess to be working Christians in the WRITING church also take part in some of these meets and in the Mason-Dixon Tour- or $200 a month if h~ has dependents. Every year, and in some cases things, as if they were harmless." PAPERS nament. The limitation applies to veterans twice a year, new committees of the Anderson has his charges working- various student groups are elected. It In our rcading of these old publi- conspicuous we found daily in the wrestling room in the cations familiar names one appear again P. G. Coffman Co. fact: basement of A. N. Ward Hall. He and again. Parents sent in turn sev- has been working mainly on the fun- damental offensive and defensive tac- eral children to the College; countless Westminster, Maryland students married their classmates and tics of the sport and has been trying then sent their own children here; to round the team into condition be- graduates returned to teach, while fore Christmas. others in later life became the donors Although as things now stand, the scholarships, even endowments, team as a whole will not be too of buildings. All sentimentality aside, Full Line of strong because ~f those classes which it is really rather wonderful. We of will not be filled, the squad will have '47 and '48 and '49 and '50 have a SPORTING GOODS some stellar performers in the line- history, a heritage; we are a part of up who should be consistent winners. soomething that has been going on a Jack Larrimore in the 175 pound slot long time and will continue to go on held an' undefeated record in 1941 a lot longer. Wine's Sport Shop and 1942 while wrestling for Poly in In closing we quote the Christmas Baltimore and gained the Scholastic wish of an anonymous western Mat y, 46 Pennsylvania Ave. Association championship in 1942. lander of sixty years ago: "Well, Bill Kern, a heavyweight who is to take Anderson's place in the line-up, gives every indication of living up to past performances when he was South Atlantic champion last season Present tbis coupon and and was second in the scholastics. get 10% discount on the following Guy Reeser, boasting the Mason- during his summer vacation if he Dixon 145' pound class championship wants to, he added, but he uses up SUBSCRIBE TO THE GOLD BUG in 1942, will be back to hold down the that much of his educational entitle- Holiday Gifts 155 pound spot. George Wilson is the ment under the G. I. Bill. Veternna-:- only other grappler with past experi- who have several years of schooling ence under the Green and Gold ban- ahead of them-such as those who Merry Christmas WITH COLLEGE SEAL ner and will be looking at the 136 plan to enter professions-may not pound position. John Silber will prob- wish to use up their educational en- and a KEY CHAINS RINGS ably see action in one of the heavier titlement by taking this annual leave, weight classes. . he added. Happy New Year LOCKETS MONEY HOLDERS The schedule is as follows: COMPACTS BABUSHKAS January: 18 Gettysburg J. V. Barnes Appliance Service T. W. Mather & Sons BRACELETS CIGARE'ITE CASES Gettysburg, Pa. 22 Washington, Westminster, Md. Bendix Home Laundry Department Store CIGARETTE LIGHTERS ALBUMS February: All kinds of Electrical CHRISTMAS CARDS 8 Johns Hopkins, Baltimore, Md. Appliances Serviced 11 Gettysburg J. V. and Repaired SHOP EARLY AT THE Westminster, Md. Speed Queen Washers and 15 Gallaudet, Westminster, Md. Ironers Stewart N.Dutterer College Book Store 21 Loyola, Baltimore, Md. 45 EAST MAIN STREET March: WESTMINSTER, MD. FLORIST Phone 793 8 Mason-Dixon Tournament, Westminster, Md. Takes this opportunity to wish you In This Corner Wbere the Students Come Merry Christmas and a (Continued from page 5, column 1) Compliments Happy New Year Northern All Stars in a game this of rhe Saturday in Brooklyn, N. Y. The men are scheduled to practice in New Avenue Barber Shop PATRONAGE REFUND York on Friday and play the game on Merry Christmas Saturday afternoon. This is the first time that the all star game has been 85 Pennsylvania Avenue and a played in soccer, but to the writer it Happy New Year «149! seems like a step in the right direc- u Ole ~ tion to promote the game and sports- Margaret & Earl's manship. In previous years the Soccer Association used to pick their region- J. WM. HULL, Jeweler Sandwiches Farmers who purchased Southern States Cooperative sup- al all star teams, but never attempted Successor to Cassell's plies through this Service Agency from July 1, 1945, to to have the teams play a game as is Soft Drinks June 30, 1946, are now receiving their patronage refund in [ being done this week. The Store of New Fashioned the mail. This patronage refund is your annual share in the Jewelry and Old Fashioned savings made for you by your cooperative in the manu- Honesty facturing and purchasing of farm production supplies. FOR RENT Times Building If you have been a regular patron during the last year JOHN EVERHART Westminster, Md. COSTUMES and FORMALS and do not receive this patronage refund, it may be for one East Main St. of the following reasons: The College Barber Dorothy Elderdice I. The refund due you is less Ihan 1Sc and you should and Bobber 75 W. Green St. call at our office for the cosh. 2. The records of your patronage may have been con- AT THE FORKS Westminster, Md. fused and your payment may be held up pending further inVestigation. Benny's Kitchen Phone 57 3. Your nome and address may have been listed inaccurafely. Where old friends meet Run Right to If you have any question reg::lrding your Southern States and like to eat COjllpliments of READ'S Cooperative patronage refund, please call at this office for Strictly home cooked food further information. Rutan Chevrolet Co. For Fine Cosmetics, Toiletries 59 W. Main sr, Westminster and all your CARROLL PETROLEUM COOPERATIVE DRUG STORE NEEDS Watch for Latest Westminster 654·J Westminster, Maryland Models of Chevrolet 15 E. Main Street. Westminster. Md.
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